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The CHS Tech Sector

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Aug 9th, 2017
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  1. In this life, there are certain things that ignite a powerful drive inside the hearts of young people. The reasons behind this could be a desire for fame, fortune, even a higher calling. The last one is especially true in this story of three young men from Canterlot High School; bound together by one noble, powerful, and seemingly unreachable goal.
  3. “I want to see Principal Celestia topless, again!” Bright Idea cries out, slapping his palms on the table. Micro Chips and Wiz Kid look to Bright Idea, the light-headed boy’s shoulder’s heaving; his eyes like a ravenous caged beast, wide, wild, and thoroughly unsatisfied. And for good reason.
  5. Of course they know exactly what he’s talking about: the day Principal Celestia sauntered from the Nurse’s Office, halfway across the school to her own administrative suite in nothing but a pair of ill-fitting panties. Unabashed and unashamed, their dear Principal had strode forth with her chest held high and jiggly. Of course even with such an event occurring, only a few students had actually seen it happen, but word had spread like wildfire.
  7. These three had been among those able to witness it first hand, and at least one of them is very eager to see it again. As the frustrated Bright gives an irritated growl, Micro Chips sighs and places his book aside.
  9. “I can understand that, Bright; believe me, that moment could not have been more perfect.” Behind his glasses, the boy’s eyes grow distant as the fond memory plays in his mind again. With a quick shake of his head, Chips clears his throat and continues, “But we have to accept it for what it was: a once in a lifetime occurrence. Certain criteria aligned and this caused our dear Principal to strut her stuff without, heh heh, support.”
  11. Turning to his fellow geek, Bright gives a swift shake of the head. “I can’t accept that Chips; no, I won’t!” Sliding over to the taller boy, Bright Idea slings an arm around his shoulders and pulls him close in a conspiratorial hunch. “Listen: we’re some of the brightest minds at this school. If nature can cause Principal Celestia to walk around topless, then surely we can replicate it!”
  13. “You’re in over your head, Bright,” Wiz Kid cuts in, looking up from his phone. “Even without considering the fact that we have no idea what lead up to the Principal’s shirtless strut, the sheer improbability of replicating the conditions to make a woman expose herself to the world is astounding. This isn’t a science experiment, it’s a social one. And none of us are very well equipped to see that through.”
  15. Bright furrows his brow and glares at the still seated boy. “Okay, maybe we can’t replicate the issue, but maybe we can encourage it to happen again! I’m sure we can come up with a few concepts to make sure Principal Celestia’s Cans are freed to the world again! Besides,” he says, his smile slowly growing wider, “don’t you want to see those wide knob-toppers of hers again?”
  17. Wiz Kid chokes a bit on is own breath, shooting a venomous glare to the grinning Bright. But, when the light-haired boy doesn’t pursue any further, Wiz can only sigh and force a smile. “Fine. Maybe I do. So, what have you got cooked up for us to try first?”
  19. After looking to Chips and letting the boy confirm that he’s in with a quick nod, Bright meets the pair with a much more honest, if devious, smile. “I thought you’d never ask. Here’s what I’d like to do…”
  21. ===
  23. The preparations for Bright’s idea take the better part of the weekend, and so it is, early Monday morning when the three Techies reconvene inside the Principal’s office. The plan?
  25. “Let’s go over it again,” Bright says in a conspiratorial whisper as he holds up a miniature metal hook, smaller than a fingernail. “To get Celestia topless, we need to catch her off guard; so we’re going to place the hook inside the chair, right about mid-back. That way, when she sits down, the hook slides through the back of her jacket and when she goes to stand up?”
  27. “Schrip,” Chips vocalizes, much to the agreement of the other boys.
  29. “Right; this is going to tear the top right off of her, and make it so the jacket can’t be worn until it’s mended. Even if she has another available, for a few brief seconds, she’ll be wonderful topless,” the light-haired boy declares with a victorious smile. “And we will be at the window to watch the whole thing; I’ve already got the perfect post set up.”
  31. “Not bad, Bright,” Wiz smirks as the brainchild behind this ploy slides the hook through the top of Principal’s chair. Bright gives a small grunt of acknowledgement as his hand wiggles through the hole cut at the top, seeking the perfect point for the hook to slide into place. “But, how do you know that something, anything, is going to make Principal Celestia get up? We can’t wait all day for her to leave her seat.”
  33. “Accounted for that too,” Bright replies with a victorious chuckle as the hook slides into place. “We’re having visitors today, and you know who loves visitors?”
  35. “Pinkie Pie,” Chips and Wiz both reply simultaneously.
  37. “Exactly. And who’s going to be there to clean up?”
  39. The boys share a conspiratorial grin. Nothing more needs to be said. After confirming that the hook can handle a reasonable amount of tension without pulling free of the chair, the threesome hurry out of the administrative suite. Of course, they make sure to secure the doors behind them as they go; no need to let anyone know they’ve been there, not yet.
  41. Just in time too, as Secretary Raven arrives shortly after they finish their nefarious plot. A little while later, Celestia comes in as well and moves to her office. After confirming the door is shut, the boys move from their position in the hall to the second point: the window outside the school.
