
Ash's Anthro Adventures Ch. 8 – Cerulean Blues

Dec 4th, 2012
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  1. Note: Since Ash is still catching more Pokémon in the series, I will be anonymously adding the Pokémon he has on his team. Also, I will now be referring all of his Unova Pokémon by their English names. From now on, Ash will have Scraggy (Zuruggu) and Leavanny (Hahakurimon), the final evolved form of Sewaddle (Kurumiru). I'm still having him keep Krokorok (Waruvile).
  3. Ash's Anthro Adventures
  5. Ch. 8 – Cerulean Blues
  7. After their interesting trip through the Viridian Forest and Mt. Moon, Ash, Pikachu, Brock and Holly continued on their way. They passed a familiar sign and walked to an even more familiar city.
  9. "Cerulean City!" Ash exclaimed as he and his friends entered the city. "This sure brings back memories."
  11. "I'll say," Pikachu agreed.
  13. "So Ash," Brock began, "What is your plan this time?"
  15. "You know me, I'll probably go straight to the gym, demand a gym battle, Misty will slap me on the head, we argue and make up and end up laughing." Ash joked.
  17. "Just take it easy," Brock stated. "Holly and I are going to shop for supplies. Just call us if you need anything."
  19. "Thanks Brock," Ash replied.
  21. "Bye Ash," Holly said, taking her leave.
  23. "See you later," Brock said, "And be prepared. I don't want to see you heartbroken when we get back."
  25. "Thanks Brock," Ash said with a smile. Brock smiled in return before walking off with Holly. He always thought of Brock as the older brother he never had, and he was glad the feeling was mutual. Ash turned just to be cut off by Pikachu. "Something wrong Pikachu?"
  27. "What are you really gonna do Ash?" Pikachu asked in a serious tone. She knew about Ash's feelings for Misty and his other female travelling partners, and she was okay with it. In fact, she would be happy if she could share him with Misty, one of her best friends. However, she was deeply worried for Ash. Since he wasn't sure on Misty's feelings, much less what her reaction would be if he told her about his Pokémon, things could really go downhill for him. Pikachu had seen Ash heartbroken before, and hated it. She didn't want him to experience again, especially with someone so special to him like Misty.
  29. "Truth be told Pikachu, I'm not sure." Ash replied. He sighed. "I haven't talked to her in a while, and I'm not sure if she'll be happy to see me."
  31. "Ash, I know for fact Misty will be happy to see you," Pikachu stated. "I'm just worried what will happen if you try to tell her about what happened to me and the others. And don't act dumb, I know you're planning to tell her. I know you too well."
  33. Ash shook his head with a small smile. "You sure do." Pikachu smiled back. "I guess I'll just have to take it slow. I really don't mind if she doesn't feel the same, I mean, I've been dealing with it ever since she left. I just don't want her to hate me and never speak to me again. I could live if she didn't love me, but I can't live if she never speaks to me again. That's what I value more than anything, my friendship with her and the others."
  35. "Ash," Pikachu began again, "I can't promise things will be easy. But I can promise that me and the girls will be behind you, every step of the way."
  37. Ash smiled. He looked into the chocolate pools of Pikachu's eyes and saw the truth in her words. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips for a quick minute. "Thanks Pika." Pikachu smiled and the two were quickly on their way.
  39. After a short walk, the duo stood in front of the familiar Cerulean City Gym. They looked around to see the doors were open. "Do we just walk in?" Pikachu asked.
  41. "I suppose," Ash replied. He opened the doors and walked inside. It was dead quiet. "It's quiet, too quiet."
  43. "Please! Someone Help us!" a voice screamed. Ash and Pikachu snapped to turn to a pair of doors on the left. Ash knew that those doors led to a hallway that leads to the Gym Arena.
  45. "Sounds like someone needs help!" Pikachu exclaimed.
  47. "Come on!" Ash called out. He and Pikachu ran to the doors and quietly opened them. They looked around and saw no signs of life in the small hallway.
  49. "HELP!" Another voice called, sounding feminine. Ash quickly, but quietly walked through the hall with Pikachu behind him. He walked to a large door shaped whole on the left wall and looked through it. He could see a large pool, some stands, and something shocking.
