
NextUI 1.9 Final

Jan 27th, 2020 (edited)
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Lua 77.10 KB | None | 0 0
  1. local function s(...) return sleep(...) end
  2. local function aw(...) return write(...) end
  3. local function p(...) return print(...) end
  4. local function tw(...) return term.write(...) end
  5. local function scp(...) return term.setCursorPos(...) end
  6. local function sbc(...) return term.setBackgroundColor(...) end
  7. local function stc(...) return term.setTextColor(...) end
  8. local function tc(...) return term.clear(...) end
  9. local function tcl(...) return term.clearLine(...) end
  10. local function r(...) return shell.run(...) end
  11. local function sp(...) return textutils.slowPrint(...) end
  12. local function sw(...) return textutils.slowWrite(...) end
  13. local function fse(...) return fs.exists(...) end
  14. local function pul(...) return paintutils.loadImage(...) end
  15. local function pud(...) return paintutils.drawImage(...) end
  16. local function pfb(...) return paintutils.drawFilledBox(...) end
  17. local function su(...) return os.shutdown(...) end
  18. local function re(...) return os.reboot(...) end
  19. local function pdp(...) return paintutils.drawPixel(...) end
  20. local w, h = term.getSize()
  21. if fse("/os/desktop") then os.loadAPI("/os/desktop") else r("pastebin get PfAWshRt /os/desktop") s(1) re() end
  22. function bsodp()
  23. tc()
  24. ac = w/2
  25. scp(ac-2,3)
  26. p("NextUI")
  27. scp(1,6)
  28. p("Microcraft MineCore napotkal blad i musial zostac zatrzymany. Jesli widzisz ten ekran po raz pierwszy, uruchom ponownie komputer, jednak jesli bedzie sie powtarzal mozliwe, ze konieczna bedzie naprawa systemu NextUI. Skontaktuj sie w tym celu z przedstawicielem Microcraft po wiecej informacji.")
  29. p("Kod bledu: 0x302525503149")
  30. p("Nazwa bledu: INV_PLA")
  31. system = "NextUI"
  32. kernel = "MineCore 2.0"
  33. kod = "0x403535604159"
  34. nazwa = "INV_PLA"
  35. p("Zapisywanie kodu i nazwy bledu w pliku /os/bsod/bsodp")
  36. local a = fs.open("/os/bsod/bsodp", "w")
  37. a.writeLine(system)
  38. a.writeLine(kernel)
  39. a.writeLine(kod)
  40. a.writeLine(nazwa)
  41. a.close()
  42. p("Twoj komputer uruchomi sie ponownie za 10 sekund")
  43. s(10)
  44. re()
  45. end
  47. function bsodr()
  48. tc()
  49. sbc(colors.blue)
  50. tc()
  51. sbc(colors.blue)
  52. stc(colors.white)
  53. ac = w/2
  54. scp(ac-2,3)
  55. sbc(colors.white)
  56. stc(colors.blue)
  57. p("NextUI")
  58. sbc(colors.blue)
  59. stc(colors.white)
  60. scp(1,6)
  61. p("Microcraft MineCore napotkal blad i musial zostac zatrzymany. Jesli widzisz ten ekran po raz pierwszy, uruchom ponownie komputer, jednak jesli bedzie sie powtarzal mozliwe, ze konieczna bedzie naprawa systemu NextUI. Skontaktuj sie w tym celu z przedstawicielem Microcraft po wiecej informacji.")
  62. p("Kod bledu: 0x403535604159")
  63. p("Nazwa bledu: INV_RES")
  64. system = "NextUI"
  65. kernel = "MineCore 2.0"
  66. kod = "0x403535604159"
  67. nazwa = "INV_RES"
  68. p("Zapisywanie kodu i nazwy bledu w pliku /os/bsod/bsodr")
  69. local a = fs.open("/os/bsod/bsodr", "w")
  70. a.writeLine(system)
  71. a.writeLine(kernel)
  72. a.writeLine(kod)
  73. a.writeLine(nazwa)
  74. a.close()
  75. p("Twoj komputer uruchomi sie ponownie za 10 sekund")
  76. s(10)
  77. re()
  78. end
  82. function bsodf()
  83. tc()
  84. sbc(colors.blue)
  85. tc()
  86. sbc(colors.blue)
  87. stc(colors.white)
  88. ac = w/2
  89. scp(ac-2,3)
  90. sbc(colors.white)
  91. stc(colors.blue)
  92. p("NextUI")
  93. sbc(colors.blue)
  94. stc(colors.white)
  95. scp(1,6)
  96. p("Microcraft MineCore napotkal blad i musial zostac zatrzymany. Jesli widzisz ten ekran po raz pierwszy, uruchom ponownie komputer, jednak jesli bedzie sie powtarzal mozliwe, ze konieczna bedzie naprawa systemu NextUI. Skontaktuj sie w tym celu z przedstawicielem Microcraft po wiecej informacji.")
  97. p("Kod bledu: 0x302525503149")
  98. p("Nazwa bledu: APP_MSNG")
  99. system = "NextUI"
  100. kernel = "MineCore 2.0"
  101. kod = "0x302525503149"
  102. nazwa = "APP_MSNG"
  103. p("Zapisywanie kodu i nazwy bledu w pliku /os/bsod/bsodf")
  104. local a = fs.open("/os/bsod/bsodf", "w")
  105. a.writeLine(system)
  106. a.writeLine(kernel)
  107. a.writeLine(kod)
  108. a.writeLine(nazwa)
  109. a.close()
  110. p("Twoj komputer uruchomi sie ponownie za 10 sekund")
  111. s(10)
  112. re()
  113. end
  115. if not term.isColor() then bsodp() end
  116. if w<51 or h<19 then bsodr() end
  117. if pocket then bsodp() end
  118. if turtle then bsodp() end
  120. function bsodr()
  121. tc()
  122. sbc(colors.blue)
  123. tc()
  124. sbc(colors.blue)
  125. stc(colors.white)
  126. ac = w/2
  127. scp(ac-2,3)
  128. sbc(colors.white)
  129. stc(colors.blue)
  130. p("NextUI")
  131. sbc(colors.blue)
  132. stc(colors.white)
  133. scp(1,6)
  134. p("Microcraft MineCore napotkal blad i musial zostac zatrzymany. Jesli widzisz ten ekran po raz pierwszy, uruchom ponownie komputer, jednak jesli bedzie sie powtarzal mozliwe, ze konieczna bedzie naprawa systemu NextUI. Skontaktuj sie w tym celu z przedstawicielem Microcraft po wiecej informacji.")
  135. p("Kod bledu: 0x302525503149")
  136. p("Nazwa bledu: INV_RES")
  137. system = "NextUI"
  138. kernel = "MineCore"
  139. kod = "0x403535604159"
  140. nazwa = "INV_RES"
  141. p("Zapisywanie kodu i nazwy bledu w pliku /os/bsod/.bsodr")
  142. local a = fs.open("/os/bsod/.bsodr", "w")
  143. a.writeLine(system)
  144. a.writeLine(kernel)
  145. a.writeLine(kod)
  146. a.writeLine(nazwa)
  147. a.close()
  148. p("Twoj komputer uruchomi sie ponownie za 10 sekund")
  149. s(10)
  150. re()
  151. end
  153. function bsodf()
  154. tc()
  155. sbc(colors.blue)
  156. tc()
  157. sbc(colors.blue)
  158. stc(colors.white)
  159. ac = w/2
  160. scp(ac-2,3)
  161. sbc(colors.white)
  162. stc(colors.blue)
  163. p("NextUI")
  164. sbc(colors.blue)
  165. stc(colors.white)
  166. scp(1,6)
  167. p("Microcraft MineCore napotkal blad i musial zostac zatrzymany. Jesli widzisz ten ekran po raz pierwszy, uruchom ponownie komputer, jednak jesli bedzie sie powtarzal mozliwe, ze konieczna bedzie naprawa systemu NextUI. Skontaktuj sie w tym celu z przedstawicielem Microcraft po wiecej informacji.")
