

Mar 7th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. local Frame = (60)
  3. Service = setmetatable(
  4. {
  5. Get = function(Self, Serv)
  6. if Service[Serv] then return Service[Serv] end
  7. local S = game:GetService(Serv)
  8. if S then Service[Serv] = S end
  9. return S
  10. end;
  11. }, {
  12. __index = function(Self, Index)
  13. local S = game:GetService(Index)
  14. if S then Service[Index] = S end
  15. return S
  16. end;
  17. })
  19. local LP = Service['Players'].LocalPlayer; local Char = LP['Character']
  20. local Torso, Root, Humanoid = Char['Torso'], Char['HumanoidRootPart'], Char['Humanoid']
  21. local TService, UIS = Service['TweenService'], Service['UserInputService']
  23. coroutine.wrap(function()
  24. Root['Anchored'] = true;
  25. wait(.8)
  26. Root['Anchored'] = false;
  27. end)()
  30. local SetSimulationRadius = setsimulationradius
  34. game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:connect(function()
  36. SetSimulationRadius(math.huge, math.huge)
  38. end)
  42. local Create = function(Obj,Parent)
  43. local I =; I['Parent'] = Parent; return I
  44. end
  46. local Contains = function(Table,KV)
  47. for K,V in next, Table do
  48. if rawequal(KV,K) or rawequal(KV,V) then
  49. return true;
  50. end
  51. end
  52. return false
  53. end
  55. local PoseToCF = function(Pose,Motor)
  56. return (Motor['Part0'].CFrame * Motor['C0'] * Pose['CFrame'] * Motor['C1']:Inverse()):ToObjectSpace(Motor['Part0'].CFrame)
  57. end
  59. local Joints = {
  60. ['Torso'] = Root['RootJoint'];
  61. ['Left Arm'] = Torso['Left Shoulder'];
  62. ['Right Arm'] = Torso['Right Shoulder'];
  63. ['Left Leg'] = Torso['Left Hip'];
  64. ['Right Leg'] = Torso['Right Hip'];
  65. }
  67. for K,V in next, Char:GetChildren() do
  68. if V:IsA('BasePart') then
  69. coroutine.wrap(function()
  70. repeat V['CanCollide'] = false
  71. Service['RunService'].Stepped:Wait() until Humanoid['Health'] < 1
  72. end)()
  73. end
  74. end
  76. for K,V in next, Joints do
  77. local AP, AO, A0, A1 = Create('AlignPosition',V['Part1']), Create('AlignOrientation',V['Part1']), Create('Attachment',V['Part1']), Create('Attachment',V['Part0'])
  78. AP['RigidityEnabled'] = true; AO['RigidityEnabled'] = true; AP['Attachment0'] = A0; AP['Attachment1'] = A1; AO['Attachment0'] = A0; AO['Attachment1'] = A1;
  79. A0['Name'] = 'CFAttachment0'; A1['Name'] = 'CFAttachment1'; A0['CFrame'] = V['C1'] * V['C0']:Inverse(); V:Remove()
  80. end
  82. local Edit = function(Part,Value,Duration,Style,Direction)
  83. Style = Style or 'Enum.EasingStyle.Linear'; Direction = Direction or 'Enum.EasingDirection.In'
  84. local Attachment = Part:FindFirstChild('CFAttachment0')
  85. if Attachment ~= nil then
  86. TService:Create(Attachment,,Enum['EasingStyle'][tostring(Style):split('.')[3]],Enum['EasingDirection'][tostring(Direction):split('.')[3]],0,false,0),{CFrame = Value}):Play()
  87. end
  88. end
  90. if not Service['RunService']:FindFirstChild('Delta') then
  91. local Delta = Create('BindableEvent',Service['RunService']); Delta['Name'] = 'Delta'
  92. local A, B = 0, tick()
  93. Service['RunService'].Delta:Fire(); Service['RunService'].Heartbeat:Connect(function(C, D)
  94. A = A + C
  95. if A >= (1/Frame) then
  96. for I = 1, math.floor(A / (1/Frame)) do
  97. Service['RunService'].Delta:Fire()
  98. end
  99. B = tick()
  100. A = A - (1/Frame) * math.floor(A / (1/Frame))
  101. end
  102. end)
  103. end
  105. coroutine.wrap(function()
  106. Humanoid['Died']:Wait()
  107. for K,V in next, Char:GetDescendants() do
  108. if V['Name']:match('Align') then
  109. V:Destroy()
  110. end
  111. end
  112. end)()
  114. local PreloadAnimation = function(AssetId)
  115. local Sequence = game:GetObjects('rbxassetid://'..AssetId)[1]; assert(Sequence:IsA('KeyframeSequence'),'Instance is not a KeyframeSequence.')
