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Jul 27th, 2017
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  1. unbindall
  2. bind "0" "slot10"
  3. bind "1" "slot1"
  4. bind "2" "slot2"
  5. bind "3" "slot3"
  6. bind "4" "slot4"
  7. bind "5" "slot5"
  8. bind "6" "slot6"
  9. bind "7" "slot7"
  10. bind "8" "slot8"
  11. bind "9" "slot9"
  12. bind "b" "buymenu"
  13. bind "c" "radio3"
  14. bind "d" "+moveright"
  15. bind "e" "+use"
  16. bind "f" "impulse 100"
  17. bind "g" "drop"
  18. bind "h" "commandmenu"
  19. bind "i" "zb_teamcash" // Ouo c'était dur!
  20. bind "j" "cheer"
  21. bind "k" "+voicerecord"
  22. bind "m" "chooseteam"
  23. bind "n" "nightvision"
  24. bind "o" "buyequip"
  25. bind "q" "+moveleft"
  26. bind "r" "+reload"
  27. bind "s" "+back"
  28. bind "t" "impulse 201"
  29. bind "u" "messagemode2"
  30. bind "x" "radio2"
  31. bind "y" "messagemode"
  32. bind "z" "+forward"
  33. bind "`" "toggleconsole"
  34. bind "," "buyammo1"
  35. bind "." "buyammo2"
  36. bind "SPACE" "+jump"
  37. bind "TAB" "+showscores"
  38. bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
  39. bind "PAUSE" "pause"
  40. bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
  41. bind "CTRL" "+duck"
  42. bind "F1" "autobuy"
  43. bind "F2" "rebuy"
  44. bind "F3" "askconnect_accept"
  45. bind "F4" "bug"
  46. bind "F5" "jpeg"
  47. bind "F6" "save quick"
  48. bind "F7" "load quick"
  49. bind "F10" "quit prompt"
  50. bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
  51. bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
  52. bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
  53. bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
  54. cl_righthand "1"
  55. cl_rumblescale "1.0"
  56. cl_debugrumble "0"
  57. cl_thirdperson "0"
  58. cl_team "default"
  59. cl_class "default"
  60. hud_takesshots "0"
  61. hud_freezecamhide "0"
  62. cl_detail_max_sway "5"
  63. cl_detail_avoid_radius "64"
  64. cl_detail_avoid_force "0.4"
  65. cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed "0.25"
  66. cl_showhelp "1"
  67. hud_draw_fixed_reticle "0"
  68. hud_achievement_description "1"
  69. hud_achievement_count "5"
  70. cl_chatfilters "63"
  71. cl_chatfilter_version "1"
  72. cc_linger_time "1.0"
  73. cc_predisplay_time "0.25"
  74. cc_subtitles "0"
  75. cc_lang ""
  76. crosshair "1"
  77. cl_observercrosshair "1"
  78. g15_update_msec "250"
  79. cam_snapto "0"
  80. cam_ideallag "4.0"
  81. cam_idealdelta "4.0"
  82. cam_idealyaw "0"
  83. cam_idealpitch "0"
  84. cam_idealdist "150"
  85. cam_idealdistright "0"
  86. cam_idealdistup "0"
  87. cam_collision "1"
  88. c_maxpitch "90"
  89. c_minpitch "0"
  90. c_maxyaw "135"
  91. c_minyaw "-135"
  92. c_maxdistance "200"
  93. c_mindistance "30"
  94. c_orthowidth "100"
  95. c_orthoheight "100"
  96. joy_name "joystick"
  97. joy_advanced "0"
  98. joy_advaxisx "0"
  99. joy_advaxisy "0"
  100. joy_advaxisz "0"
  101. joy_advaxisr "0"
  102. joy_advaxisu "0"
  103. joy_advaxisv "0"
  104. joy_forwardthreshold "0.15"
  105. joy_sidethreshold "0.15"
  106. joy_pitchthreshold "0.15"
  107. joy_yawthreshold "0.15"
  108. joy_forwardsensitivity "-1"
  109. joy_sidesensitivity "1"
  110. joy_pitchsensitivity "1"
  111. joy_yawsensitivity "-1"
  112. joy_response_move "1"