  168. p("Kod bledu: 0x302525503149")
  169. p("Nazwa bledu: APP_MSNG")
  170. system = "NextUI"
  171. kernel = "MineCore"
  172. kod = "0x302525503149"
  173. nazwa = "APP_MSNG"
  174. p("Zapisywanie kodu i nazwy bledu w pliku /os/bsod/.bsodf")
  175. local a = fs.open("/os/bsod/.bsodf", "w")
  176. a.writeLine(system)
  177. a.writeLine(kernel)
  178. a.writeLine(kod)
  179. a.writeLine(nazwa)
  180. a.close()
  181. p("Twoj komputer uruchomi sie ponownie za 10 sekund")
  182. s(10)
  183. re()
  184. end
  186. function app()
  187. while true do
  188. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black)  end
  189. tc()
  190. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black)  end
  191. pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.blue)
  192. pfb(1, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  193. pdp(w,h,colors.red)
  194. pdp(w-1,h,colors.orange)
  195. scp(1,h)
  196. stc(colors.white)
  197. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black)  end
  198. write("Start")
  199. sbc(colors.blue)
  200. scp(1,1)
  201. stc(colors.white)
  202. p("Aplikacje nextStore")
  203. pdp(w,1,colors.red)
  204. if fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") then
  205. pfb(2, 4, 2, 6, colors.orange)
  206. pfb(3, 4, 3, 6, colors.yellow)
  207. pfb(4, 4, 4, 6, colors.red)
  208. scp(2,7)
  209. stc(colors.white)
  210. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black)  end
  211. p("Eksplorator")
  212. end
  214. if fs.exists("/nshop/.dg") then
  215.  pfb(15, 4, 15, 6, colors.gray)
  216.  pfb(16, 4, 16, 6, colors.gray)
  217.  pfb(17, 4, 17, 6, colors.lightGray)
  218.  pdp(16, 5, colors.lightGray)
  219.  pdp(17, 5, colors.gray)
  220.  stc(colors.white)
  221. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black)  end
  222.  scp(15,7)
  223.  p("DGStatistics")
  224. end
  227. if fs.exists("/nshop/.tm") then
  228.  pfb(28, 4, 30, 6, colors.gray)
  229.  pfb(28, 4, 30, 4, colors.lightGray)
  230.  pdp(29,5, colors.lightGray)
  231.  pdp(29,6, colors.lightGray)
  232.   stc(colors.white)
  233. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black)  end
  234.  scp(28,7)
  235.  p("TimeMachine")
  236. end
  238. if fs.exists("/nshop/.calc") then
  239.  pfb(2, 8, 4, 8, colors.blue)
  240.  pfb(2, 9, 4, 10, colors.cyan)
  241.  stc(colors.white)
  242.  if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr ==
  243.  "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then
  244.  sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr ==
  245.  "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then
  246.  sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr
  247.  == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr ==
  248.  "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black)  end
  249.  scp(2,11)
  250.  p("Kalkulator")
  251. end
  253. if fse("/nshop/.mess") then
  254.  pfb(15, 8, 15, 10, colors.orange)
  255.  pfb(16, 8, 16, 10, colors.yellow)
  256.  pfb(17, 8, 17, 10, colors.red)
  257.  stc(colors.white)
  258.  if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr ==
  259.  "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then
  260.  sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr ==
  261.  "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then
  262.  sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr
  263.  == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr ==
  264.  "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black)  end
  265.  scp(15,11)
  266.  p("Message")
  267. end
  270. local event, button, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  271. if x>1 and x<5 and y>3 and y<7 and fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") and button == 1 then
  272.  sbc(colors.black)
  273.  tc()
  274.  sbc(colors.black)
  275.  stc(colors.white)
  276.  scp(1,1)
  277.  p("Ta aplikacja nie wspiera NextAPI. Aby ja opuscic w dowolnym momencie wcisnij przyciski CTRL i R aby uruchomic ponownie komputer.")
  278.  s(5)
  279.  r("/nshop/.exp")
  280.  end
  281. if x>14 and x<18 and y>3 and y<7 and fs.exists("/nshop/.dg") and button == 1 then r("/nshop/.dg") end
  282. if x>27 and x<31 and y>3 and y<7 and fs.exists("/nshop/.tm") and button == 1 then r("/nshop/.tm") end
  283. if x>1 and x<5 and y>7 and y<11 and fs.exists("/nshop/.calc") and button == 1 then r("/nshop/.calc") end
  284. if x>14 and x<18 and y>7 and y<11 and fs.exists("/nshop/.mess") and button == 1 then r("/nshop/.mess") end
  285. if x>14 and x<18 and y>7 and y<11 and fs.exists("/nshop/.mess") and button == 2 then fs.delete("/nshop/.mess") end
  286. if x>1 and x<5 and y>3 and y<7 and fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") and button == 2 then fs.delete("/nshop/.exp") end
  287. if x>14 and x<18 and y>3 and y<7 and fs.exists("/nshop/.dg") and button == 2 then fs.delete("/nshop/.dg") end
  288. if x>27 and x<31 and y>3 and y<7 and fs.exists("/nshop/.tm") and button == 2 then fs.delete("/nshop/.tm") end
  289. if x>1 and x<5 and y>7 and y<11 and fs.exists("/nshop/.calc") and button == 2 then fs.delete("/nshop/.calc") end
  290. if x == w and y == 1 then obraz22() end
  291. if x>0 and x<6 and y == h then start() end
  292. if x == w and y == h then su() end
  293. if x == w-1 and y == h then re() end
  295. end
  296. end
  298. function apps()
  299. while true do
  300. sbc(colors.black)
  301. tc()
  302. sbc(colors.black)
  303. pfb(6, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  304. sbc(colors.green)
  305. stc(colors.white)
  306. scp(1,h)
  307. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black)  end
  308. aw("Start")
  309. pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.blue)
  310. pdp(w, 1, colors.red)
  311. pdp(w-1, h, colors.red)
  312. pdp(w-1, h, colors.orange)
  313. scp(1,1)
  314. sbc(colors.blue)
  315. stc(colors.white)
  316. p("Zarzadzanie aplikacjami")
  317. pfb(3, 3, 5, 3, colors.gray)
  318. pdp(3, 3, colors.lightGray)
  319. scp(6,3)
  320. stc(colors.white)
  321. sbc(colors.black)
  322. miejsce = math.ceil(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024)
  323. p("Dysk twardy   Wolne miejsce: ", miejsce, "KB")
  324. scp(1,6)
  325. p("Aplikacje:")
  326. scp(6,8)
  327. stc(colors.white)
  328. sbc(colors.black)
  329. if fs.exists("/nshop/") then rozmiar = math.ceil(getSize("/nshop/")/1024) else
  330. scp(1,7) sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) p("Brak zainstalowanych aplikacji") end
  331. scp(1,5)
  332. p("Laczny rozmiar aplikacji na dysku: ", rozmiar, "KB")
