
Body Building T3 (With Creatine)

Jun 5th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. (I already used a creatine for this specific one but I will use another since apparently that's not right, Sorry)
  3. 1. Gisela Ficher heard something about 50 push-ups and 50 situps. That was pretty forgiving, especially when she didn't anything to impede the body down in particular. Bearer strength ironically made it difficult to get a good exercise, but that's probably why Benkei instructed a fairly high number, and gave her the option to pick her own? So she'd simply double the number up to 100. She drops down towards the rocky terrain on her hands, feeling considerably light as she rapidly performs the push-ups in succession, trying to rapidly catch up with the rest of the students in their workouts. She didn't allow herself to slow down, performing about four of five a second like she was in some sort of fever, though not exactly trying to show off at all by attempting with one-hand, even if it was doable.
  5. 2. She then quickly flips herself, throwing her center of mass foward as her hands relaxed on her head, using the bench to aid by having it pin her feet and not cause her to fly up due to the center of gravity or anything. Despite going through it as quickly as the push-ups, she needed to slow for a second every couple to breathe in and out, finishing up the hundred sit-ups and push-ups as quickly as needed to not end up lagging behind...thankfully the light burning sensation told her it wasn't all just for show...though maybe next time going with some heavy curling irons wouldn't be such a bad idea. "Sorry, I just don't wanna miss the rest of this! I'm ready."
  7. 3. Gisela Ficher takes out a bit of creatine, the pills in hand as she brought out a small canteen of well water, which was good as any really. The pills are popped on her tongue and a swig is taken before putting it away, the stuff helping to aid her body in building the muscle mass needed, it may as well have been magic. "Haha, is that all?" It almost seemed too easy, 40 feet? That's like what, four stories? With the rough terrain, there should be plenty of surface area to clammer upon, but perhaps she was overestimating her abilities, after all climbing down was a struggle at one point but that was for more specific reasons.
  9. 4. She backpeddles and pivots on towards the mountains incline, grabbing at the largest protrusion and pulling as she placed a foot down below. There was a confident, even cocky smile on her face as she started to grab and pull up, however she'd have a bit of trouble finding the right spots to grab a few times. Up and up, it didn't seem difficult at all, the challenge did however star to kick in at the thirty feet margian, a bit of wear being placed but she continued to go, going past the fourty feet requirement, hitting roughly fifty feet up as her joints were annoyed with the repetetive work, she had to use some of her core strength to make the difference.
  11. 5. She hadn't gone extra high on purpose, she simply wasn't good with measuring distances by view. Even if someone got ahead of her and stopped at the right distance she'd just assume they were taking a break as her tunnel vision led her up a little higher. Finally at what she assumed to be the requirement, she finds a safe looking rock to cling onto and turn around to give a thumbs up, even if it felt like a silly requirement. "Hey! Can I jump down!?"
  13. 6. Gisela Ficher almost wanted to mutter something. Was climbing down like this even gonna be worth it? Well, no point in getting upset over it, perhaps the next workout she could try and do something special to improve the potential GAINS gleamed fromit. She starts the descent the Benkei intended way, shifting down pretty quickly, knocking down a couple rocks on her way from trying to speed through it so fast, almost falling once, not that it would have hurt, but maybe Benkei would think it was on purpose.
  15. 7. Reaching the bottom she approuched the bench, taking a seat and reaching for one of the curling irons that were supposedly brought out. Needed something that wouldn't tire her out fast...she takes a 150 pound one and begins curling her arm in a steady Rhythm during what was probably supposed to be a resting period. Alternating it, eventually, but for now it'd just be used to pass the time until the next exercise.
  17. 8. Gisela Ficher continues curling the hefty iron, she'd been doing it for a while, hitting about two hundred reps with each arm, getting relatively tired after all of this. She looked over Tsuku, it was strange seeing the girl so devoted to her workout even if it seemed like a basic routine for most. Perhaps if Gisela put some of that motivation in, she could improve at a rapid enough pace to contest with some of the gods of bodybuilding. "You're doing good, but I think I should move on to...resting in the hotsprings?"
  19. 9. Gisela Ficher still no stance, no weapon, she simply starts approuching Eiko and his preperations. In her head she was thinking of what ways to stop his attempts at escaping her attack, the only real way she'd even scare him if by landing at least one blow. So she does the most simple thing she can, trying to just straight up deck him with a jab from the get go, getting up in his range as a result.
  21. 10. Gisela Ficher wouldn't even allow Eiko such luxury as testing her durability, she couldn't predict it perfectly, but she understood just enough about his attack to reactively avoid slash, not even allowing him a small knick of her skin. "You'll never hit me with a weak slash like that!" Her focus upon Eiko becomes narrow, she was now going to put everything into avoiding the full force of his attacks and perhaps even finally landing her own. Another straight punch was thrown, but with a familiar twist, trying to use that dirty boxing technique to her advantage and strike him with a sneaky blow upon the back of his head, if she could land this, then the fight would be hers at that point!
