

Jan 19th, 2017
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  1. learn how to play %class%, %name%!
  2. %class% down!
  3. if your main is %class%, you should give up
  4. 9 classes and you suck at all of them, %name%?
  5. %name%=rekt!
  6. %name% OwO
  7. hey %name%! nothing, go on with your day.
  8. No one deserves cancer, but %class% mains are great candidates for it
  9. %name% is the type of player that's killing the game
  10. I felt a breeze, was that you, %name%?
  11. %name% is soo bad i can't kill him
  12. %name% has vanished from the battlefield, once again
  13. "hey there %name%
  14. %name%, go ahead and whine on /r/tf2, bitch
  15. i wonder when the other team will actually start TRYING
  16. %name% is complete trash
  17. well meme'd!
  18. you just got fucking rekt, kid %name%
  19. GET GOOD %name%
  20. it was easier than %name%'s mother
  21. how come that n00bs like %name% are allowed to play tf2? steam is age-restricted.
  22. start whining now %name%
  23. I just have good gaming chair
  24. I have $100.000.000 gaming door.
  25. gg ez
  26. ayy lmao %name%
  27. %name% just gave me a blowjob
  28. Well, off to visit %name%'s mother!
  29. winning's so fucking ez why don't you even try
  30. snipin's a good job m8
  31. come on and fite me %name%
  32. 1v1 me if you're so tough, %name%
  33. %name% just got destroyed
  34. %name% go back to training mode w/ bots
  35. %name% should've completed a tutorial before getting in a REAL battle
  36. %name% got a free ticket to the spawn room
  37. /teleport %name% spawn_room
  38. Note: this server is VAC secured.
  39. +rep %name%
  40. Everyone, look! I just cured cancer by killing %name%!!!
  41. come on %name% it's just a game, chill
  42. GetNoobByName("%name%")->IsRekt() == true
  43. Can you get some skill, %name%?
  44. %name% enjoys respawning
  45. what was that, %name%??
  46. %name%=pwned!
  47. Hey, %name%! You're gay! rekt!
  48. Thanks, %name%. I need to level up my stranges.
  49. Hey, %name%! You're a faggot and should kill yourself!
  50. %name% is a fucking loser
  51. %name%, do you even lift?
  52. Right into your face, %name%
  53. %name%: mom call the police i got headshot again!!!!
  54. %name%: report %killer%!!!
  55. %name%: i got killed again!!!!! wtf!!! %killer% is hacker!!
  56. %name%: %killer% is aimmbottting!! report!!!!!
  57. %name%: mom please!! ban %killer%!! i got killed again!!
  58. %name%: evri1 report %killer%!11
  59. %name%: %killer% haks reported!!!1
  60. another report from %name%'s torn butt incoming
  61. are you gonna leave a salty comment on my profile, %name%?
  62. 100% skilled shot
  63. it seems that ones like %name% just can't be helped, they'll be n00bs til the end
  64. noob down: %name%
  65. faggot down: %name%
  66. cancer down: %name%
  67. do you even lift brah?
  68. %name% just reported me
  69. %name%: MOM CAL DA POLICE I GOT HEADSHOT AGAIN BY %killer%!!!
  70. %name%, TF2 is also free-to-uninstall.
  71. %name%, what about uninstalling the man game, TF2, and going back to minecraft?
  72. %name% r u tough?
  73. come over here and 1v1 me if you think i have less skill, %name%
  74. Why not get yourself some skill, %name%?
  75. %name%, don't be silly, grow a willy.
  76. %name%, you're gonna have to try a little harder than that.
  77. %name% is a nigger
  78. %name% nigger
  79. %name%, how did you escape from the concentration camp?
  80. %name%'s ass is burning
  81. I can smell noob asses burning, %name%'s burning the brightest.
  82. what a bunch of noobs the other team is.
  83. %name% can you stop being noob please?
  84. %name% why are you retarded?
  85. %name% can you stop being retarded?
  86. %name% why can't you get some skill??
  87. get some skill and come back, %name%
  88. %name% can you please kill yourself? you're fucking trash
  89. %name% is a piece of fucking garbage
  90. %name% escaped from the trash bin
  91. %name%, go back to your trash bin.
  92. eat shit, %name%
  93. %name% is a fucking retard
  94. %name% loves being killed by %killer%
  95. %name% dreams of being killed by %killer% again
  96. %name% really loves being rekt by %killer%
  97. %name% gets an orgasm everytime he gets killed by %killer%
  98. %name% keeps dying to me
  99. %name% are you going out of spawn just to be killed by me?
  100. %name% can you stop dying please?
  101. %name% are you retarded?
  102. %name%, press the Uninstall button right now. TF2 is age-restricted.
  103. %name%, kill yourself, fucking trash.