  43. Sure, Principal Celestia might have curtains to keep prying eyes out, but with that’s never stopped anyone with desire before; especially if they have access to the room in question. So the three-set hover around a fold in between the curtains, giving them a great look at the Principal’s desk. And so the wait begins, all knowing full well that it won’t be long until-
  45. A thunderous pop nearly knocks the boys from their squatting position, and the accompanying bandstand tune brings a smile to their lips. It’s time! Six eyes immediately jerk to Celestia who gives a weary smile and moves to stand. Three pairs of hands grip the windowsill as she stops, frowning a bit as she tugs forward with her shoulders to no avail. A single, collective breath is held as the Principal’s expression darkens and she moves her hands to the desk in front of her to push upwards.
  47. Yes. The moment is here!
  49. And that’s when a soccer ball sails over their heads and bounces loudly against the window. Celestia’s head jerks towards the sound and all three boys duck out of sight, hardly daring to breathe. But it doesn’t matter, because as they wait, Curly Winds starts towards them with an arm upraised. And shouting.
  51. “Hey guys! Sorry about that, I just don’t know what happened!” The boys eyes widen, and they try to wave him off, but the athlete is rather oblivious, and starts waving, as if in greeting. “Hey, you guys good? Anyone hit?”
  53. Bright grits his teeth as Curly continues to approach until Micro Chips finally grabs the back of his shirt and shakes his head. “I’m pulling the plug on this.”
  55. “But-”
  57. “We are not getting caught today!”
  59. Bright Idea fails to live up to his namesake in the few seconds that matter, and he eventually nods. The three bolt, even as a feminine yelp of surprise echoes out from the Principal’s office. All Bright can manage to do is quietly curse Curly under his breath as they run away. At least until they round the corner. And Curly follows them.
  61. “Woah, you guys have some speed,” the curly haired athlete laughs as the Techies wheeze. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were aiming for some second string spots on the team. Maybe with a little muscle-”
  63. “What, are, you, doing?” Bright all but gags around each word, causing the cheerful expression on Curly’s face to falter a little. He stammers for a response, but not before the light-haired boy turns on him. “Do you have any idea how close we were?”
  65. Adopting an incredulous smirk, the kicker chuckles, “Uh, yeah, that’s why I’m apologizing?”
  67. Finally catching his breath, the foiled schemer fixes Curly with a glare. “No you dolt! I mean how close we were to getting to see Principal Celestia’s naked knockers!”
  69. Curly takes a quick step in, his lips a thin, serious line. He towers over the smaller Bright Idea, causing the Techie to shrink a little more in his sober presence. “Hey dude. I just wanted to make sure.” A long pause, then a slow smile. “You’re seriously trying to snap off PC’s jacket to get at her jubblies? Sweet. I want in.”
  71. “Sure,” Micro Chips sighs in relief.
  73. “Glad to have you!” Wiz Kid adds, quite honestly.
  75. “Absolutely not.” Bright crosses his arms over his chest as the other boys stare at him in confusion. “He’s already botched one attempt to get our dear Principal’s jacket off, who’s to say it won’t happen again?”
  77. “That was a freak accident, I swear. The wind just carried the ball to you guys while it was in the air,” Curly explains, which seems good enough for the other two boys.
  79. After a good five minutes of pointless debate, Bright finally sighs. “Fine. Curly, you can come. But no funny business and we need another plan; it sounds like the hook won’t work again.”
  81. Chips grins, taking the time to adjust his glasses as he says, “Leave the plan to me; I had a bit of a brainstorm while we were waiting in the bushes today. We will meet up again tomorrow morning.”
  83. Quickly in agreement, the four separate with the intent of placing their hopes and dreams on the gearhead’s shoulders.
  85. ===
  87. Another day, another opportunity to grasp the future! The boys pile into the A/V room a few minutes before Principal Celestia usually arrives on campus, and are met with the smiling face of Micro Chips.
  89. “Well, it took most of the night, but I’ve got it figured out,” he declares, waving a small remote in their direction. “I’ve managed to sync this remote to the office suite. With it, we can adjust the temperature with the touch of the button.”
  91. Bright nods his head, crossing his arms over his chest. “Sounds good so far, but how exactly is changing the temperature going to help us? She’s in there and we’re here; she could just stay holed up in the office.”
  93. A dark chuckle rises up in Chips’ throat as he adjusts his glasses again. “Of course I took that into account, Bright, especially after yesterday’s interruption.” Bright shoots Curly a rather cold look, causing the boy simply shrugs and smiles in response. “You see, in the event that Celestia does not shuck her sweat-soaked jacket for the rest of the day in order to cool off, she will at least be topless in her office. Which brings us to part two!”
  95. Tapping on the computer keyboard beside him, Chips causes the screen to spring to life. There, displayed in wonderful high-resolution, is the Principal’s vacant office. The boys go wide eyed and crowd around the screen, grinning excitedly.
  97. “No way,” Curly mutters, “you seriously set up cams in PC’s office?”
  99. “A cam, but yes. It’s been something I’ve been working on for a few weeks now, a little at a time.” With another chuckle Chips smirks. “There’s no way that she knows the camera’s even there. As of this moment, we have full, 24 hour access to a feed in the Principal’s office.”
  101. “Sweet,” Curly drawls, while Wiz nods in agreement.
  103. Bright considers the situation for a moment, but then nods in approval. “Well done, Micro Chips; I have to say that this may be the most devious long-term plan I’ve seen from you in a while.”
  105. “A good project needs time to cultivate. I’m just lucky that everything was already in place beforehand.”
