

Aug 28th, 2015
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  1. F-Chat Log: scott mccall, Fri Aug 28 2015 06:09:23 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
  3. [01:07] Scott McCall frowns a little because, really, there's a part of the alpha that half expects his friend to just get up and leave or something. He wouldn't even be able to blame the boy if he did, either. But the hand keeps touching, sliding further down and prompting his heart to beat just a little faster. Cracks an eye just before those lips crush to his own, smile pulling wide as he presses in. Make up for lost time? He could totally do that. He would totally do that and now he doesn't have to feel that little pang of guilt with the boy knowing. As they kiss, one of those surprisingly strong arms winds its way around Stiles' middle, using it to pin the boy to him as he stands. Slow and careful he moves for his bed, where he can climb in on knees and slowly lower the other onto his back, and all without breaking the kiss for a moment.
  4. [01:18] Stiles - Stilinski would rather be subjected to another five hours in the car with Theo Raeken then to part ways with Scott, thank you very much. Part of him, too, has always known that his feelings for Scott had blossomed into much, much more - his indecision regarding those very feelings a product of Allison Argent rolling into their lives, of Kira Yukimura, of Lydia Martin, of Malia Tate. Now that both he and Scott were single, falling into each other like this was more than simple, it was natural, as natural as the way their lips meet, their bodies shift together and he becomes like putty in Scott's strong arms. Once Stiles is tossed onto the bed, best friend looming over him, the human gets to work on tugging his own pants off, for once thinking of himself as much as he thinks of Scott. He'd suggested they focus on mutual pleasure this time around, and hypocrisy is just something Stiles does not practice.
  5. [01:24] Scott McCall likes to think that maybe his relationships before Stiles were ones that just helped to sort of clear the air. Before Allison and Kira, Scott had been confused on a lot of things, and becoming a werewolf hadn't really done anything to remedy that situation any. Then they were gone and Stiles was there and... it just clicked in his head. Always late to the party, Scott McCall. And now - now he had the boy and he had him in the way he knew they should be and it was perfect. Every touch, every look, every little kiss shared - pure perfection. It's part of the reason he has no problem devoting himself solely to the boy in those moments, because the boy's pleasure was his own in turn. So when those hands move, Scott's quick to slap them away, pulling back to smile that lopsided smile of his down at him. "Let me do it. I won't rip anything this time, either. Promise." Steals another kiss then shoves the boy back onto the bed, hands dropping to slowly work his friend's belt undone first.
  6. [01:35] Stiles - Stilinski is more than relieved to finally have Scott all to himself, although that's something he might not admit unless prompted. When his hands are smacked away, Stiles cannot resist the grin forming upon his lips, opting to fold them behind his head and let his best friend do his thing. "Alright, let's see it, Scott. They're jeans, not a jigsaw puzzle, buddy." Part of him wants to disrobe as soon as possible so they can get on with what they both intended to do, but another part of him wants to lay back and relish in all things Scott & Stiles, to relish in the fact that amidst all the chaos, torment and death in Beacon Hills, they have finally come together in ways both magnificent and wholly inexplicable.
  7. [01:43] Scott McCall that little comment brings a surge of heat through his face, staining tanned features with a deep red coloring. "So not fair, man. You get me all worked up, then expect me to be able to get your pants undone? Not possible." This time, however, he doesn't have the same issue. He's not aching in his pants, trying desperately to get at the prize that is his lover. He's just taking his time, slowly and carefully pulling the zipper away once he's got the button popped. "This is still kinda weird, right?" Because as he speaks, he's hooking his fingers into the boy's jeans - just his jeans - and pulling, working denim down pale legs until he can pull it right off the boy's feet and throw it aside. "I mean, sometimes I look at you and I still see Stiles, my goofy best friend that I'd do anything for, but then... " Pauses as he crawls back over the boy, face getting more serious and tone lowering. "I see Stiles and it's just..." He whispers, leaning in to mouth along the boy's jaw, following it back to an ear. "It's a miracle that I can keep myself from shoving you up against the nearest wall and taking you then and there."
  8. [01:52] Stiles - Stilinski delights in the little blush that forms along Scott's face, knowing full well that he is responsible for the flushed complexion. "Well, I'm able to do all sorts of things when you're driving me crazy, why is that?" Stiles kicks up his legs in order to assist, shimmying out of the jeans and then resting the backs of his thighs atop Scott's own. His arms wind 'round Scott's neck, pulling the alpha against him while his hands roam and admire the muscles of his best friend's back. "Both, Scott. You can feel both ways about me," Stiles answers back while those lips ghost over his jawline and then, eventually, his ear. "Actually, you can feel any which way you want about me because I'm yours. I love you, Scott." Although he's not usually the type to say things like that, it's never been more appropriate than to just slide it in there when the opportunity arises. "I'm totally in love with you," he repeats, one foot trailing up the back of Scott's leg, rubbing against the alpha's calf. "I think I'd be okay with us being tender this time around."