  51. Ash gasped at the sight of 4 women all tied together by a thick rope and a large brawny man holding a rifle and behind him a Machamp and Golem. Three of the women were in their early thirties, one having gold hair, another pink and the last blue. The youngest of the four was the same age as Ash, she had bright orange hair, emerald eyes, wore a blue jacket that complimented her tight blue swimsuit which held her C-cup. This was the girl Ash knew as Misty.
  53. Speaking of Ash, he was in complete shock. He was staring at Misty and her sisters, all tied up and at gun point by a mysterious man and his two Pokémon.
  55. "Alright bitches," the man said. "Now, you four can either do this the easy way, or the hard way."
  57. "Where'd you get that line from, the Cheese Store?" Misty said with fire in her eyes. Ash couldn't help but smirk, Misty was still as feisty as ever.
  59. "Alright you little skank, maybe this will change your mind," The man said as he brought out his right hand. In it was a small blue seahorse Pokémon known as Horsea. Misty and Ash's eyes widened.
  61. Ash couldn't take it anymore. "Samurott, Scraggy!" he exclaimed, summoning his two Unova Pokémon. Samurott stood on two feet and was six feet tall without counting the shell on her head and had a set of G-cups and no longer had long white whiskers, instead she had long white hair coming out of her head shell. Scraggy now had a feminine figure and was the same height as Pikachu, had spikes of red hair and had a set of B-cups.
  63. "What is it Ash?" Scraggy asked.
  65. "No time to explain! We need to save Misty!" Ash exclaimed. He was in complete overdrive mode.
  67. "Who's there?" The man exclaimed. Ash knew he was heard. He walked through the door and made himself known. "Who the hell are you?"
  69. "The guy that is going to kick your sorry ass," Ash replied. "Drop the Horsea, and no one gets hurt."
  71. "Brave words for such a little punk," the man said, not caring for Ash's words. "But I believe I'm the one holding a gun."
  73. "You sure?" Ash said with a cocky smile. The man cocked an eyebrow when…
  75. "PIKA!" a voice cried as it electrocuted the man and his two Pokémon. The shocking stopped and the man fell to his knees. He realized he no longer had his gun nor Horsea in his possession. He turned to see a smirking Ash with Horsea and the gun in his hands with a Pikachu, Samurott and Scraggy behind him.
  77. "Nice job Pikachu," Ash said with pride.
  79. "Thanks Ash." Pikachu said with a smile.
  81. "Ash?" Horsea asked in surprise.
  83. "Nice to see you too Horsea," Ash said with a smile. He then returned his attention to the man who was regaining his stance and growling at Ash.
  85. "You got a lot of nerve boy," the man scowled. "Now you can give me back my gun, and no one will get hurt."
  87. "Misty must be right," Ash stated, "You must get your lines from the cheese store. Samurott, Pikachu, take out his Pokémon!" Samurott quickly passed Ash and the man and tackled Machamp and Golem. "Scraggy, take Horsea and untie the girls. This guy is mine."
  89. "Right," Scraggy replied as she took Horsea and ran around the pool and towards the girls.
  91. "NO!" the man growled. "Machamp, Golem, stop that runt!" he turned only to see his Pokémon getting their asses kicked. He growled and turned to see Ash running towards him. The man ran right for Ash, ready to give him the beating of his life. He lunged a fist that was supposed to hit Ash's face, but Ash easily dodged it and jabbed the man in the stomach.
  93. While all this was happening, Misty and her sisters were all in shock. While her sisters were confused on who this mysterious hero was, but Misty had no doubt in her mind. She would recognize those cheek marks and Pikachu anywhere. 'Ash?' she thought. She watched as Ash and the man dueled, Ash clearly having the greater skill. She was entranced.
  95. "Misty!" called out one of Misty's sisters. Misty snapped out of her trance and realized she was untied and her sisters were standing around her. Next to them was Ash's Scraggy who had Horsea on her head. "Misty, come on! We have to like, totally get out of here!"
  97. Misty got up to her feet. "Listen, you three go and get help! I need to help Ash!" before her sisters can reply, Misty was already running towards Ash. Scraggy and Horsea followed behind. Misty's sisters just shrugged and ran out to get help.