  116. wait(.06)
  117. local Class = {}
  118. Class['Speed'] = 1
  119. local Yield = function(Seconds)
  120. local Time = Seconds * (Frame + Sequence:GetKeyframes()[#Sequence:GetKeyframes()].Time)
  121. for I = 1,Time,Class['Speed'] do
  122. Service['RunService'].Delta['Event']:Wait()
  123. end
  124. end
  125. Class['Stopped'] = false;
  126. Class['Complete'] ='BindableEvent')
  127. Class['Play'] = function()
  128. Class['Stopped'] = false
  129. coroutine.wrap(function()
  130. repeat
  131. for K = 1,#Sequence:GetKeyframes() do
  132. local K0, K1, K2 = Sequence:GetKeyframes()[K-1], Sequence:GetKeyframes()[K], Sequence:GetKeyframes()[K+1]
  133. if Class['Stopped'] ~= true and Humanoid['Health'] > 0 then
  134. if K0 ~= nil then
  135. Yield(K1['Time'] - K0['Time'])
  136. end
  137. coroutine.wrap(function()
  138. for I = 1,#K1:GetDescendants() do
  139. local Pose = K1:GetDescendants()[I]
  140. if Contains(Joints,Pose['Name']) then
  141. local Duration = K2 ~= nil and (K2['Time'] - K1['Time'])/Class['Speed'] or .5
  142. Edit(Char[Pose['Name']],PoseToCF(Pose,Joints[Pose['Name']]),Duration,Pose['EasingStyle'],Pose['EasingDirection'])
  143. end
  144. end
  145. end)()
  146. end
  147. end
  148. Class['Complete']:Fire()
  149. until Sequence['Loop'] ~= true or Class['Stopped'] ~= false or Humanoid['Health'] < 1
  150. end)()
  151. end
  152. Class['Stop'] = function()
  153. Class['Stopped'] = true;
  154. end
  155. Class['Reset'] = function()
  156. coroutine.wrap(function()
  157. wait(.02)
  158. assert(Class['Stopped'],'Track Must Be Stopped First!')
  159. for K,V in next, Joints do
  160. local Part = Char[K]
  161. if Part ~= nil then
  162. local Attachment = Part:FindFirstChild('CFAttachment0')
  163. if Attachment ~= nil then
  164. Attachment['CFrame'] = V['C1'] * V['C0']:Inverse()
  165. end
  166. end
  167. end
  168. end)()
  169. end
  170. return Class
  171. end
  173. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 11
  175. local Anims = {
  176. ['Idle'] = PreloadAnimation(5183986020);
  177. ['Walk'] = PreloadAnimation(5053650512);
  178. ['Run'] = PreloadAnimation(5053715968);
  179. ['Jump'] = PreloadAnimation(265645507);
  180. ['Fall'] = PreloadAnimation(3323393688);
  181. }
  183. wait(1)
  184. local Connections = {};
  186. Mouse = LP:GetMouse()
  187. local Dancing, Running = false, false;
  189. local StopAll = function()
  190. for K,V in next, Anims do
  191. if V['Stopped'] ~= true then
  192. V:Stop()
  193. end
  194. end
  195. end
  197. Anims['Idle']:Play(); Dancing = false; Anims['Walk'].Stopped = true; Anims['Run'].Stopped = true
  199. Connections['Run'] = Humanoid['Running']:Connect(function(Speed)
  200. if Speed > 6 and Dancing ~= true and Anims['Walk'].Stopped ~= false and runnning ~= true then
  201. Anims['Idle']:Stop()
  202. Anims['Jump']:Stop()
  203. Anims['Fall']:Stop()
  204. Anims['Run']:Stop()
  205. Anims['Walk']:Play()
  206. elseif Speed < 5 and Dancing ~= true and Anims['Walk'].Stopped ~= true and runnning ~= true then
  207. Anims['Walk']:Stop()
  208. Anims['Jump']:Stop()
  209. Anims['Fall']:Stop()
  210. Anims['Run']:Stop()
  211. Anims['Idle']:Play()
