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a guest
Aug 20th, 2019
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  1. Windows Linux
  2. help man
  3. ver uname
  4. cd <dir1> cd <dir1>
  5. cd pwd
  6. cls clear
  7. dir ls
  8. tree
  9. attrib <file> ls -l
  10. mkdir mkdir
  11. del rm
  12. move mv
  13. attrib +/-<attr> <file> chmod
  14. echo echo
  15. type cat
  16. fc diff
  17. edit (only available in 32-bit Windows) nano
  18. notepad vi
  19. vim
  20. find grep
  21. sort sort
  22. where which
  23. more more
  24. less
  25. copy cp
  26. xcopy
  27. robocopy
  28. date date
  29. ipconfig ifconfig
  30. ping ping
  31. nslookup nslookup
  32. tracert traceroute
  33. explorer nautilus (Ubuntu)
  34. open (Mac)
  35. shutdown shutdown
  36. poweroff (CentOS)
  37. reboot shutdown -r
  38. tasklist ps
  39. taskkill kill
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