  104. %name%, you are a fucking piece of garbage
  105. %name% just got completely REKT.
  106. go ahead and cry, %name%. nobody's gonna help you.
  107. You can press the report button, %name%. But it won't stop me from rekting you.
  108. %name%, go ahead and press the report button with ur fat fingers
  109. %name%, you can call for my team to votekick me, but it won't stop you from being a noob
  110. %name%, even if I get kicked or banned, you'll still be a fucking noob for the rest of your life
  111. %name%, are you gonna be a fucking trash for the rest of your miserable life? (Spoiler: yes you are)
  112. %name%, please grow some skill, fucking nerd
  113. %name%, report me if you want
  114. %name%, reports won't stop me.
  115. %name%, kys pls
  116. If I wanted to kill myself, I'd just climb to %name%'s ego and jump to his IQ
  117. Two wrongs won't make a right, %name%, take your parents as an example.
  118. %name%'s so ugly, when his mom dropped him off at school she got a fine for littering
  119. %name%'s birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory
  120. %name% must have been born on a highway because that's where most accidents happen
  121. If laughter is the best medicine, %name%'s face must be curing the world.
  122. Shut up, %name%. You'll never be the man your mother is.
  123. %name% is a waste of flesh
  124. %name% is just a waste of player slot.
  125. %name% come out and fight if you're so strong.
  126. %name%, why not 1v1 me if you think you're the smartest one?
  127. %name% loves to succ the cocc
  128. %name%, maybe the store next to your house has a pack of skill, you should buy some
  129. %name%, you can close tf2 and whine on reddit, but it won't make you un-rekt.
  130. %name%, whining on reddit won't help you.
  131. %name%, you can whine on reddit as much as you want, that won't help you.
  132. %name% go and cry to /r/tf2, but that won't give you skill.
  133. %name% you should've bought yourself some skill.
  134. %name% isn't smart enough to win
  135. %name% jerks off to cartoon horses
  136. VAC = Valve Allows Cheating
  137. kick %name% for cheating
  138. %name% stop cheating please
  139. %name% stop cyber bullying please
  140. Havin' a good time
  141. If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call
  142. Wanna get ez wins? Call 1-800-D4RKC4T!
  143. %name%, you are cancer of this game
  144. fucking %name% shitnigger
  145. choke on the manspear, %name%
  146. vegan down: %name%
  147. you're such a faggot, I bet you also vape, %name%
  148. sit down, nerd.
  149. wanna fight me, %name%?
  150. I'm better than you, %name%, deal with it.
  151. %name% go back to roblox you kid
  152. %name%: whats a dword??"
  153. %name% is the reason %team% is losing
  154. Reduce the salt on your fries, we made your meal just to enjoy it
  155. %name% is saltier than McDonalds fries!
  156. rekt!\n%killer% left the game (VAC banned from secure server\n)
  157. Nothing beats a good MGE plat! What's that? You're F2P?
  158. I feel sorry for the %team% team, having %name% must be a pain...
  159. I've got 3500 hours. Better experience than %name%'s playtime..
  160. Does my mouse have auto-aim? Oh, that's because i have skill.
  161. Have you tried "getting good"? You should try it, %team%
  162. does pornhub allow rape? because %name% is getting raped right now!
  163. I can get bad at times, but i'm not even trying here
  164. Is this MvM? I'm being outnumbered by brainless bots of %team%.
  165. %name% isn't a kid, kids have futures
  166. Considering visual human reaction time is around 100ms, yours is slower than average
  167. Are you a gamer grill? Because you just roasted yourself.
  168. Back to the drawing board, "genius".
  169. %name%, see a gynecologist, you're starting to menstruate again
  170. Are you French? Because you're so retarded that you're late in modern skill.
  171. Hey %name%! Grow a fucking nut.
  172. %name%, I will slap the diabetes out of your fat man tits
  173. %name%, hit puberty for once, you're still a manchild.
  174. So %name% I should stop hacking? How about you should stop crying.
  175. poor %name%, he's getting cyberbullied by everyone here
  176. %name%, stop sperging in r/tf2 and get good
  177. ☐ Not rekt\n β˜‘ Rekt\n β˜‘ Really Rekt\n β˜‘ Tyrannosaurus Rekt
  178. maxbox is a good streamer
  179. %name% got 1tapped, what a nerd
  180. Hey %name%, i see you can't play %class%. Try quitting the game.
  181. %team% is filled with queers
  182. %team% Is filled with spergs
  183. If you're not trying to be good, you never will. You're bad at everything anyways.
  184. to\nFOUND CHEATER
  185. Note:\n VAC does not ban based on reports. Such data is only used for tracking and statistics purposes.
  187. I can play %myclass% well, why can't you? Oh right, you don't have brain cells.
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