
Sticking it to ya

Oct 11th, 2016
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  1. >April fools was fast approaching
  2. >The twins were breaking out the bubble wrap, Lisa was preparing the bunker
  3. >Everyone was in a panic
  4. >Everyone except for Lori
  5. >Lori decided that the simplest way to deal with Luan was to simply confiscate all her props
  6. >"Lori..." Said Luan as she walked into the Living room "Where's all my stuff?"
  7. >"It's locked up" replied Lori "I'm not letting you torment everyone this year"
  8. >"Give it back" Demanded Luan, a look of anger growing on her face
  9. >Lori put down her nail polish and Looked at Luan
  10. >"You can have it all back on April 2nd" replied Lori, giving Luan a stern look "until then, it stays hidden"
  11. >Luan stomped out of the room, absolutely furious that her fun had been ruined
  12. >"Stupid Lori" she thought to herself "Does she really think I need my stuff to pull pranks? I'll show her"
  13. >Luan went into the garage and looked through the storage boxes
  14. >"Where is everything?" Asked Luan as she rifled through the boxes
  15. >there wasn't a hammer, a nail, a screwdriver, or a roll of duct tape in the garage to be found
  16. >"Looking for something?" Asked Lori, a smug grin on her face "Don't bother. I hid everything you could possibly use to make one of your Little pranks"
  17. >Luan kept tearing through boxes and drawers, she searched high and low but couldn't find anything
  18. >Feeling defeated, she went up to her room
  19. >as she passed Lincoln's open door she noticed something
  20. >A small bottle of superglue
  22. >Luan quickly grabbed the small bottle and hid it in her skirt
  23. >"this is perfect" thought Luan as she ran back to her room "bet she was too busy talking to 'poopoo bear' to even notice it"
  24. >Luan sat down on her bed to plan her next move
  25. >"now, what to do with you" Said Luan, eyeing the half full bottle of glue
  26. >"Sticky door handles? nah, it would dry too fast"
  27. >"glue her to a chair, not enough glue"
  28. >Luan lay there on the bed weighing her options
  29. >"What do you mean you're going out of town?"
  30. >Luan could hear Lori shouting from down stairs
  31. >"Tonight was supposed to be our special night!" Said Lori with a twinge of sadness in her voice
  32. >"Hmm, Guess bobby's not gonna be here tonight" thought Luan as she Listened through the door
  33. >"What am I supposed to do tonight by myself?" she bellowed into the phone
  34. >"UGH, Fine, I'll just have to do it myself."
  35. >"Do it yourself huh?"
  36. >A smile quickly grew on Luan's face
  37. >"I think I know Exactly what to do with you my Little friend" She whispered, giving the bottle of glue a little kiss
  38. >Luan quickly ran into Lori's room and rifled through her drawers
  39. >"C'mon, Where is it?" She mumbled as she opened another drawer "gotta be here somewhere..."
  40. >"here you are" Said Luan, holding a bottle of Lube
  41. >"This'll really 'stick it to her'" Giggled Luan as she poured the Superglue into the lube and gave it a shake to mix
  42. >With the contents mixed together, Luan put back the Lube and snuck out of the room
  43. >"all that's left is to wait" Thought Luan as she got her camera to film the reaction
  44. >Checking the film, she noticed the camera was empty
  45. >"She took my film too?" Said Luan, trying to find another empty tape "well no matter, I can always get more"
  46. >Luan ran outside and hopped on her bike
  47. >"Probably better that I'm not here when it happens" She thought as she peddled to the store
  48. >"Lori would probably kill me if I was around"
  50. >With a whole new set of cassettes in hand Luan was starting to make her way home
  51. >*grumble*
  52. >"huh, All this pranking is making me hungry" thought Luan, putting a hand on her stomach
  53. >"either that, or the 4 mile bike ride..."
  54. >Looking around, Luan found a small pizza shop
  55. >"Guess I could go for a victory slice"
  56. >Luan sat down to a nice slice of pepperoni, giggling as she imagined what was happening to Lori
  57. >"She's probably waddling her way over to the bathroom right about now" Thought Luan as she took another bite
  59. >"Huh?" mumbled Luan as she pulled out her cell phone and answered "Hello?"
  60. >"LUAN!" Shouted Lori through the phone, causing Luan to move it away from her ear
  61. >"Hey Lori" Answered Luan innocently "What's up?
