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Jan 12th, 2018
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  1. // All of the methods you will need to implement (5 of them) will have the comment
  5. // above them. Note that one of the methods to be filled in is inside the class
  6. // definition. This is because you cannot return an inner class outside the scope of the
  7. // defining class. Since findNode returns a Node (an inner class), its definition has to be
  8. // inside the definition scope of the RedBlackTree class itself, so the Node class is in scope
  9. // as well.
  12. #ifndef RBTREE_CS197
  13. #define RBTREE_CS197
  15. #include <cassert>
  16. #include <functional>
  17. #include <utility>
  18. #include <iostream>
  20. using namespace std;
  22. // Two types are templated here!
  23. // K = key type
  24. // V = value type
  25. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare = less<K> >
  26. class RedBlackTree {
  27. public:
  28. // This is defining an enumeration type.
  29. // Enumerations are categorical variables, meaning
  30. // a variable of the enumeration type (in this case 'Color')
  31. // Can only receive the values 'BLACK' and 'RED'
  32. typedef enum Color { BLACK, RED };
  34. private:
  35. class Node {
  36. public:
  37. Node() {
  38. parent = left = right = NULL;
  39. color = RED;
  40. }
  41. Node(K key, V value) {
  42. parent = left = right = NULL;
  43. color = RED;
  44. this->key = key;
  45. this->value = value;
  46. }
  47. ~Node() {}
  49. string getColor() {
  50. if(color == BLACK) return "BLACK";
  51. else if(color==RED)return "RED";
  52. else return "I don't know man";
  53. }
  55. Node *parent;
  56. Node *left;
  57. Node *right;
  58. K key;
  59. V value;
  60. Color color;
  61. };
  63. Node *root;
  64. Node *sentinel; // This is used as a "null" pointer. It should never be directly used except
  65. // to indicate a boundary. However its color is black.
  67. // These are internal methods that are used to maintain
  68. // the correctness of the tree, and for convenience
  69. void rotateLeft(Node *x);
  70. void rotateRight(Node *x);
  71. void insertFixup(Node *z);
  72. void deleteFixup(Node *x);
  74. Node *subTreeMinimum(Node *n) {
  75. Node *current;
  76. current = n;
  77. while (current->left != sentinel) {
  78. current = current->left;
  79. }
  80. return current;
  81. }
  83. Node *subTreeMaximum(Node *n) {
  84. Node *current;
  85. current = n;
  86. while (current->right != sentinel) {
  87. current = current->right;
  88. }
  89. return current;
  90. }
  93. Node *findNode(K key, Node *currentPosition) {
  95. if(key == currentPosition->key)
  96. return currentPosition;
  97. else if(key < currentPosition->key)
  98. { //I was stuck on an error here for a long long time until I put the brackets in and fixed the error.
  99. if(currentPosition->left != sentinel)
  100. return findNode(key, currentPosition->left);
  101. }
  102. else if(key > currentPosition ->key)
  103. {
  104. if(currentPosition->right != sentinel)
  105. return findNode(key, currentPosition->right);
  106. }
  107. return NULL;
  108. }
  110. public:
  111. // Constructor and Destructor
  112. RedBlackTree();
  113. ~RedBlackTree();
  115. // methods -- Again, don't return a Node, the return type, if there is one,
  116. // is of type T. See comments near methods for description
  117. void insert(K key, V value);
  118. void remove(K key);
  119. pair<K,V> *get(K key);
  120. pair<K,V> *minimum();
  121. pair<K,V> *maximum();
  122. pair<K,V> *successor(K key);
  123. pair<K,V> *predecessor(K key);
  126. };
  128. // Constructor definition - the tree should start off empty, meaning that not
  129. // even a root exists, yet this is still a valid state of the tree.
  130. template <typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  131. RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::RedBlackTree() {
  132. sentinel = new Node();
  133. sentinel->color = BLACK;
  134. // This is so we never hit a null.
  135. // The color checks will terminate our loops.
  136. sentinel->left = sentinel;
  137. sentinel->right = sentinel;
  138. sentinel->parent = sentinel;
  139. root = sentinel;
  140. }
  142. // Deconstructor for the tree. Don't call delete on the key or value data since you
  143. // don't know what it is. However, any remaining nodes in the tree need to be deallocated
  144. // to avoid memory leaks.
