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Jan 3rd, 2018
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  1. For the sake of simplicity let's just forget air, assume that the man is warping around the lightbulb, so every piece of him has the same distance to the bulb, and he just receives one push. I am also sorry for formating and my language since I am German and on mobile.
  3. The pressure on an area by light is: p=(P)/(Ac)
  4. With p= pressure P=Power A=Area c=speed of light
  5. So since he only covers parts of the emitted light we have to divide the Power by 4 times pi times the distance (r) squared.
  6. So the new formula is p = ((P)/( 4 \* Pi \* r^2 )) / (Ac)
  7. ***
  8. So now to rearrange the formula:
  10. p = ((P) / ( 4 * Pi * r^2 )) / (A*c) |* (A * c)
  11. p(Ac) = (P) / ( 4 * Pi * r^2 ) |* ( 4 * Pi * r^2 )
  12. p(Ac)( 4 * Pi * r^2 ) = P
  14. Now we only need the surface of a man and we should be done. According to Wikipedia the surface covered by skin of a man is about 1.9m^2 .
  15. (Again) for the simplicity I will take half that and just leave out the warping of it. Since just pushing a man really lightly would theoretically push him an endless distance we will assume that we want him to cover that distance in for example a tenth of a second.
  16. That means we want him to travel at 3m/0.1s =30m/s.
  17. If we decide that the bulb is on for also a tenth of a second it would have to output a pressure to accelerate a mass of about 75kg with a surface of 0.95m2 at about 30m/s meaning at 300m/s2.
  19. So F = m \* a
  20. With:
  22. m = 75kg
  23. a = 300m/s2
  24. F = 22500N
  25. That means that p = 22500/0.95
  26. A pressure of p=21375N/m2 is needed to accelerate an average man to a velocity to cover 3m in 0.1s
  28. Assuming that he starts at a distance of 1m and using the beginning formula:
  30. p(Ac)( 4 * Pi * r^2 ) = P
  31. We get that the Bulb needs a power of:
  33. 21375(0.95299792458)(43.14159265412) = 7.64997993e13W
  34. Relative to the high end of lightbulbs being around 20000W that's alot. It's pretty late and I am not sure if what I did was right so I would be happy if someone pointed out that I made some errors.
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