  333. if fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") then pfb(3, 8, 5, 8, colors.blue) scp(6,8) stc(colors.white) sbc(colors.black) p("Eksplorator") scp(1,8) stc(colors.white) sbc(colors.red) p("X") end
  334. if fs.exists("/nshop/.dg") then pfb(3, 10, 5, 10, colors.gray) scp(6,10) stc(colors.white) sbc(colors.black) p("DGStatistics") scp(1,10) stc(colors.white) sbc(colors.red) p("X") end
  335. if fs.exists("/nshop/.tm") then pfb(3, 12, 5, 12, colors.green) scp(6,12) stc(colors.white) sbc(colors.black) p("TimeMachine") scp(1,12) stc(colors.white) sbc(colors.red) p("X") end
  336. if fs.exists("/nshop/.calc") then pfb(3, 14, 5, 14, colors.cyan) scp(6,14) stc(colors.white) sbc(colors.black) p("Kalkulator") scp(1, 14) stc(colors.white) sbc(colors.red) p("X") end
  337. if fs.exists("/nshop/.mess") then pfb(3, 16, 5, 16, colors.cyan) scp(6,16) stc(colors.white) sbc(colors.black) p("Message") scp(1, 16) stc(colors.white) sbc(colors.red) p("X") end
  338. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  339. if x>0 and x<6 and y == h then start() end
  340. if x == 1 and y == 8 then fs.delete("/nshop/.exp") s(1)  end
  341. if x == 1 and y == 10 then fs.delete("/nshop/.dg") s(1)  end
  342. if x == 1 and y == 12 then fs.delete("/nshop/.tm") s(1)  end
  343. if x == 1 and y == 14 then fs.delete("/nshop/.calc") s(1) end
  344. if x == 1 and y == 15 then fs.delete("/nshop/.mess") s(1) end
  345. if x == w and y == 1 then nust() end
  346. end
  347. end
  349. function topbar()
  350. while true do
  351. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  352. tc()
  353. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  354. pfb(1,1,w,1,colors.blue)
  355. pdp(w,1,colors.red)
  356. sbc(colors.blue)
  357. scp(1,1)
  358. stc(colors.white)
  359. p("NextUI TopBar")
  360. if fse("/os/.false1") then
  361. topba = "false"
  362. elseif fse("/os/.true1") then topba = "true"
  363. else
  364.  local op4 = fs.open("/os/.false1", "w")
  365.  op4.writeLine("false")
  366.  op4.close()
  367.  topba = "false"
  368. end
  370. scp(1,2)
  371. stc(colors.white)
  372. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  373. p("TopBar to gorna belka na ekranie Biurka zawierajaca numer wersji NextUI.")
  375. scp(1,4)
  376. p("Zmiany tutaj wprowadzone wymagaja ponownego uruchomienia, aby przyniosly oczekiwany efekt.")
  377. if topba == "false" then scp(1,7) sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.red) p("Wylaczony") elseif topba == "true" then scp(1,7) sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.green) p("Wlaczony") end
  378. local event, button, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  379. if x == w and y == 1 then setust() end
  380. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 7 and topba == "false" then
  381.  fs.delete("/os/.false1")
  382.  local op5 = fs.open("/os/.true1", "w")
  383.  op5.writeLine("true")
  384.  op5.close()
  385.  top1()
  386. end
  387. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 7 and topba == "true" then
  388.  fs.delete("/os/.true1")
  389.  local op6 = fs.open("/os/.false1", "w")
  390.  op6.writeLine("false")
  391.  op6.close()
  392.  top1()
  393. end
  394. end
  395. end
  397. function top1()
  398. if fse("/os/.true1") then
  399. if colr == "colors.orange" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  400. if colr == "colors.white" then stc(colors.black) else stc(colors.white) end
  401. scp(1,1)
  402. p("NextUI 1.11 Anniversary Update. Microcraft")
  403. end
  404. end
  406. function bootl()
  407. scp(16,2)
  408. stc(colors.white)
  409. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  410. p("Microcraft Bootloader Flasher")
  411. scp(16,3)
  412. p("to narzedzie, ktore pozwala")
  413. scp(16,4)
  414. p("na zaawansowane zarzadzanie")
  415. scp(16,5)
  416. p("ustawieniami komputera.")
  417. scp(16,10)
  418. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  419. pfb(16, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  420. scp(30,h)
  421. write("Pobierz")
  422. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  423. if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  424. r("pastebin run NqkQFiLr")
  425. end
  426. end
  431. function calc()
  432. scp(16,2)
  433. stc(colors.white)
  434. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  435. p("Kalkulator NextUI to prosta")
  436. scp(16,3)
  437. p("aplikacja pozwalajaca na szybsze")
  438. scp(16,4)
  439. p("wykonywanie dzialan matematycznych")
  440. scp(16,10)
  441. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  442. pfb(16, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  443. if fs.exists("/nshop/.calc") then
  444.  scp(16,h)
  445.  sbc(colors.blue)
  446.  stc(colors.white)
  447.  write("Usun      Uruchom")
  448.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  449.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == h then fs.delete("/nshop/.calc") end
  450.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == h then r("/nshop/.calc") end
  451. else
  452.  scp(30,h)
  453.  write("Pobierz")
  454.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  455.  if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  456.   r("pastebin get dMjjSaKY /nshop/.calc")
  457.  end
  458. end
  459. end
  461. function mess()
  462. scp(16,2)
  463. stc(colors.white)
  464. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  465. p("Message NextUI to komunikator")
  466. scp(16,3)
  467. p("tesktowy wykorzystujacy modem CC")
  468. scp(16,4)
  469. p("do komunikacji z innymi ludzmi!")
  470. scp(16,10)
  471. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  472. pfb(16, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  473. if fs.exists("/nshop/.mess") then
  474.  scp(16,h)
  475.  sbc(colors.blue)
  476.  stc(colors.white)
  477.  write("Usun      Uruchom")
  478.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  479.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == h then fs.delete("/nshop/.mess") end
  480.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == h then r("/nshop/.mess") end
  481. else
  482.  scp(30,h)
  483.  write("Pobierz")
  484.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  485.  if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  486.   r("pastebin get uzZarCdG /nshop/.mess")
  487.  end
  488. end
  489. end
  492. function ep()
  493. scp(16,2)
  494. stc(colors.white)
  495. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  496. p("Eksplorator dla NextUI to potezne")
  497. scp(16,3)
  498. p("a zarazem proste narzedzie do")
  499. scp(16,4)
  500. p("przegladania zawartosci dysku")
  501. scp(16,5)
  502. p("twardego. Pobierz za darmo dzisiaj!")
