
Aubrey vs Avery

Jan 6th, 2014
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  1. AveryLillard has joined the chat
  2. AveryLillard: -Avery pulls up to the Alpha Gamma house. She makes her way up to the door keys in hand. She was tired of the bullshit to be honest. She had kept her mouth shut for to long. She walks inside and looks around for Aubery. She scratches her nose abit.-
  3. Kleyo: -Aubrey walked climbed outta bed, and told Bax to stay. She heard the door open and rolled her eyes, she walked out to the living room- "And so it begins!" -She smiled sweetly crossing her arms-
  4. Alexithymiaa: -He smirked, running his fingers through her hair before lifting his gaze to fall on Avery. His head spun around as Aubrey came back into the room, taking a deep breath and shifting Brylie off his lap.-
  5. Fayth: -Bry slid off of Justin's lap, looking between Avery and Aubrey. "Oh boy."
  6. AveryLillard: -Avery looks at Aubery.-"You have some fuckin nerv to run your mouth about shit you don't even know about. You wanna sit there and put shit on the internet.You want to talk shit well bitch here I fuckin am"-she opens ehr arms wide lookin at Aubery. Avery's face was turning red and her freckles were showing.She points at aubery loosing her temper.-"FUCK YOU AUBERY! okay. I'm not some little weak bitch that shits behind a fuckin computer and calls people names..or runs ehr mouth. If I have a problem with someone I fuckin confront them face to face. You wanna know waht happen between me and Cam. NOT SHIT! wanna know why? Because I'm not a cheater. I treated him just the same way I treat Zoey and treated Mia."
  7. Kleyo: -Aubrey laughed- "Sweetie, I'm not afraid to say anything I said on the internet to that face of yours." -She rolled her eyes- "YOU'RE NOT A CHEATER? So while you were alllll over Shawn at the NYE party, and then all over Cam jumping on him and fucking around..and GET PLASTERED enough to puke in the fucking pool, do you even know how Hiro was that night? He could've died that night and you wouldn't have known or processed it till your dumb ass sobered up! We were just becoming friends, Avery. I would've treated you just like I treat Brylie and Maci, but then you decided to become a slut and hang all over every guy that would let you!"
  8. AveryLillard: -She laughs at her.-"oh don't even bring Hiro into couldn't give two fucks about him. You made that fuckin clear to me. As for your information I do know how Hiro was doing that night okay. He was the same as every other night in fuckin coma. :ike I said I treat my guy friends the same way I treat girlfriends. You don't like it then you can suck on my lady dick. As for being a don't know me. I don't go around spreading my legs for every tom dick and harry. I came here to have fun that night and for once forget about my problems for a little while. I'm sorry I didn't know you were my mother and I had to abid by your rules. As for your so called friend you mention.they are fuckin liars too. Zoey and Logan showed up to the diner right after me and cam sat down. Wanna know what we were talking about. A radio station for the campus. You can ask either zoey or logan about it. oh wait i'm sorry i forgot you are an assuming bitch and wouldn't think of that one would you."
  9. Alexithymiaa: -He put his hand up, palm out toward Avery. "Hey now, I saw what I saw. When I came in to pick up food I saw both of you in a booth alone together laughing and giggling all over each other. Zoey and Logan didn't show up until after that so don't lie to make yourself innocent."-
  10. Kleyo: "Right..and as for the cheating thing, i just remembered..Didn't you cheat on Hiro?..I remember hearing that somewhere. You can say anything you want, doesn't matter what the fuck you guys were talking about Avery! the looks, and the way you fuckers were acting. And the fact that you lied! Miss, "i just a new piercing i don't want to go no where" and then five minutes later you're with my guy. No bitch, FUCK YOU. You wanna sit here and act like your shit don't stink well sweetie i've got news for you, you may look perfect on the outside, with your blonde hair and everything. But your demons will come and bite you in the fucking ass like the rest of us. Karma is a fucking bitch, and you will get yours. Just fucking wait. And as for Hiro, I care about everyone who hasn't fucked me over. I may not fucking know him, but I sure do hope he comes out okay. And I sure do hope he realizes how much better he can get."
  11. AveryLillard: -Avery looks at Justin.-"You are a dirty fuckin liar..just like a fuckin man to sit there and lie his ass off just so he can get some entertianment."-She looks back at aubery.-"I don't think my shit don't stink..hell it's shit it probably does stink so does your shit. and I did get new pericings I got my fuckin nipples peirced alright. As for cheating on Hiro He knows everything I do. I've been honest with him. I was at home when you were texting me and I didn't want to leave. The only reason I showed up was because Zoey was going to be there. Other then that I wouldn't have showed up. your boyfriend called me!. I didn't call him. He begged me to meet him at the diner not the other way around. and you don't give a fuck about hiro. NONE OF YOU FUCKERS DO! Not till now because shit is going down that you act like you give a fuck. He has been in that fuckin hospital in acoma for almost two weeks now. NOT ONE OF YOU BASTARDS ASKED ME HOW HE WAS! NOT ONE OF YOU ASKED ME IF I WAS OKAY! Because frankly I'm not! So don't stand there and act like you fuckin care cause you don't."-Her eyes began to spill over with tears she was so pissed off.-"Instead of running your fuckin mouth you should have came to me first."-she smacks the back of her right hand into her left hand.-"but no you wanted to be a child about it and go behind my back. If there was a problem I should have been the first person you came to. not everybody else. so no Aubery you fuckin cunt FUCK YOU I"M OUT! AND FUCK YOUR PLEDGE!"-she turns around adn slams the door behind-
  12. Kleyo: -Aubrey rolled her eyes and walked after her, opening the door after she had slammed it- "Bitch please! If you truly fucking cared about Hiro, you woulda been at the hospital with him instead of getting plastered. So you shouldn't really sit here and act like you give a rats ass. Because clearly, you care more about your damn self. I'm not the only one who thinks you're a little slut! Take a look around honey! Either way you were there with googly eyes over my man! But it's okay, if he ever decides to come back you can has his ass!" -She shut the door and locked it, walking back into the living room, trying not to smile.- "Well that was fun."
  13. Alexithymiaa: -He rolled his eyes, running his hands up through his hair. "Pretty sure no one needed to ask her how he was because anyone that cares went to see him themselves. No one cares about Hiro? I was friends with him before she even gave him the time of day." He blew out a breath, pushing up from the couch and resting his hands on his head. "Just because he says he's fine with the fact that she cheated on him doesn't mean he is. He's so broken up about it, but chicks like that make him think he'll never get any better so he keeps his mouth shut. I feel so bad for him having to deal with that."-
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