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a guest
Jan 31st, 2018
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  1. # Welcome to FFA plugin. Plugin was made by LordOfSupeRz
  2. # This plugin is very simple and easy to use.
  3. # Enjoy with customizable config. You can edit messages and plugin settings
  4. Prefix: '&6FFA &7|'
  5. MySQL:
  6. Host: localhost
  7. Port: 3306
  8. Database: FFA
  9. Username: root
  10. Password: '******'
  11. Kit:
  12. item: STONE:0
  13. name: '&eKits'
  14. slot: 4
  15. Fix-Cooldown: 3
  16. Kill-Points: 5
  17. Messages:
  18. JoinMessage: '%prefix% &e%player% &3has joined ffa server.'
  19. QuitMessage: '%prefix% &e%player% &3has left ffa server.'
  20. no-command-permission: '%prefix% &cYou don''t have permission to do this command.'
  21. save-successfully:
  22. - '%prefix% &eYour inventory has been saved.'
  23. - '%prefix% &eTo delete your saved inventory &a/unsave.'
  24. save-outspawn: '%prefix% &cYou can''t save your inventory here.'
  25. save-notsaved: '%prefix% &cYou don''t have a saved inventory.'
  26. save-unsaved: '%prefix% &eYour saved inventory has been removed.'
  27. no-kitpermission: '%prefix% &cYou don''t have permission to use this kit.'
  28. stats:
  29. - '%prefix% &3Username: &e%name%'
  30. - '%prefix% &3Kills: &e%kills%'
  31. - '%prefix% &3Deaths: &e%deaths%'
  32. - '%prefix% &3Points: &e%points%'
  33. - '%prefix% &3Ranking: &e#%ranking%'
  34. - '%prefix% &3KD: &e%kd%'
  35. top:
  36. - '%prefix% &8&m-------------&r &6Top &8&m-------------'
  37. - '%prefix% &e#%ranking% &a%name% &3with &c%kills%.'
  38. - '%prefix% &8&m-------------&r &6Top &8&m-------------'
  39. fix-successfully: '%prefix% &eThere you go!'
  40. fix-spam: '%prefix% &cYou can''t spam this command'
  41. death: '%prefix% &3You have been killed by &e%killer% &3with &e%hearts%.'
  42. killer: '%prefix% &3You have killed &e%death% &3with &e%hearts%.'
  43. points-killer: '%prefix% &a+%points% points'
  44. points-death: '%prefix% &c-%points% points'
  45. killstreak: '%prefix% &e%player% &3is on killstreak.'
  46. cannot-leave-spawn: '%prefix% &7You have to select a KIT!'
  47. Death:
  48. items:
  49. - ARROW,0,1
  50. - GOLDEN_APPLE,0,1
  51. Scoreboard:
  52. - '&6FFA'
  53. - '&r'
  54. - '&aName:'
  55. - '&c%name%'
  56. - '&r&r&r&r'
  57. - '&aKills:'
  58. - '&c%kills%'
  59. - '&r&r'
  60. - '&aDeaths:'
  61. - '&c%deaths%'
  62. - '&r&r&r'
  63. - '&aPoints:'
  64. - '&c%points%'
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