

Jan 5th, 2015
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  1. Noël Géroux
  2. Spy oc
  3. 24 years old
  4. orphaned
  5. French
  6. multilingual french german english
  7. dark brown hair, light skin, blue eyes, scar running across the nose,
  8. -
  10. Your name is Noël Géroux and you are so happy to be starting your new job, new life. At the ripe age of twenty four, you're a bit young to be getting into this big ol' mann co. war, but that isn't stopping you. Because it's a whole lot better than doing a whole lot of nothing all day while eating raisin brain and whining at the television to play better shows.
  12. You've been on this bus for a while, the air conditioning broke down half way through the ride to Teufort and the woman sitting next to you has obviously never heard of personal space, but that's okay, you're sure she has her reasons. You sit curled up, balaclava covered face pushed up to the window. Why are you wearing such a silly mask you ask? (ha that rhymes), because it will hide who you are, the coward that is truly under that mask, [i]Noël [/i]. On this base you can't fear anyone, as you've been told, and people will only know you as the Spy.
  14. Approaching Teufort, the bus stops, and the old, hairy man driving the bus yells hoarsely to indicate, yes this is Teufort, get off my bus. You delicately stand up, sliding past the overweight lady next to you. Taking your dufflebag out of the overhead compartment, you swing it over your shoulders and walk the hall, the moment your step off the bus, you can just feel the heat, you can smell the dust, it's reins superior to the horrid smells accumulating from the bus filled with sweaty, filthy adults. You smile, a genuine smile, dimples appear at the corners of your mouth, and you laugh. You've finally made it. All that life you spent working , has all paid out now. You're free.
  16. As the bus drives off into the distance, you wave, no one will wave back, but you're going to do it anyways. You adjust the strap holding your duffle bag on your shoulder and make your way down the dusty cracked path, to BLU base. The scenery is quite nice, and very new, you wonder if this is a new base, is everyone new? Are there even other bases? Who knows.
  18. Making your way inside, you glance around, it's quite niche is you say so yourself, but you don't exactly see any signs saying where the dorming rooms are,(you know for a fact there are dorms, they told you there would be one with your name on it.) maybe you could find someone to help you. You walk a steady pace, carefully placing every step you take as if it's your last, you express great caution around the empty halls, even though you are deep in this new base, you feel uneasy. You however after much walking, locate a medical office of some type. Carefully opening the door, you enter, closing the door behind you.
  20. You frown, hearing him say such, words, then coming to realize he was only joking around, you smile, looking hopeful, you ask in your thick French accent, "Eh, Excusez-moi, ehhh, I am ... Noël Géroux, I am, new here , do you know the way to the dorm....itory? I am .. A bit, lost." You aren't exactly a native English speaker and it makes you feel so, stupid not being able to communicate properly with people because of this. You feel like you need to know English to survive, like your own language wasn't good enough, this is one of the main reasons you're here, but that's another story, right now you're focusing on this rather dapper middle aged man, trying to determine his nationality through his possible accent. You are currently failing.
  22. You smile grows wider at the welcoming tone of voice this man, Klaus is giving off, you feel like hes, friendly, but at the same time, you're going to be cautiousness around him, you feel like he's hiding something from you, like there something he's not telling you. You shrug it off as first day anxiety, but you won't forget this encounter, it will be burnt into your mind like a tattoo in your short lived timeline. [br]" Merci, mon ami. Uhh, please excuse my English, it's not , how you say , my native to-tongue. I speak alot more .. fluent in French and German, but far superior speaking in my more home speak."
  24. "Oh, that's lovely, both my parents, are... uhh, how you say... It's a story for another day, i've only just met you Klaus." Close one there, you [i]almost[/i] gave away a secret of your past, you have to be careful with this one, he seems itching to get any information out of you whatever it takes. You know not to trust him with the [i]lovely[/i] thing's he says in his own language.[br]"Anyways, allons-y,[i] putain[/i]. Lead the way to the dormitories."
