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- Usage: wl [-a|i <adapter>] [-hu] <command> [arguments]
- -a, -i adapter name or number
- -h, -u this message
- ver get version information
- cmds generate a short list of available commands
- up reinitialize and mark adapter up (operational)
- down reset and mark adapter down (disabled)
- out mark adapter down but do not reset hardware(disabled)
- On dualband cards, cards must be bandlocked before use.
- clk set board clock state. return error for set_clk attempt if the driver is not down
- 0: clock off
- 1: clock on
- restart Restart driver. Driver must already be down.
- reboot Reboot platform
- ucflags Get/Set ucode flags
- radio Set the radio on or off.
- "on" or "off"
- dump print driver software state and chip registers to stdout
- srdump print contents of SPROM to stdout
- nvdump print nvram variables to stdout
- lodump print measlo table to stdout
- nvset set an nvram variable
- name=value (no spaces around '=')
- nvget get the value of an nvram variable
- revinfo get hardware revision information
- msglevel
- set driver console debugging message bitvector
- type 'wl msglevel ?' for values
- PM set driver power management mode:
- 0: CAM (constantly awake)
- 1: PS (power-save)
- 2: FAST PS mode
- wake set driver power-save mode sleep state:
- 0: core-managed
- 1: awake
- promisc set promiscuous mode ethernet address reception
- 0 - disable
- 1 - enable
- monitor set monitor mode
- 0 - disable
- 1 - enable active monitor mode (interface still operates)
- frag Set the fragmentation threshhold. (integer [256, 2346])
- rts Set the RTS threshhold. (integer [0, 2347])
- cwmin Set the cwmin. (integer [1, 255])
- cwmax Set the cwmax. (integer [256, 2047])
- srl Set the short retry limit. (integer [1, 255])
- lrl Set the long retry limit. (integer [1, 255])
- rate force a fixed rate:
- valid values for 802.11a are (6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54)
- valid values for 802.11b are (1, 2, 5.5, 11)
- valid values for 802.11g are (1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54)
- -1 (default) means automatically determine the best rate
- mrate force a fixed multicast rate:
- valid values for 802.11a are (6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54)
- valid values for 802.11b are (1, 2, 5.5, 11)
- valid values for 802.11g are (1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54)
- -1 (default) means automatically determine the best rate
- a_rate force a fixed rate for the A PHY:
- valid values for 802.11a are (6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54)
- -1 (default) means automatically determine the best rate
- a_mrate force a fixed multicast rate for the A PHY:
- valid values for 802.11a are (6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54)
- -1 (default) means automatically determine the best rate
- bg_rate force a fixed rate for the B/G PHY:
- valid values for 802.11b are (1, 2, 5.5, 11)
- valid values for 802.11g are (1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54)
- -1 (default) means automatically determine the best rate
- bg_mrate
- force a fixed multicast rate for the B/G PHY:
- valid values for 802.11b are (1, 2, 5.5, 11)
- valid values for 802.11g are (1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54)
- -1 (default) means automatically determine the best rate
- infra Set Infrastructure mode: 0 (IBSS) or 1 (Infra BSS)
- ap Set AP mode: 0 (STA) or 1 (AP)
- bssid Get the BSSID value, error if STA and not associated
- channel Set the channel:
- valid channels for 802.11b/g (2.4GHz band) are 1 through 14
- valid channels for 802.11a (5 GHz band) are:
- 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64,
- 100, 104, 108, 112, 116,120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140,
- 149, 153, 157, 161,
- 184, 188, 192, 196, 200, 204, 208, 212, 216
- tssi Get the tssi value from radio
- txpwr Set tx power in milliwatts. Range [1, 84]. (Deprecated: Use txpwr1 instead)
- txpwr1 Set tx power in in various units. Choose one of (default: dbm):
- -d dbm units
- -q quarter dbm units
- -m milliwatt units
- Can be combined with:
- -o turn on override to disable regulatory and other limitations
- Use wl txpwr -1 to restore defaults
- txpathpwr
- Turn the tx path power on or off on 2050 radios
- txpwrlimit
- Return current tx power limit
- powerindex
- Set the transmit power for A band(0-63).
- -1 - default value
- atten Set the transmit attenuation for B band. Args: bb radio txctl1.
- auto to revert to automatic control
- phyreg Get/Set a phy register.
- radioreg
- Get/Set a radio register.
- shmem Get/Set a shared memory location.