  9. [02:00] Scott McCall can definitely be okay with both, especially since he's sure that's how good relationships are suppposed to go anyway. At least, he can imagine it. What else would be better than looking at someone and seeing your best friend, but also being able to see the one person you know you can't be without. Your soulmate, as cheesy as it probably sounds. Those words pull him back a little, eyes fixing down at that speckled face before a smile splits wide across his own - the kind that shows off almost every tooth in his mouth. "Yeah?" Lifts a hand up, fingers smoothing through his friend's hair as he moves in for a slow, but heated kiss. "I'm in love with you, too. God, you don't know what it's been like feeling that and not being able to say it - not thinking I would ever get to say it." He's whispering now, words almost lost in his friend's lips before he carefully pulls back. Hands quickly get his own shirt off, leaving tanned flesh bared and idly flexing for the boy while he works on finishing with the zipper of his own pants.
  10. [02:11] Stiles - Stilinski can't tell if he's melting because of how adorable Scott is or how assertive the latter is behaving, but he's melting all the same. Once Scott's gotten his shirt overhead and cast aside, Stiles sits up and cups either side of his best friend's face, pulling him in for another kiss because lord knows he can't get over the sparks that fly each time their mouths meet. Free hand reaches down to assist Scott in ridding himself of the jeans, mostly because even if they're going to take things slower than normal, there's no reason why there should be so much damn clothing still on. Then, once Scott's jeans are pretty much history, Stiles breaks the kiss and lays flat upon his back once more, tugging his shirt off and hooking his legs around his best friend's midsection. With a bend of his knees, Stilinski tugs the lycan flush against his own chest, hips idly rocking up against his best friend. "Before, you were pretty darn rough and shook the bed some when you had me on all fours. This time, let's break the headboard."
  11. [02:19] Scott McCall lets himself sink slowly into that kiss because, as much as he wants to just lay Stiles back and work the boy over until he's seeing stars, he wants the rest of it too. He likes kissing the other, getting lost in the mouth that's more sarcasm than anything else. Since this has started, he's found an almost overwhelming love for the taste of his best friend's mouth, which he takes with teasing licks as his pants are worked down and off. When they part, he's left softly panting, crooked grin in place and eyes scanning the pale expanse of his lover's torso. "Dude." It's all he says at first, because kissing the boy as his hips give a little buck, grinding them firmly together, seems like a far better thing at the moment than responding. "I think... If you keep talking like that, it might get broken." One of his hands finds its way down, smoothing along a pale hip before moving around to press against the small of Stiles' back, using it to lift the boy against him. "You taste so good." It's low and shaky, tongue making a slow pass over the boy's lips after speaking, only to seal their lips together again once more.
  12. [02:27] Stiles - Stilinski all but salivates at the taste of Scott on his tongue, sweet, overpowering and dizzying. Had he known things would be like this, he would've skipped the harmless experimentation they'd done years ago and gotten straight to kissing. Their lip lock alone has him hard and aching within the fabric of his dark briefs, straining against the male clambered on top of him. Once Scott's got that hand pressing into the dip just below his spine, Stiles croons into their kiss, tongue snaking past his lips and meshing against Scott's own. He wants to both devour and be devoured by Scott, to engulf and be engulfed, and as their hips roll against one another, the human finds his every desire being fulfilled. Even so, Stiles proves himself insatiable and ups the ante once again, reaching down between them with one hand to cup Scott from outside his underwear.
  13. [02:39] Scott McCall lets himself enjoy that kiss, slow and intense as it is. Everything about it is perfect, but that's not surprising considering his partner. Rather, it's not surprising considering his feelings for his partner. Those feelings - that love - can make anything seem amazing. It has him smiling still, until that teasing hand delves between them and cups, causing a shaky breath against the boy's mouth as he bucks, hips pressing his equally hard length against the hand as best as possible with boxer-briefs still in the way. "That's yours, you know. All yours. And this-" He pauses, hand dipping down from the boy's back, dark fingers curling firmly against his friends brief-clad ass for a squeeze. "This is mine." He doesn't mean for the brief flash of red as he says it, but the color is gone quick, and he's left with a little grin on his lips. Scott leans in after that, sealing his mouth to the spot directly below his friend's ear to softly suck while rocking himself slowly into that hand.
