

Jun 3rd, 2017
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  1. # Permission Settings
  2. permissions:
  3. node: flare # Sets root node for permissions Ex. yourcore.whatever, core.whatever. This changes the root node of the permissions.
  4. # Enable group announcement?
  5. groupmsg-enabled: false
  6. # Prefix for group announcement.
  7. groupmsg-message: '&eVIP Users &6�&f '
  8. # Group that will be announced in chat every 5 minutes.
  9. groupmsg-group: default
  11. # Economy Settings
  12. economy:
  13. starting-balance: 100
  15. # Scoreboard Settings
  16. scoreboard:
  17. title: '&6&lHCF &c[Map 1]'
  18. line: '&8&m---------------------'
  19. combat: '&c&lCombat&7: &c%arg%'
  20. enderpearl: '&e&lEnderpearl&7: &c%arg%'
  21. pvptimer: '&a&lPVP Timer&7: &c%arg%'
  22. koth: '&9&l%kothname%&7: &c%arg%'
  23. logout: '&c&lLogout&7: &c%arg%'
  24. gapple: '&6&lGapple&7: &c%arg%'
  25. home: '&a&lHome&7: &c%arg%'
  26. stuck: '&4&lStuck&7: &c%arg%'
  27. conquest:
  28. - '&6&lConquest Event'
  29. - '&c%red% &8| &e%yellow%'
  30. - '&a%green% &8| &b%blue%'
  31. - '%scoreboardline%'
  32. # Staff values can be disabled by setting them to ''
  33. staffboard-enabled: true
  34. staff-head: ''
  35. visibility: '&eVisibility: ' # Visible & Vanished.
  36. gamemode: '&eGamemode: ' # Creative & Survival.
  37. chat: '&eChat: ' # Locked, Unlocked & Slowed.
  38. staff:
  39. visible: '&cVisible'
  40. vanished: '&aVanished'
  41. creative: '&aCreative'
  42. survival: '&cSurvival'
  43. locked: '&cLocked'
  44. unlocked: '&aUnlocked'
  45. slowed: '&cSlowed (%time%s)'
  47. # Deathban Usage
  48. deathban-usage:
  49. - '&6&oDeathbans'
  50. - ''
  51. - '&e/deathban check <player> &8- &6Check a players deathban information.'
  52. - '&e/deathban revive <player> &8- &6Revive a deathbanned player.'
  53. - '&e/deathban rollback <player> &8- &6Rollback a players inventory.'
  55. # Deathban Check
  56. deathban-check:
  57. - '&6&oDeathban Check'
  58. - ''
  59. - '&ePlayer &6<player>'
  60. - '&eEnds in &6<duration>'
  61. - '&eLocation &6<location>'
  62. - '&eReason &6<reason>'
  64. # Lives Usage
  65. lives-usage:
  66. - '&6&oLives'
  67. - ''
  68. - '&e/lives check <player> &8- &6Check how many lives a player has.'
  69. - '&e/lives revive <player> &8- &6Revive a deathbanned player.'
  70. - '&e/lives send <player> <player> &8- &6Send a player some lives.'
  72. eco-usage:
  73. - '&6&oEconomy'
  74. - '&e/eco <player> add <amount> &8- &6Give a player some money.'
  75. - '&e/eco <player> set <amount> &8- &6Set a player''s money.'
  76. - '&e/eco <player> remove <amount> &8- &6Take some player''s money.'
  77. - '&e/eco <player> reset &8- &6Reset a player''s money.'
  79. # Help Command
  80. help:
  81. - '&e&lHelpful Information'
  82. - ''
  83. - '&eWebsite: &7'
  84. - '&eTeamspeak: &'
  85. - '&eStore: &'
  86. - '&eRules: &'
  87. - ''
  88. - '&eEnd Exit: &7250 blocks down North Road.'
  89. - '&eEnd Portals: &71000, 1000. (Each Divison)'
  90. - ''
  92. # Coords Command
  93. coords:
  94. - '&e&lImportant Coordinates'
  95. - ''
  96. - '&7&o(Name: x, y, z)'
  97. - '&eSpawn: 0, 70, 0'
  98. - '&eConquest: -500, 70, -500'
  99. - ''
  101. # Spawn Settings
  102. spawn:
  103. world: world
  104. x: 0
  105. y: 80
  106. z: 0
  107. yaw: 0
  108. pitch: 0
  110. freeze:
  111. - "&f\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588&c\u2588&f\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588"
  112. - "&f\u2588\u2588\u2588&c\u2588&6\u2588&c\u2588&f\u2588\u2588\u2588"
  113. - "&f\u2588\u2588&c\u2588&6\u2588&0\u2588&6\u2588&c\u2588&f\u2588\u2588 &4&lFrozen!"
  114. - "&f\u2588\u2588&c\u2588&6\u2588&0\u2588&6\u2588&c\u2588&f\u2588\u2588"
  115. - "&f\u2588&c\u2588&6\u2588\u2588&0\u2588&6\u2588\u2588&c\u2588&f\u2588 &cPlease come in teamspeak."
  116. - "&f\u2588&c\u2588&6\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588&c\u2588&f\u2588 &cIP: &, you have 5 minutes."
  117. - "&c\u2588&6\u2588\u2588\u2588&0\u2588&6\u2588\u2588\u2588&c\u2588 &4&lIF YOU LOG OUT YOU WILL BE BANNED."
  118. - "&c\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588"
  119. - "&f\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588"
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