  26. He sure catches on fast, you'll remember that, he's smart, but is he wise. Time to think of some bullshit plan so you can maintain a friendship but at the same time possibly ruin another mans reputation for calling his team makes "sluts" as a friendly gesture. The nuns would be so disgraced with your behavior right now, you want to laugh at the thought of them being miserable and upset, but you can't dwell on the past, not here, because you have a Bulgarian man to answer to, and you can't have anyone think you're insane. [br] "It's a common slang in France to tell someone that they are infact your new friend. It's a very peaceful gesture indeed. Anyways, where is that dorm?" Changing the topic, good idea.
  28. "I'm sure it is, mon ami, I shall.. Eh use it un day. True-lee a very inspiration quote, very good for battle." You show a fake smile, trying to direct the man out , by slowly back towards the door, you really just want to get to your dormitory room, so you can put your things away and well, settle in, but instead you're spending your time with a lovely Bulgarian man. You say that half ironically, he is kind of lovely, but in a doctor way, something is far too off about him for you to think he is normally lovely, and you've known the man for 10 minutes tops!
  30. "Not so good for battle as it is greeting those who you truly appreciate in life." Klaus grinned and nodded again, speaking to Noel as if he was a young child- as far as Klaus was concerned, he had the brain of one, anyways. The French weren't smart- just smart enough to surrender in a battle they couldn't win. Only if the war had gone that way, too... Klaus almost sighed. He didn't like thinking about that. "Anyways, let me show you the dormitories now." He walked to the door, eyeing Noel for a moment, before opening it. He had to admit, he had nice legs...
  32. You gulp, trying not to let Klaus know you already fear him, it's been 10 minutes and you're already sure this man is borderline insane. But whatever, pickers can't be choosers in this world, you've got to make deal with what you get really, because if you can't do that, then you aren't worthy to live in the real world. [br]"Of course, that sounds like the ideal thing to do right now."
  34. After settling in, and almost getting into a fight with a rather... Passive Aggressive Bulgarian man, or your teams Medic, you have actually managed to get to your room, unpack all your stuff, and rest easy. Rising from the dead, aka awakening, you sit up in your bed, scratching the back of your head.
  36. After brushing your hair in an intense and painful morning grooming session, you are finally ready for the day, suited up and wearing your balaclava, you aren't going to show anyone your face, just yet. You make your way out of your room, down the long, narrow hallway, and to the small living room. It isn't much a room, more or less just a couch, a coffee table with some cheap magazines and a bouquet of dead flowers, and a small television.
  38. You observe your surroundings, there isn't alot of people around at the moment, you wonder if they are fighting, or just asleep. You are very unsure right now of what happens to people when they fight, seeing as the one person you've met has been here for a while, and he does not look like the type of person to live that long in a untold war.
  40. You rub at your eyes awkwardly, noticing the lady, she is in fact real, you're not seeing things, thank god. You wander who she is, and why she is up so early, in such, nice clothing. Doesn't she have a mann. co issued uniform? Does she simply not wear it during the morning? You really don't blame her, some of those issued uniforms are extremely uncomfortable, if not hideous, you're really just lucky you joined as a spy for your experience and handiness with a knife, you got one of the most comfortable and fashionable uniforms.
  42. She sits down, looking up at you, and you know from years of talking to women, that it means you should introduce yourself, a girl [i]never[/i] introduces herself first.[br] "Bonjour Mademoiselle, Who may uhh, you be? I am.. the new spy around here, Noël Géroux, I joined only yesterday, but I got the tour of the dorming and main rooms by a ... very strange man indeed." Noel no one cares about the first person you meeting here being Klaus lol.
