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Apr 14th, 2021
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  1. ---
  3. daemonset:
  4. # Annotations to apply to the daemonset
  5. annotations: {}
  6. # additionals labels
  7. labels: {}
  8. affinity: {}
  9. # Include the daemonset
  10. enabled: true
  11. # Extra environment variables for Metricbeat container.
  12. envFrom: []
  13. # - configMapRef:
  14. # name: config-secret
  15. extraEnvs: []
  16. # - name: MY_ENVIRONMENT_VAR
  17. # value: the_value_goes_here
  18. extraVolumes: []
  19. # - name: extras
  20. # emptyDir: {}
  21. extraVolumeMounts: []
  22. # - name: extras
  23. # mountPath: /usr/share/extras
  24. # readOnly: true
  25. hostAliases: []
  26. #- ip: ""
  27. # hostnames:
  28. # - "foo.local"
  29. # - "bar.local"
  30. hostNetworking: false
  31. # Allows you to add any config files in /usr/share/metricbeat
  32. # such as metricbeat.yml for daemonset
  33. metricbeatConfig:
  34. metricbeat.yml: |
  35. metricbeat.modules:
  36. - module: kubernetes
  37. metricsets:
  38. - container
  39. - node
  40. - pod
  41. - system
  42. - volume
  43. period: 10s
  44. host: "${NODE_NAME}"
  45. hosts: ["https://${NODE_NAME}:10250"]
  46. bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
  47. ssl.verification_mode: "none"
  48. # If using Red Hat OpenShift remove ssl.verification_mode entry and
  49. # uncomment these settings:
  50. #ssl.certificate_authorities:
  51. #- /var/run/secrets/
  52. processors:
  53. - add_kubernetes_metadata: ~
  54. - add_tags:
  55. tags: [essentia]
  56. - module: kubernetes
  57. enabled: true
  58. metricsets:
  59. - event
  60. - module: system
  61. period: 10s
  62. metricsets:
  63. - cpu
  64. - load
  65. - memory
  66. - network
  67. - process
  68. - process_summary
  69. processes: ['.*']
  70. process.include_top_n:
  71. by_cpu: 5
  72. by_memory: 5
  73. - module: system
  74. period: 1m
  75. metricsets:
  76. - filesystem
  77. - fsstat
  78. processors:
  79. - drop_event.when.regexp:
  80. system.filesystem.mount_point: '^/(sys|cgroup|proc|dev|etc|host|lib)($|/)'
  81. "<OMITTED>"
  82. cloud.auth: "OMITTED"
  83. setup.ilm.enabled: false
  84. "essentia"
  85. setup.template.pattern: "essentia-metricbeat-dev-*"
  86. setup.dashboards.index: "essentia-metricbeat-dev-*"
  87. "essentia"
  88. output.elasticsearch:
  89. index: "essentia-metricbeat-dev-%{[agent.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
  90. nodeSelector: {}
  91. # A list of secrets and their paths to mount inside the pod
  92. # This is useful for mounting certificates for security other sensitive values
  93. secretMounts: []
  94. # - name: metricbeat-certificates
  95. # secretName: metricbeat-certificates
  96. # path: /usr/share/metricbeat/certs
  97. # Various pod security context settings. Bear in mind that many of these have an impact on metricbeat functioning properly.
  98. # - Filesystem group for the metricbeat user. The official elastic docker images always have an id of 1000.
  99. # - User that the container will execute as. Typically necessary to run as root (0) in order to properly collect host container logs.
  100. # - Whether to execute the metricbeat containers as privileged containers. Typically not necessarily unless running within environments such as OpenShift.
  101. securityContext:
  102. runAsUser: 0
  103. privileged: false
  104. resources:
  105. requests:
  106. cpu: "100m"
  107. memory: "100Mi"
  108. limits:
  109. cpu: "1000m"
  110. memory: "200Mi"
  111. tolerations: []
  113. deployment:
  114. # Annotations to apply to the deployment
  115. annotations: {}
  116. # additionals labels
  117. labels: {}
  118. affinity: {}
  119. # Include the deployment
  120. enabled: true
  121. # Extra environment variables for Metricbeat container.