  503. scp(16,10)
  504. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  505. pfb(16, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  506. if fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") then
  507.  scp(16,h)
  508.  sbc(colors.blue)
  509.  stc(colors.white)
  510.  write("Usun      Uruchom")
  511.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  512.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == h then fs.delete("/nshop/.exp") end
  513.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == h then r("/nshop/.exp") end
  514. else
  515.  scp(30,h)
  516.  write("Pobierz")
  517.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  518.  if x>29 and x<40 then
  519.   r("pastebin get zbzF7Zu4 /nshop/.exp")
  520.  end
  521. end
  522. end
  525. function rc()
  526. scp(16,2)
  527. stc(colors.white)
  528. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  529. p("ReactorControl to aplikacja,")
  530. scp(16,3)
  531. p("stworzona dla latwiejszej")
  532. scp(16,4)
  533. p("kontroli reaktorow z modyfikacji")
  534. scp(16,5)
  535. p("do Minecraft nazwanej BigReactors.")
  536. scp(16,10)
  537. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  538. pfb(16, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  539. scp(16,h)
  540. write("Aplikacja nie jest jeszcze dostepna")
  541. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  542. end
  545. function tm()
  546. scp(16,2)
  547. stc(colors.white)
  548. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  549. p("TimeMashine to aplikacja")
  550. scp(16,3)
  551. p("uruchamiajaca starsze wersje")
  552. scp(16,4)
  553. p("MineCore oraz Minedows dzieki")
  554. scp(16,5)
  555. p("NextUI API! Poznaj starsze")
  556. scp(16,6)
  557. p("systemy Microcraft bez zbednego")
  558. scp(16,7)
  559. p("zajmowania miejsca na dysku!")
  560. scp(16,8)
  561. p("Aplikacja stworzona na rocznice")
  562. scp(16,9)
  563. p("wydania MineCore 1.0!")
  564. scp(16,12)
  565. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  566. pfb(16, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  567. if fs.exists("/nshop/.tm") then
  568.  scp(16,h)
  569.  sbc(colors.blue)
  570.  stc(colors.white)
  571.  write("Usun      Uruchom")
  572.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  573.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == h then fs.delete("/nshop/.tm") end
  574.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == h then r("/nshop/.tm") end
  575. else
  576.  scp(30,h)
  577.  write("Pobierz")
  578.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  579.  if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  580.   r("pastebin get kCQLpZQS /nshop/.tm")
  581.  end
  582. end
  583. end
  586. function dg()
  587. scp(16,2)
  588. stc(colors.white)
  589. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  590. p("DGStatistics to aplikacja,")
  591. scp(16,3)
  592. p("stworzona we wspolpracy z ")
  593. scp(16,4)
  594. p("serwerem Darkness Grounds ")
  595. scp(16,5)
  596. p("pokazujaca statystyki broni")
  597. scp(16,6)
  598. p("Z ich autorskiej modyfikacji!")
  599. scp(16,7)
  600. p("Pobierz juz dzis!")
  601. scp(16,10)
  602. p("Wydawca: Microcraft;DG")
  603. pfb(16, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  604. scp(16,h)
  605. if fs.exists("/nshop/.dg") then
  606.  scp(16,h)
  607.  sbc(colors.blue)
  608.  stc(colors.white)
  609.  write("Usun      Uruchom")
  610.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  611.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == h then fs.delete("/nshop/.dg") end
  612.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == h then r("/nshop/.dg") end
  613. else
  614.  scp(30,h)
  615.  write("Pobierz")
  616.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  617.  if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  618.   r("pastebin get qRNinxW4 /nshop/.dg")
  619.  end
  620. end
  621. end
  624. function kolorw()
  625. scp(1,5)
  626. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  627. p("Obecny kolor wiodacy: ", colr)
  628. p("Wybierz nowy kolor wiodacy:")
  629. pdp(1, 7, colors.orange)
  630. pdp(2, 7, colors.lightBlue)
  631. pdp(3, 7, colors.yellow)
  632. pdp(4, 7, colors.lime)
  633. pdp(5, 7, colors.pink)
  634. pdp(6, 7, colors.gray)
  635. pdp(7, 7, colors.lightGray)
  636. pdp(8, 7, colors.purple)
  637. pdp(9, 7, colors.blue)
  638. pdp(10, 7, colors.brown)
  639. pdp(11, 7, colors.green)
  640. pdp(12, 7, colors.red)
  641. pdp(13, 7, colors.black)
  642. pdp(14, 7, colors.white)
  643. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  644. if x == 1 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.orange") colw.close() end
  645. if x == 2 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.lightBlue") colw.close() end
  646. if x == 3 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.yellow") colw.close() end
  647. if x == 4 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.lime") colw.close() end
  648. if x == 5 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.pink") colw.close() end
  649. if x == 6 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.gray") colw.close() end
  650. if x == 7 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.lightGray") colw.close() end
  651. if x == 8 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.purple") colw.close() end
  652. if x == 9 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.blue") colw.close() end
  653. if x == 10 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.brown") colw.close() end
  654. if x == 11 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.green") colw.close() end
  655. if x == 12 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.red") colw.close() end
  656. if x == 13 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.black") colw.close() end
  657. if x == 14 and y == 7 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw = fs.open("/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.white") colw.close() end
  658. end
  660. function deskust()
  661. while true do
  662. kolor()
  663. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  664. tc()
  665. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  666. pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.blue)
  667. scp(1,1)
  668. stc(colors.white)
  669. p("Ustawienia NextUI")
  670. pdp(w,1, colors.red)
  671. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  672.  scp(1,2)
  673.  p("Styl graficzny: Domyslny NextUI")
  674.  p("Sklep z motywami")
  675.  p("Wybierz kolor wiodacy")
  676.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  677.  if x>0 and x<25 and y == 4 then kolorw() end
  678.  if x>0 and x<25 and y == 3 then motywy() end
  679.  if x == w and y == 1 then nust() end
  680. end
  681. end
  684. function infust()
  685. while true do
  686. kolor()
  687. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  688. tc()
  689. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  690. pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.blue)
  691. scp(1,1)
  692. stc(colors.white)
  693. p("Ustawienia NextUI")
  694. pdp(w,1, colors.red)
  695. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  696. scp(1,2)
  697. p("Microcraft NextUI 1.11")
  698. p("Wersja systemu: 1.11 Anniversary Update")
  699. zajete = math.ceil(getSize("/")/1024)
  700. wolne = math.ceil(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024)
  701. p("Wolne miejsce na dysku:", wolne, "KB")
  702. p("Obecna nazwa komputera: ", os.getComputerLabel())
  703. p("Rozdzielczosc ekranu: ", w, h)
  704. p("Wersja CraftOS: ", os.version())
  705. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  706. if x == w and y == 1 then nust() end
  707. end
  708. end
  710. function cmd()
  711. s(1)
  712. tc()
  713. sbc(colors.black)
  714. tc()
  715. sbc(colors.black)
  716. stc(colors.white)
  717. scp(1,1)
  718. p("MineCore Command Prompt")
  719. p("2018 Microcraft")
  720. p("Wpisz \'help\', aby uzyskac pomoc")
  721. while true do
  722. write("./minecore/>")
  723. comm = read()
  724. if comm == "help" then
  725.  p("\'ver\' - wersja MineCore")
  726.  p("\'next\' - powrot do NextUI")
  727.  p("\'nextver\' - wersja NextUI")
  728.  p("\'run\' - uruchom plik")
  729.  p("\'reboot\' - uruchom ponownie")
  730.  p("\'shutdown\' - wylacz komputer")
  731.  p("\'store\' - sklep z aplikacjami")
  732.  p("\'craft\' - powrot do CraftOS")
  733.  p("\'update\' - aktualizuj NextUI")
  734.  p("\'dir\' - lista plikow w danym folderze")
  735.  p("\'res\' - rozdzielczosc ekranu")
  736.  p("\'set\' - Ustawienia NextUI")
  737.  p("\'app\' - Aplikacje NextUI")
  738.  p("\'mon\' - NextUI Handoff Alpha")
  739.  p("\'clock\' - Zegar NextUI Beta")
  740.  p("\'betaupdate\' - aktualizuj NextUI Beta")
  741.  p("\'setust\'")
  742. end
  743. if comm == "reboot" then re() end
  744. if comm == "shutdown" then su() end
  745. if comm == "res" then p(w, h) end
  746. if comm == "betaupdate" then r("pastebin run VhZ5YtZt") end
  747. if comm == "update" then r("pastebin run FnE3MAD5") end
  748. if comm == "set" then nust() end
  749. if comm == "app" then app() end
  750. if comm == "setust" then setust() end
  751. if comm == "mon" then bsodp() end
  752. if comm == "clock" then clock() end
  753. if comm == "dir" then
  754.  write(".Podaj sciezke>")
  755.  dir1 = read()
  756.  r("dir", dir1)
  757. end
  758. if comm == "store" then sklep() end
  759. if comm == "ver" then
  760.  p("Microcraft MineCore 2.0 2020.")
