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a guest
Nov 13th, 2019
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text 4.29 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 17:26:28 24302MB INFO: Rendering time: 10m:1s (2 GPU(s) used)
  2. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG:
  3. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Scene statistics
  4. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG:
  5. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: General counts
  6. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Proxies: 79
  7. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Proxy instances: 135397
  8. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Meshes: 79 (79 TriMeshes, 0 HairMeshes)
  9. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Instances: 135397
  10. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Point cloud points: 0
  11. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Lights: 4
  12. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Volume grids: 0 (0 unique)
  13. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Sprite textures: 1
  14. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG:
  15. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Geometry
  16. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Unique triangles pre tessellation: 64587642
  17. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Unique triangles post tessellation: 64587642
  18. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Unique points: 0
  19. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Unique hair strands: 0
  20. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Unique hair strand segments: 0
  21. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Total triangles: 71615924356
  22. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Total points: 0
  23. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Total hair strands: 0
  24. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Total hair strand segments: 0
  25. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG:
  26. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Largest triangle meshes:
  27. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: 2093058 triangles : terrain_mg
  28. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: 1434207 triangles : instances
  29. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: 1388045 triangles : instances
  30. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: 1354609 triangles : instances
  31. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: 1341131 triangles : instances
  32. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG:
  33. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: GPU Memory
  34. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Device 0 geometry PCIe uploads: 2.22 TB (cachesize: 6.99 GB)
  35. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Device 0 texture PCIe uploads: 884.00 KB (cachesize: 63.89 MB)
  36. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Device 1 geometry PCIe uploads: 2.21 TB (cachesize: 6.99 GB)
  37. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Device 1 texture PCIe uploads: 924.00 KB (cachesize: 63.89 MB)
  38. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Matrices (for instances/points): 6.20 MB
  39. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Rays: 825.38 MB
  40. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Sprite textures: 25.25 KB
  41. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Volume grids: 0 B
  42. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG:
  43. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Textures
  44. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Device 0 stream and upload time: 60ms
  45. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: File loading time: 17ms
  46. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: File decompression time: 41ms
  47. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Average GPU cache hits: 98%
  48. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Device 1 stream and upload time: 30ms
  49. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: File loading time: 8ms
  50. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: File decompression time: 19ms
  51. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Average GPU cache hits: 98%
  52. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG:
  53. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: GPU Ray Accel. And Geometry Memory Stats (rough)
  54. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Acceleration Structures: 1.11 GB
  55. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Main primitive data: 3.60 GB
  56. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Extra primitive data: 5.24 GB
  57. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Primitive loading time: 9m:18s
  58. 17:26:28 24302MB DEBUG: Tess/Disp time: 9.5s
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