  107. The boys exchange a nod, but before they can bond further, Wiz pipes up. “She’s here!”
  109. Crowding around the screen, the foursome leans in close to the screen. On their faces, various levels of excitement, anticipation, deviousness, and outright lewdness rest. As Principal Celestia gets settled in, Chips adjusts the temperature gradually upwards.
  111. Seconds turn into a minute, and the minute into the better part of twenty, but their waiting is steadily rewarded as a thin sheen of sweat appears across the bare skin of Celestia’s enormous body. She squirms in increasing agitation in her seat, face gradually reddening as she’s almost covered in a glossy, liquid sheen. Finally, a few minutes before the opening bell, she gets to her feet.
  113. Curly clutches Wiz and Bright tight, one under each arm as he leans closer with unrestrained anticipation. “Oh dudes! This is IT!”
  115. Chips chuckles and continues to steadily increase the temperature in the room, while all of them are stuck waiting for the moment of truth. Finally, the well-wettened Celestia reaches down to the single button holding her mammoth mamms back from the world. The AV Room goes deathly still as Celestia fingers the sturdy metal button thoughtfully. And then, with tremendous strides, crosses the room. And out of the camera frame.
  117. “NO!” Three voices groan as one, Bright Idea even going so far as to give Chips a smack on the shoulder. But the glasses-wearing boy is undeterred, holding up a finger and producing a joystick. Turning to the others, he grins and says, quite simply, “Camera control.”
  119. And, just like that, the mood is celebratory again! As the boys cheer, Micro Chips sets up the remote and the camera rotates. At least, it jerks once in the direction Celestia went and then refuses to move any further. A few more solid jerks on the joystick confirm that the camera is not going to go any further, period. Once again a weighty gloom settles into the room, which only deepens as Celestia comes back in a much lighter looking jacket than her usual tan tweed affair.
  121. While the Principal wipes herself down with a towel and opens a window, the boys look reluctantly at the screen again and sigh. “I suppose that’s it for today too,” Chips grumbles. “Sorry guys, I guess I rushed the plan a little too much.”
  123. “At least we have something we can use in the future,” Bright says, nodding his head. “We just want to be sure we have full control over what happens in that room. How long would that take?”
  125. “A few weeks more the way I’ve been doing things so far; faster than that and I might get caught.”
  127. “Which would undo all of the work you’ve done so far,” Wiz adds before Bright can encourage him to do it anyway. “Why don’t we look at another approach for the time being?”
  129. With an irritated huff, Bright turns to the smallest of the group. “And I suppose you’ve got an award winning scheme in that bowl-headed haircut of yours?”
  131. “Hey dude, Wiz is cool,” Curly says with a frown. “And he’s like the smartest guy I know. I’m sure he’s got something cooking in that cranium of his that will blow your socks off.”
  133. Bright rolls his eyes, unconvinced. “Alright. Then I guess we’ll reconvene tomorrow and see what you’ve got for us.”
  135. Without waiting for a response from Wiz, Bright leaves the room. Chips follows him soon after, leaving the athlete and techie alone. Bringing an hand to his forehead, Wiz sighs. “Well, that’s not exactly how I wanted things to go.”
  137. Curly gives an uncertain smile. “Sorry, bro, but your bud was being a bit of a dick. I guess I kind of jumped the gun.”
  139. “That’s fine, it’s just Bright being Bright; unwilling to share the spotlight and not so great with failure.” Wiz gives a reassuring nod and smiles at his friend. “Anyway, I think I may have an idea but I’ll need your help. Sound good?”
  141. “For a look at PC’s tiddies and for you bro? You know you got me.”
  143. “Fantastic. Then we need to practice, because this has to look natural tomorrow.”
  145. ===
  147. And so one day ends and another begins. Bright Idea and Micro Chips are quick to check in at the early in the morning, but there’s no sign of either Wiz or Curly. Not even for the whole first half of the day. As the pair walk through the hall, towards the cafeteria, Bright offers a smug insight.
  149. “I knew Wiz didn’t have anything. Outside of numbers, he’s got absolutely nothing.”
  151. “Come on, Bright, he’s still our friend,” Chips sighs, finally sticking up for the missing boy. “Shouldn’t we be concerned that he hasn’t been around all day?”
  153. “I’m more irritated that he skipped out on us and we lost yet another opportunity to see dear Principal topless,” the snarky smartie sighs. “At this rate we’ll graduate before she bears her breasts to the school again.”
  155. “Chin up, I’m sure Wiz has a good reason for-”
  157. Chips’ voice trails off as a low whistling sound echoes through the hall. Bright Idea looks up and sees a football spiraling towards them. Before it gets too close however, Curly Winds leaps in front of them and catches the ball, a smile on his face and a laugh on his lips.
  159. “Good one, Wiz; seems like you’re getting the spiral down,” he shouts across the hall before sending the ball whirring back over the heads of several students. The two techies peek around the athlete and see their bowl-cut-bearing friend awkwardly hop into the air and barely pull down the pigskin. “Now give me another, right here!”
  161. Wiz nods, sticking his tongue out as he awkwardly tries to set his feet and adjust the proper grip. While he’s working on that, Curly turns towards the other two and grins. “Sup guys?”
  163. “Uh, hey, Curly,” Chips manages to mutter as both techies look on in confusion. “What, uh, what’s going on?”
  165. “Yeah, I thought you said that Wiz had an idea that was going to blow my socks off?” Bright chimes in, his abrupt surprise gradually giving way to irritation as he turns his attention towards the football fumbler as he rears back his arm and lets fly.