  761.  p("Microcraft MineUI D 1.5 2018.")
  762. end
  763. if comm == "nextver" then
  764.  p("Microcraft NextUI 1.11 2021.")
  765. end
  766. if comm == "next" then system() end
  767. if comm == "run" then
  768.  write("Wpisz sciezke pliku: ")
  769.  plik = read()
  770.  if fs.exists(plik) then r(plik) end
  771. end
  772. end
  773. end
  775. function setust()
  776. while true do
  777. kolor()
  778. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  779. tc()
  780. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  781. pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.blue)
  782. scp(1,1)
  783. stc(colors.white)
  784. p("Ustawienia NextUI")
  785. pdp(w,1, colors.red)
  786. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  787. p("Zmien nazwe komputera")
  788. p("Aktualizuj system")
  789. p("Wiersz polecen")
  790. p("Zmien jezyk")
  791. p("Zegar NextUI |BETA 2|")
  792. p("Przejdz na NextUI Beta")
  793. p("Ustawienia TopBaru")
  794. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  795. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 2 then
  796.  scp(1,2)
  797.   write("Wpisz nowa nazwe: ")
  798.   nazwa = read()
  799.   os.setComputerLabel(nazwa)
  800.   setust()
  801. end
  802. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 3 then r("pastebin run FnE3MAD5") end
  803. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 4 then cmd() end
  804. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 5 then r("pastebin run tiegKUtg") end
  805. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 6 then clock() end
  806. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 7 then r("pastebin run VhZ5YtZt") end
  807. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 8 then topbar() end
  808. if x == w and y == 1 then nust() end
  809. end
  810. end
  813. function nust()
  814. while true do
  815. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  816. tc()
  817. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  818. pfb(1, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  819. scp(1,h)
  820. stc(colors.white)
  821. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  822. write("Start")
  823. pdp(w-1,h, colors.red)
  824. pdp(w,h, colors.orange)
  825. pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.blue)
  826. scp(1,1)
  827. p("Ustawienia NextUI")
  828. pdp(w,1, colors.red)
  829. pfb(3, 4, 13, 6, colors.orange)
  830. scp(3,5)
  831. stc(colors.white)
  832. p("Informacje")
  833. pfb(27, 4, 37, 6, colors.cyan)
  834. scp(27,5)
  835. stc(colors.white)
  836. p("Biurko")
  837. pfb(15, 4, 25, 6, colors.green)
  838. scp(15,5)
  839. stc(colors.white)
  840. p("Ustawienia")
  841. pfb(39, 4, 49, 6, colors.red)
  842. scp(39,5)
  843. stc(colors.white)
  844. p("Aplikacje")
  845. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  846. if x == w and y == 1 then system() end
  847. if x>0 and x<6 and y == h then start() end
  848. if x>2 and x<14 and y>3 and y<7 then infust() end
  849. if x>14 and x<26 and y>3 and y<7 then setust() end
  850. if x>26 and x<38 and y>3 and y<7 then deskust() end
  851. if x>38 and x<50 and y>3 and y<7 then apps() end
  852. end
  853. end
  855. if fs.exists("/os/.ver") then
  856. local wer = fs.open("/os/.ver", "r")
  857. ver = wer.readLine()
  858. wer.close()
  859. end
  861. function res()
  862. if w<51 and h<19 then tc() p("NextUI wymaga monitora o rozdzielczosci 51x19 lub wiekszej. System nie moze dzialac na Twoim urzadzeniu. Rozdzielczosc Twojego monitora to:", w, h) elseif w == 51 and h == 19 then tryb = 1 elseif w>65 and h>25 then tryb = 2 end
  863. end
  865. function kolor()
  866. local col = fs.open("/os/.kol", "r")
  867. colr = col.readLine()
  868. col.close()
  869. end
  871. function ikony()
  872. while true do
  873. tc()
  874. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  875. tc()
  876. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  877. stc(colors.white)
  878. pfb(1, 1, w, 1, colors.gray)
  879. pdp(w, 1, colors.red)
  880. sbc(colors.gray)
  881. scp(1,1)
  882. p("Tworzenie ikon NextUI 2.0 Beta")
  883. scp(1,2)
  884. stc(colors.white)
  885. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  886. p("Witamy w kreatorze ikon. Wybierz miejsce na ikone:")
  887. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico1") then iko1 = "Zajete" else iko1 = "Wolne" end
  888. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico2") then iko2 = "Zajete" else iko2 = "Wolne" end
  889. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico3") then iko3 = "Zajete" else iko3 = "Wolne" end
  890. scp(1,6)
  891. p("Ikona 1: ", iko1)
  892. p("Ikona 2: ", iko2)
  893. p("Ikona 3: ", iko3)
  894. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  895. if x == w and y == 1 then system() end
  897. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 6 and iko1 == "Wolne" then
  898.  scp(1,10)
  899.  p("Wpisz sciezke skrotu: ")
  900.  write(".>")
  901.  sciezka = read()
  902.  p("Wpisz nazwe skrotu: ")
  903.  nazwa = read()
  904.  local iko1s = fs.open("/os/iko/.ico1", "w")
  905.  iko1s.writeLine(sciezka)
  906.  iko1s.close()
  907.  local iko1n = fs.open("/os/iko/.ico1n", "w")
  908.  iko1n.writeLine(nazwa)
  909.  iko1n.close()
  910. end
  911. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 8 and iko3 == "Wolne" then
  912.  scp(1,10)
  913.  p("Wpisz sciezke skrotu: ")
  914.  write(".>")
  915.  sciezka = read()
  916.  p("Wpisz nazwe skrotu: ")
  917.  nazwa = read()
  918.  local ikon3 = fs.open("/os/iko/.ico3", "w")
  919.  ikon3.writeLine(sciezka)
  920.  ikon3.close()
  921.  local ikon3n = fs.open("/os/iko/.ico3n", "w")
  922.  ikon3n.writeLine(nazwa)
  923.  ikon3n.close()
  924. end
  925. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 7 and iko2 == "Wolne" then
  926.  scp(1,10)
  927.  p("Wpisz sciezke skrotu: ")
  928.  write(".>")
  929.  sciezka = read()
  930.  p("Wpisz nazwe skrotu: ")
  931.  nazwa = read()
  932.  local ikon2 = fs.open("/os/iko/.ico2", "w")
  933.  ikon2.writeLine(sciezka)
  934.  ikon2.close()
  935.  local ikon2n = fs.open("/os/iko/.ico2n", "w")
  936.  ikon2n.writeLine(nazwa)
  937.  ikon2n.close()