  99. Ash was too busy fighting off the man to notice Misty. He had laid considerable damage on the man, but Ash himself had a few bruises around his body. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep this up forever. The man began to go berserk, sending a barrage of punches and kicks. Ash avoided all the shots, but was being pushed towards the edge of the pool's deep end. He looked back, one more step and he'd be wet.
  101. "Take this you little brat!" the man exclaimed as he successfully punched Ash's cheek, forcing him to lose his footing and fall into the water. Ash quickly swam back to the surface only to be pushed down by the man. Despite all his might, Ash realized the man was clearly strong enough to hold him under the water. He continued to struggle in an attempt to gain air.
  103. The man was smirking evilly as he held Ash's head just beneath the water's surface, watching him struggle for air. He already knew the girls were gone and the police would arrive soon. He didn't care; all he wanted at the moment was for Ash to die by his hands. He continued to push until finally, Ash stopped moving.
  105. "Hey Bastard!" called an irritated voice. The man turned only to see a fire extinguisher flying at his face, followed by great pain and darkness. The man fell to the ground with a thud. All of the Pokémon, except for Machamp and Golem who were unconscious, turned to see the man on the floor knocked out, and Misty holding a Fire Extinguisher, but no Ash.
  107. "Ash!" Misty exclaimed as she dropped the extinguisher and jumped into the pool. She opened her eyes to see Ash slowly floating down to the bottom of the pool. With the swiftness of a Buizel, she swam down, grabbed Ash's heavy body and swam back to the surface. "Ah!" she gasped as she reached the surface. She brought Ash to the edge of the pool and got him out. She quickly got out and dragged Ash farther away from the pool.
  109. "Ash!" Ash's Pokémon cried as they ran over to their unconscious trainer and Misty.
  111. "Ash!" Misty screamed as she held Ash's head in her hands. He wasn't breathing and she could barely feel a pulse. "ASH! WAKE UP!" she screamed. The last thing she wanted was to lose Ash. Without any further thinking, she pressed her lips against Ash's and blew air into his mouth. After five seconds, she stopped and began to press into Ash's abdomen. She did ten times before stopping and pressing her lips against Ash's again.
  113. She was answered with harsh coughing. Misty moved her face to see Ash coughing and regaining consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes, revealing his brown irises. A small smile formed on his lips. "T-Thanks Misty… that's th-three times I owe you for saving me from drowning."
  115. Misty felt her eyes water. She felt a warm smile cross her lips. "Ash, you big think-headed goof." The two looked in each other's eyes, both entranced by the other's gaze. Misty semi-consciously closed the small gap between them. Her mind flashed between both seeing stars, and something else.
  117. Ash was surprised at first, but easily melted into the deep kiss. Pikachu and the others were all smiling happily.
  119. Later
  121. Ash and Misty and Pikachu were sitting alone in Misty's room. After Misty had saved Ash, the police and Misty's sisters arrived at the scene. They quickly arrested the man and confiscated their Pokémon. Misty's sisters were grateful to Ash for saving them, and surprised that they didn't realize it was him earlier. Ash quickly recovered after his near-drowning experience, and made clear his gratefulness to see Misty again. Misty asked Ash if she could speak to Ash in her room. Ash left Samurott and Scraggy to play with the rest of the Cerulean Gym Pokémon, but Pikachu wanted to come along incase Ash needed help.
  123. Misty and Ash were sitting on her bed, both silent. Pikachu was curled up into a ball, pretending to be asleep and listening intently to the coming conversation. After a few seconds of silence, Ash broke the ice. "Misty, I-I want to thank you again for saving my life. That's like the third time you saved me from drowning."
  125. Misty chuckled lightly. "You don't owe me anything Ash. You saved me countless times before and if you didn't slip into the pool, you would have totally beaten that guy's ass."
  127. "That reminds me," Ash began, "Why was he here in the first place?"
  129. "He wanted to steal my Gyarados," Misty replied. "That sick bastard steals strong Pokémon, but when I said no, he knocked me and my sisters out and said he planned to kidnap us as well. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up."
  131. "I'm glad I don't have to find out," Ash said warmly, placing his hand on Misty's. She looked and smiled at Ash. She moved her face close to Ash's, and he did the same. They pressed their lips together. Misty's mind was on fire, but Ash's mind was in distress.
