
2017-07-26 Grammar: quantifier overview

Jul 26th, 2017
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Homework: p. 193 exercise 5
  6. 1 Jeff likes cleaning, but Matt doesn’t.
  7. 2 Jeff may go home for a visit or travel to France on his vacation.
  8. 3 Matt and Jeff don’t plan to return to their hometowns to live.
  9. Neither Matt nor Jeff plans to return to his hometown to live.
  10. Matt doesn’t plan to return to his hometown to live, and neither does Jeff.
  11. 4 Jeff likes getting up early, but Matt doesn’t.
  12. 5 Both Jeff and Matt always wanted to have dogs.
  13. Jeff always wanted to have a dog, and so did Matt. / and Matt did too.
  14. 6 Both Matt and Jeff might take their dogs to the park this afternoon.
  15. Either Matt or Jeff might take the dog to the park this afternoon. (If they’re roommates with one dog.)
  16. 7 Matt likes dancing and meeting friends at nightclubs.
  17. 8 Matt comes from a small town in Kansas, and Jeff comes from one in Wisconsin.
  18. ---
  19. Less frequently, we can remove the repeated verb when both subject and object are different.
  20. He does his work and I mine. - We understand that “do” has been removed.
  21. ---
  22. Quantifiers
  23. p. 357 (on the board) - What are some sentences we can say about where foreign students come from?
  24. Most of the students come from Asia. / Most students come from Asia.
  25. The fewest students come from North America and Oceania.
  26. A few students come from Africa. / Some students come from Africa.
  27. Few students come from Africa. - This emphasizes how small the quantity is.
  28. More students from Latin America came in 2003-4 than in 2002-3.
  29. Less/Fewer students came from Latin America in 2002-3 than in 2003-4.
  30. ---
  31. Matt has a few close friends here. - This emphasizes that Matt has started making friends.
  32. Jeff has few close friends here. - This emphasizes that Jeff is maybe a bit lonely here.
  33. ---
  34. Quantifiers can be determiners (as in the sentences above) or pronouns:
  35. Most come from Africa, but many come from Europe and Latin America and a few come from Africa and the Middle East.
  36. ---
  37. p. 360 exercise 3 - Rewrite these sentences to use quantifiers instead of the bolded phrases.
  38. 1 Almost all medical students
  39. 2 Some students
  40. 3 There are a few scholarships
  41. 4 It takes a lot of money
  42. 5 A few students
  43. 6 Some applicants don’t achieve…
  44. Not all applicants achieve…
  45. 7 Most international students
  46. 8 Many students
  47. ---
  48. Using “of” - Normally, we can only use “of” with quantifiers when the noun is specific (i.e. we use “the”, a possessive, or a demonstrative)
  49. ---
  50. Exceptions:
  51. a couple of students = a couple students (with or without “of” for nonspecific nouns)
  52. a lot of students (always with “of”)
  53. all the students = all of the students (with or without “of” for specific nouns)
  54. ---
  55. most students = most students in general
  56. most of the students = most of these specific students
  57. *most of students (WRONG)
  58. ---
  59. Homework: exercises 4 (few/a few and little/a little) and 9 (with or without “of”)
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