
Letterman 4/23/2013

Feb 2nd, 2015
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  1. Late Show With David Letterman - 05:35 AM on Tuesday, Apr 23, 2013 (4/23/2013)
  2. 00:00:00 .
  3. 00:00:01 >>> Thanks for watching.
  4. 00:00:01 David letterman sup next.
  5. 00:00:02 >> Good night.
  6. 00:00:02 (Band playing "late show" theme) >>from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman.
  7. 00:00:19 ..
  8. 00:00:25 Plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra.
  9. 00:00:37 I'm alan kalter.
  10. 00:00:44 And now, the "b" in rutherford b hayes, david letterman!
  11. 00:00:50 (Cheers and applause) Captioning sponsored by WORLDWIDE PANTS and CBS (Band playing "late show" theme) (cheers and applause) >> Dave: Hey, hey!
  12. 00:01:12 How are you doing?
  13. 00:01:13 Thank you very much.
  14. 00:01:18 Welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen, I'm dave letterman.
  15. 00:01:20 The only horse-sized duck on t.v.
  16. 00:01:27 (Laughter) I don't know anything.
  17. 00:01:30 I'm telling you, earth day is whacky.
  18. 00:01:33 Yesterday -- earth day, anybody celebrate the earth day?
  19. 00:01:39 Here's what happened to me, earth day.
  20. 00:01:40 I wake up groggy, I don't know where I am, I'm naked (laughter) turns out I people michelle obama's vegetable garden.
  21. 00:01:50 What the he can?
  22. 00:02:00 Americans need to reduce their carbon footprint.
  23. 00:02:03 How many of you are concentrating on reducing your carbon footprint?
  24. 00:02:06 (Applause) no you're not!
  25. 00:02:13 Have you seen americans?
  26. 00:02:14 How about reducing our carbon butt print?
  27. 00:02:16 You know what I mean?
  28. 00:02:17 (Applause) that's right.
  29. 00:02:29 Yesterday was earth day and you know what I found on the 14th floor?
  30. 00:02:31 This was crazy and I feel so guilty and embarrassed about this.
  31. 00:02:35 I found this upton 14th floor.
  32. 00:02:37 Look at that.
  33. 00:02:37 Do you know what that is?
  34. 00:02:39 >> Paul: No.
  35. 00:02:39 >> Dave: That's an old-fashioned coal-powered typewriter.
  36. 00:02:45 I'm so embarrassed.
  37. 00:02:46 >> Paul: How'd you find that?
  38. 00:02:48 >> Dave: Can you believe that?
  39. 00:02:49 >> Paul: I remember those thing.
  40. 00:02:51 (Applause) >> Dave: I don't know if you know about this but today -- it's the kind of thing where you say to yourself oh, great, the hackers -- you know the hackers when they hack into thing?
  41. 00:03:05 They hacked into the associated press, their twitter account and they faked reports about an attack on the white house.
  42. 00:03:11 Faked a report.
  43. 00:03:13 Completely phony.
  44. 00:03:13 And I thought, wait a minute, the news, the real news isn't bad enough?
  45. 00:03:17 (Laughter) now we're making up bad news?
  46. 00:03:20 I mean for the love of god, really!
  47. 00:03:24 Why?
  48. 00:03:30 So they put out the fake report twitter and the stock market plunges 150 points and I said "hey, wait a minute, that doesn't sound like the " (laughter) you know what I've noticed over the years?
  49. 00:03:50 Hollywood stars-- see if you agree with me-- always in trouble.
  50. 00:03:53 >> Paul: Yeah.
  51. 00:03:55 (Laughter) >> Dave: Now here's what I'm talking about, a lovely woman, a fine actress, academy award winner, been on the show many, many times, reese witherspoon.
  52. 00:04:11 >> Paul: Oh, we love her.
  53. 00:04:12 (Applause) >> Dave: Yeah.
  54. 00:04:14 She's not here.
  55. 00:04:15 She's not here.
  56. 00:04:16 (Laughter) so over the weekend she gets in trouble with the police in california and was arrested.
  57. 00:04:23 They cuffed her, hauled her away.
  58. 00:04:25 I think she's probably still in prison.
  59. 00:04:29 (Laughter) disorderly conduct, reese witherspoon.
  60. 00:04:33 Can you believe it?
  61. 00:04:34 Here's the police shot.
  62. 00:04:35 Look at this, it's really sad.
  63. 00:04:36 (Laughter) I mean, is that -- (applause) and here's the thing, a lot of times celebrities will say this, she said to the police "hey, do " and the guy says "renee " (laughter) you folks know anything about politics?
  64. 00:05:07 Me neither I r you tired of it.
  65. 00:05:11 It's kind of like you can't get rid of it but we need it and can't live without it.
  66. 00:05:16 Don't want it but there it is.
  67. 00:05:18 If now you know something about it, good for you but mostly we don't know anything about it.
  68. 00:05:22 All I know that the republicans took testimony among the general election and the president is still the president.
  69. 00:05:29 So they're trying to change their image.
  70. 00:05:31 They did a focus group and they're trying to find ways to change their image in the republican party.
  71. 00:05:35 Some of these ideas are not so bad.
  72. 00:05:37 Take a look at this idea the republicans came up with to change their image.
  73. 00:05:46 promote awareness of different cultures by participating in their customs and celebrations.
  74. 00:05:53 (Laughter) (applause) >> Dave: That's right.
  75. 00:06:06 Thank you.
  76. 00:06:17 's only duck-sized horse.
  77. 00:06:20 Horse-sized duck.
  78. 00:06:21 Speaking of george bush, the bush -- (laughter) >> Paul: The audience appreciated that.
  79. 00:06:30 >> Dave: bush presidential library opens i think the first week in may and distinguishing itself in that it -- the only presidential library that will have a fitness bar.