  133. After the kiss, they looked in each other's eyes. Misty's eyes widened when she saw the despair in Ash's eyes. "Ash," she said in worry, "What's wrong?"
  135. "M-Misty," Ash said hesitantly. He wanted desperately to tell Misty about his feelings for her, but also about what had happened to him over the last few weeks. He wasn't sure whether he should; he could live without her love, but not without her completely. Deciding it would be better now than never, he went for it. "I-I need to tell you something Misty."
  137. Misty looked into Ash's eyes, and could see the seriousness in them. She only knew Ash to be serious when the matter is truly and absolutely serious and difficult for him to talk about. "What is it Ash? You can tell me." she said in a warm voice, confirming she was ready for anything he had to say.
  139. "Misty I…" Ash hesitated. He turned and saw Pikachu, nodding her head. Ash sighed before continuing. "Misty, I need to tell you about something truly important; it has to do with my feelings for you."
  141. "Your feelings for me?" Misty asked, sounding surprised.
  143. "Yeah," Ash replied. "Misty, for the longest time, I wanted to tell you how I feel about you. When we started our journey together, I felt like I was travelling with an angel from the sea. I know at first you only travelled with me was because of your bike, but after a while I began to think you actually liked travelling with me. I actually bought that bike for you in Pewter City, but I had my mom hide it to see whether or not you would stay. However, when you left I…" Ash clenched his fist, struggling to continue. He felt Misty's warm hand and looked into her eyes, pleading him to continue. "When you left… I felt like my heart had been torn apart. I cried every night for a week, desperately wishing you would return. But truth was, I knew you wouldn't return. You had your place here at the gym, and mine was with the wind, travelling as I pleased. I felt it would have been cruel of me to just come one day and say 'Hey Misty, I want you to drop what you're doing and come travelling with me'!"
  145. Ash took a deep breath. "Look, Misty, I could keep talking all night, but the bottom line is: I love you." Misty stared in shock. "I have ever since the day we first met, and I would act like I couldn't stand you to hide it. But when you left, I realized what a fool I was and all I had was an immense hole in my heart. I don't expect you to feel the same, especially how I haven't made much contact with you over the years. I mean, what kinda friend does that make me? A lousy one. Misty, if you never want to see me again I… I understand." Ash turned away, not wanting to see Misty when she would tell him off.
  147. Instead he felt a strong hand turn his face back to Misty's and felt her hot lips press against his. Ash slowly felt himself melting into the kiss, feeling the intense passion in her. After a few seconds, they parted.
  149. "Ash," Misty spoke, "You don't know how long I've wanted to hear those words come out of your mouth. Truth is, I've been in love with you since the day we met too. I only made up that bike excuse so I could travel with you and get to know you better too. I only fought with you because I didn't want to make it seem to obvious I like you too. And I couldn't stand it when we went our separate ways, I thought you would forget about me, but I knew deep down you wouldn't." She smiled warmly at Ash, who couldn't help but smile back. "Ash, no matter what happens, I love you."
  151. Ash felt his heart burst into a storm of joy, but was held down by a brick of guilt. He now knew Misty cared for him the same was as he did for her, but he still had to tell her about the Lust Stone. "Misty…" He said in a timid voice. "T-there's something else."
  153. "Don't worry Ash," Misty said warmly. "I know about the Lust Stone."
  157. "WHAT?" Ash exclaimed, nearly falling off the bed.
  159. "Ash, calm down!" Misty exclaimed in surprise.
  161. "What do you mean you know about the Lust Stone?" Ash said in shock. "Did Oak call you?"
  163. "NO!" Misty yelled. "Now sit down and calm down!" Ash did as he was told. "Thank you. Sorry about yelling. Now, to answer your question, I found out when we kissed."
  165. Ash gave a confused expression. "What do you mean?"
  167. "When we had that first, extreme kiss after I saved you, I had a vision." Misty replied. "I saw everything that's happened to you since you first touched the Lust Stone and up to when we kissed. I know about what happened to Pikachu and your Pokémon, in fact, after we kissed I saw their true forms."
  169. Pikachu's eyes shot open. She looked at Misty in surprise. "Really Misty?"
  171. "Yep!" Misty said at Pikachu with a smile. Both Ash and Pikachu did a double take. "Yes I can understand Pikachu. It came with the being able to see her true form."