  113. joy_response_look "0"
  114. joy_lowend "1"
  115. joy_lowmap "1"
  116. joy_accelscale "0.6"
  117. joy_accelmax "1.0"
  118. joy_autoaimdampenrange "0"
  119. joy_autoaimdampen "0"
  120. joy_diagonalpov "0"
  121. joy_display_input "0"
  122. joy_wingmanwarrior_turnhack "0"
  123. joy_inverty "0"
  124. joy_movement_stick "0"
  125. joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded "0"
  126. cl_upspeed "320"
  127. cl_forwardspeed "400"
  128. cl_backspeed "400"
  129. lookspring "0"
  130. lookstrafe "0"
  131. joystick "0"
  132. m_pitch "0.022"
  133. m_filter "1"
  134. sensitivity "2.000000"
  135. m_side "0.8"
  136. m_yaw "0.022"
  137. m_forward "1"
  138. m_customaccel "0"
  139. m_customaccel_scale "0.04"
  140. m_customaccel_max "0"
  141. m_customaccel_exponent "1"
  142. m_mouseaccel1 "0"
  143. m_mouseaccel2 "0"
  144. m_mousespeed "1"
  145. cl_mouselook "1"
  146. cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"
  147. net_scale "5"
  148. net_graphpos "1"
  149. net_graphsolid "1"
  150. net_graphtext "1"
  151. net_graphmsecs "400"
  152. net_graphshowlatency "1"
  153. net_graphshowinterp "1"
  154. net_graph "1"
  155. net_graphheight "64"
  156. net_graphproportionalfont "1"
  157. mat_software_aa_strength "0.000000"
  158. mat_software_aa_quality "0"
  159. mat_software_aa_edge_threshold "1.0"
  160. mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines "0.5"
  161. mat_software_aa_tap_offset "1.0"
  162. mat_software_aa_strength_vgui "1.000000"
  163. voice_modenable "1"
  164. hud_fastswitch "1"
  165. cl_playerspraydisable "0"
  166. muzzleflash_light "1"
  167. hud_classautokill "1"
  168. overview_health "1"
  169. overview_names "1"
  170. overview_tracks "1"
  171. overview_locked "1"
  172. overview_alpha "1.0"
  173. spec_scoreboard "0"
  174. cl_spec_mode "1"
  175. cl_disablehtmlmotd "0"
  176. cl_buy_favorite_quiet "0"
  177. cl_buy_favorite_nowarn "0"
  178. cl_autowepswitch "0"
  179. cl_autohelp "0"
  180. cl_show_achievement_popups "1"
  181. cl_disablefreezecam "1"
  182. cl_radartype "0"
  183. cl_radaralpha "200"
  184. cl_locationalpha "150"
  185. cl_crosshaircolor "5"
  186. cl_dynamiccrosshair "0"
  187. cl_scalecrosshair "1"
  188. cl_crosshairscale "2700"
  189. cl_crosshairalpha "200"
  190. cl_crosshairusealpha "0"
  191. cl_scoreboard_ct_color_red "150"
  192. cl_scoreboard_ct_color_green "200"
  193. cl_scoreboard_ct_color_blue "255"
  194. cl_scoreboard_t_color_red "240"
  195. cl_scoreboard_t_color_green "90"
  196. cl_scoreboard_t_color_blue "90"
  197. cl_scoreboard_dead_color_red "125"
  198. cl_scoreboard_dead_color_green "125"
  199. cl_scoreboard_dead_color_blue "125"
  200. cl_radar_locked "0"
  201. overview_preferred_mode "1"
  202. overview_preferred_view_size "600"
  203. cl_round_win_fade_time "1.5"
  204. cl_nowinpanel "1"
  205. r_eyegloss "1"
  206. vgui_message_dialog_modal "1"
  207. commentary_firstrun "0"
  208. scene_showfaceto "0"
  209. ai_report_task_timings_on_limit "0"
  210. ai_think_limit_label "0"
  211. npc_height_adjust "1"
  212. sv_pvsskipanimation "1"
  213. scene_showlook "0"
  214. scene_showmoveto "0"
  215. scene_showunlock "0"
  216. commentary "0"
  217. xbox_throttlebias "100"
  218. xbox_throttlespoof "200"
  219. xbox_autothrottle "1"
  220. func_break_max_pieces "15"
