
Ship her off

Apr 10th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Eli also noticed Tae freaking out for a second, then looked at Bliss then his Dad, before finally resting back on his Mom. One problem at a time. // Tae snapped out of it a second when Bliss spoke, "What? Yeah, I'm fine." She said quickly, clearly lying. Hearing Lisa, she turned her head around to her, happy to have the interuption, so she wouldn't have to explain, "Oh yeah. Sure, Mom." Tae said, but instead of grabbing the glass of wine she went to the fridge and got a bottle of water out for her, bringing it over to the couch where her mom was she sat down and handed it to her. "Here you go." Her tone was sweet, despite the action being deliberate.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -After finishing loading the dishwasher, Neil shut it and turned it on, completely forgetting to add the detergent because his mind was so elsewhere at the moment. Grabbing the container of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, he made his way over into the living room and set them down on the coffee table for dessert. "Everyone have some cookies." He said a little dryly before looking at Lisa. // Lisa took the bottle of water from Tae, sending her a sweet smile despite the pain in her face. "Oh thank you sweetie, but I meant my glass from earlier. It's okay, thank you for trying." She spoke so sweetly you could hardly notice the condescending tone to her words. Cracking open the water, she took a small sip before setting it aside because she didnt actually want the water. "Yes, everyone have some cookies."-
  3. Tsaaq: Bliss kept her eyebrows furrowed. "Alright." She said quietly to Tae. She put her hands in the pockets of her hoodie and walked over to the couch, leaving space for Eli to sit down beside her. She glanced at Lisa before going to take literally one cookie and just sort of holding it while waiting for someone to speak.
  4. Covet: Eli went and sat down not grabbing a cookie because he was still stuffed from pizza. He put his arm around Bliss and did his best to try to start off the conversation, just looking at his mom, thinking about how much worse it could have been for her, shaking his head. // Tae looked at her Mom hearing the tone in her voice, "Don't." She said then looked at her, " You don't get to give me that attitude, when I'm the one being responsible for you, since you don't know how to do it yourself anymore. I can't believe you thought that was even a good idea after we expressed our concerns once already." Tae said, looking more mad than upset.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Neil opened his mouth to speak, his eyes flicking over to look at Tae when she started in on Lisa. "Ah... Tae... that's enough. We're not going to do this like that." He spoke a little firmly because Tae was being disrespectful and he knew Lisa wouldnt take kindly to it. // Lisa furrowed her brow, staring at Tae in disbelief. "Watch your tone with me, young lady." She said in warning before looking at Neil. "Do what?"-
  6. Tsaaq: Bliss' eyes widened as she glanced over to Eli. "Well then." She whispered as she actually started to eat her cookie. She leaned against Eli as she waited.
  7. Covet: Eli opened and closed his mouth a few times, as he looked down at Bliss. He couldn't really disagree with how Tae was taking the approach. "Well.. after recent events, we as a family have more or less taken a vote... and have de-" // Tae cut Eli off and glared at Neil, "No, we tried sugar coating it and being gentle about it last time. I would have ranted about this earlier, had someone told me before tonigh, so now Mom gets to hear it in person." Tae said then turned on Lisa, " You are going to Rehab. You're an alcoholic. You have a problem. You got behind the wheel, Drunk. You hurt yourself, you could have hurt or killed someone else, and most of all, you're hurting us.. your family.. the people you claim to care so much about."
  8. Covet: *tonight
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Neil closed his mouth, letting Tae run away with the lead on this one since she was so clearly all worked up right now. "Lisa... we all love and care about you. We just want you to be well." // Lisa stared blankly at Tae, the shock blatantly written across her face. "Excuse me?" She gawked before looking around the room at her family. "You don't get to talk to me like that. You have no right to say things like that to me. I'm your mother and I demand a little bit of respect." She whirled to look at Neil, her face harsh. "Did you put them up to this?"-
  10. Tsaaq: She looked to Eli and frowned as she listened to Tae. "No! Nobody put them up to this. We all see something that you don't see. And we won't want you to risk yourself anymore." She spoke up
  11. Covet: "Mom, the only person who's put us up to this, is you. Because of your choices and actions, or lack thereof." Eli said softly looking at her. "And as much as you're not going to like it, you really don't have a choice in the matter. I can't really sit here and just accept that what you did is in any shape or form, okay. You know that Bliss was in an accident where she got hit by a drunk driver, and to think you could have been that person?"// Tae glared at Lisa, "Respect you? For what? Respect means a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. I can't find myself finding any sort of deep admiration for how you can down a couple bottles in a night. Or how you can manage to put yourself in the hospital doing something so stupid...Something you told Eli and I that if we were ever drunk and needed a ride to call you, well I'm really glad we never had to do that, wouldn't look good for both of us to be drunk and driving now would it." Dial it back a bit now Tae.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Alright, alright. That's enough." He tried to silence his children because he could see Lisa getting all fucking pissed. Making his way over to her, he sat down on the coffee table in front of her, leaning his elbows on his thights as he watched her. "We love you and we care about you and we don't want to sit and watch you hurt yourself anymore. Thursday was the last straw. We only want the best for you, and going to rehab and getting better, is what's best." // Lisa gawked at Eli because that was a seriously low blow to throw that into the mix before turning her attention to Tae. She started to get visibly irritated by Tae's words when Neil cut her off. Refocusing ahead of her at Neil, her eyes started to tear up, shaking her head. "I don't want to do that."-
  13. Tsaaq: Bliss lowered her head at the facts thrown in Lisa's face. "Mrs. Cohen? It's not something horrible, if it means we'll get to have you around for as long as possible. Because we care." She said gently.
