
Victor and Rolf

Apr 6th, 2018
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  1. 4:25 PM <%Soulless> Rolf heads to Victor's room, knocks.
  2. 4:26 PM <ArseneLupin> The door is opened pretty quickly. "Had a feeling you wanted to talk to me. Come on in." He heads back inside and takes a seat at a desk on a swivel chair.
  3. 4:29 PM <%Soulless> Rolf heads in, no limp visible.
  4. 4:29 PM <%Soulless> He closes the door behind him.
  5. 4:29 PM <%Soulless> "...What did Leon ask you."
  6. 4:30 PM artingbee → spookybee
  7. 4:35 PM <ArseneLupin> "He asked about my relationship with you. By the way could I get that cream I gave you back?"
  8. 4:35 PM <%Soulless> He hands it back.
  9. 4:36 PM <%Soulless> "I believe I may be in some trouble."
  10. 4:37 PM ↔ Sax (was Xiao) nipped out
  11. 4:38 PM <ArseneLupin> "It's a possibility. Leon is a very strict man when it comes to work so it's quite possible he's exercising that same strictness as a handler."
  12. 4:38 PM → lizardmeme joined (
  13. 4:48 PM <%Soulless> "...In five or so days, I am going to wholesale reject his position as my handler. Could you apply afterwards?"
  14. 4:50 PM <ArseneLupin> "Possibly. Be aware, that if I became your handler and a hypothetical situation we discussed occurred, I would be put under a bit more scrutiny that otherwise."
  15. 4:55 PM <%Soulless> "...Ah. Well, you are not known for your social perceptions, right? It wouldn't be your fault."
  16. 4:57 PM <ArseneLupin> "That is true. You would still need to be careful that nothing could even accidentally lead back to me in such a case."
  17. 4:57 PM <%Soulless> He nods. "I will be careful what to ask you. Misleading questions."
  18. 4:58 PM <ArseneLupin> "It would also be helpful if we were to have a fight before such an occurrence. A very public fight."
  19. 5:05 PM → Xiao joined ⇐ Sax quit
  20. 5:07 PM <%Soulless> He nods. "Hypothetically."
  21. 5:07 PM Xiao → Sax
  22. 5:12 PM <ArseneLupin> "I'll consider applying. I need to weigh my options a bit first."
  23. 5:13 PM <%Soulless> He nods.
  24. 5:18 PM <ArseneLupin> "Try not to ruffle Leon's feathers if you can im the meantime."
  25. 5:19 PM <%Soulless> "I will be laying as low as one can... but... am I... I am a human, to you, I am a human... right?"
  26. 5:21 PM <ArseneLupin> "Of course you are."
  27. 5:27 PM <%Soulless> He frowns.
  28. 5:27 PM <%Soulless> "...I am. I am."
  29. 5:32 PM <ArseneLupin> "Yes, you are."
  30. 5:32 PM <%Soulless> "...You won't... let Leon take that from me, right?"
  31. 5:33 PM <ArseneLupin> "Of course not. You're my friend." He smiles.
  32. 5:33 PM <%Soulless> He hugs Victor.
  33. 5:34 PM <ArseneLupin> He hugs back and pats his back.
  34. 5:34 PM <%Soulless> "I worry."
  35. 5:35 PM <ArseneLupin> "Everything will turn out fine."
  36. 5:46 PM <%Soulless> "Easy for you to say." He snorts.
  37. 5:46 PM ⇐ lizardmeme quit ( Quit: Leaving
  38. 5:47 PM <ArseneLupin> "Sorry, not very good at this comforting people thing."
  39. 5:48 PM <%Soulless> "I am just whining to whine."
  40. 5:49 PM <ArseneLupin> "Well, you are always welcome to whine to me. I don't mind."
  41. 5:56 PM <%Soulless> He proceeds to make. the most obnoxious, sad, pathetic puppy noises.
  42. 5:57 PM <ArseneLupin> "Bad Rolf. Bad." He sayd like he's scolding a dog
  43. 5:58 PM <%Soulless> Rolf curls downwards, looking up with cute, sad eyes.
  44. 5:58 PM <ArseneLupin> "That look won't work on me."
  45. 5:59 PM ⇐ Sax|Cloud quit ↔ Smaugnolia nipped out
  46. 6:02 PM <%Soulless> He looks with a sulty look instead, giving him an elevator look.
  47. 6:03 PM <ArseneLupin> "Do I need to get a spray bottle?"
  48. 6:03 PM <%Soulless> "Well, maybe your girl is interested."
  49. 6:04 PM <ArseneLupin> "Interested in what?"
  50. 6:04 PM <%Soulless> He gives another sultry look.
  51. 6:05 PM <ArseneLupin> "You're going to have to use your words."
  52. 6:05 PM <%Soulless> "She'll know."
  53. 6:06 PM <ArseneLupin> "No, if I have to say things out loud so do you."
  54. 6:19 PM <%Soulless> "She and you and me, sometime. She's a bit mousy seeming, so who really knows."
  55. 6:24 PM <ArseneLupin> He smiles at Rolf, but not his normal smile, this one seems a bit forced. "Rolf, I may be fond of sharing my candy and medicine, but that is all I am willing to share, understood?"
  56. 6:35 PM <%Soulless> "Okay." He smiles sweetly. "Dropped."
  57. 6:36 PM <ArseneLupin> His smile goes back to normal. "Glad we have an understanding
  58. 6:36 PM <ArseneLupin> ."
  59. 6:40 PM <%Soulless> He nods. "You're a good friend. I do not have many."
  60. 6:40 PM <ArseneLupin> "As are you."
  61. 6:42 PM <%Soulless> "...Keep an eye out for what Leon is doing.... and keep me posted."
  62. 6:43 PM <ArseneLupin> "Right, I'll let you know."
  63. 6:47 PM <%Soulless> He hugs again, and begins to head out.
  64. 6:48 PM <ArseneLupin> "Take care, I hope this Leon situation goes well."
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