  221. suitvolume "0.25"
  222. option_duck_method "1"
  223. sk_autoaim_mode "1"
  224. sv_noclipaccelerate "5"
  225. sv_noclipspeed "5"
  226. sv_specaccelerate "5"
  227. sv_specspeed "3"
  228. sv_specnoclip "1"
  229. sv_backspeed "0.6"
  230. sv_skyname "sky_dust"
  231. bugreporter_uploadasync "0"
  232. cl_cmdrate "80"
  233. cl_updaterate "100"
  234. closecaption "0"
  235. skill "1"
  236. net_maxroutable "1260"
  237. cl_allowupload "1"
  238. name "KrmS"
  239. password "mangesexe"
  240. sv_unlockedchapters "1"
  241. tv_nochat "0"
  242. cl_showpluginmessages "1"
  243. cl_timeout "30"
  244. cl_logofile "materials/vgui/logos/spray.vtf"
  245. cl_soundfile "sound/player/jingle.wav"
  246. cl_forcepreload "0"
  247. cl_allowdownload "1"
  248. cl_downloadfilter "all"
  249. con_enable "1"
  250. r_eyemove "1"
  251. r_eyeshift_x "0"
  252. r_eyeshift_y "0"
  253. r_eyeshift_z "0"
  254. r_eyesize "0"
  255. r_ambientboost "1"
  256. r_ambientmin "0.3"
  257. r_ambientfactor "5"
  258. r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin "0.1"
  259. r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax "1.5"
  260. mp_decals "200.000000"
  261. sv_logsdir "logs"
  262. sv_logfile "1"
  263. sv_logflush "0"
  264. sv_logecho "1"
  265. sv_log_onefile "0"
  266. sv_logbans "0"
  267. sv_voiceenable "1"
  268. sv_forcepreload "0"
  269. snd_legacy_surround "0"
  270. snd_pitchquality "1"
  271. volume "1.0"
  272. snd_musicvolume "1.0"
  273. snd_mixahead "0.1"
  274. adsp_debug "0"
  275. snd_ducktovolume "0.55"
  276. snd_duckerattacktime "0.5"
  277. snd_duckerreleasetime "2.5"
  278. snd_duckerthreshold "0.15"
  279. dsp_slow_cpu "0"
  280. dsp_volume "1.0"
  281. dsp_enhance_stereo "1"
  282. voice_scale "1"
  283. voice_enable "1"
  284. voice_forcemicrecord "1"
  285. budget_bargraph_background_alpha "128"
  286. budget_peaks_window "30"
  287. budget_averages_window "30"
  288. budget_show_peaks "1"
  289. budget_show_averages "0"
  290. budget_show_history "1"
  291. budget_history_numsamplesvisible "100"
  292. budget_history_range_ms "66.666666667"
  293. budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction ".25"
  294. budget_bargraph_range_ms "16.6666666667"
  295. budget_background_alpha "128"
  296. budget_panel_x "0"
  297. budget_panel_y "50"
  298. budget_panel_width "512"
  299. budget_panel_height "384"
  300. texture_budget_panel_x "0"
  301. texture_budget_panel_y "450"
  302. texture_budget_panel_width "512"
  303. texture_budget_panel_height "284"
  304. texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction ".25"
  305. texture_budget_background_alpha "128"
  306. vprof_graphwidth "512"
  307. vprof_graphheight "256"
  308. vprof_verbose "1"
  309. vprof_unaccounted_limit "0.3"
  310. vprof_warningmsec "10"
  311. mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "0"
  312. mat_queue_mode "-2"
  313. mat_texture_list_content_path ""
  314. joy_wingmanwarrior_centerhack "0"
  315. joy_axisbutton_threshold "0.3"
  317. // ******************************
  318. // * *
  319. // * Phenix KrmS - 23/09/2010 *
  320. // * *
  321. // ******************************
  323. rate "1048576" // ( def. "10000" ) Max bytes/sec the host can receive data
  324. gl_clear "0" // ( def. "0" ) Disables the gl_clear convariable.