  167. Curly shrugs, still all smiles. “Oh, yeah, that. We’re working on it,” he adds, reaching up and catching the incoming football without breaking eye contact. “See, Wiz figured out a really great way to get PC in a situation where we can’t be interrupted by something going wrong.”
  169. “And how exactly is that going to work?” Bright asks, crossing his arms.
  171. “Well, Wiz made it sound a lot more complicated than it actually is, but basically-”
  173. “Curly!” Wiz shouts, drawing the frizzy-haired footballer’s attention away for the time being. The badge-bearing boy shakes his arms over his head, causing Curly to look past him. And his smile widens. Nodding twice to Wiz, Curly rears back his arm.
  175. “Well, no time to explain. Just watch and learn.” Hurling his body forward with a grunt of exertion, Curly sends a high, wobbly ball through the air, but his eyes are already locked on the destination as he continues, “Now you’ll see why Wiz is the best mathalete CHS has ever had.”
  177. Bright and Chips are understandably confused, until they follow the Curly’s stare to the source of his attention. And then, as the pieces begin to fall into place in their minds, so too does the ball.
  179. Wiz Kid rushes across the tile floor as best he’s able, already fairly winded from the practice so far, keeping one eye on the ball, and the other on his inevitable destination. A particularly peeved Principal, precisely positioned with either skyline-worthy leg set to give her already intimidating height a wider, more disciplinarian stance. But she’s too late, Wiz grins as the thought crosses his mind; the ball already descending at a rapid pace and visible in the corner of his eye.
  181. But then Principal Celestia, the Overdeveloped Overlord of CHS, takes one, long step forward, dramatically shortening the distance between herself and the oncoming Wiz. The techie’s eyes bulge as he struggles to process this sudden change in positioning. Caught between an unstoppable oncoming rock and an immovable mountain of mamms, the boy takes a fraction of an instant to adjust then plan, and makes the only option left to salvage the operation.
  183. He jumps; flying through the air with the greatest of ease, no wires, no net, just the Wiz and the breeze.
  185. Okay, lets be honest, it’s a half-hearted hop that barely gets any clearance from the ground, but it does carry him, across the last bit of distance. Fingers close around the football and he pulls it in close to his body. Once secure, he reaches out with another hand, presumably to catch or brace himself, and yet, for the three observers clenching their fists in anticipation, they see the fire in his eyes. The desire for greatness which is residing just within his grasp.
  187. Sailing only a little while longer, Wiz too begins the quick descent to the ground. Only it’s not the ground he’s headed for, but the resident e-rector of CHS. And that outstretched hand is aimed straight at her jacket.
  189. “Amazing,” breathes Bright, while Chips stares on in amazement and Curly bobs his head in approval, his voice gently cracking as Wiz’s hand reaches ever closer towards that pair of peaks.
  191. “Go get’em, bro…”
  193. ===
  195. Oh, somewhere in this favored land a young man has just tripped. A Principal somewhere is shirtless, and her nipple has just slipped. And somewhere boys are gawking, and all the girls are miffed. But there is no scene in CHS – brainy Wiz has totally whiffed.
  197. ===
  199. Where there was once a general, raucous noise which filled the common space, the hall of the school is now still and silent. A hundred eyes watch in wonder at the scene unfolding before them. It is the Principal’s measured but warning tone that finally breaks the spell.
  201. “Mister Kid,” she says, with barely contained venom, “would you mind extracting yourself from my chest? Immediately.”
  203. There’s a muffled response from the boy, who has not only managed to plant his face into the Celestia’s show-stoppers, but also his entire arm. The somewhat slender limb is completely engulfed and overcome by the Principal’s prodigious puppy power. They wobble and shake about as Wiz carefully removes himself from the educator’s front parts, any pretense of stripping her of her shirt forgotten.
  205. Such a moment, had it ever been possible, has come and gone. Best to take the small victory, although there is nothing small about it; to become instead envy of the school for getting an up close and personal experience with the administrator. After being dragged to the office, along with a disheartened Curly, to receive an earful about how they aren’t to throw footballs in the school again.
  207. ===
  209. At the end of the day, the boys gather together in the AV room again to debrief.
  211. “So,” the still-clothed Bright and scowly begins, “that was certainly something, Wiz.”
  213. “Yeah, I thought so too,” Wiz laughs, only to be quickly accosted by Chips grabbing his shoulders and shaking him.
  215. “What was it like? How did it feel?”
  217. After his head stops rattling about, Wiz adopts a thoughtful, sage-like expression. “Warm. Buoyant. And yet very, very, heavy. Like I was going to be crushed under, or between them. But in the best possible way.”
  219. Chips gives a longing sigh and hangs his head. Taking advantage of the break, Curly slings an arm around Wiz’s shoulders and laughs. “Dude! That was not what we planned at all; you were supposed to tear her shirt off, not get your arm torn off!”
  221. The three laugh as Bright looks on, still frowning. Finally, he drops his hand on the table, the impact causing the boys to quiet down. “I’m aware that this is all very amusing but, aside from Wiz here, none of us have gotten any closer to the goal of savoring the Principal’s body.” At that, Curly and Chips take a step back, isolating the one successful operative so far. Wiz hangs his head, seeming a little less excited about how things had turned out now. “We have to come up with another plan, but now dear Principal is going to be on her guard against any further steps we might try to take.”
