

Jul 20th, 2020
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  1. Mooilo has joined the chat
  2. Ky0ki has joined the chat
  3. Ky0ki: It's really saddening ...
  4. Mooilo: i know-- i always try to compliment her art and stuff and she usually just get closed off
  5. Mooilo: :(
  6. Ky0ki: I just hope she takes this
  7. Ky0ki: It will make her life 1000 times better
  8. Mooilo: frfr
  9. ICollieI: Hiyo
  10. Ky0ki: She can pick and choose what she wants to do
  11. Mooilo: hiii uvu
  12. Ky0ki: Hey bro
  13. Mooilo: see thats good. jobs with that kind of flexibility are always good
  14. Ky0ki: Question
  15. Ky0ki: don't mention this to anyone
  16. ICollieI: Sure.
  17. Ky0ki: IF you got the offer to become someon linked to marvel due to talent and art
  18. Ky0ki: and to be paid by marvel and work with the movie industry through digital art
  19. Ky0ki: would you take the offer
  20. Mooilo: i think most people would >
  21. Ky0ki: I want to hear it from someone else
  22. Mooilo: >:V
  23. ICollieI: I would, yeah. But I'm not artsy. I'm write-y.
  24. Ky0ki: I am too
  25. Ky0ki: but my point still lies
  26. Ky0ki: Livi has that offer
  27. Ky0ki: she told me she's not good enough
  28. Ky0ki: when a guy who does that kind ofthing for a living told me he would hook her up
  29. Mooilo: thing is tho she doesnt usually think shes good enough at anything
  30. Mooilo: which is 100% not true
  31. Ky0ki: Exactly
  32. Ky0ki: she told me to tell him no.
  33. Ky0ki: I didn't
  34. ICollieI: Wait, so, did you get the offer FOR her?
  35. Ky0ki: I showed him her art just because we were both painting at a table.
  36. Ky0ki: and I was like
  37. Ky0ki: Oh my girlfriend does art.
  38. Ky0ki: He was like you know I work with disney with marvel and starwars projects and they always need people with that talent.
  39. Ky0ki: I showed him the pieces first of course
  40. Ky0ki: he was highly impressed
  41. Ky0ki: and said he would hook her up with connections.
  42. Ky0ki: Since he's locally known for being a famous art designer
  43. ICollieI: Oh, wow.
  44. Mooilo: very epic 8)
  45. Ky0ki: not only for model painting but for working on movies such as doing shit on captain america original costume, and making stormtroopers for starwars.
  46. Ky0ki: She's got an opportunity
  47. Ky0ki: but she told me to tell him no flat.
  48. Mooilo: i mean that type of thing can be really intimidating as well but :(
  49. Ky0ki: No joy no excitment
  50. Ky0ki: just No
  51. Ky0ki: I can imagine
  52. Ky0ki: but he seems like a really good person
  53. Ky0ki: who might even help her improve
  54. Ky0ki: He helps teach people art
  55. Ky0ki: and he even gave me a bottle of paint today just because I needed brown
  56. Ky0ki: that shit aint cheap
  57. Mooilo: LOL
  58. Ky0ki: 4 bucks a bottle
  59. Mooilo: i mean thats not too bad for paint
  60. Mooilo: shes aWAKE
  61. Ky0ki: dude citadel over prices
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