  80. 00:06:47 >> Paul: (Laughs) >> Dave: According to new poll information, americans now think very strongly, positively, of george w. bush.
  81. 00:06:59 New polls indicate -- yeah.
  82. 00:07:00 How about that?
  83. 00:07:01 (Applause) well, by god, maybe there's hope for me (cheers and applause) americans think positively of him.
  84. 00:07:21 Sounds like another phony report from the a.p.
  85. 00:07:25 Oh, come on!
  86. 00:07:26 (Applause) this would be funny if it weren't also really sad but mostly it's funny.
  87. 00:07:39 And it's funny because it didn't happen to us.
  88. 00:07:43 A guy, a kid, fresh out of journalism, electronic journalism, communications, gets station in bismarck north dakota and sunday he goes on the air for the very first time a brand new career, the sun is rising, everything is lovely and here's what happened.
  89. 00:08:02 Take a look.
  90. 00:08:04 clemente was fired by kf after this unfortunate incident on his first day.
  91. 00:08:12 (Bleep) (bleep) (laughter) after being relieved of his position, he's proud to announce he'll come curse for you.
  92. 00:08:19 That's right, for a nominal fee clemente will curse at your event, birthday parties, bar mitzvah or just to tell that special someone you love her.
  93. 00:08:30 (Bleep) (bleep).
  94. 00:08:31 Act now and get half off appearances by tiger woods.
  95. 00:08:35 Don't delay, book today.
  96. 00:08:36 (Bleep) (bleep) (applause) >> Dave: Finally some happy news ladies and gentlemen.
  97. 00:08:50 Anthony weiner is back on twitter.
  98. 00:08:52 Do you remember congressman anthony weiner?
  99. 00:08:54 >> Yes.
  100. 00:08:56 >> Dave: I'm telling you, it's like giving lindsay lohan the keys to the mini bar.
  101. 00:09:02 What's going on?
  102. 00:09:02 (Applause) weiner says that he's putting out feelers and I said anthony, isn't that what got you into trouble in the first place?
  103. 00:09:16 (Applause) he says he tested the political wind but he didn't use his finger.
  104. 00:09:26 I said hey, anthony.
  105. 00:09:29 (Applause) the kid in bismarck gets fired, I'm still here!
  106. 00:09:37 How did that happen?
  107. 00:09:39 I love stuff like this.
  108. 00:09:40 You know, kids are the future of not just of america but the world, really.
  109. 00:09:44 The future of the world is in the hands of the kids and occasionally we will have kid scientists on our show.
  110. 00:09:51 Kid inventors on our show.
  111. 00:09:53 Well they had a big thing at the white house for a lot of kid inventors who came and demonstrated their new inventions to president obama.
  112. 00:10:01 And I thought this is lovely.
  113. 00:10:03 I mean, this really motivate it is kids, but as so often happens always something goes haywire, have you noticed that in life?
  114. 00:10:13 Everything is such.
  115. 00:10:14 >> Paul: Everything.
  116. 00:10:15 (Laughter) >> Dave: Well, it happened at the white house.
  117. 00:10:19 Look, here's what I'm talking about.
  118. 00:10:22 >> Paul: Here we go.
  119. 00:10:24 >> So as the water is in here -- >> whoa!
  120. 00:10:33 >> Dave: You can't really blame the kid!
  121. 00:10:36 Everybody, it's paul right there ladies and gentlemen, our good friend, the very talented steve martin is here tonight.
  122. 00:10:48 We'll be right back.
  123. 00:10:49 God bless everybody.
  124. 00:12:46 know you.
  125. 00:12:47 But the sun's alwaysa little brighter WITH Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy.
  126. 00:12:51 It's crisp, refreshing beer, brewed with the natural flavor of lemonade that's inspired by a classic german style and perfect for summers out here, here and especially here.
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  132. 00:14:22 We believe it can be the most valuable real estate on earth.
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  136. 00:14:41 Love.
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  138. 00:15:05 ♪ ♪
  139. 00:15:05 ♪ ♪
  140. 00:15:06 >> Dave: Hey!
  141. 00:15:10 That's right.
  142. 00:15:13 That's paul, that's america's mighty mighty party and show band.
  143. 00:15:17 >> Paul: Getting it done.
  144. 00:15:19 Paul shaffer, broadway melody makers.
  145. 00:15:22 We're here!
  146. 00:15:23 >> Dave: Thank you and thank you this goes right along with what I was saying earlier.
  147. 00:15:31 Why so much damn bad news?
  148. 00:15:33 Listen to this.
  149. 00:15:33 A report from the government, more than half of our country's meat, more than half of our -- we all eat meat, right?
  150. 00:15:40 >> Paul: I certainly do.
  151. 00:15:41 >> Dave: You know what I'm talking about?
  152. 00:15:43 >> Paul: I think we've got a lot of meat eaters tonight.
  153. 00:15:46 >> Dave: Half of our meat contains superbugs resistant to antibiotics.
  154. 00:15:50 What they're calling superbugs resistant to antibiotics.
  155. 00:15:54 But help is on the way.
  156. 00:15:55 Watch.
  157. 00:15:56 >> Based on new governnt data, a sizable increase has been found in meat contaminated with antibiotic resistant superbugs.
  158. 00:16:03 But don't worry, that's why there's scott's turf builder and superbug killer.
  159. 00:16:09 Remove your meat from its packaging and spray it down.
  160. 00:16:13 Water your meat and after three to six weeks dinner is served.
  161. 00:16:17 Scotts turf builder and superbug killer.
  162. 00:16:21 Yumo.
  163. 00:16:21 >> Yumo is right.
  164. 00:16:22 No one gets that, I don't get it.
  165. 00:16:24 But we all enjoy the phrase "remove your meat from the " hey, alan, what time is it?