  44. "He's a very..... Interesting individual." You watch the lady laugh , talking about Klaus, from her tone, you can just tell she must not be very fond of him, and suddenly you feel even having your presence known to him was a grave mistake.[br] "Pleasure to meet you Mademoiselle Vera, and non, I haven't seen anyone but , you and that Medic of ours, it's a bit quiet here, but then again, it is the early hours of the morning, other people must sleep in here i'm guessing?" You were never a person for sleeping in, always the early riser, no matter how late you slept, you would always wake up at between 4:30 am and 6 am, so you usually went to sleep at around 8 pm - 11:30 pm, depending on the night.
  46. You blink a few time, wondering again what happens when they fight , surely people are hit and die right? But , these people have been here for a while, you really wander what happens when you become injured here, because hell these people can't all be healed by that doctor , can they? [br]"I see, fighting on the first day would of been a bit of a, sticky situation, especially unarmed, I would possibly been dead the moment I walked out , then what use would I be to this team." You smile, wandering how it would of turned out if you did have to fight on the first day, you would of most likely hid out somewhere, until the fight was over. [br]"And oui, I did get to my room and retrieve my things, believe it or not , that medic actually helped me with it. I managed to get my set weapons as well."
  48. "You're aware of respawn...right? You can still be of use to the team after you die, we just have to wait a little while. It's horrible the first few times, but I'm sure someone can help you with it before battle. Just ask them. Not me, though, I could never do that-" Vera stop rambling. "I really cant believe Klaus helped you, Noël! He pretends to be German, but he's really Bulgarian, and- oh, you did notice how horrible he was, correct? He's absolutely disgusting, I saw him doing the Nazi salute before a fight before." She shuddered at the thought, leaning back into the couch. "Not much of a Medic either, really."
  50. "Respawn? That sounds, incredible. Bringing back the dead, but at the cost of losing the body you were in previously. I feel that is a very nice exchange. " You sound intrigued and okay with the whole Respawn thing, but in reality you are [i]terrified[/i], this can't be what you signed up for right, to spend your life fighting and dying, every few days over and over again. No , no you can't worry about such a stupid thing like that, you have to think positive, you doing something for your team, your fighting for BLU, you're not sure why you are but you are infact fighting for something. Thinking about it now maybe this isn't what you thought it would be, but ... you stuck here now. [br] "He told me he was Bulgarian, and I found out pretty quickly he wasn't a nice man, and oh.... he did? That's a little bit extreme. Remind me not to ever come to him for medical assistance, I would rather keep my internal organs thank you very much."
  53. -
  54. Holly Lee
  55. Engineer oc
  56. 23 years old
  57. phd in engineering
  58. Texan, 1/8 Native American from the Wichita
  60. Long , light brown hair tied into a tight pony tail, often wears winged eyeliner, wears a blue shirt and blue denim overall shorts, 5"6, fair skin,
  62. Your name is Holly Lee, Texan born and raised, '53, and hot damn is it hot out here in Teufort, it's like they haven't even heard of nice air conditioning units, if they would let you you could have this sonsofbitch fixed and working smoothly in days, but the only problem is, they're not exactly gonna trust a woman to do a mans job. You find this logic ridiculous, you can do anything a man can do twice as good, hell you could probably do it three times as better.
  64. You stomp into the main living room downstairs, just thinking about the fact those idiots won't let you improve their air condition makes your blood boil, literally it is extremely hot, your thighs are chaffing from the heat, you need a cold drink. Maybe one of those idiot spies could hook you up with one.
  66. "Well smack my ass and call me Samantha if that is one mouthfull of a phrase to walk in one there, Spah'." You slap your thigh, making that perfect slap noise, as tiny dimples danced at the corners of your mouth. Those two numbskulls never fail to entertain you with their highginks and ridiculous commentaries, ironically enough though when you do experience them being complete dumbasses, you're usually spying on them from your sentry nest. Which has more than enough times ended in a one way trip to the respawn.