  14. [02:54] Stiles - Stilinski catches himself lingering on every word spoken by Scott, the flash of red in his best friend's eyes enough to have the human's heart swelling in his chest, fit to bursting when that mouth begins suckling upon his flesh. Loving Scott McCall was about the easiest thing that had ever come to Stiles, and yet, here he is, trembling beneath the love of his life with all the nervous excitement and giddiness of a virgin. Every time truly is like the first time. "Yours. All of me is yours." Nodding some, the human continues to grope, fondle, and squeeze his best friend from outside the briefs, proceeding to slide his hand within to fish Scott out of the shorts. "You're always so fucking hard, Scotty. I can't believe I make you like this," Stiles admits, fingers now setting about jerking him off in casual, relaxed, and languid yet powerful, deep strokes. "But then I remember you're here with me, your mouth on me, your body against mine, and I realize all of this is for me. That's why all that I am is for you, too."
  15. [03:10] Scott McCall keeps his mouth working that same spot, increasing the suction just enough so that, when he pulls away, there's a beautiful little bruise left behind. The boy might not be able to mark him, but he can certainly mark up that pale skin. A little too easily, actually. More than that mark, however, is the scent he leaves behind - too subtle for the human nose to pick up, but it's definitely there and it's definitely Scott and alpha and claim. The boy is his and anything with heightened senses would know it without a doubt. "How can I not be this hard for you? Have you seen you?" It almost sounds pathetic, like he's trying to explain something important and can't find the words. It doesn't help that he's already leaking clear fluids on the boy's fingers, hips still giving little bucks. "You're just... You're kind of perfect." Begins the process of kissing his way down after that, repeating the little statement over and over against warm skin. He only stops when he reaches those briefs, eyes fixing up on beautiful browns as teeth catch the waistband to pull them slowly down with a mostly playful growl.
  16. [03:19] Stiles - Stilinski can only imagine the sense of entitlement associated with hickeys in werewolf culture, if they even have one, can only imagine Scott's need to stake his claim. The possessiveness Stiles feels over McCall is not nearly as overpowering or as instinctive, but it gives way towards understanding, allows him to be sympathetic for Scott. Most of all, it gives way to the realization that, among other things, Scott sees him of value and if that alone isn't enough to make his heart sing, then nothing ever will. "If I'm perfect, it's only because I have you by my side," Stiles responds, sucking down on his teeth when the lycan makes his way down south and thus pulls away from his reach. No longer capable of grabbing at Scott, Stiles lays flat out on his back, brown hues boring into the lycan's own as he awaits whatever is to come, dick twitching visibly through the mesh of his briefs. "Is this the part when the Big Bad Wolf devours Little Red?"
  17. [03:30] Scott McCall grins wide around the fabric in his mouth as he pulls, working it down a little ways before hooking fingers in to help speed that process along. "God, yes." Is his response, belated as it might be, before he's sliding between those pale legs again. The boy got to tease and toy with him the night before, now it's his turn to do the same, providing his will holds out, of course. Lips touch soft kisses along the boy's inner thigh, eyes once again seeking out the other's, watching as he works his way slowly up. "I wish I could explain how good you smell right now. Which sounds kinda weird, I know, but... God, Stiles." And it's not just the boy's natural scent, which is like home for Scott McCall, but the heightened scent of the arousal and, more importantly, the knowledge that it's all for him. He wastes little time after in seeking out his friend's cock, fingers cupping against the top side of it so he can kiss a slow trail up the underside that ends with a teasing lick over the slit at the very tip.
  18. [05:18] Stiles - Stilinski watches in fascination as Scott prepares himself to go down on him, pale legs shifting this way and that to accommodate his best friend. Part of Stiles is anxious about being on the receiving end of what promises to be much, much pleasure, and another part wishes to readily bask in it. Lips present soft kisses to the thick, corded muscles of his thighs and Stiles becomes certain that, given the opportunity, Scott would eat him alive. Just watching Scott go about this mundane yet superlative task causes a hint of a blush to form along the bridge of his nose, brown eyes focused solely upon his best friend and the promise of being united once again real, real soon. "I wish you could, too, Scott. I want to know how it's possible for two people to be both the beginning and the end for one another, the alpha and omega, the dawn and the storm. I want to know how it is that you've become my everything," the human professes in a voice just a few octaves above a whisper, hitching further once Scott's hands are on his cock and that mouth is pressing kisses along the pink underside of his shaft. "Fuck, Scott. If you're going to eat me alive, please make it fast."
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