

Nov 13th, 2014
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  1. [6:36:12 PM] Jason Connors: Is there an issue in chicago?
  2. [6:43:29 PM] Jason Connors: have no access to my server
  3. [6:43:36 PM] Jason Connors: chi-04-23
  4. [6:43:52 PM] Hung Tran: No issues, we can reboot it for you
  5. [6:44:06 PM] Jason Connors: hrmm
  6. [6:44:54 PM] Jason Connors: I guess
  7. [6:45:39 PM] Jason Connors: wife is heading to the bank here, I'll pay for the server shortly, also the DDoS wasn't prorated for last month and i'm getting charged for it again this month when it is supposed to be removed.
  8. [6:46:24 PM] Hung Tran: I'll have your system rebooted and handle the billing later tonight
  9. [6:47:02 PM] Hung Tran: Rebooted
  10. [6:47:50 PM] Jason Connors: k
  11. [6:51:56 PM] Jason Connors: can you connect to via browser?
  12. [6:54:27 PM] Jason Connors:
  13. [6:54:29 PM] Jason Connors: that sorry
  14. [6:55:15 PM] Hung Tran: Nope
  15. [6:56:08 PM] Jason Connors: that is part of the issues that I get with this server
  16. [6:56:21 PM] Jason Connors: It doesn't appear that it was restarted
  17. [6:56:39 PM] Jason Connors: as I can connect to a couple of the VM's and they still show like 9-10 uptime on them
  18. [6:56:45 PM] Jason Connors: days*
  19. [6:56:53 PM] Hung Tran: S2E8-2 23
  20. [6:56:59 PM] Hung Tran: CHI-04-23
  21. [6:57:07 PM] Hung Tran: So the system has multiple containers
  22. [6:57:14 PM] Hung Tran: And they are online and didnt get rebooted with my reboot?
  23. [6:57:25 PM] Jason Connors: yes, it's a VM box
  24. [6:57:33 PM] Jason Connors: and the server didn't reboot
  25. [6:57:43 PM] Hung Tran: So its online and not offline then?
  26. [6:58:21 PM] Jason Connors: Well, a couple of the VM's I can connect to, but I can't connect to the main connect. Example: THe webUI
  27. [6:59:20 PM] Jason Connors: I run a cPanel install on there for a VM, I can ssh to the container and the websites are up, but I can't ssh to my nameserver and it pings offline
  28. [7:00:08 PM] Hung Tran: But its all on 1 box right
  29. [7:00:11 PM] Jason Connors: Yes
  30. [7:00:16 PM] Jason Connors: Running Proxmox
  31. [7:00:32 PM] Hung Tran: Im going to ticket in and have the DC manually power cycle it
  32. [7:00:38 PM] Hung Tran: and get me the correct PDU port on it
  33. [7:00:42 PM] Jason Connors: alright
  34. [7:01:05 PM] Jason Connors: I get issues like this often
  35. [7:02:21 PM] Jason Connors: I thought it was my local network, but I just replaced my switch and built a new pfsense router to replace my linksys
  36. [7:02:52 PM] Hung Tran: Alright ticket is it
  37. [7:02:54 PM] Hung Tran: is in*
  38. [7:02:55 PM] Jason Connors: kk
  39. [8:01:40 PM] Jason Connors: box must be down now
  40. [8:06:51 PM] Hung Tran: They rebooted it ar 4:50
  41. [8:07:06 PM] Jason Connors: well
  42. [8:07:18 PM] Jason Connors: it's been down then for 17 mins
  43. [8:07:22 PM] Jason Connors: still can't access it
  44. [8:07:33 PM] Hung Tran: That IP or the containers too?
  45. [8:07:43 PM] Jason Connors: nothing, everything is down
  46. [8:09:40 PM] Hung Tran: I just power cycled it at PDU now
  47. [8:11:24 PM] Jason Connors: alright
  48. [8:12:35 PM] Jason Connors: server paid
  49. [8:12:56 PM] Jason Connors: and it's not responding to ping at all so far
  50. [8:13:16 PM] Hung Tran: Let me know if the VPSs come back up
  51. [8:16:01 PM] Jason Connors: nothing so far
  52. [8:17:25 PM] Hung Tran: I'l move a KVM to it
  53. [8:17:40 PM] Jason Connors: kk
  54. [8:29:07 PM] Hung Tran: Up?
  55. [8:29:37 PM] Jason Connors: no
  56. [8:47:36 PM] Hung Tran: An IPKVM has been connected to your server. To access the KVM, visit:
  60. Username: kvm_user
  61. Password: $Y.];("5vY
  62. [9:00:12 PM] Jason Connors: link doesn't appear to be working
  63. [9:02:27 PM] Jason Connors: Does it work for you?