  173. "Okay," Ash said, trying to process everything. "You're saying you saw everything I was through since I touched the Lust Stone, does that include my encounters with Arceus and the others?"
  175. "Yes Ash," Misty replied. "I know about everything Arceus and Ho-oh gave you, and on what you and Jirachi talked about."
  177. "Jirachi?" Pikachu asked.
  179. "Later," Ash replied. "So, does that mean you… know about my feelings for Dawn, May and Iris?"
  181. "Yes," Misty said, surprisingly calm. "Ash, I love you, and I always knew you had a big heart. That would explain why you always listened to it than your brain." They chuckled. "Ash, if loving you means sharing you with others, then I'm okay with it. Especially if it's with May, Dawn and Iris. Heck, I could think of some fun things to do in bed if we had some of your Pokémon out."
  183. Ash couldn't help but smile. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"
  185. "You fell into a river and I fished you out," Misty replied. They smiled before passionately kissing.
  187. While they made out, Pikachu was smiling happily. Ash had finally revealed his love for Misty and she felt the same. Also, she was okay with the whole Lust Stone incident and sharing him with her and others. Misty had really grown up, just as Ash had.
  189. After what seemed like an eternity, Misty and Ash parted for air. They looked into each other's eyes, each entranced by the other. "Ash," Misty spoke, "I'll always love you. You will be the only man I will ever love."
  191. "What about Rudy?" Ash asked, referring to the Orange Island league gym leader.
  193. "Please, that pervert?" Misty said. "He just wanted me for my body. I know that you loved me for me."
  195. "And that will never change," Ash said with a smile. "Misty, I want to ask you, will you travel with me again?"
  197. "I would love to Ash," Misty said, pushing Ash onto the bed. The continued to kiss passionately, Pikachu watching intently. "Ash…" Misty mumbled. "I'm ready. I want you."
  199. "Not right now," Ash said, holding on to the little bit of restraint he had. "I want our first time to be special. Come to the Pokémon Center at 8, I'll have it ready and it will just be you and me."
  201. "You promise?" Misty asked.
  203. "I promise," Ash replied. The two smiled at each other warmly, leaning in for another kiss.
  205. 7:55 pm
  207. Misty walked up the stair of the Cerulean City Pokémon Center. After she and Ash made her plan, they talked more about each other's lives. Later, they talked with Misty's sisters and how they wanted Misty to travel with Ash again. At first they were against it, but when they saw Ash and Misty hold hands, it was like playing a violin. After that, Ash left with his Pokémon and Misty had been twirling around in joy. Half an hour before she had to meet Ash, she tried to find a suitable dress.
  209. She selected a stylish one piece red dress that complimented her developed figure. Since she now knew about Ash's Pokémon, she knew he's already been exposed to sexy bodies, and she desperately wanted to please Ash. As she walked she got compliments by nearly everyone she walked pass. Some guys tried to pick her up, but she easily told them to get lost. And for those who were persistent, Gyarados took care of them.
  211. Misty walked past the doors on the third floor, Ash's floor. Ash had told her about Brock and Holly, but they were out. They were the only ones on the third floor, so Ash had the whole floor to himself. She walked right up to the door numbered 33 and knocked.
  213. "Who is it?" Ash's voice called through the door.
  215. "It's me, Ash," Misty replied. She heard footsteps and the door unlocking. Once it opened, it revealed Ash in a black suit. "Well aren't you handsome?" she teased.
  217. "Thanks Beautiful," Ash replied. Misty lightly blushed as Ash wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her to a kiss. After ten seconds they parted. "Come in." Ash showed her inside and Misty gasped.
  219. Inside his room was an elegant candlelight dinner with several roses adorned around the room. Misty felt her eyes water. "A-Ash. T-this is Beautiful."
  221. "I told you I wanted our first time to be special," Ash said, kissing her cheek. Ash took Misty's hand and led her inside. He closed the door and helped her sit in her seat before sitting himself.
  223. "Ash, this food looks delicious!" Misty exclaimed. "Did Brock cook it?"
  225. "I haven't seen Brock or Holly since I left for the Gym," Ash replied. "In case you didn't know, I actually listened to some of Brock's cooking lessons. The only reason I didn't cook when we were younger was because I didn't think about bringing cooking supplies on my trips."