  69. "I ain't gotta clue in hella what ya spahs being talkin' bout, but it's sounds interesting, and the most gossip i get around here is when the rations are coming in!" You casually plot yourself down on the couch with the spies, crossing your legs, and leaning forward to face them.[br] "Oh Quenny hun why do you have to be so [i]cold[/i]" You start giggling like a 12 year old girl watching baby animals be adorable and do silly things, occasionally snorting. You love yourself a good pun.
  71. "It ain't bad, you just gotta put a little love into these things, [i]Quenny[/i]. Try adding a lil bit of brown sugar, I know it looks horrible all crystallized in the bag, but trust me as bad as those clumps look, in a little hot water a.k.a your coffee, it'll make any horrible coffee taste like heaven on earth. Just add ya desirable amount really." Saying this a brush back a bit of your fringe behind your ear, keeping it out of your eyes, you really need to invest in a haircut, but you are not letting any of those so called "Medical Professionals" anywhere near you with a pair of scissors until they show ya a medical license.
  73. "Hey now, I know ya'll are excited and all, but there's no need to get a bit of swearing involved, it's makin' ya'll look awfully stupid right about now, you can get by perfectly without the use of them nasty words." You frown saying this, you really don't like swearing, and never had, your mom would always tell you every swear equals to a soul given to the devil, oh how your parents were over religious.
  75. You let out a loud snort, covering your mouth, these two are young bickering children, you can't help but laugh, you're going to attempt to keep your volume down , you aren't exactly the quietest person on earth, and the tone of your voice must be inflicting an incriminating amount of pain on poor Quenny.[br] "You two are ridiculous." You shake your head.
  77. .......You just , slightly lean forward, death staring Quentin. He did [u]not[/u] just say the big bad f word in front of you. OH BOY, IS HE IN FOR A MOUTHFULL. [br]"Now now here, imma give you 2 seconds to either apologies or run Quenny, because not only did ya'll say the f word once, but you said it twice, and i'm not gonna let ya do that when i specifically ask ya nicely not too." As innocent as she is, her wording can some terrifying, she won't do anything though, the worst she'll do is give you the worst rations of the month.
  79. "Ya'll better be sorry Quenny, you were one swear away from getting head butted in the nose mister." You smile, turning to the Soldier that has approached you three, you haven't seen him before. [br]"Howdy there stranger, ya best not be swearing around me, and a twizzler you ask? It's a type of vine like gummy candy, pretty tasty if ya ask me, but I'm more of a sweet tooth than twizzlers, I crave a sweeter candy."
  81. "M' name's Holly Lee, Texas born and raised in 53', don't believe we've been acquainted either stranger, if ya'll haven't guess from the hardhat and overalls, i'm one of the teams engineers, got my Phd a few months ago to be exact, join the moment I got outta school. I'm probably the only doctor you'll find in this dustball of a base, but if you're looking for medical... actually you're probably safer off with me then that medic there, 'aven't met the fella but I heard some nasty talk about him. Anyhoo enough of that, tell me bout' yourself, who exactly are you?"
  83. Sitting in the dusty corner of the old Teufort bar, you sip at your well deserved scotch on the rocks. You haven't had a drink in, well forever really, even though you're off age when you lived with your parents they would never let you drink, you have to sneak liquor sometimes, but not too often, it's not like you relied on alcohol to live, you only really had it after a bad day, which is what you had today. The battle was harsh and painful today, you got sent to the respawn 3 times after the enemies Spy thought it would be funny to target you, shutting your poor baby sentries down and stabbing your in the back. Damn spies.
  84. You really just need to relax, and forget about it, no need to hold grudges when you're just going to see the person the next day , you were thinking of maybe catching him off guard and using him as target practice for your sentries, but that would just be a waste of time, you have better things to shoot anyways.
  86. Normally, you don't do up your hair in such a manner, cover your face with layers of makeup, or even wear such a revealing dress, But today you really just needed to get away from the base, and not be recognized by anyone. The blue swing dress you're wearing perfectly frames your body, it is after all your favorite dress, you just don't like how it shows your tattoo, you don't like people knowing about that, but you refuse to ever remove it, seeing as it's a symbol of your native tribe. Your dad would of crucified your if he found out you had it, you and mom got it on your 18th birthday, it was done in pure secrecy. Sipping at your scotch you side glance at the man sitting next to you, ordering a drink without ice, amazing.
