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Apr 13th, 2019
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  1. if ( attackskill != SKILL_WEAPON_MARTIAL_ARTS ) {
  2. if ( cdata(CDATA_EXIST, tc) != CHAR_STATE_ALIVE ) {
  3. cw = attackitem
  4. if ( ibit(ITEM_BIT_ALIVE, cw) ) {
  5. if ( inv(INV_ITEM_GROWTH, cw) < 25 ) { //garfu increase living weapon max level
  6. if ( inv(INV_ITEM_EXP, cw) < calcexpalive(inv(INV_ITEM_GROWTH, cw)) ) {
  7. if ( cbit(CHARA_BIT_SPLIT_KEEP_EFFECT, tc) != 1 & cbit(CHARA_BIT_SPLIT_NO_EFFECT, tc) != 1 & cbit(CHARA_BIT_SUMMONED, tc) != 1 & cbit(CHARA_BIT_LIVESTOCK, tc) != 1 & cbit(CHARA_BIT_NECRO, tc) != 1 & cdata(CDATA_ROLE, tc) != ROLE_BOUNTY_HUNTER & cdata(CDATA_ROLE, tc) != ROLE_GUARD ) {
  8. ikihosei = 0
  9. }
  10. else {
  11. ikihosei = 50
  12. }
  13. inv(INV_ITEM_EXP, cw) += rnd(cdata(CDATA_LEVEL, tc) / (inv(INV_ITEM_GROWTH, cw) + ikihosei) + 1) //garfu living weapons level faster
  14. inv(INV_ITEM_EXP, cw) += 50
  15. if ( inv(INV_ITEM_EXP, cw) >= calcexpalive(inv(INV_ITEM_GROWTH, cw)) ) {
  16. txtef COLOR_GREEN
  18. txt lang(itemname(cw) + "は十分に血を味わった!", itemname(cw) + " has tasted enough blood!")
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }
  22. }
  23. }
  24. }
  26. ----------------------------
  27. if ( inv(INV_ITEM_PARAM1, ci) >= 25 ) { //garfu edit - max level before bleed = 25 so no bleed
  28. txt lang("その力は次第に脅威になっている。", "Its power is becoming a threat.")
  29. //encadd ci, ENCHANT_SUCK_BLOOD, 50 //garfu edit - remove bleed just in case
  30. if ( stat == 0 ) {
  31. inv(STARTING_INV_ITEM_ENCHANT + (15 - 1) * 2, ci) = 0
  32. txt lang(itemname(ci) + "はエンチャントを消した。", itemname(ci) + " removes an enchantment.")
  33. encadd ci, ENCHANT_SUCK_BLOOD, 50
  34. if ( stat == 0 ) {
  35. inv(STARTING_INV_ITEM_ENCHANT + (15 - 2) * 2, ci) = 0
  36. txt lang(itemname(ci) + "はさらにエンチャントを消した。", itemname(ci) + " removes an enchantment.")
  37. }
  38. }
  39. }
  40. ----------------------------
  41. if ( gdata(STARTING_GDATA_FLAG + 347) == 100 & rnd(20) == 0 ) {
  42. if ( reftype == FILTER_RANGE | reftype == FILTER_WEAPON ) {
  43. ibitmod ITEM_BIT_ALIVE, ci, 1
  44. inv(INV_ITEM_PARAM1, ci) = 1
  45. if ( fixlv == FIX_QUALITY_GODLY ) {
  46. encadd ci, randomenc(99), (randomencp() + 1) / 2 + 600 //garfu edit - additional living weapon enchants
  47. encadd ci, randomenc(99), (randomencp() + 1) / 2 + 500
  48. encadd ci, randomenc(99), (randomencp() + 1) / 2 + 400
  49. encadd ci, randomenc(99), (randomencp() + 1) / 2 + 300
  50. }
  51. if ( fixlv == FIX_QUALITY_MIRACLE ) {
  52. encadd ci, randomenc(99), (randomencp() + 1) / 3 + 400
  53. encadd ci, randomenc(99), (randomencp() + 1) / 3 + 300
  54. encadd ci, randomenc(99), (randomencp() + 1) / 3 + 200
  55. }
  56. return
  57. }
  58. }
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