  166. 00:16:30 >> Alan: It's time for stooge of the night!
  167. 00:16:37 ♪ Stooge of the night ♪
  168. 00:16:41 >> Alan: Tonight's stooge of the night is republican senator jeff flake of arizona!
  169. 00:16:46 >> Dave: Thank you very much, alan.
  170. 00:16:48 Senator jeff flake voted no on gun control legislation just weeks after saying "one thing we can all agree on is strengthening background checks " let's take another look at jeff flake.
  171. 00:17:00 There he is, ladies and gentlemen, good looking guy, winning smile.
  172. 00:17:04 Getting it done.
  173. 00:17:05 (Laughter) jeff flake, our stooge of the night.
  174. 00:17:10 The let's just take a couple of seconds.
  175. 00:17:13 (Applause) reminds me a little of gomer pyle.
  176. 00:17:23 (Laughter) there he is, senator jeff flake.
  177. 00:17:27 Congratulations, senator.
  178. 00:17:28 (Laughter) okay, alan, take it away.
  179. 00:17:33 >> Alan: Hey, fans, see you next " ♪ it's the stooge of the night ♪
  180. 00:17:44 >> Alan: Stooge of the night is brought to you by dell frisco's double legal steak house.
  181. 00:17:49 Remember, it's not a steak until it's a double eagle steak.
  182. 00:17:53 Back to you, dave.
  183. 00:17:54 >> Dave: Thank you very much.
  184. 00:17:55 Ladies and gentlemen, here's tonight's top ten list.
  185. 00:17:58 (Cheers and applause) earlier today the associated press-- one of the great news gathering organizations in the world, I worked for the a.p.
  186. 00:18:21 Years and years ago covering the truman campaign.
  187. 00:18:24 >> Paul: I'm sure you did.
  188. 00:18:25 (Laughter) >> Dave: Oh, we traveled from town to town on trains.
  189. 00:18:29 It was exciting.
  190. 00:18:29 >> Paul: The covered wagons?
  191. 00:18:31 >> Dave: That's right.
  192. 00:18:32 Well, anyway, somebody hacked into their twitter account and published phony bad reports about an attack on the white house.
  193. 00:18:42 Never happened, did not occur.
  194. 00:18:44 And the stock market dropped 150 points.
  195. 00:18:47 So the category tonight is: twitter account bulletins.
  196. 00:18:52 See?
  197. 00:18:53 This is one of many that were published and not all of them were true.
  198. 00:18:58 What about t one about the attack, not true.
  199. 00:19:00 twitter -- okay, here we go.
  200. 00:19:03 Number ten.
  201. 00:19:33 Yeah, hard to believe but that's actually true.
  202. 00:19:59 >> >> Dave: Feeney chinese hackers.
  203. 00:20:02 Which reminds me, have you ever played chinese checkers.
  204. 00:20:05 >> Paul: Yeah, back in the day.
  205. 00:20:06 >> Dave: When you were covering the truman campaign?
  206. 00:20:08 >> Paul: We'd circle the wagons and then we'd play chinese checkers.
  207. 00:20:22 ♪ ♪
  208. 00:20:23 ♪ ♪
  209. 00:20:27 ladies and gentlemen, when we return, steve martin will join us.
  210. 00:20:30 Thank you.
  211. 00:20:39 restaurant.
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  215. 00:20:44 That'd be like eating sweet ORsour chicken...
  216. 00:20:47 Oh, Grrrlg what is this?!
  217. 00:20:51 Sour's good, right?
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  277. 00:25:05 (cheers and applause) >> Dave: Thank you, paul.
  278. 00:25:10 >> Paul: That's what we go for.
  279. 00:25:11 >> Dave: Very tight >> Paul: We're trying.
  280. 00:25:16 >> Dave: Our first guest, a true renaissance man.
  281. 00:25:18 He's an accomplished actor, comedian, writer and musician and he has a brand new album of music we'd di brickell.
  282. 00:25:25 How about edie brickell, by the way?
  283. 00:25:29 Remember when she used to be on the show?
  284. 00:25:30 (Applause) with the new bohemians.
  285. 00:25:33 >> Paul: Those were the days, yeah.
  286. 00:25:35 Brilliant.
  287. 00:25:36 >> Dave: And guess what?
  288. 00:25:37 She ran off and married paul simon.
  289. 00:25:39 >> Paul: Yeah.
  290. 00:25:39 Still together and happy.
  291. 00:25:40 >> Dave: Family.
  292. 00:25:42 But what a lovely woman.
  293. 00:25:46 (Applause) and she's here tonight and she and steve martin have produced this work, collection of music so we're very happy to have both of them.
  294. 00:25:53 By the way, it's called "love has come for you" and it's in stores now so I hope you can stay through the show before you run out and get one.
  295. 00:26:01 (Laughter) ladies and gentlemen, here's our good friend steve martin.
  296. 00:26:05 Come on out here.
  297. 00:26:06 (Cheers and applause) ♪ ♪
  298. 00:26:08 ♪ ♪
  299. 00:26:18 >> Dave: How are you?
  300. 00:26:19 >> Very good.
  301. 00:26:20 >> Dave: You look wonderful.
  302. 00:26:22 >> Thank you very much.
  303. 00:26:22 >> Dave: Beautiful suit!
  304. 00:26:24 Thank you.
  305. 00:26:25 >> You know, dave, I was so excited to be on the show tonight but it turns out I am currently in europe and unable to be here.
  306. 00:26:35 (Laughter) >> Dave: Well, now that doesn't -- now wait a minute, that -- does that make any sense?
  307. 00:26:42 Is he coming back?
  308. 00:26:43 That makes no sense.
  309. 00:26:45 Is he coming back or -- >> you're here, you're supposed to be over there.
  310. 00:26:49 You're here, just have a seat and be funny.