  89. You shuffle noticeably in your seat, glancing at the man talking to you. He looks, rather normal for this town. You take another long swig of your drink, before turning to face him. [br] "Well not as often as' I should honey, I only really come here when imma' having a shitty day at work. How about you?" What is talking, you don't know with strangers, sure you can go on and on with the boys back at base, driving them mad with your talking and ranting and raving, but the moment you step away from the people you know, you're more awkward than a 13 year old girl at her first disco. It's downright ridiculous, you're a grown woman, you should be able to talk to people. You idly swirl you finger around in what's left of your drink, tapping the cold ice. You do this as habit, to keep you concentrated.
  92. "Not alotta' ladies 'round here dress nicely in general really, and where I work, the uniforms are terrible, but they pass, say, what's a finocchino?" You question, wandering what he might be talking about, it's obviously another language, and probably a bad word, you know from experience alot of foreigners around here cuss in their native tongue opposed to in English where everyone can understand. You sometimes, but only on occasion speak the native tongue of your Wichita people, speaking only the words your Mom taught you when you were younger, but they would never be bad words, only words of pure love and joy. You don't exactly like swearing really. [br]
  93. The man kind of caught you off guard with that question, no ones really ever seen and or asked about your tattoo, so it's a new one. You stare back at him , kind of like 'holy hell how did you see it', before remembering your decided to wear your best dress, which does show your shoulders. [br]"Oh yeah I do, it's a wolf, cool isn't it?" Simple talk, that always works.
  95. "Not really, no one really talks to me except the bartender, and I usually keep to my self, I come here to drink not socialize." You hope you didn't come off as too aggressive there, you really do want to talk to this man, but you just wanted to state you don't usually talk to people here. [br]"Oh and um.... I work at Builder League United, it's sort of this weird building place, we build houses." That sounds believable, no one will actually know what you're talking about unless they are on BLU themselves, and you don't think this man could possibly be on your team, you would of noticed by now- Is he flirting with your or just being nice, you aren't sure, no one reallys said anything like that to you, 'cept maybe the two spy nerds, but they're spys, and your friends, it's different. [br]"Um yeah thanks, I got it done 'bout 5 years ago, hurt like a motherhubbard'. Worth it though, got it done the traditional way, none of that fancy pantsy needle gun stuff." You could go on and on about how you don't like needle guns, but you aren't, because you will most likely start waffling along about how they could redesign the needle gun to be less painful, more efficient and insert more ink at a time, but you would also get into how that could make you bleed more.
  98. Did you just hear him say what you think he said? No it can't be, he can't possibly be on RED team, god dammit, the one person who actually pays attention and talks to you just has to be on you enemies team. You want to reply, tell him it's not like that, but then he will know, he'll know you heard, and you can't take that risk, you would much rather leave this bar in one piece thanks. [br]"Yeah, quite intimating when people see it, they always think different of me for having it, It's really just ummmm, a tattoo, got it for fun. Doesn't really mean anythin' to me." That's a lie and you know it, the wolf is your clans chosen spirit animal for you, and it means the world to you, but you're not going to tell this man that, he swore, gross. [br]"Well yeah y-yall' be drinkin' vodka, cause it's watered down, they can get away with it, try one of their rums." This man's getting a bit rowdy, but you should be able to keep a conversation if you keep your words right.