  325. props_break_max_pieces "0" // ( def. "-1" ) Maximum prop breakable piece count (-1 = model default)
  326. lod_TransitionDist "0" // ( def. "800" )
  327. flex_smooth "0" // ( def. "1" ) Applies smoothing/decay curve to flex animation controller changes.
  328. showhitlocation "1" // ( def. "0" )
  329. dsp_water "14" // ( def. "14" )
  330. blink_duration "0" // ( def. "0.2" ) How many seconds an eye blink will last.
  331. weapon_showproficiency "1" // ( def. "0" )
  332. sensitivity "1.5" // ( def. "3" ) min. 0.000100 max. 10000000.000000 Mouse sensitivity.
  333. fps_max "0" // ( def. "300" ) Frame rate limiter, cannot be set while connected to a server.
  334. jpeg_quality "100" // ( def. "90" ) Jpeg screenshot quality.
  336. cl_cmdrate "100" // ( def. "30" ) min. 10.000000 max. 100.000000 Max number of command packets sent to server per second
  337. cl_updaterate "100" // ( def. "20" ) Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server
  338. cl_interp "0.032" // ( def. "0.1" ) min. 0.000000 max. 0.500000 Sets the interpolation amount (bounded on low side by server interp ratio settings).
  339. cl_interp_ratio "1" // ( def. "2.0" ) Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate).
  340. cl_lagcompensation "1" // ( def. "1" ) Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.
  341. cl_predictweapons "1" // ( def. "1" ) Perform client side prediction of weapon effects.
  342. cl_smooth "0" // ( def. "1" ) Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors
  343. cl_smoothtime "0.01" // ( def. "0.1" ) min. 0.010000 max. 2.000000 Smooth client's view after prediction error over this many seconds
  344. cl_phys_props_max "0" // ( def. "300" ) Maximum clientside physic props
  345. cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "1" // ( def. "1" ) Enable/disable ragdoll physics
  346. cl_ragdoll_collide "0" // ( def. "0" ) Ragdoll collisions
  347. cl_drawmonitors "0" // ( def. "1" ) Disables the rendering of ingame "monitors" which contain 3d rendered images.
  348. cl_ejectbrass "0" // ( def. "1" ) Disables brass ejection
  349. cl_forcepreload "1" // ( def. "0" ) Forces the game to load all texture and model information into memory on map load.
  350. cl_show_splashes "0" // ( def. "1" ) Disables water splashes.
  351. cl_detail_avoid_force "0" // ( def. "0" ) Force with which to avoid players ( in units, percentage of the width of the detail sprite )
  352. cl_detail_avoid_radius "0" // ( def. "0" ) Radius around detail sprite to avoid players
  353. cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed "0" // ( def. "0" ) How fast to recover position after avoiding players
  354. cl_detail_max_sway "0" // ( def. "0" ) Amplitude of the detail prop sway
  355. cl_wpn_sway_interp "0" // ( def. "0.1" )
  356. cl_rumblescale "0" // ( def. "1.0" ) Scale sensitivity of rumble effects (0 to 1.0)
  357. cl_scoreboard_dead_color_red "0" // ( def. "125" ) min. 0.000000 max. 255.000000 Scoreboard dead player data red channel
  358. cl_scoreboard_dead_color_green "0" // ( def. "125" ) min. 0.000000 max. 255.000000 Scoreboard dead player data green channel
  359. cl_scoreboard_dead_color_blue "0" // ( def. "125" ) min. 0.000000 max. 255.000000 Scoreboard dead player data blue channel
  360. cl_scoreboard_dead_clan_color_red "0" // ( def. "125" ) min. 0.000000 max. 255.000000 Scoreboard dead player clan tag red channel
  361. cl_scoreboard_dead_clan_color_green "0" // ( def. "125" ) min. 0.000000 max. 255.000000 Scoreboard dead player clan tag green channel
  362. cl_scoreboard_dead_clan_color_blue "0" // ( def. "125" ) min. 0.000000 max. 255.000000 Scoreboard dead player clan tag blue channel
  363. cl_clanid "903174" // Id of clan
  364. cl_crosshairscale "2700" // ( def. "0" ) Crosshair size
  366. r_ropetranslucent "0" // ( def. "1" )
  367. r_decals "1000" // ( def. "2048" ) Amount of decals (Bulletholes, sprays, etc) that can be on the world at one time
  368. r_drawdetailprops "0" // ( def. "1" ) 'Detailed' props, such as grass, 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
  369. r_drawflecks "0" // ( def. "1" ) Impact debris
  370. r_shadows "1" // ( def. "1" ) Player Shadows
  371. r_shadowmaxrendered "32" // ( def. "32" ) The amount of how many fully rendered player shadows will be drawn - anything else is rendered as a blur oval shadow
  372. r_dynamic "0" // ( def. "1" ) Dynamic lighting
  373. r_3dsky "0" // ( def. "1" ) Enable the rendering of 3d sky boxes
  374. r_propsmaxdist "0" // ( def. "1200" ) Maximum visible distance
  375. r_worldlights "1" // ( def. "4" ) Number of world lights to use per vertex
  376. r_renderoverlayfragment "0" // ( def. "1" ) Overlaid textures that make up decal like effects
  377. r_eyes "0" // ( def. "1" ) Disables eyes in models.