- macreg Get/Set any mac registers(include IHR and SB)
- macreg offset size[2,4] [value]
- antdiv Set antenna diversity for rx
- 0 - force use of antenna 0
- 1 - force use of antenna 1
- 3 - automatic selection of antenna diversity
- txant Set the transmit antenna
- 0 - force use of antenna 0
- 1 - force use of antenna 1
- 3 - use the RX antenna selection that was in force during
- the most recently received good PLCP header
- ratedump
- Print driver rate selection tunables and per-scb state to stdout
- based on remote station mac address[xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]
- plcphdr Set the plcp header.
- "long" or "auto" or "debug"
- phytype Get phy type
- scbdump print driver scb state to stdout
- rateparam
- set driver rate selection tunables
- arg 1: tunable id
- arg 2: tunable value
- wepstatus
- Set or Get WEP status
- wepstatus [on|off]
- primary_key
- Set or get index of primary key
- addwep Set an encryption key. The key must be 5, 13 or 16 bytes long, or
- 10, 26, 32, or 64 hex digits long. The encryption algorithm is
- automatically selected based on the key size. keytype is accepted
- only when key length is 16 bytes/32 hex digits and specifies
- whether AES-OCB or AES-CCM encryption is used. Default is ccm.
- addwep <keyindex> <keydata> [ocb | ccm] [notx] [xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]
- rmwep Remove the encryption key at the specified key index.
- wep Set WEP options.
- wl wep [options]
- [on|enable|1] enable WEP
- [off|disable|0] disable WEP
- [sw|software] perform WEP in software
- [hw|hardware] perform WEP in hardware
- tkip Set TKIP options.
- wl tkip [options]
- [on|enable|1] enable TKIP
- [off|disable|0] disable TKIP
- [sw|software] perform TKIP in software
- [hw|hardware] perform TKIP in hardware
- aes Set AES options.
- wl aes [options]
- [on|enable|1] enable AES
- [off|disable|0] disable AES
- [sw|software] perform AES in software
- [hw|hardware] perform AES in hardware
- keys Prints a list of the current WEP keys
- tsc Print Tx Sequence Couter for key at specified key index.
- wsec_test
- Generate wsec errors
- wsec_test <test_type> <keyindex|xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx>
- type 'wl wsec_test ?' for test_types
- tkip_countermeasures
- Enable or disable TKIP countermeasures (TKIP-enabled AP only)
- 0 - disable
- 1 - enable
- wsec_restrict
- Drop unencrypted packets if WSEC is enabled
- 0 - disable
- 1 - enable
- eap
- restrict traffic to 802.1X packets until 802.1X authorization succeeds
- 0 - disable
- 1 - enable
- authorize
- restrict traffic to 802.1X packets until 802.1X authorization succeeds
- deauthorize
- do not restrict traffic to 802.1X packets until 802.1X authorization succeeds
- deauthenticate
- deauthenticate a STA from the AP with optional reason code (AP ONLY)
- wsec wireless security bit vector
- 1 - WEP enabled
- 2 - TKIP enabled
- 4 - AES enabled
- 8 - WSEC in software
- wpa_auth
- Bitvector of WPA authorization modes:
- 2 WPA-802.1X/WPA-Professional
- 4 WPA-PSK/WPA-Personal
- 64 WPA2-802.1X/WPA2-Professional
- 128 WPA2-PSK/WPA2-Personal
- 0 disable WPA
- set_pmk Set passphrase for PMK in driver-resident supplicant.
- scan Initiate a scan.
- Default an active scan across all channels for any SSID.
- Optional arg: SSID, the SSID to scan.
- Options:
- -s S, --ssid=S SSID to scan
- -t ST, --scan_type=ST [active|passive] scan type
- --bss_type=BT [bss/infra|ibss/adhoc] bss type to scan
- -b MAC, --bssid=MAC particular BSSID MAC address to scan, xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
- -n N, --nprobes=N number of probes per scanned channel
- -a N, --active=N dwell time per channel for active scanning
- -p N, --passive=N dwell time per channel for passive scanning
- -h N, --home=N dwell time for the home channel between channel scans
- -c L, --channels=L comma or space separated list of channels to scan
- passive Puts scan engine into passive mode
- regulatory
- Get/Set regulatory domain mode (802.11d). Driver must be down.
- spect Get/Set 802.11h Spectrum Management mode.
- 0 - Off
- 1 - Loose interpretation of spec - may join non-11h APs
- 2 - Strict interpretation of spec - may not join non-11h APs
- scanresults
- Return results from last scan.
- assoc Print information about current network association.
- (also known as "status")
- status Print information about current network association.
- (also known as "assoc")
- disassoc
- Disassociate from the current BSS/IBSS.
- chanlist
- Return valid channels for the current settings.
- channels
- Return valid channels for the current settings.
- channels_in_country
- Return valid channels for the country specified.
- Arg 1 is the country abbreviation
- Arg 2 is the band(a or b)
- curpower
- Return current tx power settings
- scansuppress
- Suppress all scans for testing.