  311. 00:26:53 Right over there, steve.
  312. 00:26:54 >> Dave: Steve?
  313. 00:26:55 >> Please, steve.
  314. 00:26:56 >> Dave: Thanks, biff.
  315. 00:26:57 (Laughter) steve martin, ladies and gentlemen.
  316. 00:27:07 Thank you.
  317. 00:27:09 Wow, that's -- that was hilarious!
  318. 00:27:12 (Laughter) >> Dave: That was great.
  319. 00:27:15 >> I actually am, I love doing your show.
  320. 00:27:16 >> Dave: Oh, that's nice.
  321. 00:27:17 >> One reason I'm glad and the second reason I'm glad to be here is a gift basket is a gift basket.
  322. 00:27:24 (Laughter) >> Dave: I want to fell you something.
  323. 00:27:26 I've known you a long time.
  324. 00:27:27 You have never looked better.
  325. 00:27:29 First of all, the suit is tremendous.
  326. 00:27:31 >> Thank you very much!
  327. 00:27:32 >> Dave: You look great, you look young.
  328. 00:27:34 And congratulations, you and your wife, a beautiful baby recently.
  329. 00:27:41 Baby -- >> oh, gosh, thank you for reminding me.
  330. 00:27:44 Thank you, thank you very much.
  331. 00:27:47 (Laughter) >> Dave: That's a -- that's a baby monitor.
  332. 00:27:52 >> Exactly, baby monitor.
  333. 00:27:54 >> Dave: Well,s where is baby?
  334. 00:27:56 >> Baby back at the hotel and I'm a responsible -- (baby crying) >> Dave: That's great.
  335. 00:28:05 Isn't that sweet?
  336. 00:28:08 (Dog barking) (horn honking) >> Dave: >> I think I left the window open.
  337. 00:28:15 (Someone coughing) >> Dave: Oh, what's that?
  338. 00:28:17 >> A little cough, who cares, big deal?
  339. 00:28:20 (Banjo playing) >> Dave: Wait a minute!
  340. 00:28:24 >> Very good!
  341. 00:28:25 Baby is very, very good with the banjo.
  342. 00:28:29 >> Bad di!
  343. 00:28:30 I need my daddy!
  344. 00:28:32 Daddy!
  345. 00:28:32 I need my daddy!
  346. 00:28:34 Daddy!
  347. 00:28:35 Daddy!
  348. 00:28:35 >> Oh, please, quiet!
  349. 00:28:38 That's enough of that.
  350. 00:28:38 All right.
  351. 00:28:45 Congratulations, a lovely little girl.
  352. 00:28:48 That's you you deserve congratulations.
  353. 00:28:51 How's it going?
  354. 00:28:51 >> It's going great.
  355. 00:28:53 First of all going great because I have a wonderful wife and mother.
  356. 00:28:58 >> Dave: That's good.
  357. 00:28:59 >> Really, I'm paying her a compliment.
  358. 00:29:01 (Laughter) everything is funny when I try to be serious but -- but I guess that's good.
  359. 00:29:08 Nature of my business.
  360. 00:29:09 >> Dave: What's the baby's name?
  361. 00:29:11 >> We've thought about the name quite a bit, conquistador, what do you think?
  362. 00:29:17 (Laughter) >> Dave: You're saying the baby's name is conquistador?
  363. 00:29:22 >> I didn't want to go with one of those hollywood -- you know how they come up with the weird names?
  364. 00:29:26 >> Dave: Yeah, that's right.
  365. 00:29:28 >> Conquistador says -- it's a statement, you know?
  366. 00:29:31 >> Dave: Yeah.
  367. 00:29:32 Yeah.
  368. 00:29:32 I would have thought it was kind of pronounced differently?
  369. 00:29:38 >> I believe it to be pronounce it had spanish way.
  370. 00:29:40 >> Dave: Conquistador martin.
  371. 00:29:44 (Laughter) >> should there be a hyphen?
  372. 00:29:48 >> >> Dave: No, no, it's fine.
  373. 00:29:50 >> Maybe the "q" should be a capital.
  374. 00:29:52 >> Dave: No, you're just fine.
  375. 00:29:54 I've admired you so many times for so many different reasons.
  376. 00:29:57 You're a man of wide ranging interests.
  377. 00:30:00 But you've never -- you're not really a political comedian, are you?
  378. 00:30:04 >> No, I never did that.
  379. 00:30:05 I had a reason for it, too, because being an actor and non-political comedian I didn't want laughs to be colored by -- you know, if you're -- if I'm playing a role, for example, i didn't want the audience to think oh, he's a lefty or a righty, you know?
  380. 00:30:26 And I don't believe the audience really wants to know what my theory is about the shape of the human skull and based on those skull shapes who should live and who should die.
  381. 00:30:37 (Laughter) (applause) >> Dave: It's going to be a long difficult life for the baby.
  382. 00:30:53 (Laughter) you know, when I saw you -- >> by the way, if you toss a baby into the air -- >> Dave: Oh, no!
  383. 00:31:05 >> Do you catch it?
  384. 00:31:06 Oh, okay, good to know.
  385. 00:31:07 >> Dave: I saw you today, there's a documentary, I'm sure you're well aware of this, about ricky jay, the magician.
  386. 00:31:13 >> He's fantastic, he's been a life long friend.
  387. 00:31:16 >> Dave: That's what is explained in the documentary.
  388. 00:31:18 >> My only one.
  389. 00:31:19 >> Dave: No, no.
  390. 00:31:20 But fascinating and historically dense with information about magicians and magic for hundreds of years, really.
  391. 00:31:28 Is >> is he going to be on the show?
  392. 00:31:30 >> Dave: I hope he's going to be on the show.
  393. 00:31:32 >> That one fantastic.
  394. 00:31:33 >> Dave: You did a magic act.
