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- ~Prologue~
- >You are a Fluffy
- >You have been in the shelter for a forever
- >Forever ago, you were living with a special friend in a nearby alleyway
- >however, your special friend never came back one day while hunting for nummies. You fear the worst
- >you finally gave birth, but all your foals are stillborn
- >with nothing left in your life, the only thing you have by your side is an old stuffy friend, with one its weggies missing
- >it was the last gift from your special friend to you, and the only thing you have left
- >you hug it while repeating the words "wan die" continuosly
- >in your grief, you ignore the bright shining light, and the hummie munstah
- >he gives you a hurtie, and for a while, you feel like you are getting the forever-sleepies
- >in your cage, you can hear the nearby fluffies pleading to various hummmehs, repeating crys of "be nyu dadded" and "giv huggies pliz"
- >you pay no attention to them, as you keep hugging your stuffy friend
- >suddenly, a hummeh face looks at you
- >the mummeh and daddeh look at each other, and then look at you again
- >you try to understand the hummeh mumble
- "This one, this one, reminds me of Lucy."
- >you put aside your stuffy friend, feeling inquisitive
- >in the distance, you can see the mummeh and daddeh talk to another hummeh, a fellow mummah
- >the three then come to you
- >you then say the words that many ferals have come to say
- "Nyu daddeh?"
- >the daddeh smiles and says the word you always wanted to hear
- "Yes."
- ~
- >you are lost
- >Mummah and daddeh had left you at a nearby daycare but, a lone butterfly flew into the daycare
- >being the curious little fluff you are, you keep chasing it
- >focusing only on the butterfly, you don't realize that you are now outside the daycare
- >as you reach into the streets, you then realize something
- >you are lost
- >its nighttime
- >you have headed to a nearby alleyway
- >it is the only security you know
- >you try to look for fluff code, the symbols that fellow fluffs like you draw to indicate safe and dangerous spaces
- >so far, you find nothing
- >there is a nearby dumpster
- >you and your special friend had scavenged for food from these places before
- >it seems to be that no other fluffy has lived in this area yet
- >but you have seen some big and ugly hummehs that do
- >maybe thats why the fluffs avoid this place
- >as you reach the dumpster, you try to look for nummies. You have not eaten for a while
- >you then hear a cry.
- >beside the dumpster, a hummeh mummah lies on the ground
- >she has no clothes-fluff at the bottom, only skin
- >you shake her, while saying
- "Mummah?"
- >you keep shaking her, trying your best to get her to wake up
- >you then hear the cry
- >Moving up, near what looks like the hummeh nu-nus, you see a little hummeh
- >a little hummeh
- >alone in the world
- >crying
- "Babbeh?"
- ~Part 1~
- >for the past forevers, mummah and daddeh have been looking after you, and raising you to be the good fluffy that you are
- >you learn to use the litterbox, you learn to take a bath and smeww pretty, and you learn how to watch FluffTV
- >for the most part, life has been good. you get upsies, you play blockies, and you get sketties and kibbow
- >but in the living room, you see a picture of mummah and daddeh with a third hummeh
- >he looks like a little version of daddeh
- >you ask your owners
- "Who is dis hummeh in picshah?"
- >mummah and daddeh are silent
- >you see mummah walk away. She is about to cry
- >dadded is starting to frown
- >you feel like as though you have huwt them
- "Fwuffy sorry. Fwuffy no mean tu-"
- "No, Lucy."
- >Daddeh sits down on the sofa. He beckons you to come and sit by his side
- >removing his glasses, Daddeh then says
- "That is Eric. He's daddeh's babbeh."
- >you are surprised
- "Hummehs have babbehs?"
- "Yes Lucy. Hummehs have babbehs too."
- >Feeling elated, you ask the question
- "Can meet Eric babbeh?"
- >Daddeh hesitates.
- "I'm afraid not Lucy. He....he..."
- >Daddeh starts to cry. You have never seen a daddeh cry before.