- 0 - allow scans
- 1 - suppress scans
- evm Start an EVM test on the given channel, or stop EVM test.
- Arg 1 is channel number 1-14, or "off" or 0 to stop the test.
- Arg 2 is optional rate (1, 2, 5.5 or 11)
- rateset Returns or sets the supported and basic rateset, (b) indicates basic
- With no args, returns the rateset. Args are
- rateset "default" | "all" | <arbitrary rateset>
- default - driver defaults
- all - all rates are basic rates
- arbitrary rateset - list of rates
- List of rates are in Mbps and each rate is optionally followed
- by "(b)" or "b" for a Basic rate. Example: 1(b) 2b 5.5 11
- At least one rate must be Basic for a legal rateset.
- roam_trigger
- Set the roam trigger RSSI threshold. (integer)
- roam_delta
- Set the roam candidate qualification delta. (integer)
- roam_scan_period
- Set the roam candidate qualification delta. (integer)
- suprates
- Returns or sets the 11g override for the supported rateset
- With no args, returns the rateset. Args are a list of rates,
- or 0 or -1 to specify an empty rateset to clear the override.
- List of rates are in Mbps, example: 1 2 5.5 11
- scan_channel_time
- Get/Set scan channel time
- scan_unassoc_time
- Get/Set unassociated scan channel dwell time
- scan_home_time
- Get/Set scan home channel dwell time
- scan_passive_time
- Get/Set passive scan channel dwell time
- scan_nprobes
- Get/Set scan parameter for number of probes to use per channel scanned
- prb_resp_timeout
- Get/Set probe response timeout
- channel_qa
- Get last channel quality measurment
- channel_qa_start
- Start a channel quality measurment
- country Select Country code for use with 802.11d
- Use either long name or abbreviation from ISO 3166.
- Use 'wl country list [band(a or b)]' for the list of supported countries
- locale OBSOLETE: use "wl country"
- Select the country:
- Worldwide
- Thailand
- Israel
- Jordan
- China
- Japan
- USA/Canada/ANZ
- Europe
- USAlow
- JapanHigh
- All
- join Join a specified network SSID.
- Join syntax is: join <ssid> [key xxxxx] [imode bss|ibss] [amode open|shared|wpa|wpapsk|wpanone]
- ssid Set or get the current SSID.
- Setting will initiate an assoication attempt if in infrastructure mode,
- or join/creation of an IBSS if in IBSS mode,
- or creation of a BSS if in AP mode.
- mac Set or get the list of source MAC address matches.
- wl mac xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ...]
- To Clear the list: wl mac none
- macmode Set the mode of the MAC list.
- 0 - Disable MAC address matching.
- 1 - Deny association to stations on the MAC list.
- 2 - Allow association to stations on the MAC list.
- wds Set or get the list of WDS member MAC addresses.
- Set using a space separated list of MAC addresses.
- wl wds xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ...]
- lazywds Set or get "lazy" WDS mode (dynamically grant WDS membership to anyone).
- noise Get noise (moving average) right after tx in dBm
- fqacurcy
- Manufacturing test: set frequency accuracy mode.
- freqacuracy syntax is: fqacurcy <channel>
- Arg is channel number 1-14, or 0 to stop the test.
- crsuprs Manufacturing test: set carrier suppression mode.
- carriersuprs syntax is: crsuprs <channel>
- Arg is channel number 1-14, or 0 to stop the test.
- longtrain
- Manufacturing test: set longtraining mode.
- longtrain syntax is: longtrain <channel>
- Arg is A band channel number or 0 to stop the test.
- int Interrupt Test - remember to precede by 'wl down' and follow by 'wl up'
- lbt Loopback Test - remember to precede by 'wl down' and follow by 'wl up'
- band Returns or sets the current band
- auto - auto switch between available bands (default)
- a - force use of 802.11a band
- b - force use of 802.11b band
- bands Return the list of available 802.11 bands
- phylist Return the list of available phytypes
- shortslot
- Get current 11g Short Slot Timing mode. (0=long, 1=short)
- shortslot_override
- Get/Set 11g Short Slot Timing mode override. (-1=auto, 0=long, 1=short)
- shortslot_restrict
- Get/Set AP Restriction on associations for 11g Short Slot Timing capable STAs.
- 0 - Do not restrict association based on ShortSlot capability
- 1 - Restrict association to STAs with ShortSlot capability
- ignore_bcns
- AP only (G mode): Check for beacons without NONERP element (0=Examine beacons, 1=Ignore beacons)
- pktcnt Get the summary of good and bad packets.