  378. r_teeth "0" // ( def. "1" ) Disables teeth in models.
  379. r_decal_cullsize "0" // ( def. "5" )
  380. r_maxdlights "32" // ( def. "32" )
  381. r_maxnewsamples "0" // ( def. "6" )
  382. r_maxsampledist "0" // ( def. "128" )
  383. r_norefresh "0" // ( def. "0" )
  384. r_minnewsamples "0" // ( def. "3" )
  385. r_forcewaterleaf "0" // ( def. "1" ) Enable for optimization to water - considers view in leaf under water for purposes of culling
  386. r_eyesize "0" // ( def. "0" )
  387. r_eyeshift_z "0" // ( def. "0" )
  388. r_shadowrendertotexture "1" // ( def. "0" )
  389. r_flex "0" // ( def. "1" )
  390. r_eyeshift_y "0" // ( def. "0" )
  391. r_eyeshift_x "0" // ( def. "0" )
  392. r_eyemove "0" // ( def. "1" )
  393. r_eyegloss "0" // ( def. "1" )
  394. r_worldlightmin "0.0002" // ( def. "0.0002" )
  395. r_waterforcereflectentities "0" // ( def. "0" )
  396. r_PhysPropStaticLighting "0" // ( def. "1" )
  397. r_cheapwaterend "1"
  398. r_cheapwaterstart "1"
  399. r_WaterDrawReflection "0" // ( def. "1" ) Enable water reflection
  400. r_WaterDrawRefraction "0" // ( def. "1" ) Enable water refraction
  401. r_dopixelvisibility "0" // ( def. "1" )
  402. r_occlusion "0" // ( def. "1" ) Activate/deactivate the occlusion system.
  403. r_shadowmaxrendered "32" // ( def. "32" )
  404. r_rootlod "2" // ( def. "0" ) Root LOD
  405. r_lod "2" // ( def. "-1" )
  406. r_drawbatchdecals "0" // ( def. "1" ) Render decals batched.
  407. r_spray_lifetime "1" // ( def. "2" ) Number of rounds player sprays are visible
  408. r_ambientboost "0" // ( def. "1" ) Set to boost ambient term if it is totally swamped by local lights
  409. r_ambientfactor "1" // ( def. "5" ) Boost ambient cube by no more than this factor
  410. r_waterforceexpensive "0" // ( def. "0" )
  411. r_lightaverage "1" // ( def. "1" ) Activates/deactivate light averaging
  412. r_maxmodeldecal "0" // ( def. "50" )
  413. r_drawmodeldecals "0" // ( def. "1" )
  415. mat_clipz "0" // ( def. "1" ) Disables optimized Z-Buffer rendering.
  416. mat_disable_bloom "1" // ( def. "0" ) Disables bloom effects.
  417. mat_wateroverlaysize "8" // ( def. "128" ) Sets the resolution of water distortion. Must be multiple of 8.