- >you can tell that from his lips that the words he is trying to utter is "forever sleepies"
- >Feeling a mutual sense of pain, you give him huggies. He holds on to you tight
- "Fwuffy understan'. Fwuffy wost babbehs tu."
- ~
- >that was forever ago
- >With that memory in your head, you realize that the little hummeh in the allieway is the babbeh of this mummah
- >the mummah has gone into forever sleepies
- >you know not why
- >you see sharpie huwties nearby. the sort the hummeh munstah gave you to sleepeh a forever ago
- >whoever it was, whatever it was, they huwt the hummeh mummah and made her forever sleep
- >and only the hummeh babeh is left
- >you were a mummah once before
- >well, almost was
- >but you have also seen other mummahs tend to their babbehs after birth
- >a part of you wants to head out after when its brighty times, and look for your mummah and daddeh
- >but the hummeh babbeh is crying
- >you lick the hummeh
- >the smeww is not pretty. He is covered in blood
- >you keep licking him, trying to make him a clean babbeh
- >after a while, not a forever, babbeh looks clean
- >babbeh is still crying though
- >you are not sure he wants
- >he keeps tugging at your legs, his little babbeh hands resting on your teat, your miwkie places
- "Miwkies?"
- >babbehs. miwkies. babbehs. miwkies
- >you remember the song from before, and then, you realize
- "Oh! Babbeh drink miwkies!"
- >you slowly let the hummeh babbeh nestle upon your leg, and let him drink from your miwkies
- >as he keeps suckling you, you sing the song
- "Mummah wuv babbehs,
- Babbehs wuv mummah,
- Babbehs dwink miwkies,
- Gwow big an stwong"
- >after a while, babbeh falls asleep
- >babbeh has no name though
- >as you remember daddeh mention his own babeh, many forevers ago, you come to a decision
- "Mummah help find safe place for mummah and babeh Dewek."
- >You load the hummeh babbeh on your back. He is sound asleep
- >you walk off, and attempt to look for a safe place in the alleyway
- >it has been a forever now
- >you tried counting the number of times the moon has appeared above you
- >you can only count up to ten
- >so it is a about ten moons and a few
- >counting forever is difficult
- >you found a safe place. It is an area behind the dumpster
- >the other ugleh hummehs do not seem to know of this place
- >it feels like the place your special friend and you once lived in, a bright forever ago
- >special friend
- >mummah. daddeh.
- >your eyes to start to well up
- >however, the little hummeh babbeh reaches out to you
- >the babbeh gives you huggies
- >you hug babbeh back
- >for now, he is the only thing you have in the world
- >while curling up to your babbeh, you hear hummeh voices
- "So she died around here?"
- "Yeah. Stupid crack-whore OD'ed and died near the dumpster. Was pregnant with a baby."
- "Huh? Whose the baby daddy?"
- "No idea. Bitch was fucking around. Hell, she was partying the night she died, thats why she OD'ed. The coroner said that she wasn't raped, but rather, gave birth that night."
- "You're saying to me that the reason why she was half-naked was because she was trying to give birth?"
- "Exactly, but the stupid bitch was having a really heavy trip that night. Now we got to find that crackbaby."
- >you feel hatred as you hear the next response
- "Why? He's most likely dead. Fucking son of a whore."
- "Yeah well, we're not in a place to judge. Besides, I think no baby should die in a place like this."
- "You think too highly of these whores. They're like the shit-rats. They don't contribute to society, they are only good for eating, sleeping, fucking, and of course, leaving a fucking mess."
- "Well, lets just keep searching anyway. We're paid to do this shit"
- >You hang on to your babbeh
- >for some reason, you don't want these people to find him and you, yet.
- >its been a forever again
- >the moon has appeared many times
- >someone had thrown away a lot of used markers
- >you remember an episode of FluffTV about counting
- >with a marker in your mouth, you have tried to count
- >so far, you have managed three row of ten lines. Three of ten moons
- >that's a really long forever
- >babbeh is okay.