  938. end
  939. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 6 and iko1 == "Zajete" then
  940.  fs.delete("/os/iko/.ico1")
  941.  fs.delete("/os/iko/.ico1n")
  942. end
  943. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 7 and iko2 == "Zajete" then
  944.  fs.delete("/os/iko/.ico2")
  945.  fs.delete("/os/iko/.ico2n")
  946. end
  947. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 8 and iko3 == "Zajete" then
  948.  fs.delete("/os/iko/.ico3")
  949.  fs.delete("/os/iko/.ico3n")
  950. end
  951. end
  952. end
  955. function start()
  956. pfb(1, h-5, 20, h-1, colors.black)
  957. scp(1, h-5)
  958. sbc(colors.white)
  959. stc(colors.black)
  960. p("NextUI 1.11 Start   ")
  961. sbc(colors.black)
  962. stc(colors.white)
  963. scp(1, h-4)
  964. p("nextStore 2.0       ")
  965. p("Powrot do CraftOS   ")
  966. p("Ustawienia          ")
  967. p("Ikony biurka        ")
  968. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  969. if x>0 and x<21 and y == h-1 then ikony() end
  970. if x>0 and x<21 and y == h-2 then nust() end
  971. if x>0 and x<21 and y == h-3 then
  972.  tc()
  973.  s(1)
  974.  scp(1,1)
  975.  error("Opuszczono NextUI 1.11")
  976. end
  977. if x>0 and x<21 and y == h-4 then r("pastebin run 7qMxuP59") end
  978. end
  980. function getSize(path)
  981.   local size = 0
  982.   for _, file in ipairs(fs.list(path)) do
  983.     if fs.isDir(fs.combine(path, file)) then
  984.       size = size + getSize(fs.combine(path, file))
  985.     else
  986.       size = size + fs.getSize(fs.combine(path, file))
  987.     end
  988.   end
  989.   return size
  990. end
  992. function nextstore()
  993. while true do
  994. res()
  995. stc(colors.white)
  996. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  997. tc()
  998. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  999. scp(1,1)
  1000. p("Start")
  1001. pdp(w,h,colors.red)
  1002. pdp(w-1,h,colors.orange)
  1003. pfb(1,1,w,1,colors.blue)
  1004. scp(1,1)
  1005. stc(colors.white)
  1006. p("nextStore 2.0")
  1007. scp(w-7,1)
  1008. p("Motywy")
  1009. pdp(w,1, colors.red)
  1010. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  1011. scp(1,2)
  1012. p("Eksplorator")
  1013. p("DGStatistics")
  1014. p("ReactorControl")
  1015. p("TimeMashine")
  1016. p("Kalkulator")
  1017. p("Message")
  1018. p("Bootloader")
  1019. scp(1,h-2)
  1020. p("Wolne miejsce:")
  1021. miejsce = math.ceil(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024)
  1022. p("KB", miejsce)
  1023. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1024. avc = w-7
  1025. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 2 then ep() end
  1026. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 3 then dg() end
  1027. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 4 then rc() end
  1028. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 5 then tm() end
  1029. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 6 then calc() end
  1030. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 7 then mess() end
  1031. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 8 then bootl() end
  1032. if x>avc and x<w and y == 1 then motywy() end
  1033. if x == w and y == 1 then system() end
  1034. pdp(w,1, colors.red)
  1035. end
  1036. end
  1038. function motywy()
  1039. while true do
  1040. res()
  1041. sbc(colors.white)
  1042. tc()
  1043. sbc(colors.white)
  1045. sbc(colors.black)
  1046. stc(colors.white)
  1047. scp(1,1)
  1048. p("Start")
  1049. pdp(w,h,colors.red)
  1050. pdp(w-1,h,colors.orange)
  1051. pfb(1,1,w,1,colors.blue)
  1052. scp(1,1)
  1053. stc(colors.white)
  1054. p("nextStore 2.0")
  1055. scp(w-7,1)
  1056. p("Appki")
  1057. pdp(w,1, colors.red)
  1058. sbc(colors.white)
  1059. stc(colors.black)
  1060. scp(1,2)
  1061. p("NextUI")
  1062. p("Prosty")
  1063. p("Minedows")
  1064. p("Ciemny")
  1065. scp(1,h-2)
  1066. p("Wolne miejsce:")
  1067. miejsce = math.ceil(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024)
  1068. p("KB", miejsce)
  1069. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1070. avc = w-7
  1071. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 2 then nx() end
  1072. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 3 then pr() end
  1073. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 4 then mi() end
  1074. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 5 then ci() end
  1075. if x>avc and x<w and y == 1 then nextstore() end
  1076. if x == w and y == 1 then system() end
  1077. pdp(w,1, colors.red)
  1078. end
  1079. end
  1081. function nx()
  1082. scp(16,2)
  1083. sbc(colors.white)
  1084. stc(colors.black)
  1085. p("Podstawowy motyw NextUI")
  1086. scp(16,3)
  1087. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  1088. pfb(16,4,w,12,colors.cyan)
  1089. pfb(16,12,w,12,colors.blue)
  1090. pfb(16,12,19,12,colors.black)
  1091. pfb(w-6,12,w-3,12,colors.black)
  1092. pdp(w-1,12,colors.orange)
  1093. pdp(w,12,colors.red)
  1094. paintutils.drawBox(17,5,21,9,colors.black)
  1095. pfb(18,6,20,8,colors.yellow)
  1096. pfb(16, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  1097. scp(16,h)
  1098. scp(30,h)
  1099. write("Pobierz")
  1100. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1101. if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  1102.   fs.delete("/os/desktop")
  1103.   r("pastebin get PfAWshRt /os/desktop")
  1104.   s(1)
  1105.   re()
  1106. end
  1107. end
  1109. function ci()
  1110. scp(16,2)
  1111. sbc(colors.white)
  1112. stc(colors.black)
  1113. p("Ciemny motyw Minedows")
  1114. scp(16,3)
  1115. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  1116. pfb(16,4,w,12,colors.black)
  1117. pfb(16,12,w,12,colors.black)
  1118. pfb(16,12,19,12,colors.black)
  1119. pfb(w-6,12,w-3,12,colors.black)
  1120. pdp(w-1,12,colors.orange)
  1121. pdp(w,12,colors.red)
  1122. pfb(16, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  1123. scp(16,h)
  1124. scp(30,h)
  1125. write("Pobierz")
  1126. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1127. if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  1128.   fs.delete("/os/desktop")