  395. 00:31:35 You were the great flydini.
  396. 00:31:37 >> I was the great flydini but i started as a ma sigs and i worked at disneyland.
  397. 00:31:43 I did tricks eight to 12 hours a day for the audience and that's how you become good at something.
  398. 00:31:48 Unlike doing something for an (laughter) >> Dave: I don't know why -- I'm just sitting here -- >> you know, I'm thinking about the late night wars and all this and I'm thinking that some comedians just say funny things.
  399. 00:32:08 >> Dave: Uh-huh.
  400. 00:32:09 >> And some comedians say things funny.
  401. 00:32:14 >> Dave: Right.
  402. 00:32:15 >> But you -- >> Dave: Yeah?
  403. 00:32:17 >> -- Say things.
  404. 00:32:18 (Laughter) >> Dave: Thanks.
  405. 00:32:25 That's nice.
  406. 00:32:25 >> Yeah.
  407. 00:32:29 >> Dave: I'm very excited about this.
  408. 00:32:31 Edie brickell.
  409. 00:32:31 How long have you known edie brickell?
  410. 00:32:33 >> I've known her over 20 years but we just started working together in the the last really year, 14 months.
  411. 00:32:39 >> Paul: I think I've known her longer than you have.
  412. 00:32:41 >> Oh, I don't think that's possible.
  413. 00:32:43 >> Dave: No, I've known her longer.
  414. 00:32:45 >> You have?
  415. 00:32:45 >> Dave: She used to be on the old show for years and years.
  416. 00:32:48 >> How come you're not working on an album with her?
  417. 00:32:52 >> Dave: Maybe I am.
  418. 00:32:52 >> I'd like to see that.
  419. 00:32:54 >> Dave: Maybe I'll come on your show and we'll do a number from our album.
  420. 00:32:58 (Laughter) >> you no that I don't have a show -- (laughter) >> Dave: All right, we'll see what we can do about getting him a show.
  421. 00:33:11 When we come back, edie brickell will be here.
  422. 00:33:14 (Applause) ♪
  423. 00:33:48 [ Male Announcer ] A CAR THATCAN ACTUALLY See like a human, using stereoscopic cameras.
  424. 00:33:54 ♪ ♪
  425. 00:33:55 and even stop itself if it has to.
  426. 00:33:59 ♪ ♪
  427. 00:34:00 the technologymay be hard to imagine.
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  430. 00:34:08 The 2014 e-class.
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  433. 00:34:16 couple rivals enjoying one app and 2 entreesfor just 20 bucks.
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  435. 00:34:20 Yes! in your face, knight!
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  440. 00:34:29 See you tomorrow.
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  446. 00:34:57 ,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ ♪
  447. 00:36:40 ♪ ♪
  448. 00:36:44 >> Dave: Edie brickell.
  449. 00:36:48 Thank you for being here.
  450. 00:36:49 >> Thank you for having me.
  451. 00:36:50 >> Dave: I was talking to paul about when you used to come on the old show.
  452. 00:36:53 It was nice to have you here.
  453. 00:36:55 And now -- and then your career changed, you became a mom and had three kids and we were just talking about them and one's like 20 and one's 18 and some -- >> were you talking to me?
  454. 00:37:04 (Laughter) >> Dave: No, if I was talking to you, you'd still be in this chair.
  455. 00:37:08 >> Oh, I'm sorry.
  456. 00:37:12 (Laughter) >> I thought the questions didn't apply and I was confused.
  457. 00:37:17 >> Dave: You can go back to sleep.
  458. 00:37:18 >> Okay.
  459. 00:37:19 >> Dave: Anyway, it's great to have you back and congratulations on everything.
  460. 00:37:23 >> Thanks so much.
  461. 00:37:25 >> Dave: Remember when you would come on the show?
  462. 00:37:27 >> I remember it.
  463. 00:37:28 I was so excited and nervous at the same time.
  464. 00:37:31 But you were always so nice to me.
  465. 00:37:32 >> Dave: How do you feel now >> I think it's the same.
  466. 00:37:35 >> Dave: New bohemians, where are those guys?
  467. 00:37:38 >> I still play with those guys.
  468. 00:37:40 They're in texas, living large, sweet guys.
  469. 00:37:44 >> Dave: I always thought you were somebody who liked whiskey, am I right about that?
  470. 00:37:49 >> I like it all, yeah.
  471. 00:37:52 (Laughter) >> Dave: How did you and steve begin the musical collaboration?
  472. 00:37:56 >> I told him I was a big fan of his music and if he ever wanted to write a song together I would love to do it and he said I have a tune.
  473. 00:38:04 And then I thought well, that's that then.
  474. 00:38:07 The next week he actually call up and said "so do you want to " and we got together and he played it for me.
  475. 00:38:13 >> Dave: So your responsibility was writing the lyrics of the music he was supplying?
  476. 00:38:17 Is that how it works?
  477. 00:38:18 >> I would sing along to his banjo tunes until a song came about.
  478. 00:38:22 >> Dave: Subpoena the banjo easy to sing along to?
  479. 00:38:24 >> Yeah!
  480. 00:38:25 >> Dave: Now, steve have you ever written music?
  481. 00:38:28 (Laughter) >> are you talking to me now?
  482. 00:38:39 (Laughter) >> Dave: Yes, now!
  483. 00:38:41 Now I am talking to you.
  484. 00:38:41 (Applause) >> I have two previous albums, i wrote every song on there!
  485. 00:38:54 Do you supply lyrics to songs?
  486. 00:38:55 >> Yes, I have, I wrote to lyrics on the song, too.
  487. 00:38:58 But'd city a much better lyricist than I am and she's an artistic lyric writer.
  488. 00:39:04 >> Dave: And not only that an excellent musician and a wonderful voice.
  489. 00:39:08 Now do you ever do any vocals on this music?