- >he drinks miwkies, he sleeps, and he's fine
- >he's still smaww though
- >he's not a fluffy. He has no fluff, and depends on you not to fee' cowd
- >you want to play upsies with him, but he can barely walk
- >you want to talk to him, but he cannot speak
- >he does a lot of poopies
- >you try to teach him that good poopies go in the litterbox you made
- >he's too stupid to do that
- >as you think about it, you realize
- >hummeh babbeh is not like fluffy.
- >Fluffy babbeh can grow up fast, but hummeh babbeh can't
- >you miss mummah and daddeh
- >you know what to do
- >you take the marker. you draw a little housie, and then, draw a checkmark, for some other fluffy in future
- >you then do what you have to
- Part 2
- >You are Officer Leroy
- >You are a parking enforcement officer
- >its a shitty job. People yell at you. People abuse you. You've gotten into a few fights
- >but it pays all the same
- >you're about to issue a ticket when something tugs at your pants
- >ah great, it's another one of these shit-rats
- "Fuck off ya piece of shit. I got work to do"
- "Please, kind mista, be nyu daddeh for babbeh"
- >you want to kick on it. Stomp it
- >but then you see the belt around its neck
- >this fluffy belongs to someone
- >you bend down, ready to pick it up
- >a job's a job, and you got to return the fluffy to its owner
- "Mistah, please! Dere a babbeh nearby!!"
- >the fluffy is struggling violently. You fear she's going to poop on you, like these shitrats usually do
- "Look, I'm not your 'nyu daddeh'. I don't about your shitrats. Come along with m-"
- >as you are about to finish your sentence, you hear the loud shrill
- >its the cry of a human baby
- >The shitrat is trying to tell you something
- "Hummeh babbeh! Hummeh babbeh nee' hewp!!"
- >you're not paid off enough for this
- >but you're not a monster
- >you put the fluffy down. It immediately runs
- >stopping for a quick moment, it turns to you and says
- "Dis way mista! Huwwy!!!"
- >The fluffy darts into a corner, and then, into a tight spot
- >its not too far behind a dumspter
- >you then see it
- >a human baby. In what seems like a makeshift dwelling
- >somehow, this fluffy managed to find a basket, some clothes to place the human baby in it
- >nearby there is some markers, some toys, and a lot of poop
- >oddly enough, the fluffy poop is in one area, while the human poop is all over the damn place
- >you reach for your walkie-talkie
- "Hello, Central, I would like to report a baby."
- "What is it Leroy?"
- "There is a fucking human baby here! About a month old. How it survived, I have no id-"
- >while trying to call your superiors, you see the fluffy trying to tend to the little runt
- >the fluffy is singing some shitty song, but the baby keeps crying
- >the baby seems to be reaching for the fluffy's legs
- >the baby is drinking from the fluffy's teat
- >you're trying to make sense of it
- "Leroy? Leroy?!"
- >you vomit
- >you look up again. The fluffy is still breastfeeding the human baby
- >you vomit again
- "Leory!"
- "I...I think the shitrat has been-"
- >you vomit again
- >trying not to feel disgusted, and looking at your breakfast all over the floor, mixed in with the shit, you try to hold the walkie-talkie to your mouth again
- "P-please despathe an ambulance around here."
- "For the baby?"
- "For me. And maybe the baby too"
- ~
- >You are Robert
- >for about a month now, your wife and you have been in distress
- >your son, Eric, died from a brain tumour little more then a year ago
- >looking for a way to fill the void in your life, both your wife and you designed to get a pet
- >you decided to adopt a fluffy
- >your co-workers and elder family have advised against it, recommending a cat or a dog instead, but, you have your reasons for picking a fluffy
- >you decide to pick a shelter fluffy, since word is that reformed feral fluffies tend to be more obedient and hardier than pedigree or purebreed fluffs
- >Lucy has been a good fluff in the time you have raised her
- >but one day, she disappeared
- >your wife and you are worried
- >you've been putting up posters, and ask around
- >then one day, you get a call
- >its the police
- >Lucy has been found! You feel elated.
