
Anon's Run in with "Desert" Elves

Feb 19th, 2019
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  1. Story Started and Finished in Thread #5
  3. >Be orc hunting in Arizona
  4. >Get a decent haul of four scalps throughout the day but don't realize how late it's getting
  5. >Try to head back but reckon I'll probably have to hunker down and try to get through the desert night
  6. >Thinking I should look for anything I can burn when I see a desert elf pop out of some shrubs
  7. >"Hola vaquero, what you doin' in this Desierto?"
  8. >Her accent is some unholy mix of John Wayne movie and fence jumper
  9. >Still, she has two dozen orc scalps hanging off her and an old sporterized Springfield so I better play nice
  10. >Explain to her that I lost track of time while hunting, show her my scalps hoping for some kinda "orc hunter's look out for each other" shit
  11. >She offers to take me back to her tribe for the night
  12. >Get to some place that looks like a bunch of extras from a 60's western tried to make tipis out of throw blankets and ponchos
  13. >They're friendly enough, orc hunter cowboy says I can stay in her tent for the night
  14. >Figure I should just take the offer and retire, but she stops me
  15. >"Tranquilo vaquero, you gotta stay for the ceremonial fiesta de caza"
  16. "The what?"
  17. >"Fies- Party of the hunt"
  18. >Really don't want to know it's gonna be some hippy rain dance around the fire bullshit, but they're letting me stay here so I better not be rude
  19. >Just smile and sit down by the fire
  20. >They just all talk for a while, scalps hung out by the tents
  21. "This is a party?" I ask "vaquero" girl
  22. >"We're just waiting for the stuff to get here"
  23. >Before I can ask a couple more elves show up hauling duffle bags as everyone at the camp starts cheering
  24. >They throw them down and open them
  26. >Bags are filled with nothing but cigars and whiskey
  27. >I'm talking one bottle for every single elf in the camp and so much tobacco I feel my lungs screaming just looking at it
  28. >Without any hesitation the elves start grabbing bottles and shoving cigars into their mouths
  29. >"Hey vaquero, catch!"
  30. >The hunter throws me a bottle I barely manage to catch, a second later a cigar hits me in the face
  31. >Before I can even check out the bottle (cheap Jack Daniels of course) the other elves have already downed a quarter of a bottle each and are lighting up cigars with cinders the grab out of the fire
  32. >Fuck it, when in Rome, right?
  33. >The night goes from really boring to outright dangerous really fast
  34. >What I expected to be hippy shit turned out to be a bunch of empty whiskey bottles being shot at by elves to inebriated to even stand straight
  35. >The muzzle sweeping is absolutely ridiculous
  36. >At some point while I'm still lucid the hunter grabs be and drags me to what must be her third empty bottle sitting on a rock
  37. >"Watch this vaquero! Bet ya'll humanos can't make shots like this!"
  38. >She tries to quick draw and shoot the bottle
  39. >Only she seems to have forgotten she had a double action s&w model 19, so the moment she squeezes the trigger the gun blows a hole in her boot
  40. >She falls over screaming a bunch of swears in Spanish
  41. >I help her pull off her boot to see the damage, hear something rattling around in the boot
  42. >When I turn it over her middle toe falls out
  43. >She just starts laughing
  44. >The night just keeps going into absolute fuckery like this until I pretty much go black from the alcohol
  46. >Next morning wake up with a cowboy hat on my face, throw it off feeling like absolute fucking shit
  47. >Pretty much everything below my knees feels wet for some reason
  48. >Throw off the shitty Mexican blanket to see the hunter is cuddled up to both me and an empty whiskey bottle, an unlit cigar hanging out of her mouth
  49. >Also notice her four toed and crudely bandaged foot laying on my shins, my legs covered in her blood
  50. >Slip away from her with my head throbbing, starting to get my stuff together
  51. >After I dress a pair of arms wraps around my shoulders and her face pressed up against my ear
  52. >"Leaving so soon vaquero?~"
  53. >Make up some excuse
  54. >"Awww, you should stay with u-"
  55. >Mid-sentence she starts puking all over me
  56. >Like not even a quick puke, we're talking half a minute of gagging and puking
  57. >It smells like absolute fucking shit
  58. >She passes out again the moment she finishes
  59. >Wipe some off the puke off myself and off her and leave he a water bottle, know she's gonna need it, then take off
  60. Desert Elves mang, never get involved with them if you value your liver
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