
Zettai Bouei Leviathan - Mini Takibi Gekijou - 10(Half done)

May 28th, 2014
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  1. Localization //"Romaji"(translation)
  2. Intro: Zettai Bouei Leviathan - Mini Bonfire Theater (This is on the wood sign, in burnt-like letters)
  3. "About open baths..." (This is also on the wood sign, in black letters)
  5. Everyone: Aaah!
  6. Syrorin: I know the feeling!
  7. When you get into this hot water, you do that without realizing, right?
  8. Levi-tan: I wonder why.
  9. You end up yowling.
  10. It's something we associate with old people, but as soon as the water gets to your shoulders, your body gets totally relaxed, right?
  11. Jorm: A yowling old man... wait, that's a lose.
  12. Yowling sage. //"Unaru ojisama" (Yowling elder)
  13. Mu-chan: ...e(bubble) //
  14. ...eager sage //..."majimena ojisama" (Earnest/eager elder)
  15. Syrorin: Oh, "e" again. (bubble) //Oh, "ma" again. (bubble)
  16. E...... //Ma......
  17. Enacting house sage. (bubble) //"Mamagoto ojisama" (Playing house elder) (bubble)
  18. Levi-tan: I somehow ended just imagining that.
  19. E......... //Ma.........
  20. Eyebrowless sage //"Mayugenai ojisama" (Eyebrowless elder)
  21. Jorm: E...... //Ma......
  22. Erring sage //"Machigaidarake ojisama" (Misunderstanding elder)
  23. Syrorin: What's that?
  24. Jorm: Someone that keeps making mistakes. //Someone that keeps misunderstanding things.
  25. Mu-chan: "E" again, eh? //"Ma" again, eh?
  26. *** //"Massaona ojisama" (Pale elder).
  27. Syrorin: Egg-shaped sage. //"Manmaru ojisama" (Round elder).
  28. Levi-tan: Even sage. //"mattaira no ojisama" (Flat elder)
  29. What's even about him? //What's flat about him?
  30. Levi-tan: Eh? Well...
  31. His head!
  32. Mu-chan: A flat face? (She literally says a "cliff", that funnily enough, is the tittle of the doujin that I freely translated as "perfectly flat").
  33. Levi-tan: Well, that also works.
  34. But I was thinking about those people that trim their hair so it's completely flat on the upside, like a table.
  35. Mu-chan: Ah, I know what you mean.
  36. Jorm: Expending time sage //"Machibouke ojisama" (Waiting in vain elder).
  37. Mu-chan: Extremely fast-talking sage. //"Makijita no ojisama" (Fast talkin elder).
  38. Syrorin: Evil elder. //"Makkuro no ojisama" (Dark/Sinister elder).
  39. Levi-tan: Eldest sage. //"Mannen ojisama" (Thousand aged elder).
  40. Mu-chan: Wait, wait.
  41. If we keep this up we're never ending.
  42. We're only saying different types of sages. //We're only saying different types of elders.
  43. Let's start again.
  44. What was the first thing we said?
  45. Levi-tan: "D"? D... //"Ke"? Ke...
  46. Mu-chan: It doesn't need to start with "D"! //It doesn't need to start with "ke"!
  47. Jorm: The first one was yowling sage. //The first one was yowling elder.
  48. Levi-tan: I see.
  49. Then, to start again, yowling children. //Then, to start again, "unaru akachan" (Yowling baby).
  50. Ah, not that!
  51. A yowling baby! //"Unaru akanbou" (Yowling infant)
  52. Jorm: "Y"? //"U"?
  53. I see, "Y"... //I see, "U"...
  54. Then, *** //Then, "unaru gousokkyuu" (yowling fast ball).
  55. Mu-chan: Sports?
  56. *** //Let's see, "gousokkyuu"...
  57. "Y"... //U...
  58. *** //***
  59. Syrorin: Are we continuing with the sporst?
  60. "Y"... //"U"...
  61. *** //"Unaru teppou" (yowling gun).
  62. Levi-tan: That sounds pretty useless.
  63. *** //"Unaru bansoukou" (yowling bandage).
  64. Syrorin: Eh?
  65. Jorm: We are continuing with the "y"? //We are continuing with the "u"?
  66. *** //"Unaru hatumou" (***)
  67. Mu-chan: What the hell is that?
  68. ***
  69. ***
  70. *** //"Unaru bousou" (yowling delusion).
  71. Syrorin: *** //Delusion?
  72. Mu-chan: *** //***
  73. Syrorin: I guess you're right.
  74. *** //"Unaru gakkou" (yowling school).
  75. Levi-tan: *** //A school that yowls?
  76. Syrorin: That doesn't work?
  77. Then*** //***
  78. Jorm: What's that?
  79. Syrorin: *** //***
  80. Mu-chan: *** //***
  81. I like that. It's quite funny.
  82. Levi-tan: Wait, wait.
  83. Why are we increasing the dificulty by using only words that start and end with "Y"?//Why are we increasing the dificulty by using only words that start and end with "u"?
  84. I always thought shiritori was supposed to be a simple game.
  85. Syrorin: You're too soft, Levi-tan.
  86. Exactly because it's such a simple game, you can make plenty of personal rules, like only using animals, or deciding a theme.
  87. It's a pretty deep game.
  88. Levi-tan: Well, I guess I understand that...
  89. Then, how would be a shiritori that wouldn't end if someone ends a word with "~n"?
  90. Syrorin: Eh?
  91. I mean, the next person must start with a "~n".
  92. What would you do?
  93. Isn't it too hard?
  94. What would you do, Syrop? Would you be able to keep going?
  95. Syrorin: ~n... ~n... ~n?
  96. Mu-chan: I'm starting to get dizzy.
  97. Jorm: I'm also at my limit.
  98. Levi-tan: Then, when you come up with something, call us, Syrop.
  99. We are leaving now.
  100. Syrorin: Eh?
  101. Ah, wait a moment!
  102. ~n... ~n... ~nnn?
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