- "Thank God. Is she okay?"
- "Yes sir. Your fluffy is at our office, eating spaghetti, and waiting for you. But there's something you should know-"
- >the officer tells you about the discovery they made, of Lucy tending to a baby
- "A baby?"
- "Yeah. The son of a sex worker. The pony found him abandoned and must have raised him."
- >Huh. you didn't think any fluffy could do that
- "I'm happy Lucy's safe, but, how is the baby?"
- "The baby's fine, but he's been crying non-stop. He keeps reaching out for your fluffy for some reason."
- >You think for a moment.
- ~
- >its night
- >you are finally reunited with daddeh and mummah
- >everyone's happy
- >but you are thinking
- "Is Dewik otay, daddeh?"
- >mummah has gone to the bathroom to shower
- >daddeh sit down, and beckons you to sit by his side
- >you cower a bit
- "Pwease don't be angwy daddeh. Fwuffy w-"
- "I know Lucy. Come here."
- >You climb up
- >there's a vestigal memory.
- >You cannot remember, for it was many, many a forever ago
- >even before you met the special friend
- >but you always feared to make someone angry
- >daddeh, however, strokes your mane, and gives you a huggie
- "Daddeh?"
- >Daddeh hugs you.
- "You're a good mummah, Lucy. I don't know if many fluffs can do what you did."
- >you smile
- >but the thought is in your head
- >something more important
- "Is dewick otay, daddeh?"
- >Daddeh looks you, puzzled
- "Is that his name, Derek?"
- "Weww, Fwuffy thought of daddeh babbeh, Ewick, and wanted to name hummie babeh after 'im. It a bit siwwy, but fwuffy was 'tinkin"
- >huh
- >fluffies really are more complex than you thought
- "I tell you what Lucy. I'll call the hospital, and check if babbeh Derek is okay."
- "Tanks daddeh. Fwuffy hope Dewick can fine nyu famiwy."
- ~
- >A week later, daddeh and mummah has a surprise for you
- >its Derek!
- >you wittwe babbeh is now with a hummeh mummah and daddeh
- >your hummeh mummah and daddeh!
- "Oh, tank you, tank you daddeh!! Tank you mummah!!"
- >you prance up and down
- "No. Thank YOU, Lucy."
- >Daddeh carries you, and places you in the cot
- >Derek reaches out, and hugs you
- >he's sleeping with his cute baby face
- "Mummah wuv Derek babbeh"
- >There's no greater joy in the world
- ~Epilogue~
- >You are Robert
- >its been a full year now
- >little Derek has grown up quite well
- >despite being weak when he was found, he has grown up reasonably well
- >your wife has opted to take some maternity leave to look after baby Derek but, more often than not, Lucy has been watching her
- >Lucy has helped Derek take his first steps on a stroller, and teaching him how to play blocks
- >Lucy also keeps an eye on Derek, making sure he sleeps well
- >only thing she can't do is tie a diaper for Derek, but thats your job (also mummahs)
- >it feels like a fresh start
- >you can feel it now.
- >Derek is going to say his first word
- >Your wife, Wendy, you and Lucy, are in the room
- "Come on Derek!"
- "Come on!"
- "Come on babbeh Dewik! Dew it! Say mummah!"
- >Derek struggles but manages to say
- "Mah. mah."
- >both Wendy and you clap your hands
- >however, Derek crawls up to Lucy
- >Lucy is a bit shocked. But Derek says it again.
- "Mama."
- >As Derek keeps hugging Lucy tighly, Lucy smiles
- >a tear falls from her eye
- "Babbeh."
- >Wendy looks a bit confused. But you understand. and after a while, she understands too.
- "Derek will grow out of it.
- But this is all thanks to Lucy."
- THE END (for now)
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