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a guest
Mar 28th, 2017
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  1. OpenRISC-1200 (rev 1)
  2. D-Cache: no
  3. I-Cache: 4096 bytes, 16 bytes/line, 1 way(s)
  4. DMMU: no
  5. IMMU: no
  6. MAC unit: yes
  7. Debug unit: yes
  8. Performance counters: no
  9. Power management: yes
  10. Interrupt controller: yes
  11. Timer: yes
  12. Custom unit(s): no
  13. ORBIS32: yes
  14. ORBIS64: no
  15. ORFPX32: no
  16. ORFPX64: no
  17. Test support for l.addc...yes
  18. Test support for l.cmov...yes
  19. Test support for
  20. Test support for
  21. Test support for
  22. Test support for
  23. Test support for
  24. Test support for
  25. Test support for
  26. Test support for
  27. Test support for l.div...yes
  28. Test support for l.divu...yes
  29. Test support for l.extbs...yes
  30. Test support for l.extbz...yes
  31. Test support for l.exths...yes
  32. Test support for l.exthz...yes
  33. Test support for l.extws...yes
  34. Test support for l.extwz...yes
  35. Test support for l.ff1...yes
  36. Test support for l.fl1...yes
  37. Test support for
  38. Test support for l.mac...yes
  39. Test support for l.maci...yes
  40. Test support for l.macrc...yes
  41. Test support for l.mul...yes
  42. Test support for l.muli...yes
  43. Test support for l.mulu...yes
  44. Test support for l.ror...yes
  45. Test support for l.rori...yes
  46. Test timer functionality...OK
  47. Set clock source to LOSC...done
  48. Test CLK freq...22416 Hz = 22 KHz
  49. Set clock source to Internal OSC ...done
  50. Test CLK freq...11376016 Hz = 11 MHz
  51. Set clock source to HOSC (POSTDIV=0, DIV=0)...done
  52. Test CLK freq...23995504 Hz = 24 MHz
  53. Set clock source to HOSC (POSTDIV=0, DIV=1)...done
  54. Test CLK freq...11991184 Hz = 12 MHz
  55. Set clock source to HOSC (POSTDIV=1, DIV=1)...done
  56. Test CLK freq...11992912 Hz = 12 MHz
  57. Setup PLL6 (M=1, K=1, N=24)...done
  58. Set clock source to PLL6 (POSTDIV=1, DIV=0)...done
  59. Test CLK freq...299769984 Hz = 300 MHz
  61. == Benchmark ==
  62. == Code in SRAM A2 (I-cache ON), data in SRAM A2 ==
  63. Instructions fetch : 1.0 cycles per instruction
  64. Back-to-back L.LWZ : 3.0 cycles per 32-bit read
  65. L.LWZ + L.NOP : 4.0 cycles per 32-bit read
  66. == Code in SRAM A2 (I-cache ON), data in SRAM A1 ==
  67. Instructions fetch : 1.0 cycles per instruction
  68. Back-to-back L.LWZ : 3.0 cycles per 32-bit read
  69. L.LWZ + L.NOP : 15.9 cycles per 32-bit read
  70. =۩▒%▒A▒6ˬ:▒:▒▒$2▒▒'▒▒▒kіZ(:6
  71. Z▒▒▒▒C;>H▒.▒▒c޾b▒▒L<▒MA▒▒I㓹▒t
  72. .▒GO1&+▒B)v▒▒
  73. ▒%4߲#▒▒▒▒1▒▒L/▒}▒▒K▒▒C▒*▒▒*▒▒▒▒\▒▒9,Bg▒▒▒}.5|▒▒#▒▒R▒4▒t▒▒el}▒Cq▒▒?▒`.▒*▒▒▒▒3▒Q▒▒;▒▒▒▒*u▒y▒▒-T▒`▒`I?J▒▒͓*ס▒▒B == Code in SRAM A2 (I-cache OFF), data in SRAM A2 ==
  74. Instructions fetch : 3.0 cycles per instruction
  75. Back-to-back L.LWZ : 4.5 cycles per 32-bit read
  76. L.LWZ + L.NOP : 8.0 cycles per 32-bit read
  77. == Code in SRAM A2 (I-cache OFF), data in SRAM A1 ==
  78. Instructions fetch : 3.0 cycles per instruction
  79. Back-to-back L.LWZ : 16.2 cycles per 32-bit read
  80. L.LWZ + L.NOP : 20.9 cycles per 32-bit read
  82. Set clock source to PLL6 (POSTDIV=2, DIV=0)...done
  83. Test CLK freq...199834576 Hz = 200 MHz
  84. Set clock source to PLL6 (POSTDIV=2, DIV=1)...done
  85. Test CLK freq...99923056 Hz = 100 MHz
  86. Setup PLL6 (M=2, K=1, N=24)...done
  87. Test CLK freq...99952864 Hz = 100 MHz
  88. Setup PLL6 (M=1, K=2, N=24)...done
  89. Test CLK freq...149942720 Hz = 150 MHz
  90. Setup PLL6 (M=1, K=1, N=12)...done
  91. Test CLK freq...51984800 Hz = 52 MHz
  92. Restore clock config to original state...done
  93. All tests completed!
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