  212. elseif Speed < 5 and Dancing ~= true and Anims['Jump'].Stopped ~= true or Anims['Fall'].Stopped ~= true then
  213. Anims['Walk']:Stop()
  214. Anims['Jump']:Stop()
  215. Anims['Fall']:Stop()
  216. Anims['Run']:Stop()
  217. Anims['Idle']:Play()
  218. end
  219. end)
  220. Connections['Jumping'] = Humanoid['Jumping']:Connect(function(active)
  221. if active and Dancing ~= true and Anims['Jump'].Stopped ~= false then
  222. Anims['Idle']:Stop()
  223. Anims['Walk']:Stop()
  224. Anims['Fall']:Stop()
  225. Anims['Run']:Stop()
  226. Anims['Jump']:Play()
  227. end
  228. end)
  229. Connections['FreeFalling'] = Humanoid['FreeFalling']:Connect(function(active)
  230. if active and Dancing ~= true and Anims['Jump'].Stopped ~= false then
  231. Anims['Idle']:Stop()
  232. Anims['Walk']:Stop()
  233. Anims['Jump']:Stop()
  234. Anims['Run']:Stop()
  235. Anims['Fall']:Play()
  236. end
  237. end)
  239. Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  240. if key:lower() == string.char(48) then --string.char(48) is just shift
  241. if Humanoid and Anims['Walk'].Stopped ~= true then
  242. Anims['Walk']:Stop()
  243. Anims['Jump']:Stop()
  244. Anims['Fall']:Stop()
  245. Anims['Idle']:Stop()
  246. Anims['Run']:Play()
  247. runnning = true
  248. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 18
  249. end
  250. end
  251. end)
  253. --When button is lifted
  254. Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
  255. if key:lower() == string.char(48) then --string.char(48) is just shift
  256. if Humanoid then
  257. runnning = false
  258. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 11
  259. end
  260. end
  261. end)
  263. wait(1)
  264. local Bind = function(Id,Key,Speed)
  265. Speed = Speed or 1
  266. local Animation = PreloadAnimation(Id)
  267. table.insert(Anims,Animation)
  268. local V = UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input,P)
  269. if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode[Key] and P ~= true then
  270. if Dancing ~= true then Dancing = true;
  271. StopAll(); wait(.1); Animation:Play() Animation['Speed'] = Speed
  272. else Dancing = false;
  273. StopAll(); wait(.1); Anims['Idle']:Play()
  274. end
  275. end
  276. end)
  277. end
  279. Bind(4699820365,'Q',1)
  280. wait(0.1)
  281. Bind(4558409610,'Y',1)
  282. wait(0.1)
  283. Bind(3259216638,'R',1)
  284. wait(0.1)
  285. Bind(3450125501,'T',1)
  286. wait(0.1)
  287. Bind(4837749916,'U',1)
  288. wait(0.1)
  289. Bind(128777973,'P',1)
  290. wait(0.1)
  291. Bind(3623215692,'F',1)
  292. wait(0.1)
  293. Bind(3619935462,'G',1)
  294. wait(0.1)
  295. Bind(3643129020,'H',1)
  296. wait(0.1)
  297. Bind(5238669868,'J',1)
  298. wait(0.1)
  299. Bind(3262592866,'K',1)
  300. wait(0.1)
  301. Bind(5069868968,'L',1)
  302. wait(0.1)
  303. Bind(5606996898, 'Z',1)
  304. wait(0.1)
  305. Bind(4679511279, 'X',1)
  306. wait(0.1)
  307. Bind(5713511509, 'C',1)
  308. wait(0.1)
  309. Bind(5011408603, 'V',1)
  310. wait(0.1)
  311. Bind(265645507, 'B',1)
  312. wait(0.1)
  313. Bind(4787449997, 'N',1)
  314. wait(0.1)
  315. Bind(4837753372, 'M', 1)
  316. wait(0.1)
  317. Bind(5653668356, 'E', 1)
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