
Hypnosis Induction Log

Oct 14th, 2015
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  1. First Hypnosis Induction Log
  3. 6:52:46 pm: [INFO] hypnosisbliss~ has joined.
  4. 6:52:51 pm: <O_o> Hellos :)
  5. 6:53:08 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Man, I had no idea how many people on here love anime like me :)
  6. 6:53:25 pm: <O_o> Yeha
  7. 6:53:27 pm: <O_o> yeah*
  8. 6:53:29 pm: <O_o> lol
  9. 6:54:49 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Ok, so this is my first time. I was thinking to just do an induction, wake you up and then have you give me feedback. Is that alright? Or would you like me to try some other stuff as well?
  10. 6:55:06 pm: <O_o> Sounds good to me :)
  11. 6:55:38 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Ok. Then I'll just do the induction. I'll leave the triggers for now since I don't know what I'm doing there.
  12. 6:55:56 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Are you sitting or lying down?
  13. 6:56:13 pm: <O_o> sitting
  14. 6:56:50 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Coolies, I better just get started before I psyche myself out lol
  15. 6:57:12 pm: <O_o> have fun :)
  16. 6:57:20 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Ok, we'll start with breathing.
  17. 6:57:36 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Take a deep breath in and relax
  18. 6:57:49 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> and out. Soothing.
  19. 6:58:00 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> In, relaxing
  20. 6:58:07 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Out, soothing
  21. 6:58:22 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Notice your body starting to relax
  22. 6:59:04 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Keep on focusing on your breathing. In a moment, I want you to picture a pendant in your mind
  23. 6:59:30 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Think of the most relaxing pendant you've ever seen.
  24. 6:59:39 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Please describe it to me.
  25. 7:01:03 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You there?
  26. 7:01:24 pm: <O_o> Pale blue obsidian, teardrop shaped, on a silver chain
  27. 7:02:03 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Very detailed. I like it. Now, picture it beginning to sway comfortably in front of you.
  28. 7:02:28 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It's going at just the right speed to be relaxing. Not too fast, not too slow.
  29. 7:02:55 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Back..... Forth......
  30. 7:03:15 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Is it relaxing to picture it swaying like that?
  31. 7:03:20 pm: <O_o> yes
  32. 7:03:28 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Very good.
  33. 7:03:52 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You begin to notice that the longer you watch it, the more relaxed you feel.
  34. 7:04:34 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> In fact, you realise that it has synchronised itself with your breathing. As you breath in, it sways back.
  35. 7:04:45 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> As you breath out, it sways forth
  36. 7:04:52 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Back.....
  37. 7:04:58 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Forth.....
  38. 7:05:30 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Feeling so comfortable. Knowing that you are the one that made this relaxing pendant.
  39. 7:05:45 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It is so familiar to you.
  40. 7:06:06 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And because it is familiar, it makes it that much easier to relax
  41. 7:06:45 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Soon however, you notice that the swaying slows down slightly.
  42. 7:07:16 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> and you also notice that your thoughts are beginning to get a little bit foggy
  43. 7:07:37 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> So easy to just drift and let your eyes follow the pendant.
  44. 7:08:20 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You begin to notice that not only your thoughts, but also your body is slowing down just a bit.
  45. 7:08:37 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Your feet begin to feel heavy as they relax
  46. 7:08:59 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The relaxation spreads up your legs
  47. 7:09:10 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> past your knees
  48. 7:09:23 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> UP your thighs
  49. 7:09:56 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It reaches your hips, leaving your entire lower body loose, limp, heavy and very relaxed
  50. 7:10:09 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> How do you feel?
  51. 7:10:53 pm: <O_o> flaoty, rellaxed, warrm
  52. 7:11:04 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good.
  53. 7:11:21 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And you know why. It's because of your wonderful pendant
  54. 7:11:36 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> That sway that both captivates and soothes.
  55. 7:11:44 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Relaxes and enchants
  56. 7:12:07 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> The relaxation spreads further, going up to your stomach
  57. 7:12:23 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> up to your chest.
  58. 7:12:36 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Through your arms and down your back
  59. 7:13:02 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> It then goes up your neck.
  60. 7:13:30 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> And then, your head. Leaving your entire body, loose, limp and relaxed.
  61. 7:13:57 pm: <O_o> iflell
  62. 7:14:21 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Good boy. Are you in trance Blivvy?
  63. 7:14:29 pm: <O_o> mmyeyss
  64. 7:15:14 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> That's good. I want for you to be able to just enjoy this feeling for now. Continue to watch the pendant.
  65. 7:15:45 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> In a moment, I will wake you and you will feel calm, relaxed and very refreshed.
  66. 7:16:54 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> I will count from 5-1 and then say Awake. You will then awake.
  67. 7:17:21 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Let's give you 1 minute to enjoy this feeling.
  68. 7:18:42 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Ok, time to start counting. 5. Feeling wonderful.
  69. 7:18:51 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 4, feeling yourself return
  70. 7:19:04 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 3, thoughts returning.
  71. 7:19:14 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 2, feeling refreshed.
  72. 7:19:19 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> 1, awake
  73. 7:19:30 pm: <O_o> I'mup, i swaer! 1
  74. 7:19:47 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> How was that?
  75. 7:20:04 pm: <O_o> That was good. Felt really nice. Thank you :)
  76. 7:20:39 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> You're welcome. I was kinda nervous but once I got into it, it just seemed to flow
  77. 7:21:19 pm: <O_o> Felt like you knew what you were doing to me :) If I didn't know it was your first time, I wouldn't have guessed it from how you acted.
  78. 7:21:47 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Lol, guess it's just my years of rping experience.
  79. 7:22:20 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Anything I could've improved on to make it better for you?
  80. 7:23:57 pm: <O_o> Usually, when I've tranced for someone who's new to hypnosis and looking for advice, I look back and say "it sounded rehearsed" or "it looks like you just read off a script", and if it's not that, it's typos everywhere. I can't point to anything out of place like that with you.
  81. 7:25:07 pm: <O_o> You should save the log and ask some of the more experienced tists for their opinions. Or just post in main chat or something and see what comments you get from anyone who cares to have an opinion.
  82. 7:25:19 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> How do I save the log?
  83. 7:26:16 pm: <O_o> Highlight, copy/paste, and upload to or
  84. 7:26:35 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Kk, I'll do the pastebin one.
  85. 7:26:48 pm: <hypnosisbliss~> Thanks once again. I hope you enjoyed it.
  86. 7:26:56 pm: <O_o> I did. And thank you again :)
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