  223. Taking a moment to let that settle in Bright Idea finally sighs and turns to the white board. “Now, I’ve come up with another idea-” A rapid, five-count knock on the door interrupts Bright before he can even begin. Clenching the marker tight in his hand, he stares at the board and says, “Come on in.”
  225. “Don’t mind if I do!” the voice on the other side of the door declares; the portal swinging opens quickly to reveal none other than another member of the techie circle, one Velvet Sky. The brunette gives a quick waggle of her fingers to the boys, still grinning from ear to ear as she closes the door behind her and leans against it. “So, quite a scene today. Good job, guys!”
  227. The girl begins to clap, though nobody else seems ready to join in. Still, she carries on for a good ten seconds before shrugging her shoulders. Still glaring at the white space in front of him, Bright finally asks, “What do we owe the pleasure, Velvet?”
  229. “Just doing a routine checkup after a tremendously botched mission,” she replies, watching with glee as a few of the boys in the room tighten up. “I mean, it’s not every day you end up face first in the Principal’s knockers.”
  231. Bright attempts to walk back the situation quickly, “An accident, nothing more,” but the brunette shakes her head and begins to tut in a mocking tone.
  233. “Don’t you try to pull one over on me, Watts-on,” she teases, tapping his lightbulb badge with a manicured finger. “I know exactly what you guys were doing.”
  235. Pushing herself away from the door, the lone girl in the room struts to the single open table. Placing her purse on top, she rummages around inside of it for a moment until her eyes light up, then, extracting a piece of printer paper, she lays it out as well. Curly, Chips and Wiz crowd around to see what she’s got, and Chips immediately goes pale, a fact not lost on the still-smug Velvet. “Look familiar?”
  237. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Chips says, turning away and coughing. “I, uh, I’ve never seen that picture before in my life.”
  239. “Uh huh,” Velvet chuckles, picking up the paper and waving it in his face again, displaying Principal Celestia’s barely restrained bosom slick with sweat as she sweats away in her office. “So I just so happened to walk in and see this yesterday, and it was some random student rather than an AV regular? Don’t lie to me Chips, you’re no good at it.”
  241. With a small huff of exertion, Velvet plops herself on the table and smiles at the four boys. Well, three boys and the back of Bright’s head. She crosses her legs, making it abruptly clear that her days of ankle-length skirts are over as the hem rides up to her knees, and taps the gentle, barely there heel of her shoe against the crossbar under the table. She watches over them for a moment, until Bright finally turns and snaps, “So, again why are you here? Blackmail?”
  243. The atmosphere in the room immediately turns tense as the reality of such a possibility sets in, but it’s quickly dismissed by Velvet’s buzzing lips and a quick laugh. “Blackmail? No!” Before the boys can breathe a sigh of relief, the girl quickly adds, “Well, yes. Maybe. I suppose it depends on how you look at it.”
  245. “Out with it then,” Bright sighs, waving the marker in her direction. “We don’t have all afternoon.”
  247. “Sure, sure. Ah, okay, how to put this,” Velvet wrinkles her nose in thought, pursing her modestly plump lips and looking equal parts cute and devious. As Bright begins to tap his foot, she giggles. “Gosh, I guess I should have planned this out better, made it more dramatic. But the skinny is that I want to enlist your help in showing off Celestia’s sweater meat to the entire school.”
  249. The boys, save Bright, gawk at the girl’s proposal. Cupping her hands over her raised knee, Velvet turns her head at a slight angle and offers a deliberately sweet smile. “I can’t promise it will be an easy job, but you guys are already working on it anyway, so it’s all like NBD, right? I want what you want, everyone wins!”
  251. “One minor correction,” Bright cuts in, earning a cute scowl from Velvet. “This isn’t an equal partnership, is it? If we don’t agree to go through with helping you, that photo might just end up on dear Principal’s desk.” Turning to the other boys, he frowns. “From there, it’s very possible that Celestia could figure out it was Chips who set up the feed, and then it’s just a quick hop to getting the rest of us implicated as well.”
  253. Now sweating bullets, Micro Chips looks from Bright to Velvet, who’s back to smiling sweetly again. “You, wouldn’t actually do that, would you?”
  255. “Well, I wouldn’t want to,” Velvet replies, putting heavy emphasis on the second to last word, “but I think the Principal, who just decided to call an assembly for Friday, should know if there were perverse things going on inside her school. Just so she could make sure that her school is kept in order, and the students well-behaved.”
  257. The treasonous techie gives the boys a few seconds to talk things over amongst themselves before leaning forward with that cheshire grin of hers on fully display. Well, that and the cleavage that she’s showing off through the window of her sweater. Her arms tuck in tight, pushing up her middle-melon range rack in the process, enough so that her scarf falls into the cleft between her breasts.
  259. “Please?”
  261. As if there were any other choice. The boys acquiesce quickly, the delighted Velvet now rocking back on her rump. “Fantastic. I’ve already got a plan too, so,” she reaches her hand out to Bright and bats her eyes, “if you don’t mind giving me the marker?”
  263. ===
  265. Friday finds Bright Idea and Velvet Sky tucked away in the one of the few dim corners at the atrium of the school’s entrance. They make a show of listening to a music player, while talking amiably for those who are passing by, but if anyone were to actually listen to the conversation, it would quickly become apparent that Bright is playing a part, and lying through his teeth in order to do so.