  418. mat_debug_postprocessing_effects "0" // ( def. "0" ) 0 = off, 1 = show post-processing passes in quadrants of the screen, 2 = only apply post-processing to the centre of the screen
  419. mat_debugdepthmode "0" // ( def. "0" )
  420. mat_debugdepthval "128" // ( def. "128.0f" )
  421. mat_debugdepthvalmax "256" // ( def. "256.0f" )
  422. mat_compressedtextures "1" // ( def. "1" )
  423. mat_filterlightmaps "1" // ( def. "1" )
  424. mat_forcehardwaresync "0" // ( def. "1" )
  425. mat_parallaxmap "0" // ( def. "1" )
  426. mat_hdr_level "0" // ( def. "2" ) Set to 0 for no HDR, 1 for LDR+bloom on HDR maps, and 2 for full HDR on HDR maps.
  427. mat_bloomscale "0" // ( def. "1" )
  428. mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware "0" // ( def. "1" )
  429. mat_reducefillrate "1" // ( def. "0" )
  430. mat_specular "0" // ( def. "1" ) Enable/Disable specularity for perf testing. Will cause a material reload upon change.
  431. mat_bumpmap "0" // ( def. "1" )
  432. mat_bufferprimitives "1" // ( def. "1" )
  433. mat_disable_lightwarp "1" // ( def. "0" )
  434. mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize "0" // ( def. "128" )
  435. mat_disable_ps_patch "1" // ( def. "0" )
  436. mat_envmapsize "0" // ( def. "128" )
  437. mat_envmaptgasize "0" // ( def. "32.0" )
  438. mat_disable_fancy_blending "1" // ( def. "0" )
  439. mat_autoexposure_max "0" // ( def. "2" )
  440. mat_autoexposure_min "0" // ( def. "0.5" )
  441. mat_picmip "2" // ( def. "0" ) min. -1.000000 max. 4.000000
  442. mat_vsync "0" // ( def. "0" ) min. 0.000000 max. 1.000000 Force sync to vertical retrace
  443. mat_shadowstate "0" // ( def. "1" )
  444. mat_monitorgamma "1.6" // ( def. "2.2" ) min. 1.600000 max. 2.600000 monitor gamma (typically 2.2 for CRT and 1.7 for LCD)
  445. mat_queue_mode "-1" // ( def. "-2" ) The queue/thread mode the material system should use: -2=legacy default, -1=default, 0=synchronous single thread, 1=queued single thread, 2=queued multithreaded
  448. texture_budget_background_alpha "9999999" // ( def. "128" ) How translucent the budget panel is
  449. texture_budget_panel_height "0" // ( def. "284" ) Height in pixels of the budget panel
  450. texture_budget_panel_width "0" // ( def. "512" ) Width in pixels of the budget panel
  452. budget_peaks_window "0" // ( def. "30" ) Number of frames to look at when figuring out peak frametimes
  453. budget_show_peaks "0" // ( def. "1" ) Enable/disable peaks in the budget panel
  454. budget_averages_window "0" // ( def. "30" ) Number of frames to look at when figuring out average frametimes
  455. budget_background_alpha "0" // ( def. "128" ) How translucent the budget panel is
  456. budget_show_averages "0" // ( def. "0" ) Enable/disable averages in the budget panel
  457. budget_show_history "0" // ( def. "1" ) Turn history graph off and on. . good to turn off on low end
  458. budget_history_range_ms "5" // ( def. "66.666666667" ) Budget history range in milliseconds
  459. budget_history_numsamplesvisible "0" // ( def. "100" ) Number of samples to draw in the budget history window. The lower the better as far as rendering overhead of the budget panel
  461. rope_smooth "0" // ( def. "1" ) Do an antialiasing effect on ropes
  462. rope_wind_dist "0" // ( def. "1000" ) Don't use CPU applying small wind gusts to ropes when they're past this distance.
  463. rope_collide "0" // ( def. "1" ) Collide rope with the world
  464. rope_subdiv "0" // ( def. "2" ) min. 0.000000 max. 8.000000 Rope subdivision amount
  465. rope_smooth_maxalphawidth "0" // ( def. "1.75" )
  466. rope_smooth_maxalpha "0" // ( def. "0.5" ) Alpha for rope antialiasing effect
  467. rope_smooth_enlarge "0" // ( def. "1.4" ) How much to enlarge ropes in screen space for antialiasing effect
  468. rope_smooth_minwidth "0" // ( def. "0.3" ) When using smoothing, this is the min screenspace width it lets a rope shrink to
  469. rope_smooth_minalpha "0" // ( def. "0.2" ) Alpha for rope antialiasing effect
  470. rope_averagelight "0" // ( def. "1" ) Makes ropes use average of cubemap lighting instead of max intensity.
