
Undertale - Coda Part 3 (REALLY NSFW)

Dec 10th, 2015
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  1. “A-Are you sure?” Asriel stuttered, caught entirely off guard.
  3. Frisk looked Asriel up and down in the half light cast by the various charging electronics in the room. Earlier, Frisk had called Asriel cute. But now…
  5. “Yeah. Very sure.”
  7. Frisk leant forward, holding onto Asriel’s arms, and planted a firm kiss on his lips. He gave a muffled, surprised squeak, squirming a little in Frisk’s grip, but he didn’t pull away. Frisk eventually pulled back, grinning at him.
  9. Asriel looked a little stunned. “...Wow.”
  11. “Was that your first kiss?”
  13. He looked away in embarrassment. “N-No!”
  15. “Oh my god, it was your first kiss. That’s adorable.”
  17. “There’s nothing wrong with... Waiting.”
  19. “Well, I’m done waiting.” Frisk pushed forward, nudging Asriel onto his back and crawling over him. Asriel swallowed nervously, gently placing his hands on Frisk’s sides.
  21. “W-What are you planning on doing?”
  23. Frisk traced a hand down his silky, soft belly, sneaking a hand inside his briefs, causing him to jump and give a small gasp of surprise.
  25. “Try and guess.”
  27. Frisk felt Asriel over, exploring what he had to offer. He was a pretty nice size, and it was cute how he squirmed and blushed in Frisk’s grip, slowly growing until his cock was holding the waistband of his briefs off of his navel.
  29. “Nnh! F-Frisk!” He was already clutching at the sheets and panting.
  31. No time like the present then.
  33. Frisk sat up, straddling Asriel’s legs and pulling their shirt off, dropping the silken fabric on the bed and then reaching back to unhook their bra.
  35. “Wait… You’re a girl?”
  37. Frisk looked down at Asriel, confused. “Yeah? Did you not know?”
  39. “Honestly? I could never tell.”
  41. “Huh.” Frisk shrugged, chalking it up to cultural differences between humans and monsters, and deposited her bra on the bed next to her shirt. While Asriel was staring at her, slack jawed, she hooked both thumbs into the band of her shorts and underwear, shuffling them down her legs and kicking them off the bed. Frisk settled back down on top of him, enjoying the touch of soft fur against her skin, before she leant down and fumbled in her overnight bag, pulling out a condom and some lubricant.
  43. “Is… that a rubber? Why do you even have that?”
  45. “You ask a lot of questions.” Frisk smiled and leant down, nuzzling Asriel’s nose with her own. He twitched his snout, looking back up at her with apprehension.
  47. “That’s probably because I’m not sure how this even ended up happening.”
  49. “Well, I have these because unlike you, I’ve been a grownup for a long time, and I like to be prepared. Besides which, I have no idea if humans can breed with monsters and I don’t intend to be the one to find out. Now hold still.”
  51. “Why would I whhhaa!” He trailed off into a quiet whimper as Frisk flicked the bottle open and squeezed a small amount onto his cock, massaging it from tip to base, making sure to spread it evenly. Every touch and squeeze made Asriel jump. It was kind of incredible how sensitive he was. Maybe it had been a little longer than a few days on the tour bus, or maybe Asriel had never gotten around to really exploring his… Possibilities. All the more reason for the both of them to enjoy this.
  53. Frisk held the condom package in her teeth, tearing it open and tossing the wrapping into the darkness. Asriel had recovered enough to watch what she was doing with wide eyes as she carefully positioned it, rolling it gently over his length with her fingers, giving him a firm grope to make sure everything was in place. He bucked into her hand, gently, and she indulged him, taking her hand that was still slick with lubricant and slowly rubbing along his cock, smiling as she noticed the telltale pulse of Asriel’s rapidly beating heart along it.
  55. “Nh! F-Fuck! Frisk, I- I…”
  57. Frisk crawled forward, pushing her belly against his and trapping his cock between them, grinding against him playfully.
  59. “S-Stop!”
  61. “What?”
  63. “P-please! Can we please just, I don’t know, fucking talk about this for a second first?”