  227. "So, you cooked this?" Misty said in surprise.
  229. "You don't have to try it if you don't want to," Ash said calmly. Misty shook her head and took a quick bite.
  231. Her eyes widened. "Oh my god! This is incredible!" She continued to eat.
  233. "I thought you might like it. It is after all your favorite." Ash said, referring to the food.
  235. "Y-You remembered?" Misty said in surprise. Ash nodded. Instead of receiving the expected look of gratitude, Ash was surprised to see Misty's eyes beginning to water.
  237. "Misty?" He asked in concern. She began to cry and he quickly moved next to her. "Misty, what's wrong?"
  239. "Oh Ash," Misty sobbed. "I just feel that this is all a dream and I will wake up and be alone! I don't want to lose you!"
  241. Ash looked at the sobbing girl before him. He took the girl into his arms and cradled her as she sobbed onto his chest. "Ssssh, Misty." He whispered into her ear. He let her continue to sob, despite his suit getting wet. After a few minutes, the sobbing ceased and ash looked at the girl. He lifted her chin and looked into her tear ridden eyes. "Misty, I assure this is not a dream. I convinced myself of that after you told me you loved me and said you were okay with what happened. Misty, I love you too much and the last thing I want is to lose you too. But as long as we love each other, we will never be alone."
  243. Misty couldn't help but smile. "I love you Ash."
  245. "I love you too, Misty," Ash replied. The two joined in another long kiss. As they kiss, Ash lifted himself with Misty still in his arms and walked and sat on the bed. They continued to kiss, Misty tongue trying to enter Ash's mouth. Instead it was met by Ash's tongue and the two muscles dueled for supremacy.
  247. After a few seconds, they parted. Ash looked into Misty's eyes and saw a feral beast inside. "Ash…" Misty moaned. "I'm ready Ash, I'm ready." Ash nodded, not wanting to keep her waiting. They quickly got undress up until they were in their underwear.
  249. Ash marveled at the curves on Misty while she gazed upon his well-toned body. "Are you sure you want to do this Misty?" Ash asked. "I don't want to force you if you don't-OOF!" Ash was cut off as Misty tackled him onto the bed.
  251. "I'm ready Ash, I'm ready." She repeated. She was indeed ready to take the man she loved.
  253. Ash smiled and kissed the redhead. Their tongues began to dance against each other again. As they did this, Misty began to feel around Ash's body, she could feel his hard abs, his strong arms, and just barely the erection beginning to take form inside his boxers. Ash was doing the same, his hands trailed down Misty's waist right inside her thighs.
  255. "Mmm!" Misty moaned as he pleasure level was rising. She felt his hands trail right up to her most sensitive spot and rubbed it. Misty's eyes widened when she felt something hard sticking up between her legs. She parted with Ash turned to his boxers stretched to the point of breaking by his throbbing member between her legs.
  257. "Look who showed up," Misty said with a small smirk. She turned around, her ass facing Ash's face. She looked at the straining member, begging to be released from the tight boxers. Misty, not wanting to keep it waiting, ripped Ash's boxers, watching his fully erect member sticking up. She marveled at the size of the organ, but figured if most of Ash looked good, his cock would certainly follow.
  259. Without hesitation, misty wrapped her right hand around Ash's member and began to stroke the organ. "AH!" Ash moaned loudly as Misty pumped his shaft. She pumped quick and strong, gripping Ash's cock so hard that he felt like he was about to blow, but Misty's hand was preventing him from doing so.
  261. "AH!" Ash moaned again as he felt Misty add her left hand to the action. He was desperate to release his load, but Misty's pumping kept him from doing so and to make matters worse, it was causing more build up to form.
  263. Misty was inwardly giggling to herself as she pumped Ash's cock with both hands. 'I can't believe how good this feels!' she exclaimed in her mind. 'I've never heard Ash moan like this before. It make me feel so dominating. And his cock feels so thick, I don't think it will fit me! I don't care, I WANT IT!' Misty then proceeded to pump faster and harder. She really wanted to taste Ash's cum.