  471. rope_shake "0" // ( def. "0" )
  473. violence_ablood "1" // ( def. "1" ) Draw alien blood
  474. violence_agibs "1" // ( def. "1" ) Show alien gib entities
  475. violence_hblood "1" // ( def. "1" ) Draw human blood
  476. violence_hgibs "1" // ( def. "1" ) Show human gib entities
  479. cl_crosshaircolor_g 0
  480. cl_crosshaircolor_b 255
  481. cl_crosshaircolor_r 255
  482. cl_crosshairsize 3
  483. cl_crosshairthickness 1.3
  484. g_ragdoll_fadespeed "0" // ( def. "600" )
  485. g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed "0" // ( def. "100" )
  486. cl_legacy_crosshair_scale 0
  487. setinfo zb_wantautocashcalling"1"// zBlock - Allows automatic cash calling at the start of a round
  490. bind "i" "zb_teamcash"
  492. clear
  493. echo ""
  494. echo ""
  495. echo ""
  496. echo " 88O7Z8 DD88888 "
  497. echo " N8888~=+ 88OOO888 "
  498. echo " 88888:~~ OZOO888 "
  499. echo " 888OZ:O $IOOOO8 "
  500. echo " 888OO~ ?+OOOOO "
  501. echo " 88OOO+ +IOOOO "
  502. echo " 8OOOO? :OOOOO "
  503. echo " 8OOOOO .ZOOOO "
  504. echo " OOOOOO $ZZZZO "
  505. echo " DOOOOZZ ZZZZZZ "
  506. echo " D OZOZZZ Z$ZZZZO $ "
  507. echo " OD ZZZZZZ$ ++?OOOO 7 "
  508. echo " ZZ OOZO?++ +??????? 88 "
  509. echo " NOO I?????++ N ...,..,=+I+=DN N +?+++++? ?8 "
  510. echo " $II ?????+=~: ,:,,..,=++++~N ?+???+++I ~?? "
  511. echo " ZII7 I????+~~~:N 7N~:,.,=+?OI N ?????????, ?+? "
  512. echo " III$ $I???+~~++= 8:I~,:+?= NII????????? ???+ "
  513. echo " 7IIII$DD$IIII?++??N +~=?I NN=IIIIIIII: N8????? "
  514. echo " 777777I7IIIIII?????NNN+~=I?NNZI7I7IIIIIIII??????+ "
  515. echo " 77777777777777I?III???+~I778777777777IIIIIIIII: "
  516. echo " 7 8O7777777777777IIIII?+?I77777$7777777777III+ 8 "
  517. echo " $$ N8DO7$$$$$$7777I77?+?$I7$$$$$$$$7777$Z$7 II "
  518. echo " $$$$$ NN $$$$$$$$$$7?I=?$$$I$$$$$$$$7 N O777IN "
  519. echo " $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7?=?$$$$$7$$$$$$$$$$$$7777: "
  520. echo " $$$$$ZZZZZ$$$$$$$$$7?~7$$$$$$IZ$$$$$$$$$$$$7 "
  521. echo " 88ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ$$7?:$$$$ZZZZI7ZZZZZ$$$$?? "
  527. echo " NN88DD8N NN8IZ$$ZZOOOOOOIDD 88DD8DNN "
  530. echo " NNN DNDI+~:$OO8888O~:Z+7DN NN NN N "
  531. echo " NNNO=,,=ZOO888888=.:ZODN N "
  532. echo " N N8I=.7OOOO88888:,+$NN "
  533. echo " NDO7?OO8Z$8888=ZODN N "
  534. echo " NZ$O+?==O88DN "
  535. echo " NN: NNNDN$8N "
  536. echo " N "
  537. echo " N N "
  538. echo ""
  539. echo ""
  540. echo ""
  541. echo " +---------------------------------+ "
  542. echo " | | "
  543. echo " | KrmS Config Loaded | "
  544. echo " | 22/02/2011 | "
  545. echo " | | "
  546. echo " +---------------------------------+ "
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