  1129.   r("pastebin get MtAuw8Av /os/desktop")
  1130.   s(1)
  1131.   re()
  1132. end
  1133. end
  1135. function pr()
  1136. scp(16,2)
  1137. sbc(colors.white)
  1138. stc(colors.black)
  1139. p("Prosty motyw NextUI")
  1140. scp(16,3)
  1141. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  1142. pfb(16,4,w,12,colors.cyan)
  1143. pfb(16,12,w,12,colors.blue)
  1144. pfb(16,12,19,12,colors.black)
  1145. pfb(w-6,12,w-3,12,colors.black)
  1146. pdp(w-1,12,colors.orange)
  1147. pdp(w,12,colors.red)
  1148. pfb(16, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  1149. scp(16,h)
  1150. scp(30,h)
  1151. write("Pobierz")
  1152. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1153. if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  1154.   fs.delete("/os/desktop")
  1155.   r("pastebin get gCRpr6Ag /os/desktop")
  1156.   s(1)
  1157.   re()
  1158. end
  1159. end
  1161. function mi()
  1162. scp(16,2)
  1163. sbc(colors.white)
  1164. stc(colors.black)
  1165. p("Klasyczny motyw Minedows")
  1166. scp(16,3)
  1167. p("Wydawca: Microcraft")
  1168. pfb(16,12,19,12,colors.black)
  1169. pfb(w-6,12,w-3,12,colors.black)
  1170. pdp(w-1,12,colors.orange)
  1171. pdp(w,12,colors.red)
  1172. pfb(16, h, w, h, colors.blue)
  1173. scp(16,h)
  1174. scp(30,h)
  1175. write("Pobierz")
  1176. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1177. if x>29 and x<40 and y == h then
  1178.   fs.delete("/os/desktop")
  1179.   r("pastebin get sz185irB /os/desktop")
  1180.   s(1)
  1181.   re()
  1182. end
  1183. end
  1187. function mysz()
  1188. local event, button, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1189. if x == w and y == h then su() end
  1190. if x == w-1 and y == h then re() end
  1191. if x>0 and x<6 and y == h and button == 1 then start() end
  1192. if x>0 and x<6 and y == h and button == 2 then cmd() end
  1193. if x<w-1 and x>w-13 and y == h then obraz22() end
  1194. end
  1197. function clock()
  1198. while true do
  1199. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  1200. tc()
  1201. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  1202. pfb(1,1,w,1,colors.blue)
  1203. scp(1,1)
  1204. p("Zegar NextUI Beta")
  1205. pdp(w,1,colors.red)
  1206. scp(1,2)
  1207. if fse("/os/.false") then
  1208. clo = "false"
  1209. elseif fse("/os/.true") then clo = "true"
  1210. else
  1211.  local op1 = fs.open("/os/.false", "w")
  1212.  op1.writeLine("false")
  1213.  op1.close()
  1214.  clo = "false"
  1215. end
  1216. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  1217. scp(1,2)
  1218. p("Zmiany tutaj wprowadzone wymagaja ponownego uruchomienia, aby przyniosly oczekiwany efekt.")
  1219. if clo == "false" then scp(1,5) sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.red) p("Wylaczony") elseif clo == "true" then scp(1,5) sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.green) p("Wlaczony") end
  1220. local event, button, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1221. if x == w and y == 1 then setust() end
  1222. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 5 and clo == "false" then
  1223.  fs.delete("/os/.false")
  1224.  local op2 = fs.open("/os/.true", "w")
  1225.  op2.writeLine("true")
  1226.  op2.close()
  1227.  clock()
  1228. end
  1229. if x>0 and x<20 and y == 5 and clo == "true" then
  1230.  fs.delete("/os/.true")
  1231.  local op3 = fs.open("/os/.false", "w")
  1232.  op3.writeLine("false")
  1233.  op3.close()
  1234.  clock()
  1235. end
  1236. end
  1237. end
  1239. function pliki()
  1241. local user123 = fs.open("/os/.log1", "r")
  1242. uzytkow = user123.readLine()
  1243. user123.close()
  1244. local pass123 = fs.open("/os/.log2", "r")
  1245. haslo123 = pass123.readLine()
  1246. pass123.close()
  1247. end
  1249. function logo()
  1250. tc()
  1251. res()
  1252. pliki()
  1254. if haslo123 == "" then system() end
  1256. pfb(1, 1, w, 5, colors.blue)
  1257. pfb(1, 6, w, h-5, colors.lightBlue)
  1258. pfb(1, h-6, w, h, colors.blue)
  1259. pfb(15, 7, 17, 9, colors.gray)
  1260. scp(1,1)
  1261. p("Logowanie NextUI")
  1262. p("Podaj haslo, aby kontynuowac")
  1263. sbc(colors.lightBlue)
  1264. stc(colors.white)
  1265. scp(18,7)
  1266. p(uzytkow)
  1267. scp(18,8)
  1268. write("")
  1269. pass223 = read()
  1271. if pass223 == haslo123 then system() else p("Bledne haslo!") logo() end
  1272. end
  1275. function godz()
  1276. while true do
  1277. scp(w-5,1)
  1278. stc(colors.white)
  1279. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  1280. print( textutils.formatTime(os.time("local"), true ) )
  1281. s(59)
  1282. end
  1283. end
  1285. function z1()
  1286. if fse("/os/.false") then
  1287. clo = "false"
  1288. elseif fse("/os/.true") then clo = "true"
  1289. else
  1290.  local op1 = fs.open("/os/.false", "w")
  1291.  op1.writeLine("false")
  1292.  op1.close()
  1293.  clo = "false"
  1294. end
  1295. end
  1297. function z2()
  1298. if fse("/os/.false") then
  1299. clo = "false"
  1300. elseif fse("/os/.true") then clo = "true"
  1301. else
  1302.  local op1 = fs.open("/os/.false", "w")
  1303.  op1.writeLine("false")
  1304.  op1.close()
  1305.  clo = "false"
  1306. end
  1307. end
  1310. function sys1()
  1311. while true do
  1312. kolor()
  1313. desktop.pulpit()
  1314. top1()
  1315. parallel.waitForAny(mysz, godz)
  1316. end
  1317. end
  1320. function sys2()
  1321. while true do
  1322. kolor()
  1323. desktop.pulpit()
  1324. top1()
  1325. mysz()
  1326. end
  1327. end
  1329. function clo3()
  1330. z1()
  1331. if clo == "true" then
  1332. local function system(...) return sys1(...) end
  1333. elseif clo == "false" or clo == nil then
  1334. local function system(...) return sys2(...) end
  1335. end
  1336. p(clo)
  1337. s(2)
  1338. end
  1340. function system()
  1341. z1()
  1342. if clo == "true" then sys1()
  1343. elseif clo == "false" then sys2()
  1344. end
  1345. end
  1347. function monitor()
  1348. local monitor = peripheral.find("monitor")
  1349. if monitor then
  1350. tc()
  1351. pfb(1,1,w,h,colors.black)
  1352. stc(colors.white)
  1353. scp(1,1)
  1354. p("NextUI wykryl zewnetrzny wyswietlacz, wybierz gdzie wyswietlane ma byc Biurko NextUI.")
