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a guest
Apr 28th, 2017
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  1. NoCheatPlus exemption ticks (0 = disabled): 200
  2. Minimal water depth: 1
  3. Enable swimming in creative mode: true
  4. Permissions required: false
  5. Enable while swimming up: true
  6. Enable speed boost/sprinting: true
  7. Sprint speed: 0.3
  8. Enable fall animation: true
  9. Minimal fall distance: 5
  10. Fall glide speed: 0.1
  11. Fall downward speed: 1
  12. Elytra looses durability while swimming: false
  13. EHM_compatibility mode (no speed boost when swimming up): false
  14. Enable stamina: true
  15. Enable drowning when out of stmina: false
  16. Sprint stamina usage: 50
  17. Normal swimming stamina usage: 10
  18. Normal stamina reset time in seconds: 3
  19. Stamina reset time when drowned in seconds: 20
  20. Blink stamina bar when stamina is low: true
  21. Stamina update delay in ticks: 20
  22. Use BossBar to display stamina bar: false
  23. Disable swimming animation in waterfalls: false
  24. Maximum waterfall diameter: 3
  25. Enable armor-weight: false
  26. Max sprinting weight: 20
  27. Warn player when trying to sprint but to heavy: true
  28. Show fullscreen warning when swimming in heavy armor: true
  29. Announce armor weight when starting to swim: false
  30. Diamond Helmet Weight: 10
  31. Diamond Chestplate Weight: 10
  32. Diamond Leggings Weight: 10
  33. Diamond Boots Weight: 10
  34. Iron Helmet Weight: 7
  35. Iron Chestplate Weight: 7
  36. Iron Leggings Weight: 7
  37. Iron Boots Weight: 7
  38. Chain Helmet Weight: 5
  39. Chain Chestplate Weight: 5
  40. Chain Leggings Weight: 5
  41. Chain Boots Weight: 5
  42. Gold Helmet Weight: 6
  43. Gold Chestplate Weight: 6
  44. Gold Leggings Weight: 6
  45. Gold Boots Weight: 6
  46. Leather Helmet Weight: 2
  47. Leather Chestplate Weight: 2
  48. Leather Leggings Weight: 2
  49. Leather Boots Weight: 2
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