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Sarum Prime Amarrian Loyalist Summit 2015

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Jun 28th, 2015
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  1. [ 2015.06.27 15:02:36 ] EVE System > Channel MOTD: DO NOT SPEAK IN THIS CHANNELOn the stage, behind a huge projection screen measuring 50 x 45m which towers below a pit hosting an orchestra 180 freed Gallente slaves.Seated behind the podium are the esteemed keynote speakers and guests of honor.Rytha Main, Lieutenant (PIE Inc.)Rodj Blake, Admiral (PIE Inc.)Jaden Noah, Director (IG)JedsZero, Executor (APOC)Kahar Dex, Cardinal (IG)
  2. [ 2015.06.27 15:55:31 ] EVE System > Channel default access set to Allowed by Kahar Dex. This channel will now only reject people on the blocked list.
  3. [ 2015.06.27 16:01:38 ] Rytha Main > /emote steps onto the stage
  4. [ 2015.06.27 16:02:08 ] Rytha Main > /emote she stands shaded as the lights in the auditorium darken
  5. [ 2015.06.27 16:02:30 ] Rytha Main > Lords & Ladies
  6. [ 2015.06.27 16:02:48 ] Rytha Main > Stow your festival launchers, and your ceremonial blades for now.
  7. [ 2015.06.27 16:03:35 ] Rytha Main > Before we begin, I wish to give a special thanks.
  8. [ 2015.06.27 16:04:16 ] Rytha Main > Cardinal Kahar Dex has worked hard to bring us all together, but has asked not to be the master of ceremonies so as remove himself from the spotlight.
  9. [ 2015.06.27 16:04:32 ] Rytha Main > But he is humble, and a man of Faith, and I wish to applaud him for bringing us together
  10. [ 2015.06.27 16:04:34 ] Rytha Main > /emote claps
  11. [ 2015.06.27 16:04:41 ] Rodj Blake > /emote claps
  12. [ 2015.06.27 16:04:55 ] Vaari > hrrr
  13. [ 2015.06.27 16:05:37 ] Rytha Main > Today, the CVA, PIE, Holders, and our Caldari allies have joined together. To show that we can unite, and that we would heed when the Empress would call.
  14. [ 2015.06.27 16:06:06 ] Rytha Main > /emote beckons Vaari, would you please give us the opening prayer?
  15. [ 2015.06.27 16:06:39 ] Vaari > Yes
  16. [ 2015.06.27 16:06:58 ] Vaari > /emote enters to the speecher corner
  17. [ 2015.06.27 16:07:20 ] Vaari > My Lords and Ladies, dearest peasants
  18. [ 2015.06.27 16:07:51 ] Vaari > First I wish to give you all the love of our High Lady Raely, who cannot be here.
  19. [ 2015.06.27 16:08:09 ] Vaari > Let us pray shortly se this great even may enjoy the blessing of our Lord
  20. [ 2015.06.27 16:08:17 ] Vaari > /emote takes teatherical position
  21. [ 2015.06.27 16:08:52 ] Vaari > God Omnipotent. Savior of mankind and guiding light of our miserable lives.
  22. [ 2015.06.27 16:09:26 ] Vaari > Frant your smile and grace upon us today, so we may swear fealty to Her Imperial Majesty in sacred light
  23. [ 2015.06.27 16:09:57 ] Vaari > Fill our ranks and alliances with resolute and firm faith into future, so we can weather the coming strorm together
  24. [ 2015.06.27 16:10:32 ] Vaari > Give us wisdom to see past our different ideas to serve the Empire and unite to achieve the greater good
  25. [ 2015.06.27 16:11:04 ] Vaari > Bless Her Imperial Majesty, CVA, Me and every one of us.
  26. [ 2015.06.27 16:11:09 ] Vaari > Amen
  27. [ 2015.06.27 16:11:23 ] Rodj Blake > Amen
  28. [ 2015.06.27 16:11:29 ] Rytha Main > Amen
  29. [ 2015.06.27 16:11:50 ] Rytha Main > /emote takes the stage again
  30. [ 2015.06.27 16:12:14 ] Rytha Main > Ladies and Gentleman, I present the lists...
  31. [ 2015.06.27 16:12:27 ] Rytha Main > We salute the organizations present.
