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Feb 5th, 2017
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  1. ffmpeg started on 2017-02-06 at 03:27:52
  2. Report written to "ffmpeg-20170206-032752.log"
  3. Command line:
  4. /home/pi/special/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -report -f alsa -ar 48000 -acodec pcm_s32le -i mic_sv -f h264 -thread_queue_size 512 -framerate 20 -probesize 100 -i - -vcodec copy -acodec aac -f flv rtmp://
  5. ffmpeg version git-2017-02-05-e57fd92 Copyright (c) 2000-2017 the FFmpeg developers
  6. built with gcc 4.9.2 (Raspbian 4.9.2-10)
  7. configuration: --extra-cflags=-I/opt/vc/include/IL --enable-nonfree --enable-omx-rpi --logfile=CONFIG.TXT
  8. libavutil 55. 46.100 / 55. 46.100
  9. libavcodec 57. 75.100 / 57. 75.100
  10. libavformat 57. 66.101 / 57. 66.101
  11. libavdevice 57. 2.100 / 57. 2.100
  12. libavfilter 6. 73.100 / 6. 73.100
  13. libswscale 4. 3.101 / 4. 3.101
  14. libswresample 2. 4.100 / 2. 4.100
  15. Splitting the commandline.
  16. Reading option '-report' ... matched as option 'report' (generate a report) with argument '1'.
  17. Reading option '-f' ... matched as option 'f' (force format) with argument 'alsa'.
  18. Reading option '-ar' ... matched as option 'ar' (set audio sampling rate (in Hz)) with argument '48000'.
  19. Reading option '-acodec' ... matched as option 'acodec' (force audio codec ('copy' to copy stream)) with argument 'pcm_s32le'.
  20. Reading option '-i' ... matched as input url with argument 'mic_sv'.
  21. Reading option '-f' ... matched as option 'f' (force format) with argument 'h264'.
  22. Reading option '-thread_queue_size' ... matched as option 'thread_queue_size' (set the maximum number of queued packets from the demuxer) with argument '512'.
  23. Reading option '-framerate' ... matched as AVOption 'framerate' with argument '20'.
  24. Reading option '-probesize' ... matched as AVOption 'probesize' with argument '100'.
  25. Reading option '-i' ... matched as input url with argument '-'.
  26. Reading option '-vcodec' ... matched as option 'vcodec' (force video codec ('copy' to copy stream)) with argument 'copy'.
  27. Reading option '-acodec' ... matched as option 'acodec' (force audio codec ('copy' to copy stream)) with argument 'aac'.