  145. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  146. RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::~RedBlackTree() {
  147. delete sentinel;
  148. }
  151. // Inserts a new node into the tree.
  152. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  153. void RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::insert(K key, V value) {
  154. Node *z = new Node(key, value);
  155. Node *y = sentinel;
  156. Node *x = root;
  157. while (x != sentinel) {
  158. y = x;
  159. if (Compare()(z->key, x->key)) {
  160. x = x->left;
  161. } else {
  162. x = x->right;
  163. }
  164. }
  165. z->parent = y;
  166. if (y == sentinel) {
  167. root = z;
  168. } else {
  169. if (Compare()(z->key, y->key)) {
  170. y->left = z;
  171. } else {
  172. y->right = z;
  173. }
  174. }
  175. z->left = sentinel;
  176. z->right = sentinel;
  177. z->color = RED;
  178. insertFixup(z);
  179. }
  181. // Removes a node from the tree, if it (the node) exists.
  182. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  183. void RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::remove(K key) {
  184. /*
  185. //Tracer code for tree
  186. cout<<"||"<<root->left->key<<"("<<root->left->getColor()<<")("<<root->left->parent->key<<")<-";
  187. cout<<"Root:"<<root->key<<"("<<root->getColor()<<"("<<root->parent->key<<")";
  189. cout<<"->"<<root->right->key<<"("<<root->right->getColor()<<")("<<root->right->parent->key<<")";
  190. cout<<"->"<<root->right->right->key<<"("<<root->right->right->getColor()<<")("<<root->right->right->parent->key<<")||"<<endl;
  191. */
  192. Node *x, *y;
  193. Node *z = findNode(key, root);
  195. if (z == sentinel) return;
  197. // Harder from here...
  198. if (z->left == sentinel || z->right == sentinel) {
  199. y = z;
  200. } else {
  201. pair<K,V> *result = successor(z->key);
  202. y = findNode(result->first, root);
  203. delete result; // Cleaning up
  204. }
  206. if (y->left != sentinel) {
  207. x = y->left;
  208. } else {
  209. x = y->right;
  210. }
  212. x->parent = y->parent;
  214. if (y->parent == sentinel) {
  215. root = x;
  216. } else {
  217. if (y == y->parent->left) {
  218. y->parent->left = x;
  219. } else {
  220. y->parent->right = x;
  221. }
  222. }
  224. if (y != z) {
  225. z->key = y->key;
  226. z->value = y->value;
  227. }
  229. if (y->color == BLACK) {
  230. deleteFixup(x);
  231. }
  233. }
  235. // Returns the key/value pair of the provided key if it exists.
  236. // Otherwise returns null.
  237. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  238. pair<K,V> *RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::get(K key) {
  239. Node *found = findNode(key, root);
  240. if (found == sentinel) return NULL;
  241. else return new pair<K,V>(found->key, found->value);
  242. }
  244. // Returns the smallest item in the tree, or NULL if the tree is empty.
  245. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  246. pair<K,V> *RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::minimum() {
  247. if (root == sentinel) {
  248. return NULL;
  249. } else {
  250. Node *min = subTreeMinimum(root);
  251. return new pair<K,V>(min->key, min->value);
  252. }
  253. }
  255. // Returns the largest item in the tree, or NULL if the tree is empty.