  267. “I can’t believe you would threaten us like that,” he says with a forced laugh and smile. “I mean, we’re you’re friends, Velvet, you could have just asked.”
  269. “Mm, but this is more fun,” the girl says with a genuine giggle. She reaches up and gingerly touches his cheek. “Having you boys under my thumb, watching you squirm; it’s invigorating.
  271. “Forgive me for not sharing your enthusiasm.” Bright’s voice falters a little as Velvet’s fingers slide down his cheek, over his neck, and across a broadened shoulder. “I, uh, I’m still not so sure about this.”
  273. “It’s the perfect opportunity,” Velvet assures him, leaning in close and bumping her nose against his before batting her eyes. “Believe me, I’ve been thinking this out for a while; you four have just provided me the opportunity. Because of your actions, Principal Celestia’s decided to call an emergency assembly today, presumably to talk about how pranks and horseplay have gotten out of hand lately. That makes it an ideal time to make my move. At least, that’s what I’m hoping, if Wiz and Curly can ever-”
  275. The increasingly insistent voice of the girl is quickly cut off by a quiet crackle in the shared headphones. “Ground Control to Skylight, Ground Control to Skylight; Team Weather Wizard’s operation has drawn the eagle from her nest. The eagle is out of the nest!”
  277. “That’s our cue,” Bright murmurs, Velvet nodding as she rolls her eyes and giggles.
  279. “Yeah, but we have got to talk to Chips about his team names.”
  281. As she moves to step away, Bright cuts off her intended route with his arm. She gives him an uncertain look, and is met with a serious stare. “But we’re still not done with this conversation. I want to know why.”
  283. “Afterwards, I promise,” Velvet winks, pulling the headphone free as she ducks under Bright’s arm and moves to the office. “Now come on; I need you to run interference on that fat-assed succubus behind the desk for me.”
  285. Bright offers up a weary sigh, shaking his head as he follows after his ‘friend’. He manages to give her one last look as she holds the door open for him before he steps inside.
  287. ===
  289. Back at Ground Control, Chips keeps his attention on the screen in front of him, waiting. Celestia had gotten up from her seat nearly three minutes ago, and there was still no sign of Skylight. Meanwhile, he had to keep the other team abreast of situational changes as well.
  291. “OK, Weather Wizard, Principal Celestia is headed down the western corridor and Vice Principal Luna the northern. No sign from Skylight. Just keep moving.”
  293. Rubbing at his temple with one hand, the boy suppresses a groan, wishing for neither the first nor the last time this morning that they had been able to rig up something better than a one way transmission. As it stands, he’s stuck managing the entire operation, nearly blind.
  295. The cameras in the halls were hastily installed the night before, and will likely be spotted before too long, but they’re serving the purpose right now; to keep Curly and Wiz a few steps ahead of the clutches of the administration until the primary objective is completed. Which, speaking of…
  297. Micro Chips heaves a sigh of relief as the familiar shape of Velvet slips into frame in the Principal’s Office. She gives a quick wave to the camera, and then disappears to the side again. Chips holds his breath, and then sighs as the teen pops back in front of the camera and gives the high-sign.
  299. Grabbing his mic again, Chips says, “Skylight is clear. Weather Wizard, you are good to complete the mission.”
  301. ===
  303. “Principal Celestia will be visible to the southeast in five seconds.”
  305. Wiz Kid brings a finger to his ear and nods before looking to Curly Winds. The athlete smirks and bobs his head as well, ducking into a nearby bathroom, leaving the techie alone. He scampers towards one of the hall junctures, only to skid to a stop as the imposing figure of Principal Celestia appears.
  307. “Wiz,” she says once more with that sweet, threatening tone, “I believe we’ve had a discussion about playing ball in the hall.”
  309. Taking a measured step back, Wiz finds that he doesn’t have to force the nervous smile and laugh as much as he thought he might. “Uh, yeah, I think we have. You said something about football, but not, you know… other, balls?”
  311. “I see; I suppose things were not as clear as they could have been,” Celestia says, not breaking eye contact as she moves closer still. “But that just means I have another chance to make clear that your continued disruptions are not appreciated.”
  313. He gulps, noting the thin sheen of sweat visible on the Principal’s skin. It’s obvious she’s been hustling around the school in pursuit of them for a few minutes now. Another step away, and he hears a crow from the bathroom behind him, “Get drenched on, Dweeb!”
  315. Wiz turns, already expecting Curly to leap out into the hall. By the time the fizzy-haired boy has planted his feet, the techie is already moving out of the way. Even his scampering is enough to secure an escape route in this case, because he was never the target to begin with, but rather the imposing woman behind him.
  317. The hall rings out with a loud, wet smack, followed by a shocked gasp. Wiz can’t help but look up at the chaos that he and Curly have wrought. What he finds, is a Principal Celestia, whose jacket is so thoroughly drenched that he can practically hear the thick fabric chafing against her underbust with each breath. Thick rivulets of water slide down her cleavage, over her abdominals and navel, before tracing down to her entirely bare legs.
  319. She looks less like a slutty, if distinguished Principal, and more like a woman competing in a business-attire wet-t-shirt contest. Except rather than smiling, laughing, and jiggling about, she’s grinding her teeth.