  28. Reading option '-f' ... matched as option 'f' (force format) with argument 'flv'.
  29. Reading option 'rtmp://' ... matched as output url.
  30. Finished splitting the commandline.
  31. Parsing a group of options: global .
  32. Applying option report (generate a report) with argument 1.
  33. Successfully parsed a group of options.
  34. Parsing a group of options: input url mic_sv.
  35. Applying option f (force format) with argument alsa.
  36. Applying option ar (set audio sampling rate (in Hz)) with argument 48000.
  37. Applying option acodec (force audio codec ('copy' to copy stream)) with argument pcm_s32le.
  38. Successfully parsed a group of options.
  39. Opening an input file: mic_sv.
  40. [alsa @ 0x1cd0760] All info found
  41. Guessed Channel Layout for Input Stream #0.0 : stereo
  42. Input #0, alsa, from 'mic_sv':
  43. Duration: N/A, start: 1486351672.287322, bitrate: 3072 kb/s
  44. Stream #0:0, 1, 1/1000000: Audio: pcm_s32le, 48000 Hz, stereo, s32, 3072 kb/s
  45. Successfully opened the file.
  46. Parsing a group of options: input url -.
  47. Applying option f (force format) with argument h264.
  48. Applying option thread_queue_size (set the maximum number of queued packets from the demuxer) with argument 512.
  49. Successfully parsed a group of options.
  50. Opening an input file: -.
  51. [pipe @ 0x1cd0eb0] Setting default whitelist 'crypto'
  52. [h264 @ 0x1cde250] Before avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 0 bytes read:4096 seeks:0 nb_streams:1
  53. [h264 @ 0x1cdef70] nal_unit_type: 7, nal_ref_idc: 1
  54. [h264 @ 0x1cdef70] nal_unit_type: 8, nal_ref_idc: 1
  55. [h264 @ 0x1cdef70] nal_unit_type: 5, nal_ref_idc: 1
  56. [h264 @ 0x1cdef70] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
  57. [h264 @ 0x1cde250] Probe buffer size limit of 100 bytes reached
  58. [h264 @ 0x1cde250] Stream #0: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize
  59. [h264 @ 0x1cde250] decoding for stream 0 failed
  60. [h264 @ 0x1cde250] After avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 1024 bytes read:4096 seeks:0 frames:1
  61. Input #1, h264, from 'pipe:':
  62. Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
  63. Stream #1:0, 1, 1/1200000: Video: h264 (High), yuv420p(progressive), 1920x1080, 20 tbr, 1200k tbn, 40 tbc
  64. Successfully opened the file.
  65. Parsing a group of options: output url rtmp://
  66. Applying option vcodec (force video codec ('copy' to copy stream)) with argument copy.
  67. Applying option acodec (force audio codec ('copy' to copy stream)) with argument aac.
  68. Applying option f (force format) with argument flv.
  69. Successfully parsed a group of options.
  70. Opening an output file: rtmp://
  71. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] No default whitelist set
  72. [tcp @ 0x1ce34e0] No default whitelist set
  73. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] Handshaking...
  74. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] Type answer 3
  75. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] Server version
  76. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] Proto = rtmp, path = /live2/xbjs-a3gp-0yvk-ftdg, app = live2, fname = xbjs-a3gp-0yvk-ftdg
  77. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] Server bandwidth = 2500000
  78. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] Client bandwidth = 10000000
  79. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] New incoming chunk size = 256
  80. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] Releasing stream...
  81. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] FCPublish stream...
  82. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] Creating stream...
  83. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] Sending publish command for 'xbjs-a3gp-0yvk-ftdg'
  84. Successfully opened the file.
  85. detected 1 logical cores
  86. [graph_0_in_0_0 @ 0x1cf8d30] Setting 'time_base' to value '1/48000'
  87. [graph_0_in_0_0 @ 0x1cf8d30] Setting 'sample_rate' to value '48000'
  88. [graph_0_in_0_0 @ 0x1cf8d30] Setting 'sample_fmt' to value 's32'
  89. [graph_0_in_0_0 @ 0x1cf8d30] Setting 'channel_layout' to value '0x3'
  90. [graph_0_in_0_0 @ 0x1cf8d30] tb:1/48000 samplefmt:s32 samplerate:48000 chlayout:0x3
  91. [format_out_0_1 @ 0x1cf9710] Setting 'sample_fmts' to value 'fltp'
  92. [format_out_0_1 @ 0x1cf9710] Setting 'sample_rates' to value '96000|88200|64000|48000|44100|32000|24000|22050|16000|12000|11025|8000|7350'
  93. [format_out_0_1 @ 0x1cf9710] auto-inserting filter 'auto_resampler_0' between the filter 'Parsed_anull_0' and the filter 'format_out_0_1'
  94. [AVFilterGraph @ 0x1cd0290] query_formats: 4 queried, 6 merged, 3 already done, 0 delayed
  95. [auto_resampler_0 @ 0x1cfab20] [SWR @ 0x1d94620] Using fltp internally between filters
  96. [auto_resampler_0 @ 0x1cfab20] ch:2 chl:stereo fmt:s32 r:48000Hz -> ch:2 chl:stereo fmt:fltp r:48000Hz
  97. Output #0, flv, to 'rtmp://':
  98. Metadata:
  99. encoder : Lavf57.66.101
  100. Stream #0:0, 0, 1/1000: Video: h264 (High) ([7][0][0][0] / 0x0007), yuv420p(progressive), 1920x1080, q=2-31, 20 tbr, 1k tbn, 1200k tbc
  101. Stream #0:1, 0, 1/1000: Audio: aac (LC) ([10][0][0][0] / 0x000A), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 128 kb/s
  102. Metadata:
  103. encoder : Lavc57.75.100 aac
  104. Stream mapping:
  105. Stream #1:0 -> #0:0 (copy)
  106. Stream #0:0 -> #0:1 (pcm_s32le (native) -> aac (native))
  107. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  108. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  109. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  110. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  111. [alsa @ 0x1cd0760] ALSA buffer xrun.