  23. 11. Gisela Ficher was foolish to even think she'd manage to land a strike upon Eiko, why expect any different from the results of last time. She tries to avoid his next slash, but it was much quicker than his last, despite it clearly just being another simple one. Thankfully, that crazy cleaving strike from before wasn't being applied this time around, as a result he wasn't even able to cause damage, but she was worried at any moment he'd start trying and finally make a breathrough, meanwhile she was already pushing her limits as it was.
  25. 12. There was a feeling of only wanting to curse, his training had been far more beneficial for him than it had been for her. Would it have even mattered if she dedicated more hours of the day to a training regime? Was there something about his family lineage that made him so much better? She had one clever trick, backing off a bit before grabbing the air, some sort of darkness being created as she tears a portal into Maosen, dissapeared as it engulfed her entirely. The only sign given in advance was a demonic smell, yet if he wasn't tuned to his nose, it would actually provide her with a very real advantage as she comes out the other end from behind, aiming to grab ahold of Eiko and slam her jaws into his shoudler.
  27. 13. Gisela Ficher finally caught him off guard, Yata! as the cool kids would say, she smiled as some of his blood and skin got caught in her mouth, yet he was already retaliating, slashing even faster than last time, which probably meant it was equally much harsher than the last, she attempts to avoid it at least partially, feeling the strike knick her skin and cause a bit of pain, but it was too shallow to bother her especially since she moved away from it. After that teleport, she was out of tricks, so she stands there, waiting for him to make his next move. "You better finish this on the next one, buddy, cause I won't let you get away if it doesn't work." She places her arms up slightly while watching his movements.
  29. 14. Gisela Ficher thought she seen the upper limits of his slashing speed, her intention was to catch his blade, confident that if she can see where it's coming her bare hand would suffice in forcing a trade, or disarming the boy of his weapon. No, this was the fruits of his training. He was on another level, still while using no particular technique he was outpacing her drastically, something aboslutely frustrating, just as much as the last time they had fought together.
  31. 15. Arms were put up in anticipation for this slash, knowing how he was fond of aiming for her torso in this match. If it wasn't for that mere fact alone, it wouldn't have worked, she managed to catch the blade as it was slashing through her, stopping it's motion partway at the cost of wounding herself further..if he really tried he could have probably done so much more given her willingness to risk self harm. This was the part where she would deck him or force him to lose his weapon to avoid it...Yet perhaps all it would have taken him was one strong tug to free it from her hands anyway, regardless what could have happened, she lets go.
  33. 16. "I lost, even worse than last time. Fuck." She couldn't help but get worked up, even if it was supposed to be a friendly little match. By the end of this college, it seemed like he'd be well above her in all fields. There was nothing to redirect this loathing at but herself for now, at least until she found it in herself to calm down. "It doesn't feel like I've gotten anywhere."
  35. 17. The other demonstrated ones seemed like they'd take a little more skill in the field of Karate to perform, making her hesitant to even try them. Clutching a hand, placing it at a hip, it was the preperations for 'Basaltic Fist'. Trying to gather tense her muscles so she could explosively throw a punch foward at the air...Yeah, it was pretty awful form, but it didn't seem impossible. It was fun practice a fighting style, as it was good for just general exercise
  37. 18. Finally there was turning her hand into a spear, a technique that would require her to use her fingers as a weapon, very bizzare, would it even be useful when her teeth were perfect for crushing opponents? Nukite was a more daunting technique than the last, and one that required further practice with Karate and it's teachings to find proper usage out of. Yet the motion she would continue to replicate as she jabs at the air from the makeshift stance that was effectively made up by this point.
  39. 19. Gisela Ficher can't help but notice it looked so strange, practicing Sumo techniques without a partner. Lisa was pretty good with demonstrating it despite that odd flaw. The stances to take, as well as the idea was given for a Full Body Block. It wasn't a technique she thought she could use to it's best ablity, but it did make it easier to prepare for blocking in general, weathering blows by staying as steady as one could be using proper footing. She takes up the stance, tensing her muscles and hoping that this would be a good enough imitation of the technique for show. If someone were to actually test if she perfected it, the results would show as...a bit less than ideal. "Eiko, Hit me!"
  41. 20. Gisela Ficher attempts to perform something that most people can't do easily, kicking off the floor in such a way that they apply the force of a jump to vertical movement, aiming to ram at a speed higher than what she was normally capable of straight into Elfride with her shoulder, and grabbing at them to try and take them down. Yet despite this revelation, it wasn't all that fast or strong, a lack of actual Sumo practice will do that to you. Honestly would have done better just trying to deck her, but it was a attempt.
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