  100. You wander about this man, he equally makes you uncomfortable with his swearing as he does make your comfortable with his company, he doesn't look like a bad person, but what makes someone a bad person via appearance? A scar? A tattoo? These are just stereotypes input into peoples minds to think they're bad people, you don't think that way though, because having something that you can't help or that makes you happy shouldn't impact on peoples general opinion on your. You don't think any less of this man because of the scars on his face, which you are pretty sure hes noticed your lack of reaction. Hmm you'll have to think on that matter, the though that comes to mind right now, if he really is on RED team, like you presume he is from his mumbling, what is he? He can't be any of the soldiers that fight without mask, it isn't possible, you would of noticed, so hes either one of those god awful pyros, or a spy. You really hope he isn't either of them really, seeing as you hold a small grudge against both of them for constantly destroying your precious sentries and dispensers. [br] "If you come here again you should really try the rum, it's good and will have you set for the night." Yes, small talk, that helps quiet situations.
  102. Oh gosh, this man is really open about the whole company thing, then again you don't see how telling him who you are would be a problem, he didn't say he was the Pyro after all, you don't have anything against that, he's doing his job, and he doesn't target you, if there's one person you dislike, it's probably that Spy, but even then you wouldn't do anything out of work to hurt or harm him, you wouldn't do that to anyone, even the most hated person in the base, you would be a decent enough human to them. [br]"Well, i'm the Engineer, ya know the one that has the itty bitty bows on her sentries, that would be me." You thinks the bows are adorable, and they really give your lil' sentries personality. Plus you just really like cute bows on a majority of your personal possessions. [br]"Oh yeah, by the way, m' names Holly."
  104. -
  106. Loviisa Harinen
  107. Sniper OC
  108. 27 years old
  109. Finnish
  110. Blonde hair, Blue eyes, fair skin.
  111. Fluent in Finnish, Swedish and English.
  114. No one really knows about you, but you've been here for a while. You keep to yourself when you can, only going to people when you need to. Whether it's for medical assistance of change to do your laundry, it will still only be a few words. It's not that you can't speak english, you probably speak it better than native speakers of it. It's just, you don't like people, they get in the way, and they judge like there's no tomorrow, you don't have time for that. You dedicate most your time to perfecting your sniping skills, whether it's being able to get a perfect headshot without using scope, of being able to make a man bleed out for 12 hours from a mortal wound, forcing him to suffer until he eventually dies from blood loss. No medic would dare try to save him, because they would be a goner likewise and be no use to their team. You take great enjoyment out of doing your job, and theres nothing your would rather do, not that you could do anything else anyways, your home land wants your dead and your family disowned and practically wiped your name permanently from the record books.
  116. Currently, you are.. Well bleeding, alot. You got two shots from the enemy Sniper, one in the side of the neck and your shoulder, guess this is revenge from last time when you short him right between the legs, you could hear his screams from across the base, it was very enjoyable, but he could beg to differ. You're walking around, placing pressure on your neck, blood making it way through the gaps in your fingers. You've got to get to the medic's office. You leave a lovely trail of blood behind you, leading from your Sniper nest to the front of the Medics office, you think you know his name, Klaus? Whatever you don't intend on talking to him. You burst through the doors of the lab and instantly start for the medical supplies, you need anything to stop the bleeding really.
  118. You're bleeding alot right now, your clothing and hands are drenched in it, you've probably lost a half a litre, but that still is alot, you don't want to have to respawn, but you would rather than then bleed out for a few hours. Quickly and quietly your scramble through medical supplies, trying to look for peroxide and or a medical dressing to place over the wound, hell even a cloth to hold over the wound would be nice now, you don't appreciate the stickiness of blood. The smells at least pleasant. You don't want to be in here too long, mainly because if you are that medic may return from wherever he is and try to talk to you.
  120. Oh god, he's seen you, you're going to have to talk to him now. You sort, put both hands on your wound, and turn slowly to face him. He looks, clean for once, did he just shower? You didn't even know the showers were working, you haven't had one in months, you smell like a garbage bin. You hope this puts this man off talking to you, it usually does everyone else, either that or you may just be terrifying. It's probably the smell with the added help from the necklace of human ears aka mom and dad.