  64. [9:02:34 PM] Hung Tran: Yes
  65. [9:02:43 PM] Hung Tran: I verified before handing over to you
  66. [9:03:57 PM] Jason Connors: Does the webUI for the server work for you?
  67. [9:06:42 PM] Hung Tran: Whats the link
  68. [9:07:16 PM] Jason Connors:
  69. [9:07:49 PM] Hung Tran: Nope
  70. [9:08:29 PM] Jason Connors: K, then it's not up. But I don't get why I can't connect to the KVM
  71. [9:08:58 PM] Hung Tran: I'm able to connect to it fine
  72. [9:09:15 PM] Hung Tran: Just opened the KVM
  73. [9:09:23 PM] Hung Tran: its at Proxmox Virtual Enviroment
  74. [9:09:24 PM] Hung Tran: CHI-04-23
  75. [9:09:26 PM] Hung Tran: shows on the KVM
  76. [9:24:07 PM] Jason Connors: I can ping the gateway, but not past it
  77. [9:24:17 PM] Jason Connors: I can ping
  78. [9:24:25 PM] Jason Connors: but I can't ping google
  79. [9:24:27 PM] Jason Connors:
  80. [9:25:27 PM] Jason Connors: I can ping the VM's that came up
  81. [9:25:42 PM] Jason Connors: So, someone there messed up. Took my box down for no reason..grrr
  82. [9:27:32 PM] Jason Connors: Reminds me of Home Alone - Lost in New York .. ' What kinda idiots do you have working here??" " Only the finest madam" ..
  83. [9:34:16 PM] Hung Tran: Not sure what you mean here
  84. [9:34:21 PM] Hung Tran: But if you cant ping google something wrong with your internet
  85. [9:34:34 PM] Hung Tran: Are you done with the KVM?
  86. [9:36:32 PM] Jason Connors: no, I can't ping from the server out
  87. [9:36:39 PM] Jason Connors: I can only ping to the gateway
  88. [9:36:44 PM] Jason Connors: using the KVM
  89. [9:38:31 PM] Hung Tran: thats weird then since your vps still works
  90. [9:39:01 PM] Jason Connors: I can ping from the server to the VM
  91. [9:39:02 PM] Jason Connors: s
  92. [9:39:55 PM] Jason Connors: I can't ping from my place to the server or the VM's
  93. [9:40:10 PM] Jason Connors: and I can no longer access any of the other vm's from outside
  94. [9:40:30 PM] Jason Connors: only access to the server now is from the KVM
  95. [9:41:05 PM] Jason Connors: I can ping google from home just fine
  96. [9:41:19 PM] Hung Tran: Not sure what you want me to do here
  97. [9:41:29 PM] Jason Connors: They have a network issue somewhere.
  98. [9:41:31 PM] Hung Tran: Your system is operational and you cant get it to work, perhaps a firewall setting in OS or something
  99. [9:41:40 PM] Jason Connors: no firewalls in place
  100. [9:42:15 PM] Hung Tran: We have to pull the KVM in 1 hour
  101. [9:42:16 PM] Jason Connors: it was working, I was uploading a file, then it all just stopped
  102. [9:42:27 PM] Hung Tran: I already paid $25 for your KVM usage and cannot pay another $25 we lose money on your account then
  103. [9:43:04 PM] Hung Tran: No network issues on our end atm
  104. [9:43:11 PM] Jason Connors: wow man
  105. [9:43:19 PM] Jason Connors: if I just paid this for nothing
  106. [9:43:23 PM] Jason Connors: I'll drop it all
  107. [9:43:33 PM] Hung Tran: I gave you a free KVM use
  108. [9:43:37 PM] Hung Tran: Which Im not required to
  109. [9:43:48 PM] Jason Connors: this is a network issue on their end
  110. [9:43:52 PM] Hung Tran: Earlier you stated you cannot access 1 IP but you can access all your other containers
  111. [9:43:55 PM] Hung Tran: Now you cant access any
  112. [9:43:58 PM] Hung Tran: Its not a network issue
  113. [9:44:00 PM] Hung Tran: Its not a hardware issue
  114. [9:44:18 PM] Hung Tran: The gateway is online that proves everything
  115. [9:44:24 PM] Hung Tran: The KVM is online showing the system on, that proves that too
  116. [9:44:34 PM] Jason Connors: then why can't I ping past it? but to it?
  117. [9:44:50 PM] Jason Connors: and I can't ping past it from home?
  118. [9:44:54 PM] Jason Connors: but to it?
