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Jan 3rd, 2018
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  1. I'm RyuQuezacotl. I mostly [speedrun.](
  3. My Twitch career started by fluke one day by simply attempting to speedrun Diablo 2. I got a fuckton of traction. From there, I basically made a life decision to do this for a living.
  5. Before I started streaming, I played a fuckton of CS, Dota, PoE, Diablo II, and Street Fighter IV.
  7. Graduated in 2012 -- studied game dev.
  8. Aug 15 2015, I started streaming.
  9. Partnered in Dec 2015.
  10. My house burned down in March 2016 and I lost my father.
  11. January 2017 I co-founded the [RIPRunners](
  12. June 2017 I became good friends with the [Moon Bros](
  13. Aug 24 2017 I stopped being fake.
  15. As a streamer, I've always wanted a steady
  16. - 2k viewers
  17. - 1k subs
  18. - and a chat as stupid as nl_Kripp's.
  20. Still do. I don't NEED to hit these targets, but as a streamer, it's what I desire.
  22. I speedran Diablo II for two years straight cause I thought it was my golden ticket.
  24. I developed RSI very early on from clicking so much, but I loved what I was doing and my channel was growing insanely fast so I fought through it.
  26. About a year in, I got bored. I tested out other games like Dark Souls, Breath of Fire, LttP...but it turned out that Diablo 2 was my only ticket to success. So I pushed on and played for another year. Eventually I played for so long and got so good at the game that 700 (half) of my viewers stopped watching unless I had a god-tier run going.
  28. Near the end, it started really sucking being bored, not having any control over my run, risking my right hand, and seeing RNGesus control the fate of my channel.
  30. On August 23rd, I finally said "fuck it" and I started playing exactly what I wanted to play. I figured if my channel was heading downwards, I might as well start playing the games that I wanted to play.
  32. I've always been heavily inspired by ClintStevens ever since I met him. He's a good guy, and very successful at what he does. It was amazing seeing him glitch out my childhood game, Ocarina of Time. I was also envious of all the freedom he had to read his chat with all the downtime. I loved how he always had people in his channel, even when he was offline.
  34. But most of all, I was so amazed that he was never afraid to be himself on stream. Something I've finally started doing...two years later. So on August 24th, I stopped being afraid and I turned on Ocarina of Time.
  36. I knew it was going to distance me from my streamer goals. But as a human being, I honestly haven't been happier. I finally feel free.
  38. A lot of people understood where I was coming from, and it was a simple unfollow/unsub. Or it was a simple "no problem ryu, I'll be hoping for your return, keep on keeping on". And it was great.
  40. BUT. I've had to non-stop explain my story for four months straight to people that missed the memo. Even some people that have been subscribed for 25 months still don't know why I stopped playing Diablo 2 and will ask. It's been a very taxing and stressful process.
  42. On top of that I've had to deal with the toxic trolls and mother fuckers of Twitch that just don't understand that I'm not their slave.
  44. I've had to consistently deal with:
  45. "play d2, whens d2, d2 d2 d2dd2d2, $1000 for d2 go go, ryu this game sucks play d2". I've tried the ban hammer, but these fuckers just keep coming back. And it's made me miserable.
  47. Some people have been dense enough to sit down and use my Twitch stats as ammunition and argue that I'll make more money and get more viewers playing D2. It's almost as if my YT videos and constant explaining of "I'm bored and my hand hurts", or "I want to play OoT", or "I accept that I'm going to lose viewers and subs and money" wasn't enough.
  49. It's hard to ignore this stuff when you're balls deep into a stream and people just start shitting all over you and the people around you. You can only tolerate it for so long.
  51. Anyways, above my streamer goals of 2k views / 1k subs / and a copy-pasta chat, I've always just wanted to have a good time playing video games with the people around me. When I started OoT, that was me finally doing exactly that.
  53. If I hit my goals as a streamer, I'm doing while it having fun this time, And, I'm doing it playing whatever the fuck I want.
  55. I've recently been interested in playing Diablo 2 once a week with some of my streamer friends.
  57. Part of me doesn't want to stream it because I now genuinely hate these scum of the earth, mother fucking trolls. They don't deserve to watch.
  59. But at end of the day, I've come to terms that these asshats are a minority and everyone else still who have been patient and supportive still deserve to sit at my table and watch me.
  61. So, from now on, if I play Diablo 2 on my stream, it will always be in sub-only mode. And it will always be with the maximum amount of commercials possible. It's the only way I can truly say "fuck you" to the people that deserve it.
  63. My only sympathy is for the decent human beings who can't afford subscribing because they are tight on money. I am really sorry. At the end of the day, this is only an entertainment platform, and you guys will survive. Thank you for understanding.
  65. I might go sub-only permanently, if the trolls never give up.
  67. Anyways, sit back, relax, and enjoy the stream. Pls no copy pasta.
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