  112. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  113. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  114. [flv @ 0x1cdffa0] Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 0. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly
  115. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  116. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  117. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  118. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  119. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  120. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  121. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  122. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  123. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  124. cur_dts is invalid (this is harmless if it occurs once at the start per stream)
  125. [alsa @ 0x1cd0760] Thread message queue blocking; consider raising the thread_queue_size option (current value: 8)
  126. frame= 20 fps=0.0 q=-1.0 size= 20kB time=00:00:04.42 bitrate= 36.8kbits/s speed=8.56x
  127. frame= 28 fps= 16 q=-1.0 size= 31kB time=00:00:04.42 bitrate= 56.9kbits/s speed=2.54x
  128. frame= 79 fps= 35 q=-1.0 size= 45kB time=00:00:04.42 bitrate= 82.9kbits/s speed=1.94x
  129. [alsa @ 0x1cd0760] ALSA buffer xrun.
  130. frame= 94 fps= 34 q=-1.0 size= 56kB time=00:00:06.73 bitrate= 68.0kbits/s speed=2.41x
  131. frame= 119 fps= 35 q=-1.0 size= 72kB time=00:00:06.73 bitrate= 87.7kbits/s speed=1.96x
  132. frame= 139 fps= 32 q=-1.0 size= 90kB time=00:00:06.90 bitrate= 107.3kbits/s speed= 1.6x
  133. frame= 145 fps= 30 q=-1.0 size= 101kB time=00:00:07.21 bitrate= 115.2kbits/s speed= 1.5x
  134. frame= 149 fps= 28 q=-1.0 size= 109kB time=00:00:07.43 bitrate= 120.7kbits/s speed=1.39x
  135. frame= 165 fps= 26 q=-1.0 size= 134kB time=00:00:08.28 bitrate= 132.7kbits/s speed=1.31x
  136. frame= 166 fps= 23 q=-1.0 size= 136kB time=00:00:08.28 bitrate= 134.1kbits/s speed=1.17x
  137. frame= 189 fps= 24 q=-1.0 size= 168kB time=00:00:09.65 bitrate= 142.6kbits/s speed=1.24x
  138. frame= 199 fps= 24 q=-1.0 size= 182kB time=00:00:09.91 bitrate= 150.3kbits/s speed=1.18x
  139. frame= 214 fps= 24 q=-1.0 size= 207kB time=00:00:10.72 bitrate= 157.8kbits/s speed=1.21x
  140. frame= 238 fps= 25 q=-1.0 size= 228kB time=00:00:11.96 bitrate= 155.9kbits/s speed=1.26x
  141. frame= 260 fps= 26 q=-1.0 size= 254kB time=00:00:12.96 bitrate= 160.2kbits/s speed=1.29x
  142. frame= 264 fps= 25 q=-1.0 size= 260kB time=00:00:13.15 bitrate= 162.2kbits/s speed=1.24x
  143. frame= 280 fps= 25 q=-1.0 size= 281kB time=00:00:13.95 bitrate= 165.1kbits/s speed=1.26x
  144. frame= 284 fps= 24 q=-1.0 size= 286kB time=00:00:14.17 bitrate= 165.5kbits/s speed=1.22x
  145. frame= 300 fps= 25 q=-1.0 size= 302kB time=00:00:14.95 bitrate= 165.3kbits/s speed=1.23x
  146. frame= 305 fps= 24 q=-1.0 size= 309kB time=00:00:15.20 bitrate= 166.6kbits/s speed= 1.2x