  490. 00:39:10 >> On -- one cut I sing along, a duet we'd di.
  491. 00:39:14 >> Dave: How did that happen?
  492. 00:39:17 >> I leave there to her because she's great at it.
  493. 00:39:18 >> Dave: But were you comfortable singing?
  494. 00:39:21 >>Ish.
  495. 00:39:21 (Laughter) I keep thinking I did have a hit sing where will I sang.
  496. 00:39:28 >> Dave: Oh, that's right, i remember the king tut deal.
  497. 00:39:33 (Applause) >> yeah, I was thinking of "candle in the wind" but king tut, too, yes.
  498. 00:39:40 (Laughter) >> Dave: There's something wrong with him!
  499. 00:39:46 So what kind of stuff is on there?
  500. 00:39:49 You have like ten or 12 songs and what kind of things.
  501. 00:39:52 One is a sad song about suicide, for god's sakes?
  502. 00:39:55 >> No, that's the happy tune that steve sings on.
  503. 00:40:00 (Laughter) >> it was the strangest thing.
  504. 00:40:03 I would send her a tune, a melody on the banjo and then these songs would come back with the lyrics written and one of them is an upbeat tune -- it's a faster kind of upbeat tune about suicide.
  505. 00:40:17 (Laughter) >> Dave: Long, difficult life for the daughter.
  506. 00:40:26 (Laughter) but now, edie, when you would get steve music would you go to your husband paul simon and say "oh, listen to this"?
  507. 00:40:33 (Laughter) or was he help informal the process?
  508. 00:40:36 >> No, he never heard it.
  509. 00:40:38 He didn't hear it until about a month ago when our album was made.
  510. 00:40:41 >> Dave: And you guys are going on tour this summer, is that correct?
  511. 00:40:44 >> Yes, we are.
  512. 00:40:45 >> Dave: How long will you be going?
  513. 00:40:47 >> We'll keep the tour manageable.
  514. 00:40:49 We're doing -- we start in fort myers, florida, on may 22 and then we do about nine days at the end of may, june, and july and then some in october.
  515. 00:40:59 >> Dave: This will be great and I would like to travel with you, too.
  516. 00:41:02 >> You can, we have a bus.
  517. 00:41:04 >> Dave: >> Come on!
  518. 00:41:05 >> Dave: Well, I'm not getting on a bus.
  519. 00:41:07 I won't be getting on a bus.
  520. 00:41:09 >> Dave: >> We were thinking of you driving.
  521. 00:41:13 >> Dave: Oh.
  522. 00:41:14 (Laughter) I mean, honest to good, ladies and gentlemen.
  523. 00:41:18 is " the delightful edie brickell and the sort of delightful steve martin.
  524. 00:41:25 And the other interesting thing about the album, our friend martin mull did the cover art and if you turn it over -- >> by the way, that's a painting not a photograph.
  525. 00:41:34 That's a painting he did.
  526. 00:41:37 >> Dave: And you two have replicated martin mull's painting.
  527. 00:41:41 A painting he owns.
  528. 00:41:42 How is he?
  529. 00:41:43 >> He's fantastic.
  530. 00:41:44 Still doing comedy, sitcom.
  531. 00:41:46 >> Dave: Very funny man.
  532. 00:41:48 >> And quite a painter he want's been painting his whole life.
  533. 00:41:50 >> Dave: How's your friend paul doing?
  534. 00:41:52 >> He's great.
  535. 00:41:53 Thank you for asking.
  536. 00:41:54 >> Dave: Does garfunkle ever come around?
  537. 00:41:56 (Laughter) >> I'm never home if he does.
  538. 00:42:02 I haven't seen him.
  539. 00:42:04 >> Dave: The two of them, steve and edie, ladies and gentlemen, will be back later to do a song for from their lovely new c.d.
  540. 00:42:11 We'll be right back with jenna fischer.
  541. 00:42:14 It's so nice to see you.
  542. 00:42:15 (Applause) peoplea question: How old is the oldest personyou've known?
  543. 00:42:50 We gave people a sticker and had them show us.
  544. 00:42:54 We learned a lot of ushave known someone who's lived well into their 90s.
  545. 00:42:57 And that's a great thing.
  546. 00:42:58 But even thoughwe're living longer, the official retirement age.
  547. 00:43:04 ♪ ♪
  548. 00:43:05 the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years.
  549. 00:43:11 ♪ ♪
  550. 00:43:17 ♪
  551. 00:43:18 [ laughs ] WHOO.
  552. 00:43:19 ♪ ♪
  553. 00:43:21 oh.
  554. 00:43:21 Nice! great!
  555. 00:43:22 [ laughs ] A shot like that calls for a postgame celebration.
  556. 00:43:25 [ Male Announcer ] SHARE WHATYOU LOVE WITH Who you love.
  557. 00:43:28 Kellogg's Frosted Flakes.
  558. 00:43:30 They're gr-r-eat!
  559. 00:43:32 ♪
  560. 00:43:34 [ lighter flicking ] [ Male Announcer ] YOU'VE REACHED THE AGE Where giving up isn't who you are.
  561. 00:43:42 ♪ ♪
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  570. 00:44:06 Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing.
  571. 00:44:12 This is the age of taking action.
  572. 00:44:14 to your doctor.
  573. 00:44:17 ♪
  574. 00:44:18 sis!
  575. 00:44:19 Yeessss?
  576. 00:44:19 Where you hidin' your moist wipes?
  577. 00:44:21 Oh, I don't need 'em.
  578. 00:44:22 Really?
  579. 00:44:25 What are you doing?
  580. 00:44:26 Oh, just getting clean with no water.
  581. 00:44:29 Kinda like using t.p. with no moist wipes.
  582. 00:44:33 Hmm. point taken.
  583. 00:44:37 Thank you.