  265. "AAH!" Ash screamed into the air as he felt ready to blow. "I'M CUMMING! " He released his load into the air and directly on Misty's face. Misty felt Ash's seed shoot onto her face and chest, drenching her in the sticky substance. After a few seconds, Ash's release ceased. He took a deep breath to regain his full strength.
  267. Meanwhile, Misty was slowly licking and tasting Ash's cum. She licked it. Before she could do anything else, she was flipped so that she was laying on the bed. She looked up to see Ash looming over her, his eyes full with fire and passion. "Ash?" she asked. Ash's only response was firmly planting his lips onto hers. His tongue easily forced its way into Misty's. She was surprised by Ash's dominance, but completely submitted.
  269. Ash continued to kiss Misty passionately, only relying on his instincts. His kiss left her lips and began to trail down her neck. Misty was in complete mercy to the raven haired male. He kissed along her neck, down to her chest and stopped. He looked at Misty's bra, which clipped at the front, and unclipped it and threw it to the side. Misty couldn't help feel a little embarrassed of Ash seeing her exposed breast, but knew he would never hurt her. To add to her trust in him, Misty moaned in pleasure as she felt Ash kiss and suck of her right breast while his hand played with her left.
  271. Misty arched her back upward as Ash's tongue twirled around her perked up nipple and his finger's pinched the other. Ash didn't waist anytime to switch and Misty's breast more pleasure. Misty felt on the verge of insanity as pleasure consumed her mind. After feeling he had played enough with Misty's breasts, Ash moved down her lanky body right to her tight panties. He could see liquid staining the undergarments and also slightly pouring out. He easily helped her take it off and looked at her exposed sex. He leaned down and began to lick the wet pussy, resulting well.
  273. "AH!" Misty screamed as she felt Ash's tongue rub and skim against her exposed sex. She wrapped her legs around Ash's head, clearly pleading him to continue. Instead, Ash lifted himself out of Misty's legs and leaned close to her face. She looked and saw a questioning look. "Ash?"
  275. "Misty," He said lovingly. "Are you sure you're ready. The next part could really hurt you. We can stop if you don't feel like it."
  277. Misty shook her head with a smile. "Ash, I can take. I want you, all of you, now!" Ash hated to disappoint. He positioned himself just outside of Misty's entrance.
  279. "Ready?"
  281. "Ready." And with one strong swift thrust, Ash went in. "AH!"
  283. Ash's thrust went all the way in, causing slight pain for Misty, but that was overwhelmed by the unbelievable pleasure. Before she could recover, Ash pulled out and thrusted in again. "AH!" the two moaned together. Ash was in the same state as Misty, completely consumed in pleasure. He pulled out and went back in again and again, going at a steady pace. However, once Misty could feel the rhythm Ash was going at, she was unhappy.
  285. "ASH!" She moaned. "PLEASE! GO FASTER! HARDER!" Again, Ash hated to disappoint. He began to increase his pace, going faster and harder after each thrust. "YES! YES! DO IT ASH!" Misty screamed, she was completely lost in the immense ocean of pleasure. Ash had lost all reason, he just kept going harder and faster inside Misty. He kept going till he could feel himself reach his limit.
  287. "M-MISTY!" Ash cried out. "I-I'm gonna CUM!"
  291. "AAAAAH!" Ash howled as he came within the walls of Misty's vagina. Misty was screaming as she felt Ash's hot seed fill her deeply. It was a sensation she never felt before, but didn't want it to end.
  293. After what seemed like an eternity. Ash exited Misty's entrance. His cum dripped out of the opening and poured onto the bed. Ash barely had enough energy to plop himself onto the bed, next to the panting Misty.
  295. The two looked into each other's eyes, both with loving smiled. Ash wrapped his arms around Misty's body and pulled her close. Misty laid her head on Ash's chest, grateful for the warmth he brought. The two closed their eyes, ready to sleep. "Goodnight Misty," Ash whispered, "I love you."
  297. "I love you too," Misty replied. "Goodnight Ash. Sweet Dreams."
  299. The next morning
  301. Ash slowly felt himself regaining consciousness, he wrapped his arms around where he believed Misty was, but felt nothing. Ash's eyes shot opened and saw no sign of Misty. He was beginning to worry, he desperately wished that the night was not a dream. His wished was granted when he heard singing coming from the bathroom and he spotted his ripped boxers, suit and Misty's dress all folded up on the table. He also spotted some of his traveling clothes folded and ready for him. As smiled.