  65. Frisk felt her heart sink. “What, you… don’t wanna?”
  67. Asriel pushed against her gently, sliding himself back a little. “Well, yes! But… Not like this.”
  69. Frisk shuffled back, letting Asriel pull his legs free and sitting back on the bed. Asriel propped himself up with his arms, looking from Frisk to his own throbbing lewdness and letting out a frustrated sigh.
  71. “It’s ok. I… don’t know what I was thinking.”
  73. Asriel threw back his head and groaned with frustration. “Oh, come on! Don’t be like that. It’s just… I… Ugh. Look. I like you, Frisk. I’ve always liked you, but these days, I miss you when you’re not around. I can’t sleep without you by my side. You were the one who saved me, you moved earth and sky to come find me, and… You’ve been there for me for a very long time. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about this a lot. But... I never seem to stop needing saving. This is… Is this really what you want? I don’t want you to feel like you have to rescue me from loneliness on top of everything else. I’ve already cost you so much, I don’t want you to make a mistake you’d regret. I don’t want to be a burden.”
  75. Frisk took a deep, calming breath.
  77. “You… Idiot.”
  79. “H-huh?”
  81. “You’ve never been a burden to me. I don’t regret a single moment of the decades I spent trying to save you. I’d have looped for a thousand years, if that’s what I needed to do. I’ve never done anything for you for any reason other than because I wanted to. This isn’t for your benefit, or because I feel sorry for you, it’s because I want you. It’s because I’ve wanted you for a long time.”
  83. Asriel’s eyes shone. It looked like he was about to cry.
  85. “R-really?”
  87. “Of course really!” Frisk threw her hands up in the air. “Fuck! If there is one thing that I hate about you, it’s that you think the world revolves around you and your problems. I have problems too! I have needs! Now are you going to help me out here, or what?”
  89. Asriel didn’t speak, he just scooted closer. He took another deep breath, which picked up Frisk’s hair. This time, he kissed her.
  91. This time, it was softer, more tender. Frisk just enjoyed the moment, the closeness, his slightly unusual taste. Being held was nice. She waited until he was done, pulling back with a goofy grin on his face. Then she pushed him over again. He gave a bleat of surprise, scrabbling for purchase as Frisk crawled on top of him again, this time wasting no time. She grabbed him by the dick, holding it in place as she pressed herself against him, her arousal causing her slick lips to glide smoothly from base to tip, Asriel shivering under her.
  93. “You ready?”
  95. He bit his lip and nodded, holding onto her with both hands. Frisk watched his face as she angled her hips forward and down, blushing and sighing quietly as his tip slowly pressed its way inside of her, stretching her out gently.
  97. It had been a while. He felt thick, and hot. She took a moment to adjust to the shape inside of her, closing her eyes and pressing her weight down on top of him, allowing gravity to slide him all the way to a slow hilt. When her navel touched fur again, she couldn’t help but groan softly, clenching down at him.
  99. “F-fuuuh… Frisk…” Asriel managed, his tongue lolling out of the corner of his mouth.
  101. “You like that?” Frisk managed, her voice unsteady. “Well, good.” She rocked forward against Asriel, feeling him shift inside of her and press against all the right spots, as though he was made for this. Already, it was warm, tingly. She pulled herself up along his belly, dragging his tip along her insides until he was almost free, and then pressed herself back down flat. His fingers dug into her sides a little as he gripped her, Asriel’s breathing starting to speed up as he began to help her move, thrusting a little on his back and lifting her weight with ease. Each thrust caused her to pant quietly, reaching a little deeper, scratching that itch a little harder.
  103. They were both eager, inexperienced. Asriel quickly started to speed up, the bed creaking lightly as Frisk began to shiver in his grip, her control slipping away.
  105. “Ah… Ah! I… Frisk! I’m gonna-”
  107. Frisk cut him off, leaning forward and taking his snout in both hands, planting another kiss onto his lips, her fingers curling into his fur as the building spark inside of her burst into flames, causing her to clamp down on his cock and grind against it heavily, Frisk moaning lewdly into Asriel’s maw as she felt him tense up, his hands shaking as he held her against him.
  109. A moment later, he went limp. She let his face go, and he flopped back against the bed. They both panted at one another, both smiling like guilty children.
  111. “I… I told you it had been a while. Didn’t take long, huh?”
  113. “That’s ok. We’ve got plenty of time to practice tomorrow.”
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