  584. 00:44:38 [ Female Announcer ]NOTHING LEAVES YOU FEELING Cleaner and fresher than the cottonellecare routine -- now with a touch of cotton.
  585. 00:44:43 Test your cleaning logicat
  586. 00:45:35 ] [ blows ] [ poof! ] Wooo! hey there!i'm your rav4 genie.
  587. 00:45:43 Got any wishes?
  588. 00:45:44 I wish my son was safer.
  589. 00:45:45 Well, this rav4 has a blind spotmonitor and 8 airbags.
  590. 00:45:49 Whoa!
  591. 00:45:50 How aboutwhen he's not in the car?
  592. 00:45:52 Right.
  593. 00:45:53 [ snaps fingers ] [ laughter ] Oh, no.
  594. 00:45:57 Oh, yeah. wooo!
  595. 00:45:59 Use your knees.
  596. 00:46:00 [ Male Announcer ]THE ALL-NEW RAV4.
  597. 00:46:02 Toyota. let's go places.
  598. 00:46:36 febrezestick refresh with command strips from 3m.
  599. 00:46:38 Designed to stick and eliminate odors anywhere.
  600. 00:46:41 Like this overflowing trashcan.
  601. 00:46:42 To test it, we brought in the scott family.
  602. 00:46:44 So what do you smell?
  603. 00:46:45 Beach house and you're looking out over the ocean.
  604. 00:46:47 Some place like, uh, hawaii in like a flower field.
  605. 00:46:51 Take your blindfolds off.
  606. 00:46:52 AW MAN! [ screams ] [ laughs ] That smells good.
  607. 00:46:56 I wouldn't even just put it in the trash, I'd put it in every room.
  608. 00:46:59 Stick it to eliminate odors anywhere.
  609. 00:47:01 New febreze stick & refresh.breathe happy.
  610. 00:47:40 ♪ ♪
  611. 00:47:42 ♪ ♪
  612. 00:47:43 >> Dave: That's right.
  613. 00:47:44 You know exactly -- that's exactly and yo kno it.
  614. 00:47:54 For the past nine years our next guest has starred on the popular television series "the office" and the series finale will take on nbc.
  615. 00:48:02 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome the t lovely jenna fischer.
  616. 00:48:05 Jenna, come on out here.
  617. 00:48:15 ♪ ♪
  618. 00:48:15 ♪ ♪
  619. 00:48:24 >> Dave: How are you?
  620. 00:48:25 >> I'm good!
  621. 00:48:26 >> Dave: You're living in new york city?
  622. 00:48:29 Do I have this right?
  623. 00:48:30 You're living here before?
  624. 00:48:31 >> Never before.
  625. 00:48:31 This is my first time.
  626. 00:48:33 >> Dave: Do you like it?
  627. 00:48:34 >> I love it.
  628. 00:48:35 I felt it was an essential part of the artistic experience.
  629. 00:48:39 >> Dave: You're doing a stage play.
  630. 00:48:40 >> Yes, doing a play called " >> Dave: Is it humorous, dramatic, both?
  631. 00:48:46 >> It's both.
  632. 00:48:47 It's both >> Dave: I'm told it opens the very night the season finale of "the office" will be shown on t.v.
  633. 00:48:59 >> That's true.
  634. 00:49:00 It's so poetic, right?
  635. 00:49:02 >> Dave: The closing of one door, the opening of another.
  636. 00:49:04 >> Dave: Exactly.
  637. 00:49:06 How do you feel now that you've been out of "the office" as we say.
  638. 00:49:10 >> You know, I was on "the office" for nine years so it's very emotional.
  639. 00:49:14 Very emotional.
  640. 00:49:15 (Applause) but I'm really happy with now it ended.
  641. 00:49:20 As a fan of the show myself I am really excited about how everybody's story wrapped up moochlt >> Dave: Did they talk to the cast members about what would be an appropriate satisfying ending?
  642. 00:49:29 >> A little bit.
  643. 00:49:30 They did actually interview each cast member and ask us what would make us happiest.
  644. 00:49:35 What our character's dream come true might be and they weaved those suggestions into the end.
  645. 00:49:39 >> Dave: Very nice.
  646. 00:49:40 Congratulations, we'll look forward to that.
  647. 00:49:42 So you bring your daughter?
  648. 00:49:43 >> My son.
  649. 00:49:44 The whole time, my husband and my son, we all moved out here.
  650. 00:49:47 >> Dave: That's a big deal, isn't it?
  651. 00:49:49 >> I don't know how people raise kids in manhattan.
  652. 00:49:52 I mean, I really -- I give name lot of props.
  653. 00:49:54 It is hard to get around.
  654. 00:49:58 My husband had to go out of town and I had my son by myself and i thought "i'm going to take him " he's got a little book and in the book the little boy goes tohe bones he " and when my son reads the book " I thought I'm going take him to the real thing and show those kids the real bones.
  655. 00:50:22 (Laughter) so I get us there, get us down on the subway track and I look up and I realize this is the wrong train.
  656. 00:50:28 (Laughter) I'm on the wrong train.
  657. 00:50:31 >> Dave: Not a huge problem.
  658. 00:50:34 >> No, it's going there the right direction.
  659. 00:50:35 So I'm like let's get on it, see where we end up.
  660. 00:50:38 (Laughter) >> Dave: (Laughs) >> so I get us on and it lets us out on the upper east side of manhattan.
  661. 00:50:44 >> Dave: Museum is upper west side.
  662. 00:50:46 >> Right.
  663. 00:50:47 Central park is in the middle.
  664. 00:50:48 >> Dave: Right, in between we have the central park.
  665. 00:50:50 >> Well, I don't know how wide central park is, but I walked it.
  666. 00:50:53 (Laughter) I pushed that kid, his gear, his stroller, our lunch through central park, I passed by playgrounds, I passed by a duck pond.