  321. At once, Wiz finds himself hoisted back to a standing position by an equally pantsless Vice-Principal Luna, who already has Curly in her grip. The Principal storms over and, for an instant, Wiz fears for his life, and not in the good, ‘I’m going to be crushed to death by boobs’ way that he had felt yesterday. But, after a silent exchange between the sisters, Celestia takes a deep breath, steadies herself, and gives them a stern scowl.
  323. “Well,” she says, hefting the water-bomb ball in her hand and squeezing out what little liquid remains after impacting her, “I suppose that this is for the best. I want to have both of you on stage with me during the assembly. Vice-Principal Luna will see to it that you both are present.”
  325. Luna nods and gives a small smile, “Go ahead and get changed, Sister; I will take these two to Ms. Harshwhinny and follow afterwards.”
  327. Both boys blanch at the mention of the aged disciplinarian, but are unable to argue against the still soaked student supervisor’s judgment. Celestia bobs her head and hurries, drip-drip-dripping down to her office suite. Even when she’s gone however, the pit remains well present in both boys’ stomachs.
  329. ===
  331. “Big, bad news, guys,” Chips says, sliding in beside Bright, “Weather Wizard’s been apprehended.”
  333. “Jeez, I thought this was supposed to be a clean get away for all of us,” Bright whispers. His neck is sporting a few fat, lewd white marks from his earlier encounter. But that doesn’t stop him from glaring at Velvet who just offers up an unconcerned shrug.
  335. “I did say that getting caught was a possibility. If they couldn’t escape, that’s their problem.” She gives Chips a sweet smile, “That is, unless they had some bad direction…”
  337. Before Chips can launch into his own defense, Bright sighs and shakes his head. “Okay, fine. But now that we’re here in the assembly, so there’s nothing else we can do.” Turning towards Velvet, he tries again, “Now that everything’s in place, mind telling us the whole plan? And why you insisted on going into Vice Principal Luna’s office as well, nearly getting us caught?”
  339. “I could, but it’s more interesting to wait and see,” Velvet says with a smirk. As Bright buries his face in his hand, she quickly adds a bit more. “Fine, I’ll say that it’s a little chemistry experiment to get Principal Celestia to show her tits off.”
  341. “And why does that even matter to you?” the light-haired boy hisses. “You’re a girl, don’t you care about dear Principal’s modesty or something like that?”
  343. Velvet Sky stares at Bright Idea for a long moment before she giggles. No, laughs! She laughs long and hard enough that some of the surrounding students turn towards her with awkward, confused looks on their faces. Eventually, the giggly girl settles down, wiping at her eye with a finger as she quivers a few seconds longer.
  345. “Oh, me, caring about modesty, that’s a good one.” With happy sigh, Velvet settles back into her seat. Only when all prying eyes have turned away does she whisper, “You should know me better than that, Bright. I just want to see our Principal up on stage, squirming in embarrassment as she’s baring her whoppers to the world.”
  347. The young woman’s breathing is shallow as her male companions look over at her again. A hand rests against her flushed cheek, the pinkie dragging ever so slowly along Velvet’s lips. She stares up towards the stage with a half-glazed expression as her free hand finds a comfortable space on the inside of her thigh, drawing a series of small circles. With her body gradually tensing more and more, she quietly whispers, “And not just the Principal, but the Vice-Principal too. And Ms. Harshwhinny. And Nurse Redheart. And Rainbow Dash. And Flash Sentry. Everybody. Everyone exposed, embarrassed, and erotic.”
  349. As the perverse techie gives a slutty giggle, Chips and Bright can only stare and wonder what they’ve gotten themselves into.
  351. Within the next five minutes, Wiz Kid and Curly Winds are marched out. They’re seated behind the podium, undoubtedly to be used as an example for the other students. Ms. Harshwhinny keeps stern watch over them until Vice-Principal Luna arrives and excuses her back to the auditorium. She fixes both boys with a long look, somewhere between irritated and amused. Before long, Principal Celestia arrives as well, in a fresh jacket and looking only slightly frazzled. The two sisters exchange a quick hug before the long-legged Principal struts out onto the stage. She clears her throat, leans forward to adjust the mic to her amazonian height, and begins.
  353. “Students of Canterlot High, it has come to my attention that recently, this week especially, there has been a spike in disruptive activities on campus. While we have long tolerated the general excitability of certain students when it comes to meeting new people and celebrations-”
  355. “Woo hoo, parties!” the familiar voice of Pinkie Pie rings out, earning a wave of chuckles from the audience. But the Principal is in no mood, and a quick raise of her hand silences the crowd. Behind the podium, Celestia shifts her weight, her frown never ceasing.
  357. “Such tolerance may be difficult going forward as certain elements of the student population,” she pauses long enough to glance in the general direction of the boys seated behind her. Wiz sinks a little lower in his seat, while Curly forces a smile, “have taken it upon themselves to test the limits of what is acceptable. Such as spraying soda in the hallway, trapping chairs, or playing ball in the school.”
  359. Another shift of the hips. Celestia brings her hand across her middle and lightly rubs underneath her chest.
  361. “This rise in hooligan-like activity…”
  363. “Hey, Wiz,” Curly whispers as Celestia continues.
  365. “Quiet man, we’re already in enough trouble as it is.”
  367. “Yeah, I know that,” the athlete replies, “but, I gotta ask, don’t you think it’s kind of weird that your girl Velvet is all in with us on this? Doesn’t it seem like everything’s getting, like, sexually supercharged lately?”
