
Poog, The Slime

Nov 19th, 2013
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  4. Name: Poog, the Slime
  5. Gender: Male
  6. Race: Goblin
  7. Age: 14
  8. Height:2'8"
  9. Weight:30lbs
  10. XP:0
  11. Alignment: Neutral Good
  12. Class: Level 1 Gunslinger ()
  13. Favored Class: Gunslinger (1 skill point)
  14. Deity: None
  15. Init +6; 60ft Dark vision
  16. Description: Poog is a bright green goblin with red irises. Poog is missing his left eye, and has horrible lash scars running across most of the left side of his head. Poog has short sharp teeth, and wears an eye patch over his left eye socket. Poog commonly wears a red bandana on his head covering the scars.
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  21. STR 10[08](-2 Goblin)
  22. DEX 18[22](+4 Goblin)
  23. CON 12[12](+0 Goblin)
  24. INT 11[11](+0 Goblin)
  25. WIS 10[10](+0 Goblin)
  26. SWG 10[08](-2 Goblin)
  27. Base Attack +0(+0 Gunslinger Bab) CMB 0; CMD 0
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  30. AC 10, Touch 10, flat footed 10 [Armor, Shield,Natural]
  31. (+0 Dex, +0 armor, +0 feats, +0 Nat armor)
  32. hp 9 ()()()
  33. Fort 0 [+0 Bard][+0 Str], Ref 0 [+0 Bard][+0 Dex], Will 0 [+0 Bard][Cha +0]
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  36. Speed 30
  37. Melee
  38. Single Attack
  39. []
  40. Full Attack
  41. []
  42. Special Attacks
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  46. Class/racial traits
  48. Ability Score Racial Traits:
  49. (Goblins are fast, but weak and unpleasant to be around. They gain +4 Dexterity, –2 Strength, and –2 Charisma.)
  51. Type:
  52. (Goblins are humanoids with the goblinoid subtype.)
  54. Size:
  55. (Goblins are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.)
  57. Base Speed:
  58. (Goblins are fast for their size, and have a base speed of 30 feet.)
  60. Languages:
  61. (Goblins begin play speaking Goblin. Goblins with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnoll, Gnome, Halfling, and Orc. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.)
  63. Over-Sized Ears:
  64. (While goblins' ears are never dainty, these goblins have freakishly large ears capable of picking up even the smallest sounds. Goblins with this racial trait gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks. This racial trait replaces skilled.)
  66. Cave Crawler:
  67. (Some goblins are born and raised in caves and rarely see the light of day. Goblins with this trait gain a climb speed of 10 feet and the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks associated with having a climb speed. Goblins with this racial trait have a base speed of 20 feet and lose the fast movement racial trait.)
  69. Darkvision:
  70. (Goblins see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.)
  72. Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
  73. (Gunslingers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with all firearms. They are proficient with all light armor.)
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  78. Feats
  80. Roll With It
  81. (Combat, Goblin)
  82. You know how to take a hit, even if your reaction sends you bouncing and flying out of battle while shrieking at the top of your lungs.
  84. Prerequisite: Goblin, Acrobatics 1 rank.
  86. Benefit: If you are struck by a melee weapon you can try to convert some or all of that damage into movement that sends you off in an uncontrolled bouncing roll. To do so, you must make an Acrobatics check (DC = 5 + the damage dealt from the attack) as an immediate action. If you succeed in this check, you take no damage from the actual attack but instead convert that damage into movement with each point equating to 1 foot of movement.
  88. You are staggered for 1 round after you attempt to use this feat, whether or not you succeed.
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  91. Gunsmithing
  92. You know the secrets of repairing and restoring firearms.
  94. Benefit: If you have access to a gunsmith's kit, you can create and restore firearms, craft bullets, and mix black powder for all types of firearms. You do not need to make a Craft check to create firearms and ammunition or to restore firearms.
  96. Crafting Firearms: You can craft any early firearm for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the firearm. At your GM’s discretion, you can craft advanced firearms for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the firearm. Crafting a firearm in this way takes 1 day of work for every 1,000 gp of the firearm’s price (minimum 1 day).
  98. Crafting Ammunition: You can craft bullets, pellets, and black powder for a cost in raw materials equal to 10% of the price. If you have at least 1 rank in Craft (alchemy), you can craft alchemical cartridges for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the cartridge. At your GM’s discretion, you can craft metal cartridges for a cost in raw materials equal to half the cost of the cartridge. Crafting bullets, black powder, or cartridges takes 1 day of work for every 1,000 gp of ammunition (minimum 1 day).
  100. Restoring a Broken Firearm: Each day, with an hour’s worth of work, you can use this feat to repair a single firearm with the broken condition. You can take time during a rest period to restore a broken firearm with this feat.
  102. Special: If you are a gunslinger, this feat grants the following additional benefit. You can use this feat to repair and restore your initial, battered weapon. It costs 300 gp and 1 day of work to upgrade it to a masterwork firearm of its type.
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  106. Skills
  107. lvl1 5
  109. Acrobatics---------------(Rank 1)(Class skill+3)(Dex+6)|+10|
  110. Bluff--------------------(Rank 0)(Class skill+0)(Cha-1)|-01|
  111. Climb--------------------(Rank 1)(Class skill+3)(Str-1)|+11|(Cave Crawler +8)
  112. Craft--------------------(Rank 0)(Class skill+0)(Int+0)|+00|
  113. Handle Animal------------(Rank 0)(Class skill+0)(Cha-1)|-01|
  114. Heal---------------------(Rank 0)(Class skill+0)(Wis+0)|+00|
  115. Intimidate---------------(Rank 0)(Class skill+0)(Cha-1)|-01|
  116. Knowledge(engineering)---(Rank 0)(Class skill+0)(Int+0)|+00|
  117. Knowledge(local)---------(Rank 0)(Class skill+0)(Int+0)|+00|
  118. Perception---------------(Rank 1)(Class skill+3)(Wis+0)|+08|(Over-Sized Ears +4)
  119. Profession---------------(Rank 0)(Class skill+0)(Wis+0)|+00|
  120. Ride---------------------(Rank 0)(Class skill+0)(Dex+6)|+06|
  121. Sleight of Hand----------(Rank 1)(Class skill+3)(Dex+6)|+10|
  122. Survival-----------------(Rank 1)(Class skill+3)(Wis+0)|+04|
  123. Swim---------------------(Rank 0)(Class skill+0)(Str-1)|-01|
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  131. Inventory
  133. 1x---Backpack-----------(2 lbs)
  134. 1x---Bedroll/Hammock----(5 lbs)
  135. 10x--Rations, trail-----(1 lbs)
  136. 1x---Rope, silk---------(50 ft, 5 lbs)
  137. 2x---Waterskin----------(4 lbs)
  138. 1x---Whetstone----------(1 lbs)
  139. 1x---Flints'n Steel-----(.5 lbs)
  140. 5x---Sunrod-------------(1 lbs)
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  143. Money: 0 pc 379 gc 0 sc 0 cc
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  147. Backstory
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