  122. envFrom: []
  123. # - configMapRef:
  124. # name: config-secret
  125. extraEnvs: []
  126. # - name: MY_ENVIRONMENT_VAR
  127. # value: the_value_goes_here
  128. # Allows you to add any config files in /usr/share/metricbeat
  129. extraVolumes: []
  130. # - name: extras
  131. # emptyDir: {}
  132. extraVolumeMounts: []
  133. # - name: extras
  134. # mountPath: /usr/share/extras
  135. # readOnly: true
  136. # such as metricbeat.yml for deployment
  137. hostAliases: []
  138. #- ip: ""
  139. # hostnames:
  140. # - "foo.local"
  141. # - "bar.local"
  142. metricbeatConfig:
  143. metricbeat.yml: |
  144. metricbeat.modules:
  145. - module: kubernetes
  146. enabled: true
  147. metricsets:
  148. - state_node
  149. - state_deployment
  150. - state_replicaset
  151. - state_pod
  152. - state_container
  153. period: 10s
  154. hosts: ["${KUBE_STATE_METRICS_HOSTS}"]
  155. "<OMITTED>"
  156. cloud.auth: "OMITTED"
  157. setup.ilm.enabled: false
  158. "essentia"
  159. setup.template.pattern: "essentia-metricbeat-dev-*"
  160. setup.dashboards.index: "essentia-metricbeat-dev-*"
  161. "essentia"
  162. output.elasticsearch:
  163. index: "essentia-metricbeat-dev-%{[agent.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
  164. nodeSelector: {}
  165. # A list of secrets and their paths to mount inside the pod
  166. # This is useful for mounting certificates for security other sensitive values
  167. secretMounts: []
  168. # - name: metricbeat-certificates
  169. # secretName: metricbeat-certificates
  170. # path: /usr/share/metricbeat/certs
  171. securityContext:
  172. runAsUser: 0
  173. privileged: false
  174. resources:
  175. requests:
  176. cpu: "100m"
  177. memory: "100Mi"
  178. limits:
  179. cpu: "1000m"
  180. memory: "200Mi"
  181. tolerations: []
  183. # Replicas being used for the kube-state-metrics metricbeat deployment
  184. replicas: 1
  186. extraContainers: ""
  187. # - name: dummy-init
  188. # image: busybox
  189. # command: ['echo', 'hey']
  191. extraInitContainers: ""
  192. # - name: dummy-init
  193. # image: busybox
  194. # command: ['echo', 'hey']
  196. # Root directory where metricbeat will write data to in order to persist registry data across pod restarts (file position and other metadata).
  197. hostPathRoot: /var/lib
  199. image: ""
  200. imageTag: "7.10.2"
  201. imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  202. imagePullSecrets: []
  204. livenessProbe:
  205. exec:
  206. command:
  207. - sh
  208. - -c
  209. - |
  210. #!/usr/bin/env bash -e
  211. curl --fail
  212. failureThreshold: 3
  213. initialDelaySeconds: 10
  214. periodSeconds: 10
  215. timeoutSeconds: 5
  217. readinessProbe:
  218. exec:
  219. command:
  220. - sh
  221. - -c
  222. - |
  223. #!/usr/bin/env bash -e
  224. metricbeat test output
  225. failureThreshold: 3
  226. initialDelaySeconds: 10
  227. periodSeconds: 10
  228. timeoutSeconds: 5
  230. # Whether this chart should self-manage its service account, role, and associated role binding.
  231. managedServiceAccount: true
  233. clusterRoleRules:
  234. - apiGroups: [""]
  235. resources:
  236. - nodes
  237. - namespaces
  238. - events
  239. - pods
  240. verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
  241. - apiGroups: ["extensions"]
  242. resources:
  243. - replicasets
  244. verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
  245. - apiGroups: ["apps"]
  246. resources:
  247. - statefulsets
  248. - deployments
  249. - replicasets
  250. verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
  251. - apiGroups: [""]
  252. resources:
  253. - nodes/stats
  254. verbs: ["get"]
  256. podAnnotations: {}
  257. # es-cluster
  259. # Custom service account override that the pod will use
  260. serviceAccount: ""
  262. # Annotations to add to the ServiceAccount that is created if the serviceAccount value isn't set.
  263. serviceAccountAnnotations: {}
  264. # arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/k8s.clustername.namespace.serviceaccount
  266. # How long to wait for metricbeat pods to stop gracefully
  267. terminationGracePeriod: 30
  269. # This is the PriorityClass settings as defined in
  270. #
  271. priorityClassName: ""
  273. updateStrategy: RollingUpdate
  275. # Override various naming aspects of this chart
  276. # Only edit these if you know what you're doing
  277. nameOverride: ""
  278. fullnameOverride: ""
  280. kube_state_metrics:
  281. enabled: true
  282. # host is used only when kube_state_metrics.enabled: false
  283. host: ["${KUBE_STATE_METRICS_HOSTS}"]
  284. # host: ""
  286. # Add sensitive data to k8s secrets
  287. secrets: []
  288. # - name: "env"
  289. # value:
  291. # api_key: ui2CsdUadTiBasRJRkl9tvNnw
  292. # - name: "tls"
  293. # value:
  294. # ca.crt: |
  295. # LS0tLS1CRUdJT0K
  296. # LS0tLS1CRUdJT0K
  297. # LS0tLS1CRUdJT0K
  298. # LS0tLS1CRUdJT0K
  299. # cert.crt: "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBlRJRklDQVRFLS0tLS0K"
  300. # cert.key.filepath: "secrets.crt" # The path to file should be relative to the `values.yaml` file.
  303. affinity: {}
  304. envFrom: []
  305. extraEnvs: []
  306. extraVolumes: []
  307. extraVolumeMounts: []
  308. # Allows you to add any config files in /usr/share/metricbeat
  309. # such as metricbeat.yml for both daemonset and deployment
  310. metricbeatConfig: {}
  311. nodeSelector: {}
  312. podSecurityContext: {}
  313. resources: {}
  314. secretMounts: []
  315. tolerations: []
  316. labels: {}
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