  119. [9:45:25 PM] Hung Tran: You're not making sense right now
  120. [9:45:36 PM] Jason Connors: I can ping
  121. [9:45:39 PM] Jason Connors: from home
  122. [9:45:40 PM] Hung Tran: Yes
  123. [9:45:41 PM] Jason Connors: my place
  124. [9:45:42 PM] Hung Tran: Thats our gateway
  125. [9:45:45 PM] Hung Tran: Saying our network is online.
  126. [9:45:52 PM] Jason Connors: but I can't ping to
  127. [9:45:55 PM] Jason Connors: which is up
  128. [9:46:03 PM] Jason Connors: I'm in the server
  129. [9:46:04 PM] Hung Tran: Then your system is not open to ping or is not properly configured
  130. [9:46:21 PM] Jason Connors: I can ping from the server to the gateway, but not past it
  131. [9:47:47 PM] Hung Tran: Doesnt look like a network issue or hardware, more of software or configuration
  132. [9:48:00 PM] Jason Connors: nothing changed
  133. [9:48:06 PM] Jason Connors: since the box went up
  134. [9:48:47 PM] Jason Connors: ask someone from there to access the webUI, I bet they can
  135. [9:50:24 PM] Hung Tran: If it doesnt work for you or me why would it work for them
  136. [9:50:32 PM] Hung Tran: We dont offer a managed service so we dont fix your software or configuration problems.
  137. [9:50:38 PM] Hung Tran: We only ensure our network and hardware is online
  138. [9:50:48 PM] Hung Tran: So you can hire a network tech to resolve your issues if you cannot
  139. [9:50:53 PM] Hung Tran: or reinstall your system to working order
  140. [9:51:09 PM] Jason Connors: that's brutal
  141. [9:51:23 PM] Hung Tran: I gave you a free KVM.
  142. [9:52:15 PM] Hung Tran: I suggest you back up your data and reinstall it if you want to get it working without having a network tech look at it
  143. [9:52:36 PM] Jason Connors: how would I back it up when I can't access it ?
  144. [9:52:55 PM] Jason Connors: I'm losing all of my data
  145. [9:52:59 PM] Jason Connors: cool
  146. [9:54:05 PM] Hung Tran: Whats your IP
  147. [9:54:09 PM] Hung Tran: Let me check something for you
  148. [9:54:20 PM] Jason Connors:
  149. [9:56:53 PM] Hung Tran: Can you ctrl+alt+del your system and reboot it
  150. [9:57:09 PM] Jason Connors: Ican ping which is not my IP but on their network
  151. [9:57:18 PM] Jason Connors: so, ping works and the box responds like it should
  152. [9:57:51 PM] Hung Tran: Yes I'm aware our network is online thus you can ping other IPs that are allowing it
  153. [9:58:33 PM] Hung Tran: Did you reboot the system?
  154. [9:58:35 PM] Jason Connors: yes
  155. [10:02:10 PM] Hung Tran: So none of your IPs ping correct?
  156. [10:02:53 PM] Jason Connors: Well, I can ping them from the server > VM .. but I can't ping from home to server or VM
  157. [10:03:56 PM] Hung Tran: Okay lets stop talking from server to VM that doesnt matter
  158. [10:04:02 PM] Jason Connors: alright
  159. [10:04:09 PM] Jason Connors: so no, I can't ping the VM
  160. [10:04:11 PM] Jason Connors: s
  161. [10:04:20 PM] Hung Tran: Okay I'll send out a tech to check the network cable
  162. [10:04:33 PM] Jason Connors: k
  163. [10:22:06 PM] Jason Connors: Did I just kick someone out of KVM?
  164. [10:23:00 PM] Hung Tran: Nah
  165. [10:23:04 PM] Hung Tran: I was on KVM I put it in bios
  166. [10:23:11 PM] Hung Tran: cause I'm testing your IP on another system
  167. [10:23:16 PM] Jason Connors: k
  168. [10:23:17 PM] Hung Tran: you can get it out of bios if you would like
  169. [10:24:34 PM] Jason Connors: done
  170. [10:37:58 PM] Jason Connors: server is back up
  171. [10:38:26 PM] Hung Tran: Waiting for them to reply what they did
  172. [10:38:39 PM] Jason Connors: can't ping it still
  173. [10:38:54 PM] Hung Tran: Then what you mean server back up
  174. [10:39:10 PM] Jason Connors: well, back up as you had it down
  175. [10:39:16 PM] Jason Connors: sorry
  176. [10:58:59 PM] Hung Tran: Hi Vee,
  180. I found a null on I removed it. Please advise if that resol
  181. ves your issue.
  185. Regards,
  187. Scott
  191. -- Scott Lagger | NOC Technician
  192. [10:59:53 PM] Jason Connors: yea..
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