  147. frame= 312 fps= 24 q=-1.0 size= 317kB time=00:00:15.55 bitrate= 166.8kbits/s speed=1.18x
  148. frame= 322 fps= 23 q=-1.0 size= 327kB time=00:00:16.07 bitrate= 166.9kbits/s speed=1.16x
  149. frame= 334 fps= 23 q=-1.0 size= 345kB time=00:00:16.65 bitrate= 169.6kbits/s speed=1.16x
  150. frame= 353 fps= 24 q=-1.0 size= 374kB time=00:00:17.60 bitrate= 174.0kbits/s speed=1.18x
  151. frame= 361 fps= 23 q=-1.0 size= 395kB time=00:00:18.00 bitrate= 179.8kbits/s speed=1.17x
  152. frame= 364 fps= 19 q=-1.0 size= 589kB time=00:00:18.19 bitrate= 265.0kbits/s speed=0.966x
  153. frame= 365 fps= 18 q=-1.0 size= 589kB time=00:00:18.20 bitrate= 265.1kbits/s speed=0.887x
  154. [alsa @ 0x1cd0760] ALSA buffer xrun.
  155. frame= 366 fps= 17 q=-1.0 size= 689kB time=00:00:18.29 bitrate= 308.7kbits/s speed=0.857x
  156. frame= 368 fps= 16 q=-1.0 size= 757kB time=00:00:18.37 bitrate= 337.5kbits/s speed=0.824x
  157. frame= 370 fps= 16 q=-1.0 size= 793kB time=00:00:18.45 bitrate= 352.3kbits/s speed=0.785x
  158. frame= 371 fps= 15 q=-1.0 size= 828kB time=00:00:18.50 bitrate= 366.6kbits/s speed=0.76x
  159. frame= 372 fps= 15 q=-1.0 size= 903kB time=00:00:18.57 bitrate= 398.2kbits/s speed=0.745x
  160. frame= 374 fps= 15 q=-1.0 size= 928kB time=00:00:18.65 bitrate= 407.7kbits/s speed=0.729x
  161. frame= 374 fps= 14 q=-1.0 size= 928kB time=00:00:18.65 bitrate= 407.7kbits/s speed=0.707x
  162. frame= 376 fps= 14 q=-1.0 size= 997kB time=00:00:18.75 bitrate= 435.6kbits/s speed=0.686x
  163. [flv @ 0x1cdffa0] Failed to update header with correct duration.
  164. [flv @ 0x1cdffa0] Failed to update header with correct filesize.
  165. frame= 376 fps= 14 q=-1.0 Lsize= 1027kB time=00:00:25.33 bitrate= 332.1kbits/s speed=0.914x
  166. video:957kB audio:59kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 1.051081%
  167. Input file #0 (mic_sv):
  168. Input stream #0:0 (audio): 354 packets read (1449984 bytes); 354 frames decoded (181248 samples);
  169. Total: 354 packets (1449984 bytes) demuxed
  170. Input file #1 (pipe:):
  171. Input stream #1:0 (video): 376 packets read (980370 bytes);
  172. Total: 376 packets (980370 bytes) demuxed
  173. Output file #0 (rtmp://
  174. Output stream #0:0 (video): 376 packets muxed (980370 bytes);
  175. Output stream #0:1 (audio): 177 frames encoded (181248 samples); 178 packets muxed (60558 bytes);
  176. Total: 554 packets (1040928 bytes) muxed
  177. 354 frames successfully decoded, 0 decoding errors
  178. [AVIOContext @ 0x1ce3bd0] Statistics: 0 seeks, 569 writeouts
  179. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] UnPublishing stream...
  180. [rtmp @ 0x1ce3580] Deleting stream...
  181. [aac @ 0x1ce2ac0] Qavg: 437.705
  182. [AVIOContext @ 0x1cdbba0] Statistics: 12821996 bytes read, 0 seeks
  183. Exiting normally, received signal 2.
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