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Jul 24th, 2017
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  1. Byond account and character name: RussellTalbott/Russell Shazbit/Agatha Forsythe/Emilia Von Einzbern/Reisen
  2. Admin: dannno
  3. Time and Server(Bagil or Sybil) incident occurred: Both Of Them, Undetermined Time Before
  5. Detailed summary: Let me go on record first by saying that I have been playing /tg/station13 for almost six years. I've been around the block, I remember the days of yore, with our overlords Yinadele and XSI.
  6. It hurts my heart to have to bring this to light, because I have made it a policy of mine to not make complaints regarding this game, especially in regards to the administration of the server. I understand that we're all people, and that we can all make mistakes, but this very clearly crossed a line. While playing Goof Troop over netplay (once friend) Dannno, I realized that it had been a fair few weeks since my last log in. Eager to tear it up in the ol' maint tunnels, maybe stealing a few pets from the heads?
  7. We'll see where the day takes us. I want to play. Let me play. Danno, you fucking little cowards, are you going to cry. you stupid shit cunt fucking coward i hope youre ready to get your whole FACE FACE BURNT OFF by an EXPLOSION FIRE and have your legs taken off by an IED unbanme and have the skin MELTED OFF YOUR FACE neck and hands by this experimental weapon i've sent to your door i hope that old couple next door is content to hear your dying screams and they periscope the whole fucking debacle you snivvling little waste of a fucking human soul
  8. We were in the discord, discussing anything and everything we wanted, and some little faggot DANNO CUNT decides to make a joke about my wife Mikael Forest. THIS can not stand and I tell him I will appear to fuck his stupid unbanme little fucking mouth on the server. i bet him he couldnt do it but he did the little [nice dude] banned me from the server for fuckign ever the little [friender] said that it was requested like fuck i would request that i love killing you [cools] and listening to you cry as a phantom because i was justified
  9. in the
  11. little circus of shit you [mates] call a rule system. it unbanme just goes to show how low standards, have slipped that danno can, act on metacoomunications to ban someone as a """joke""" and get away with it, purely because he isn't leashed ot any sort of morality. jesus christ, here we go again, danno, my fucking whistling will sound in my hatred's stead , easy fingers will find the holes unbanme and take you away from it all. i'm one tough muddah, it's all set, set it off, don't soup if you don't want me to blink ya.
  15. they're all going to think this complaint is a joke but the fact is that you're a fucking awful admin and only remain on the .txt because no one can be fucked to take you off, you god damn child
  17. it's so hard to write this all because i have severe depression, and severe anxiety. when im not able to do now what i could do in the past, it fucking causes me physical pain and mental suffering. i can barely talk to my girlfriend when things like this happen and i know she tries to understand and help me but it wears on her so much and it makes me think that i should just end it again so she isnt hurt when i start to lose control over my own thoughts, i always think about shit like that and i need help and this isn't helping me at all, it's making it so much worse, i really want to play, it helps me cope, why do i do this, it's hard to think my brain goes off on hundereds of tangents at the same time and i can't enjoy just doing one things and its SO HARD TO CONCENTRATE ON ANYTHING
  22. unban?
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