  14. Covet: Eli got silent as his Dad spoke up, giving Bliss a gentle squeeze around her shoulders.// "You have to. Or you are only going to keep hurting yourself and us." Tae said noticing how mad Lisa was getting."Please Mom."
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Neil paused to let the silence fall over them, reaching forward to lay his hand over Lisa's as he watched her face. "See? We all care about you." // Lisa started to sniffle and cry, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes before lifting her head to look around the room. "But I'm not one of those crazy alcoholics who gets angry and abusive. Those are the people rehab is for."-
  16. Tsaaq: "No." Bliss shook her head. "You don't have to be physically abusive to be an addict. Addiction is over induglence that is harmful to the person. It doesn't matter if you're not violent. You're still hurting yourself."
  17. Covet: "I think you'll find that you have a lot more in common with some of the people there than you think, Mom." Eli told her. "There's no specific type of addict mold. It's something that effects all different types of people." // Tae bit the inside of her cheek, watching Lisa, trying not to get all teary-eyed herself.
  18. Covet: [I thought I hit enter my bad!]
  19. Tsaaq: ((It's okaies.))
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Rehab is for whoever needs it. And you need it." Neil spoke in an even tone, trying to be gentle since it was clearly a very sensitive subject. // Lisa looked around at each of them as they spoke, her tears falling down her cheeks now because there was some acceptance there and it upset her. "But what if I promised to make the house my own kind of rehab? I don't want to be shipped off to some random hospital somewhere with people I don't know."-
  21. Tsaaq: Bliss released an exhale as she lowered head a moment. She took Eli's hand and squeezed it. "We'll be with you, every step of the way." She said.
  22. Covet: "I've actually been looking for a place that doesn't have that clinical feel to it. There's a place on the coast, about an hour away. It's very beach cottagey, relaxing, and their approach is very supportive and intimate. I didn't want you to go to some hospital like place." // Tae nodded, "See it's not that far, we can come visit you regularly, even."
  23. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "We'll be there to support you. We would never let you do this alone. You have all of us here to help you when you need it. We want to take good care of you." // Lisa frowned as she listened, wiping more tears from her face. "I like the beach..." She said in a small watery voice, trying her best to be open minded about this even though it sucks.-
  24. Tsaaq: "The beach is great!" Bliss said, trying to keep it on the bright side. "And the view is probably beautiful." She forced a smile on her face.
  25. Covet: Eli nodded at his Mom, " The plan is to stay the night here, then we'll all go with you in the morning. The sooner we get you there, the sooner it will be over, for the best." // Tae didn't realize that they'd be staying the night tonight and since Eli and Bliss were her ride over, she didn't want to really make a fuss about it. "We can stay up and watch some movies together tonight, Good memories to send off with." Tae offered trying to make the best of the sitation at least.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "We'll even help you pack some things to take with you." Neil said with a forced smile, giving Lisa's hand another little rub. "We'll all go in the morning together. We're a family and we're going to do this as a family." // Lisa sighed, clearing her throat and trying to compose herself. "I don't think so... if I have to leave in the morning, i think I'd like tonight to myself." She pushed up to her feet, raking her fingers through her hair to make it a little neater. "I'll see you all in the morning..." She pivoted on her heel, turning and making her way down the hallway to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.-
  27. Tsaaq: Bliss frowned as she looked to Eli. "At least she's going, and she'll get better?" She told him quietly. "She didn't just reject it like the last time we tried to have this converation."
  28. Covet: "Goodnight Mom." Eli said then cleared his throat. "Mhhm, we got through to her finally. Small steps." // "Oh... okay." Tae said frowning taking the denial a little personally. She worried that maybe she'd said too much with how she went off on her. She rubbed her arm and looked at everyone, unsure of what to say. "I guess I'm going to go shower before bed. Goodnight..." Getting up she grabbed a cookie and made her way up stairs intending to avoid any further interaction.
  29. Alexithymiaa: -Neil exhaled deeply as he watched Lisa walk off to their bedroom before refocusing his attention on Eli and Bliss. "Thank you guys for coming and being here and working through this with us. At least it seems we got through to her tonight?" He tried to force, tipping his head to one side.-
  30. Tsaaq: "Of course Professor Cohen." She said with a nod. "We did. And I'm glad she's willing to get better." She released a sigh. "Night Tae? I suppose we'll retire as well?" She looked to Eli. "We've got a big day ahead of us."
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