
Economy Jobs

Dec 21st, 2017
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  1. "Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the sh- oh, uh- you did something good.",
  2. "You see someone struggling to lift a box into their car, you rush over to help them before they hurt themselves.",
  3. "You work as a body pillow factory sales man on the internet for real weebs.",
  4. "You enter a website contest, you beat Club Penguin, Twitter and Facebook.",
  5. "You defended an old lady from robbers. You got a smooch on the cheek.",
  6. "You work as a plumber to fix a blonde housewife's broken pipes.",
  7. "You work as a window cleaner for the Gherkin in London.",
  8. "You work as a human scarecrow (yes.. you're that ugly).",
  9. "You drive a bus and give free rides. Here's your tip.",
  10. "Work at the ice cream shop of your childhood dreams.",
  11. "You work as a voice actor for Spongebob and managed.",
  12. "You work as a zombie for The Walking Dead AMC show.",
  13. "You work as a mildly successful content creator.",
  14. "You work at Disneyland as a panda in a costume.",
  15. "You work as a high school student with no life.",
  16. "You work as a PlayStation brand ambassador.",
  17. "You work as a meerkat behaviour consultant.",
  18. "You work as a cleaner for the Royal Palace.",
  19. "You work as a dental assistant for the day.",
  20. "You work as an elementary school teacher.",
  21. "You work as an actor for the Emoji Movie.",
  22. "You work as a voice actor for Spongebob.",
  23. "You work as a part time game programmer.",
  24. "You work as an experienced bra fitter.",
  25. "You work as a dog surfing instructor.",
  26. "You work as a discord bot developer.",
  27. "You work as a children's toy tester.",
  28. "You work as a professional snuggler.",
  29. "You work as a child birth educator.",
  30. "You work as a vibration consultant.",
  31. "You work as a professional sleeper.",
  32. "You work as a professional cuddler.",
  33. "You work as an IMAX screen cleaner.",
  34. "You have done well on succing that!",
  35. "You work as a fortune cookie writer.",
  36. "You work as the head of elephants.",
  37. "You work as a childbirth educator.",
  38. "You work as a paper towel sniffer.",
  39. "You work as an elevator mechanic.",
  40. "You work as a parkour specialist.",
  41. "You work as a sandcastle builder.",
  42. "You work as a serial murderer...",
  43. "You work as a water slide tester."
  44. "You work as the namer of clouds.",
  45. "You worked as a diaper changer.",
  46. "You work as a bread scientist.",
  47. "You work as a sandwich artist.",
  48. "You work as a bride kidnapper.",
  49. "You work as a smarties expert.",
  50. "You work as a sewer inspector.",
  51. "You work as a police officer.",
  52. "You work as a pumpkin picker.",
  53. "You work as a bounty hunter.",
  54. "You work as a beaver expert.",
  55. "You work as a snake milker.",
  56. "You work as a space lawyer.",
  57. "You got cloned for science.",
  58. "You work as an ear cleaner.",
  59. "You work as a WWE wrestler.",
  60. "You work as a taxi driver.",
  61. "You work as a wine taster.",
  62. "You work as a DJ in Ibiza.",
  63. "You work as a bed warmer.",
  64. "You work at a lamp store.",
  65. "You work as a footstool.",
  66. "You work as a zoologist.",
  67. "You work as a beefeater.",
  68. "You work as a streamer.",
  69. "You work as a janitor.",
  70. "You work as an egg.",
  71. "You work in Greggs.",
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