  63. >"All right all right, I'll be home in a minute" Replied Luan before hanging up and getting on her bike
  64. >"Looks like the fun's already getting started"
  65. >Luan peddled as hard and as fast as she could, not wanting to miss a thing
  66. >As she arrived home she noticed that Lori's car was missing, and that the mailbox was knocked down
  67. >"What the heck is going on?" thought Luan as she put her bike in the garage
  68. >as she walked through the front door Lori grabbed her and threw her on the couch
  69. >"LUAN, WHAT DID YOU DO!?"Screamed Lori, Her face bright red
  70. >"What's the matter Lori?" Asked Luan "Get into a sticky situation?"
  71. >"You think this is funny?" Asked Lori as she shook Luan "LINCOLN IS IN THE HOSPITAL!"
  73. >"WHAT?" Yelled Luan, shocked by the news "What happened?"
  74. >Lori took a deep breath, trying to calm herself a bit
  75. >"Well" She started, her hands still shaking with anger "It would seem that Lincoln has been using"
  76. >"Your toys?" Repeated Luan, unable to believe what she was hearing
  78. >"He came downstairs screaming about one of them being 'stuck'" Explained Lori
  79. >"I would have yelled at him, but he was so scared that I figured that would be lesson enough"
  80. >"I told him to push the little black button on the side to release the air so it would shrink, but he said he already did that"
  81. >Luan's heart sunk as she realized what had happened
  82. >"I took him to my room to help him remove it, but it wouldn't come out" Said Lori, tears starting to form in her eyes
  83. >"I pulled and pulled, trying to get it loose, but it wouldn't budge. So I asked him if he used Any lube."
  84. >Luan could feel her heart beat increasing
  85. >"He pointed to the bottle of Lube he used and told me he used a lot of it."
  86. >"Lori I-"
  87. >"SO I PUT SOME ON MY FINGER AND WHAT DO I FIND!" Shouted Lori, interrupting Luan "GLUE!"
  88. >"YOU PUT GLUE IN MY LUBE!" She screamed, grabbing Luan "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!"
  89. >"I-I thought it would make a good prank" stuttered Luan, trying to defend herself "I figured it would stick a bit, then come off when you were wet enough"
  90. >"That may work" Said Lori, starting to look a bit calmer
  92. >"Lori I'm sorry, I-"
  93. >"SORRY!" Interrupted Lori "DO YOU KNOW HOW SCARED LINCOLN WAS!?"
  95. >Luan's face went pale
  96. >"D-Die?" She stuttered "H-He won't die, Right?"
  98. >"*Sigh* I don't know" Said Lori, her voice wavering "I'm sure he'll be okay"
  99. >"I had Leni take him to the hospital, and they arrived not too long ago, so I think we caught this before it could do any damage"
  100. >"D-Do mom and dad know?" Asked Luan, afraid of what was going to happen
  101. >"I haven't told them yet" Replied Lori "Frankly, I'm not sure if I want to"
  102. >Luan could feel a knot in her stomach
  103. >She couldn't stop thinking of Lincoln, crying and afraid
  104. >Lori sat down on the couch, trying to compose herself
  105. >"He wanted to ask me about boys" Said Lori "Earlier this week"
  106. >"Said he was getting curious about some things, But I was too busy with bobby to answer him"
  107. >Lori's eyeliner started to run down her cheeks
  108. >"If I had just talked to him, Maybe I could have helped him. Maybe he wouldn't have gotten curious and..."
  109. >As Lori started to break down, Leni pulled into the driveway
  110. >"hey guys" Said Lincoln as he opened the door "I'm back"
  111. >"OH MY GOD" Shouted Lori as she ran to Lincoln and hugged him "What did the doctor say, Are you going to be alright?"
  112. >"I'll be fine" Replied Lincoln "The doctor gave me something called a 'mineral oil enema', and the...thing came right out"
  113. >"the uh, the thing got melted by the superglue though" Said Lincoln, holding the deformed dildo up
  114. >"I don't care about that" Said Lori, tightening her hug "As long as you're okay, that's all that matters"
  115. >Luan stepped forward
  116. >"h-hey Lincoln" mumbled Luan, relieved yet still nervous "S-Sorry about wha-"
  117. >"Luan I'm tired, and I really don't want to talk right now" Said Lincoln as he limped to the stairs
  118. >"We can talk about this tomorrow"
  119. >As Lincoln hobbled up the steps to his room Luan turned to her sister
  120. >"Lori" Started Luan "Do you still have my box of props?"
  121. >"Yeah" Replied Lori "What about it"
  122. >"Burn it"
  124. END
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