- upgrade Upgrade the firmware on an embedded device
- gmode Set the 54g Mode (LegacyB|Auto||GOnly|BDeferred|Performance|LRS)
- gmode_protection
- Get G protection mode. (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
- gmode_protection_control
- Get/Set 11g protection mode control alg. (0=always off, 1=monitor local association, 2=monitor overlapping BSS)
- gmode_protection_cts
- Get/Set 11g protection type to CTS (0=disable, 1=enable)
- gmode_protection_override
- Get/Set 11g protection mode override. (-1=auto, 0=disable, 1=enable)
- legacy_erp
- Get/Set 11g legacy ERP inclusion (0=disable, 1=enable)
- scb_timeout
- AP only: inactivity timeout value for authenticated stas
- assoclist
- AP only: Get the list of associated MAC addresses.
- rssi Get the current RSSI val, for an AP you must specify the mac addr of the STA
- isup Get driver operational state (0=down, 1=up)
- fasttimer
- Get/Set High frequency watchdog timeout (tx_power) [15 sec]
- slowtimer
- Get/Set Low frequency watchdog timeout (nrssislope) [60 sec]
- glacialtimer
- Get/Set Very Low frequency watchdog timeout (measurelo) [120 sec]
- radar Enable/Disable radar
- rssidump
- Dump rssi values from aci scans
- interference
- Get/Set interference mitigation mode. Choices are:
- 0 = none
- 1 = non wlan
- 2 = wlan manual
- 3 = wlan automatic
- aciargs Get/Set various aci tuning parameters. Choices are:
- enter: CRS glitch trigger level to start detecting ACI
- exit: CRS glitch trigger level to exit ACI mode
- glitch Seconds interval between ACI scans when glitchcount is continuously high
- spin: Num microsecs to delay between rssi samples
- Usage: wl aciargs [enter x][exit x][spin x][glitch x]
- frameburst
- Disable/Enable frameburst mode
- pwr_percent
- Get/Set power output percentage
- wet Get/Set wireless ethernet bridging mode
- bi Get/Set the beacon period (bi=beacon interval)
- dtim Get/Set DTIM
- wds_remote_mac
- Get WDS link remote endpoint's MAC address
- wds_wpa_role_old
- Get WDS link local endpoint's WPA role (old)
- wds_wpa_role
- Get/Set WDS link local endpoint's WPA role
- authe_sta_list
- Get authenticated sta mac address list
- autho_sta_list
- Get authorized sta mac address list
- measure_req
- Send an 802.11h measurement request.
- Usage: wl measure_req <type> <target MAC addr>
- Measurement types are: TPC, Basic, CCA, RPI
- Target MAC addr format is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
- quiet Send an 802.11h quiet command.
- Usage: wl quiet <TBTTs until start>, <duration (in TUs)>, <offset (in TUs)>
- csa Send an 802.11h channel switch anouncement
- Usage wl csa <mode> <when (in TBTTs)> <channel>
- constraint
- Send an 802.11h Power Constraint IE
- Usage: wl constraint 1-255 db
- rm_req Request a radio measurement of type basic, cca, or rpi
- specify a series of measurement types each followed by options.
- example: wl rm_req cca -c 1 -d 50 cca -c 6 cca -c 11
- Options:
- -t n numeric token id for measurement set or measurement
- -c n channel
- -d n duration in TUs (1024 us)
- -p parallel flag, measurement starts at the same time as previous
- Each measurement specified uses the same channel and duration as the
- previous unless a new channel or duration is specified.
- rm_rep Get current radio measurement report
- wme Set WME (Wireless Multimedia Extensions) mode (0=off, 1=on)
- wme-ac wl wme-ac sta/ap [be, bk, vi, vo] [ecwmax, ecwmin, txop, aifsn, acm] value
- sta_info
- wl sta_info <xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx>
- cap driver capabilities
- malloc_dump
- debug malloc info
- chan_info
- channel info
- add_ie Add a vendor proprietary IE to 802.11 management packets
- Usage: wl add_ie <pktflag> length OUI hexdata
- <pktflag>: Bit 0 - Beacons
- Bit 1 - Probe Rsp
- Bit 2 - Assoc/Reassoc Rsp
- Bit 3 - Auth Rsp
- Example: wl add_ie 3 10 00:90:4C 0101050c121a03
- to add this IE to beacons and probe responses
- del_ie Delete a vendor proprietary IE from 802.11 management packets
- Usage: wl del_ie <pktflag> length OUI hexdata
- <pktflag>: Bit 0 - Beacons
- Bit 1 - Probe Rsp
- Bit 2 - Assoc/Reassoc Rsp
- Bit 3 - Auth Rsp
- Example: wl del_ie 3 10 00:90:4C 0101050c121a03
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