  121. "I am okay, I do not need your help. But thank you for offering , persereikä." You try to avoid eye contact, the only time you give someone the pleasure of seeing the beautiful thing that if your eyes, is when they are staring up at you, right before you pull the trigger, but that happens rarely, seeing as your are mainly long distant.
  123. You sigh deeply, you're not gonna be able to argue out of being healed, and you literally can't be fucked, you'll probably bleed out if you don't get healed now.
  124. "Fine, just heal me quickly if you can, I need to go back out there and get revenge on the fucker who dared try and kill me. He's going to enjoy not having usable shinbones." You smile, wanting to laugh but not seem insane and or have a further conversation with this man, you just want this over quickly so you can resume your job, and or go take a shower, your hair is greasier than a teenager working at a grill.
  126. You're not going to get anywhere without this man assisting you, so you might as well take the help and avoid as much conversation as possible. Still pressing down on your neck, you sit down on one of the operating tables. You could just kill yourself now and respawn, but then you would have to wait a long period of time to respawn and in that time that asshole sniper will become the smuggest piece of shit for being the reason for you death. No you can't let that happen. You're gonna let your ego take over this time, and take the medical assistance.
  128. "About 30 minutes ago the piece of fucking shit got me twice in the shoulder and the neck, I've lost quite alot of blood." You dont trust this medic, you have nothing against anyone really, except the other team, but something about him is off. Whatever you can't talk about having things off about you, you're a filthy excuse for a lady with a necklace of shriveled up ears. If anyone is off its you.
  130. You let out a loud noise of pains, forcibly clutching at your wound, this man is mad! You don't scrub at a wound, you get the mini gun out and heal like the rest of the Medics. You're in so much pain right now, you're honestly amazed you haven't passed out. Panting heavily from pain you managed to get out the words
  131. [br]"Stop..... Pain....Just heal me you lunatic." Which isn't exactly the best wording, but it's better than taking a knife out and stabbing the Medic through the neck, then you would not get future medical assistance and would possibly have a new enemy.
  134. You're actually going to scream, this man is, infuriating, you don't care about the insults because fuck you aren't the cleanest person on earth or the most civil, plus you hated your mom anyways, she was a fat cow. But continuing to scrub at your skin, in which case touching you in general, that's crossing the line. You are so close to grabbing the knife out of his hands and stabbing him in the throat with it, but again saying, you do need medical assistance, and he has a point about fighting off duty, it's isn't allowed and if Pauling found out about it, she would have you out of this institute faster than you can fire a bullet. [br] "From the north, I was reloading, and he got me in the side of the neck and shoulder, we were at equal height."
  136. In an attempt, you try to catch the cloth with your good arm, seeing as the other one has a bullet in it. You fail miserably and it just, hits you in the chest. You glance over at Klaus, as if to say 'did you even try with that'. You suddenly let out a scream, from having the wound poked by the knife, the bullets definitely close to the surface, you can almost see it. You feel you will most likely pass out from pain than bleed out and respawn at this point. [br] "Be careful! This skin is in perfect condition, and I would like to keep it that way thank you very much doctor. The bullets didn't go in two deep to my knowledge."
  138. "A little lead poisoning won't do too much harm." It actually would Loviisa, god you know nothing. You're most likely going to add that bullet from your neck to your bullet collection, except those are usually cut out of the enemies bodies, it's not a thing people like you doing, typically frowned upon, but you like collection prizes from this war.
  139. "Just be gentle, I need my arm to do anything, it's my shooting arm, I can't do shit with my left one."
  141. "It's not like I tried to get shot, the asshole got me when I was reloading like a piece of shit he is. I'm going to have fun next time i see him." You most likely will cut something off, That horrible sniper hasn't heard the last of you.
  142. "Just get the bullets out, in one piece, I need them for a collection, also the towel on the ground how am I meant to-" You suddenly scream, from the knife being dug into your arm, you swear it's rougher than before.
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