  667. 00:51:02 I consider all these fun things we could stop and do and i thought no we are going to see some (bleep)ing dinosaur bones if it kills me!
  668. 00:51:10 >> Dave: Sort of got the wrong attitude about it now but i admire that.
  669. 00:51:13 (Applause) so we went.
  670. 00:51:15 We get to the museum, we get in the front door and it's -- they say "oh, this entrance is for " I said "how much is a " so I'm member now.
  671. 00:51:28 (Laughter) >> Dave: (Laughs) that's how they can afford the dinosaur bones.
  672. 00:51:32 >> That's right.
  673. 00:51:32 That's right.
  674. 00:51:33 And we finally, finally get to the room with dinosaurs.
  675. 00:51:36 This is like an hour.
  676. 00:51:37 We're finally there and sure enough, we walk in the room and " >> Dave: So it's wonderful.
  677. 00:51:45 That's good.
  678. 00:51:45 >> I almost cried.
  679. 00:51:46 I was so proud.
  680. 00:51:47 >> Dave: That's a lovely moment.
  681. 00:51:48 >> I was so proud.
  682. 00:51:49 Yes, it was worth it.
  683. 00:51:51 (Applause) >> Dave: And how old is your son?
  684. 00:51:54 >> He's a year and a half.
  685. 00:51:55 >> Dave: Year and a half.
  686. 00:51:56 The that's very sweet.
  687. 00:51:57 And then did you continue to enjoy the dinosaurs and other -- >> (laughs) I did.
  688. 00:52:02 They're very interesting.
  689. 00:52:04 Right after we walked in the door and he said "wow" he looked over and he saw a little boy playing with a tiny train that he had brought from home and he " and he ran over and the two little boys surrounded by dinosaur bones played with a little train from their house.
  690. 00:52:22 (Laughter) >> Dave: But that's perfect.
  691. 00:52:25 Really you have there the history of humans and the planet right there.
  692. 00:52:29 Little boys playing with a tiny train surrounded by -- that's very sweet.
  693. 00:52:34 >> Yeah, that is.
  694. 00:52:35 (Laughter) >> Dave: When you're done with the play -- you're lucky you don't to start looking for a job off job.
  695. 00:52:45 You're going to work on the play.
  696. 00:52:46 But beyond that huff to audition stuff now and -- >> no, I still have to audition for things.
  697. 00:52:53 >> Dave: No, you don't.
  698. 00:52:55 >> Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.
  699. 00:52:57 But I guess I'll go back to the old days.
  700. 00:52:59 >> Dave: When was the last time you had an audition?
  701. 00:53:02 >> The last thing I auditioned " >> Dave: Oh, with larry david.
  702. 00:53:08 >> It was a guest spot on "curb " (applause) >> Dave: How need good go?
  703. 00:53:13 >> I do not get the role, everybody.
  704. 00:53:16 It was -- it was actually a really great thing because i went into the audition, it was with larry david!
  705. 00:53:22 Here I am, I'm a huge fan and I'm supposed to improvise with larry david and it was a scene -- I can't remember what it was about but he made a gesture toward me like he was going to hug me which didn't really make any sense but I thought, well, I'm not going to -- okay, so i went toward him and as I was going toward him I realized he was just gesturing.
  706. 00:53:43 He didn't want to hug me.
  707. 00:53:44 So then we had that awkward, like thing and I thought oh.
  708. 00:53:49 And so someone's got to do something so I just hugged him!
  709. 00:53:53 >> Dave: (Laughs) >> and held on.
  710. 00:53:56 (Laughter) >> Dave: Really, you can't go wrong with that, can you?
  711. 00:53:59 >> It was so awful and I left -- I didn't get the role and I went home and my friend said "jenna, you had -- that's better than getting the part!
  712. 00:54:08 You had a larry david " " at the time I was like "i need a new couch!
  713. 00:54:15 I wanted the part more than an " >> Dave: I don't know.
  714. 00:54:18 I'd take a hug any day.
  715. 00:54:20 >> Well, now it's a good story.
  716. 00:54:22 It all worked out.
  717. 00:54:23 >> Dave: An excellent story.
  718. 00:54:24 Now, ladies and gentlemen, if you're smart and can figure this out, may 16 is the season finale and you can also then see her, new york theater stage debut?
  719. 00:54:33 >> That's right.
  720. 00:54:34 >> Dave: Lovely.
  721. 00:54:35 And the name of the production is?
  722. 00:54:37 >> "Reasons to be happy.
  723. 00:54:38 " >> Dave: This is jenna fischer.
  724. 00:54:41 Congratulations.
  725. 00:54:42 Thank you so much for being here.
  726. 00:54:43 We'll be right back with steve martin and edie brickell, ,,,,,,,,,,,, @p of there.
  727. 00:56:51 I knew DeVry university would give me the skills that I needed to make one of those tech jobs mine.
  728. 00:56:56 We teach cutting-edge engineering technology, computer information systems, networking and communications management -- the things that our students need to know in the world today.
  729. 00:57:05 Our country needs more college grads to help fill all the open technology jobs.
  730. 00:57:09 TO HELP MEET THAT NEED, HERE at DeVry university, we're offering 4 million dollars in tech scholarships for qualified new students.
  731. 00:57:16 LEARN MORE at
  732. 00:58:08 (Applause) >> Dave: Okay thank you, paul.
  733. 00:58:18 Our next guests have combined their musical talents to create this wonderful new album entitled "love has come for " please welcome now, along with the steep canyon rangers steve martin and edie brickell.
  734. 00:58:31 Kids, take it away.
  735. 00:58:33 (Cheers and applause) ♪ when you get to asheville send me an email ♪ tell me how you're doing how it's treating you ♪ did you find a new job did you find a new love ♪ is it everything that
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