  303. Suddenly, the door to the bathroom opened,, revealing Misty in her bra and panties while drying her hair in a towel. She looked to see a smiling Ash. "Hey sleepy head." she beamed.
  305. "Hey Mist," Ash grinned. She walked over and kissed him on the lips. "I got worried for a minute. I began to think it was all a dream."
  307. "Ash," Misty said lovingly, "You and I both know last night was not a dream. It was an amazing reality. And I hope you know that from now on, you'll be having many nights with me like that."
  309. Ash couldn't help but grin and kiss the girl passionately. "Thanks Misty.
  311. "You too Ash," Misty replied. She walked around before stopping. "Hey Ash, one question." Ash gave a confused glance. "Do my boobs look bigger to you?"
  313. The next day
  315. Ash stood in front of the Cerulean Gym side by side with Pikachu, Misty, Brock and Holly. After waking up with Misty the previous day, the two (and Pikachu) decided to go and spend the day together. They spent a good time at the local mall, buying new clothes, considering Misty needed new travelling clothes that would fit her now F-cup chest, and Ash seemed to be running out of underwear. They later met with Brock and Holly and had dinner together. During the night, Misty once again spent the night with Ash and Pikachu. Now they were meeting with Misty's sisters, ready to say goodbye.
  317. "Take care sis," Misty's sister, Daisy said as she hugged her little sister.
  319. "Thanks Daisy." Misty replied as they parted.
  321. Daisy turned to Ash. "Take care of her, or I will personally neuter you." Ash's face paled as Daisy laughed.
  323. "Don't worry Ash," Misty said. "I can do things to your that would make you wish Daisy got to you first." She and the girls giggled at the blank expression on the raven haired trainer's face.
  325. "Why is it if something happens, I'm the one that ends up getting the bad end of the stick?" Ash asked sarcastically.
  327. Misty only giggled as she leaned next to Ash and said, "Just because it's fun."
  329. "Now who's whipped?" Brock asked with a smirk that was wiped off as Holly smacked him upside the head. "OW!"
  331. Ash smirked. "Still you."
  333. "Take care Misty," Violet and Lilly said as they hugged their sister.
  335. "By the way Ash," Daisy said as she stepped before the teen. "As a token of our gratitude for saving us from that lunatic, I present you the Cascade Badge." She brought out the raindrop shaped badge before the trainer.
  337. "Wow, thank you." Ash said taking the badge.
  339. "Looks like you're one step closer to getting to the Pokémon league, huh Ash?" Brock teased. Ash nodded with a smile.
  341. "Well," Ash began, "We better get going. You ready Misty?"
  343. "Of course!" Misty proclaimed.
  345. With that, Ash and his friends left the City of Cerulean, this time Misty was staying. As they walked, Misty and Pikachu both held onto Ash's arms. He felt very proud that he had so many girls that loved him and that he felt the same for them. 'This is awesome! I feel better than I have in a long time, all because of Misty. But then again, Pikachu and the girls have helped me too. I'm ready for anything!'
  350. ---
  351. Author notes
  354. Next Time – The Wartortle Squad
  355. Ash and the group pass a familiar town and run into a familiar turtle with sunglasses. However, there are some very interesting surprises for Ash, and he learns there can be a lot of fun with water. Especially when the hound of water makes its appearance.
  357. Yeah! Misty's back! I apologize for the late update. I promise I will be trying to update all my stories, I've had a lot of computer the last couple of weeks. Expect more updates for more stories soon!
  359. Samurott – Shell Blade, Aqua Jet, Hydro Pump, Megahorn, Revenge, Dragon Tail, Hydro Cannon
  361. Scraggy – Crunch, Brick Break, Drain Punch, Head Smash, Dig, Attract, Faint Attack
  363. I still need ideas for Ash's future Pokémon. Please Review and avoid flaming. Also, I'm thinking about continuing Amazon Boy, should I? One more thing, people have been asking me for images of what the anthro-Pokemon look like, and I have to say the best art I've seen that has what I think off in my anthro Pokemon belongs to GB-of-BS. Check their Deviantart page to see what I mean,
  365. Till Next Time!
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