  256. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  257. pair<K,V> *RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::maximum() {
  258. if (root == sentinel) {
  259. return NULL;
  260. } else {
  261. Node *max = subTreeMaximum(root);
  262. return new pair<K,V>(max->key, max->value);
  263. }
  264. }
  266. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  267. void RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::insertFixup(Node *z) {
  268. Node *y;
  270. while (z->parent->color == RED) {
  271. if (z->parent == z->parent->parent->left) {
  272. y = z->parent->parent->right;
  273. if (y->color == RED) {
  274. z->parent->color = BLACK;
  275. y->color = BLACK;
  276. z->parent->parent->color = RED;
  277. z = z->parent->parent;
  278. } else {
  279. if (z == z->parent->right) {
  280. z = z->parent;
  281. rotateLeft(z);
  282. }
  283. //
  284. z->parent->color = BLACK;
  285. z->parent->parent->color = RED;
  286. rotateRight(z->parent->parent);
  287. }
  288. } else {
  289. y = z->parent->parent->left;
  290. if (y->color == RED) {
  291. z->parent->color = BLACK;
  292. y->color = BLACK;
  293. z->parent->parent->color = RED;
  294. z = z->parent->parent;
  295. } else {
  296. if (z == z->parent->left) {
  297. z = z->parent;
  298. rotateRight(z);
  299. }
  300. z->parent->color = BLACK;
  301. z->parent->parent->color = RED;
  302. rotateLeft(z->parent->parent);
  303. }
  304. }
  305. }
  306. root->color = BLACK;
  310. }
  312. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  313. void RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::deleteFixup(Node *x) {
  314. Node *w;
  316. while (x != root && x->color == BLACK) {
  317. if (x = x->parent->left) {
  318. w = x->parent->right;
  319. if (w->color == RED) {
  320. w->color = BLACK;
  321. x->parent->color = RED;
  322. rotateLeft(x->parent);
  323. w = x->parent->right;
  324. }
  326. if (w->left->color == BLACK && w->right->color == BLACK) {
  327. w->color = RED;
  328. x = x->parent;
  329. } else {
  330. if (w->right->color == BLACK) {
  331. w->color = RED;
  332. rotateRight(w);
  333. w = x->parent->right;
  334. }
  335. w->color = x->parent->color;
  336. x->parent->color = BLACK;
  337. w->right->color = BLACK;
  338. rotateLeft(x->parent);
  339. x = root;
  340. }
  341. } else {
  342. w = x->parent->left;
  343. if (w->color == RED) {
  344. w->color = BLACK;
  345. x->parent->color = RED;
  346. rotateRight(x->parent);
  347. w = x->parent->left;
  348. }
  350. if (w->right->color == BLACK && w->left->color == BLACK) {
  351. w->color = RED;
  352. x = x->parent;
  353. } else {
  354. if (w->left->color == BLACK) {
  355. w->color = RED;
  356. rotateLeft(w);
  357. w = x->parent->left;
  358. }
  359. w->color = x->parent->color;
  360. x->parent->color = BLACK;
  361. w->left->color = BLACK;
  362. rotateRight(x->parent);
  363. x = root;
  364. }
  365. }
  366. }
  367. x->color = BLACK;
  369. }
  371. // IMPLEMENT ME
  372. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  373. pair<K,V> *RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::successor(K key) {
  374. Node *x = findNode(key, this->root);
  376. K k;
  377. if(x == NULL)return NULL;
  379. x = this->root;
  380. pair<K,V> *p = new pair<K,V>(x->key, x->value);
  382. while(x != sentinel)
  383. {
  384. if(Compare()(key, x->key))
  385. {
  386. if(Compare() (key, x->key) && ((x->key < p->first && p->first > key)|| (p->first <= key)))
  387. p = new pair<K,V>(x->key, x->value);
  388. x = x->left;
  389. }
  390. else
  391. {
  392. x = x->right;
  393. }
  394. }
  396. if(p->first > key) return p;
  397. else return new pair<K,V>;
  398. }
  400. // IMPLEMENT ME
  401. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  402. pair<K,V> *RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::predecessor(K key) {
  403. return NULL;
  404. }
  406. // IMPLEMENT ME
  407. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  408. void RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::rotateLeft(Node *x) {
  409. // cout<<"ROTATELEFT:"<<x->key<<endl;
  411. Node *me;
  412. Node *z;
  413. if (x->right == 0) return;
  415. me = x; // me = x
  416. z = me->right; //z = y
  417. z->parent = x->parent;
  418. me->right = z->left;
  419. me->parent = z;
  420. z->left = me;
  422. // cout<<"z->parent("<<z->parent->key<<")";
  423. if(z->parent == sentinel) root = z;
  424. else x = z;
  425. }
  428. // IMPLEMENT ME
  429. template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare >
  430. void RedBlackTree<K,V,Compare>::rotateRight(Node *x) {
  431. // cout<<"ROTATERIGHT"<<endl;
  432. Node *me;
  433. Node *z;
  434. if (x->left == 0) return;
  436. me = x; // me = x
  437. z = me->left; //z = y
  438. z->parent = x->parent;
  439. me->left = z->right;
  440. me->parent = z;
  441. z->right = me;
  443. // cout<<"z->parent("<<z->parent->key<<")";
  444. if(z->parent == sentinel) root = z;
  445. else x = z;
  446. }
  448. #endif
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