  1355. scp(1,3)
  1356. p("Wyswietlacz wewnetrzny")
  1357. scp(1,5)
  1358. p("Monitor")
  1359. end
  1360. end
  1362. function obraz22()
  1363. while true do
  1364. tc()
  1365. sbc(colors.black)
  1366. tc()
  1367. sbc(colors.black)
  1368. pfb(1,1,w,1,colors.blue)
  1369. pfb(1,h,w,h,colors.blue)
  1370. scp(1,h)
  1371. if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr == "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black) end
  1372. write("Start")
  1373. scp(1,1)
  1374. sbc(colors.blue)
  1375. stc(colors.white)
  1376. p("Aplikacje NextUI")
  1377. scp(1,2)
  1378. sbc(colors.black)
  1379. p("Aplikacje      ")
  1380. p("Gry            ")
  1381. p("Sklep          ")
  1382. pfb(16,2,16,h,colors.blue)
  1383. pdp(w,h,colors.red)
  1384. pdp(w-1,h,colors.orange)
  1385. pdp(w,1,colors.red)
  1386. local event, button, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1387. if x == w and y == 1 then system() end
  1388. if x>0 and x<15 and y == 2 then apps11() end
  1389. if x>0 and x<15 and y == 3 then apps22() end
  1390. if x>0 and x<15 and y == 4 then app() end
  1391. if x>0 and x<6 and y == h then start() end
  1392. end
  1393. end
  1395. function apps11()
  1396. pfb(18,3,20,5,colors.orange)
  1397. scp(18,6)
  1398. sbc(colors.black)
  1399. stc(colors.white)
  1400. p("LuaIDE")
  1401. pfb(25,3,27,5,colors.green)
  1402. scp(25,6)
  1403. sbc(colors.black)
  1404. stc(colors.white)
  1405. p("Paint")
  1406. if fse("/os/iko/.ico1") and fse("/os/iko/.ico1n") then
  1407. local iko1 = fs.open("/os/iko/.ico1", "r")
  1408. iko1p = iko1.readLine()
  1409. iko1.close()
  1410. local iko1n = fs.open("/os/iko/.ico1n", "r")
  1411. iko1pn = iko1n.readLine()
  1412. iko1n.close()
  1413. pfb(17, h-6, 19, h-4, colors.purple)
  1414. scp(17,h-3)
  1415.  if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr ==
  1416.  "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then
  1417.  sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr ==
  1418.  "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then
  1419.  sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr
  1420.  == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr ==
  1421.  "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black)  end
  1422. p(iko1pn)
  1423. end
  1425. if fse("/os/iko/.ico2") and fse("/os/iko/.ico2n") then
  1426. local iko2 = fs.open("/os/iko/.ico2", "r")
  1427. iko2p = iko2.readLine()
  1428. iko2.close()
  1429. local iko2n = fs.open("/os/iko/.ico2n", "r")
  1430. iko2pn = iko2n.readLine()
  1431. iko2n.close()
  1432. pfb(28, h-6, 30, h-4, colors.green)
  1433. scp(28,h-3)
  1434.  if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr ==
  1435.  "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then
  1436.  sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr ==
  1437.  "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then
  1438.  sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr
  1439.  == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr ==
  1440.  "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black)  end
  1441. p(iko2pn)
  1442. end
  1444. if fse("/os/iko/.ico3") and fse("/os/iko/.ico3n") then
  1445. local iko3 = fs.open("/os/iko/.ico3", "r")
  1446. iko3p = iko3.readLine()
  1447. iko3.close()
  1448. local iko3n = fs.open("/os/iko/.ico3n", "r")
  1449. iko3pn = iko3n.readLine()
  1450. iko3n.close()
  1451. pfb(39, h-6, 41, h-4, colors.orange)
  1452. scp(39,h-3)
  1453.  if colr == "colors.orange" then sbc(colors.orange) elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr ==
  1454.  "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then
  1455.  sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "colors.pink" then sbc(colors.pink) elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr ==
  1456.  "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "colors.blue" then
  1457.  sbc(colors.blue) elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "colors.green" then sbc(colors.green) elseif colr
  1458.  == "colors.red" then sbc(colors.red) elseif colr == "colors.black" then sbc(colors.black) stc(colors.white) elseif colr ==
  1459.  "colors.white" then sbc(colors.white) stc(colors.black)  end
  1460. p(iko3pn)
  1461. end
  1462. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1463. if x == w and y == 1 then obraz22() end
  1464. if x>17 and x<24 and y>2 and y<7 then r("/os/.luaide") obraz22() end
  1465. if x>24 and x<30 and y>2 and y<7 then r("/os/.paint") obraz22() end
  1466. end
  1468. function apps22()
  1469. pfb(18,3,20,5,colors.cyan)
  1470. scp(18,6)
  1471. sbc(colors.black)
  1472. stc(colors.white)
  1473. p("2048")
  1474. pfb(25,3,27,5,colors.blue)
  1475. scp(25,6)
  1476. sbc(colors.black)
  1477. stc(colors.white)
  1478. p("Snake")
  1479. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  1480. if x == w and y == 1 then obraz22() end
  1481. if x>17 and x<24 and y>2 and y<7 then
  1482.  sbc(colors.black)
  1483.  tc()
  1484.  sbc(colors.black)
  1485.  stc(colors.white)
  1486.  scp(1,1)
  1487.  p("Ta aplikacja nie wspiera NextAPI. Aby ja opuscic w dowolnym momencie wcisnij przyciski CTRL i R aby uruchomic ponownie komputer.")
  1488.  s(5)
  1489.  r("/os/.2048")
  1490.  obraz22()
  1491.  end
  1492. if x>24 and x<30 and y>2 and y<7 then
  1493.  sbc(colors.black)
  1494.  tc()
  1495.  sbc(colors.black)
  1496.  stc(colors.white)
  1497.  scp(1,1)
  1498.  p("Ta aplikacja nie wspiera NextAPI. Aby ja opuscic w dowolnym momencie wcisnij przyciski CTRL i R aby uruchomic ponownie komputer.")
  1499.  s(5)
  1500.  r("worm")
  1501.  obraz22()
  1502.  end
  1503. end
  1505. function pierwszeu()
  1506. if fse("/os/.log1") == "false" or fse("/os/.log2") == "false" then fs.delete("/os/.log1") fs.delete("/os/.log2") end
  1507. sbc(colors.black)
  1508. tc()
  1509. sbc(colors.black)
  1510. stc(colors.white)
  1511. scp(1,1)
  1512. p("Witamy w NextUI 1.11!")
  1513. p("Ten kreator pozwoli Ci ustawic nazwe uzytkownika oraz haslo zabezpieczajace Twoj komputer.")
  1514. scp(1,4)
  1515. p("Podaj nazwe uzytkownika:")
  1516. write(".>")
  1517. uzytkownik = read()
  1518. local us1 = fs.open("/os/.log1", "w")
  1519. us1.write(uzytkownik)
  1520. us1.close()
  1521. p("Podaj haslo:")
  1522. write(".>")
  1523. haslo = read()
  1524. local pass1 = fs.open("/os/.log2", "w")
  1525. pass1.write(haslo)
  1526. pass1.close()
  1527. s(1)
  1528. tc()
  1529. scp(1,1)
  1530. p("Uruchamianie ponownie...")
  1531. s(1)
  1532. re()
  1533. end
  1536. if fse("/os/.log1") and fse("/os/.log2") then
  1537. if fse("/os/.19") then
  1538. res()
  1539. logo()
  1540. system()
  1541. else
  1542. a = fs.open("/os/.19", "w")
  1543. as = a.writeLine("NextUI 1.11")
  1544. a.close()
  1545. s(1)
  1546. tc()
  1547. scp(1,1)
  1548. p("NextUI 1.11 first boot configuration complete.")
  1549. s(1)
  1550. res()
  1551. logo()
  1552. system()
  1553. end
  1554. else
  1555. pierwszeu()
  1556. end
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