  369. “Not really, Velvet’s always been a little, uh, off.” Wiz chuckles as his friend raises an eyebrow. “What I mean is that she’s the kind of girl who would bring porn-comics to AV Club Meetings. Because that’s what she did.”
  371. “Woah.” Both boys quickly turn their attention forward again, the conversation clearly over. But Curly continues to smile and bob his head before muttering, “Velvet’s a pretty cool chick.”
  373. By the time they turn back to the Principal, she’s already looking more than a little flushed under the lights of the stage. Sweat dribbles down from her temple, causing her to shudder.
  375. “…therefore,” Celestia gulps, her lips feeling fatter than usual; heavy and slow. She takes a deep breath and tries again, taking her time. “Therefore, the Vice Principal and I shall be taking a much harder line on infractions going forward. That includes-”
  377. A sudden, deep numbness assails the Principal’s chest. She gasps into the microphone, her face contorting as tingles spread across the vast expanse of her jugs. Already red in the face, she looks down and finds that the skin there has taken on a lovely, rich, pink hue. She can only watch in a mixture of shock, arousal, and even a bit of fear, as her nipples, usually hidden by the heavy fabric of her jacket, poke themselves to a ridiculous hardness, leaving them plainly visible by the student body. Celestia can swear she can see them casting shadows.
  379. A general rumble of confusion rolls through the crowd as the Principal struggles to maintain some level of composure as the tingling rapidly escalates from pleasantly uncomfortable to deliciously manageable. Of course, it almost immediately jumps to wonderfully overwhelming, leaving Principal Celestia clutching the podium and struggling for air.
  381. “I…” she tries again, one hand leaving the podium and squeezing her delightfully tingly chest. A shock rolls through her body, encouraging her to grope herself again and again as she stutters around her moans. “I-I-I-I-”
  383. This continues for a few seconds more before Principal Celestia grits her teeth and thrusts her chest out. Of course, this also has the effect of tightening up her backside as well, given the two boys seated behind her a good view of just how enormous the Principal’s ass actually is. She makes a small, contained hissing sound, spittle dribbling out of the right corner of her mouth as her entire body goes rigid.
  385. Even as she holds her upper body straight, her lower half continues to jerk and twerk as the obvious throes of orgasm subside. Another ten seconds and she’s collected herself enough to hurriedly finish the assembly, “The point being, you all of you need to behave better, and administration will be stricter with the rules going forward. Clarification will be sent in an email over the weekend. Thank you.”
  387. And, in an instant, the Principal is gone, drip-drip-dripping her way to the office.
  389. It takes a few minutes before anyone realizes that that’s all. Students slowly get up and make their way back to their classrooms, while the three Techies linger a little while longer, in part because Velvet insists on hiding the wet spot on her skirt.
  391. “That was awesome,” she whispers with barely contained excitement. “I thought seeing her rack would be the best, but I never expected her to ‘O’ on stage! Oh wow, she must be tomato red back in the office. Do you think she’s jilling off?”
  393. “I think it’s about time you told us what you did,” Bright repeats himself from earlier as the last of the students are filing out. Getting up, he motions for them to follow him to the stage and the other two members of the group. “What the heck just happened?”
  395. “Well, you remember the itching powder incident from like, last spring?” Velvet begins. “Yeah, I thought about it and figured that I could probably change a few things about it and use it to line the inside of Principal Celestia’s jacket. I thought it would make her take it off but, hey, just as good, right?”
  397. “It wasn’t what we were aiming for,” Chips reminds the two of them, earning a scowl from Velvet. “I’m just saying, you didn’t hold up your end of the bargain.”
  399. “Whatever, I got what I wanted. Here,” the girl says quickly, handing Chips a folded up piece of paper. “You’re welcome to do whatever you want with that.”
  401. The exchange is over in an instant, with Chips wheezing a sigh of relief as the three make their way onto the stage. Bright adopts a smug smile as they approach Wiz and Curly, staring off into the wing where the Principal had run off. “Hey guys, what’s got you so spaced out?”
  403. Neither bothers to turn, so Bright rolls his eyes and looks over for himself. When he begins to stare, so too do Chips and Velvet, who find themselves equally entranced.
  405. “Good,” Vice-Principal Luna whispers, grabbing at her oversized tits and bouncing them up and down. “So good.” They quiver and shake as she lifts them and drops them over and over again, her eyes long since vacant as she tugs mercilessly on her nipples. The belly-bearing sweater long discarded in a heap behind her head, the Vice Principal squirms against the hard flooring beneath her in nothing but a drenched g-string.
  407. “Oh, yeah, right,” Velvet adds, hiking up her own skirt and giving her pussy an affectionate rub. “I also figured the Vice-Principal would be sweaty after chasing after those two too, so I lined the inside of her spare sweater with the same powder. Guess I forgot about that part. I guess different people react differently to it. Needs more work.”
  409. Luna gives a lewd moan, bucking her hips into the air repeatedly in front of her students. After drinking in the scene for a little while, the fivesome agree that it’s probably best not to be caught staring when she comes back around, and hurry back to class. Ultimately, the boys decide to call today a minor success and, after some coaxing, the boys manage to get Velvet to agree to stay on board, at least until Celestia’s jacket is removed for the entire school to see.
  411. The power of hopes and dreams. Of youthful enthusiasm and a single-minded dedication to their craft! Is anything beyond their reach?
  413. Only time will tell.
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