  32. [ 2015.06.27 16:12:34 ] Rytha Main > Alliance: Curatores Veritatis Alliance [CVA]Alliance: Pretoria Imperialis Excubitoris [PIE]Alliance: Aegis Militia [AM]
  33. [ 2015.06.27 16:12:46 ] Rytha Main > lliance: Apocalypse Now [APOC]Alliance: Cold Steel Alliance [STEEL]Alliance: Care Factor [C.F]
  34. [ 2015.06.27 16:12:56 ] Rytha Main > Alliance: Khanid’s Legion [KLEG]Alliance: Sev3rance [-7-]Alliance: Silent Infinity [AFK]Alliance: The Sinful Legion [SINS]
  35. [ 2015.06.27 16:13:08 ] Rytha Main > Alliances: The Shadows of Eve Consortium [TSOE]Corporation: Imperial Dreams [-IG-]Corporation: PIE Inc. [PIE]Corporation: Adeptus Imperium [ISPQA]Corporation: Chiral’s Angels [Gold Donator]Corporation: Defensores Fidei [CLRGY]
  36. [ 2015.06.27 16:13:16 ] Rytha Main > Corporation: Den Sorte Loge [DENS]Corporation: Karris Family [KFDF]Corporation: Lucifer's Hammer [LCRH]Corporation: Moonfyre Science and Research Inc. [MSRI]Corporation: Obsidian Cadre [OBCA]
  37. [ 2015.06.27 16:13:23 ] Rytha Main > Corporation: Redneck Luftwaffe [NBRD]Corporation: Sanctus Amarria [SCTAM]Corporation: Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque [SFRIM]
  38. [ 2015.06.27 16:13:31 ] Rytha Main > Alliance: Ishuukone Raata Enforcement Directive [I-RED]Alliance: Templis CALSF [CALSF]
  39. [ 2015.06.27 16:13:38 ] Rytha Main > Corporation: Caldari Colonial Defense Ministry [CCDM]Corporation: Caldari Independent Navy Reserve [CAIN]Corporation: The Torchwood Institute [TTIN]
  40. [ 2015.06.27 16:13:48 ] Rytha Main > Corporation: Intergalactic Combined Technologies [ICT]Corporation: Jovian Labs
  41. [ 2015.06.27 16:14:09 ] Rytha Main > /emote stands at attention, and salutes
  42. [ 2015.06.27 16:14:37 ] Rytha Main > Brethren, a brother who has been in service to the Empire far longer than most of us.
  43. [ 2015.06.27 16:14:47 ] Jadzeer DAXX > /emote waves as is also present
  44. [ 2015.06.27 16:14:52 ] Rytha Main > He has been decorated by the Imperial Navy
  45. [ 2015.06.27 16:14:59 ] EVE System > Channel default access set to Moderated by Rytha Main. This channel is now effectively running in moderated mode.
  46. [ 2015.06.27 16:15:13 ] Rytha Main > Please welcome Rodj Blake to give us a few words
  47. [ 2015.06.27 16:15:58 ] Rodj Blake > Thank you Lieutenant Main and thank you to Cardinal Dex for inviting me to me to speak here today.
  48. [ 2015.06.27 16:16:08 ] Rodj Blake > Twelve years is a long time so my heartfelt congratulations go out to the CVA on their twelth anniversary.
  49. [ 2015.06.27 16:16:21 ] Rodj Blake > Whilst I wasn't a capsuleer when the CVA was first formed, I was honoured to be with him when Admiral Kominski submitted the documents to Concord for formal recognition of the alliance a few months later. It was a proud day for all those present.
  50. [ 2015.06.27 16:16:31 ] Rodj Blake > Since then I've lost count of the number of times that I've been written off, that PIE has been written off, or that the Amarr Bloc as a whole has been written off.
  51. [ 2015.06.27 16:16:42 ] Rodj Blake > And yet here we all are whilst many of those who were doing the writing off have faded into memory. To all the pilots who have served the Empire indefatigably over the years: I salute your loyalty.
  52. [ 2015.06.27 16:16:50 ] Rodj Blake > But what is loyalty?
  53. [ 2015.06.27 16:16:59 ] Rodj Blake > Let me give you an example of what I think it means.
  54. [ 2015.06.27 16:17:09 ] Rodj Blake > There are some people, and I think that you've all met someone like this, who only support the Empire when it suits them. That's not loyalty. That's opportunism.
  55. [ 2015.06.27 16:17:21 ] Rodj Blake > Now here's something: I don't get to choose who sits on the throne. Neither do any of you. The various capsuleers who over the years have proclaimed themselves as the one true Emperor: they certainly don't get to choose who leads the Empire.
  56. [ 2015.06.27 16:17:31 ] Rodj Blake > No, it's God who gets to choose and God makes His views known to those best suited to hear them. In other words, we need to listen to the views of the Privy Council and the Theology Council and they both support Empress Jamyl.
  57. [ 2015.06.27 16:17:41 ] Rodj Blake > Who are we to question them?
  58. [ 2015.06.27 16:17:53 ] Rodj Blake > I've previously worked with the Speakers of Truth and during that period I had some lengthy discussions with Brother Joshua about their work, so I have a pretty good idea of how the order operates.
  59. [ 2015.06.27 16:18:00 ] Kahar Dex > F9
  60. [ 2015.06.27 16:18:04 ] Rodj Blake > Let me tell you something: if there was any doubt about the Empress' legal or spiritual legitimacy somebody would have taken the case to the Speakers, and the Speakers would have investigated.
  61. [ 2015.06.27 16:18:16 ] Rodj Blake > So we can take the lack of an investigation to imply that there is no need for an investigation.
  62. [ 2015.06.27 16:18:24 ] Rodj Blake > Now what this means is that if you disagree with the Empress' right to lead us, then you also disgree with every part of the imperial apparatus.
  63. [ 2015.06.27 16:18:35 ] Rodj Blake > You disagree with the legal and theological establishments, and you disagree with the planetary administrations, with the military and with the civil service.
  64. [ 2015.06.27 16:18:44 ] Rodj Blake > And you also disagree with the billions of hard working families who understand that what they give to the Empire will be returned to them and who have accepted Jamyl as their Empress.
  65. [ 2015.06.27 16:18:54 ] Rodj Blake > I don't see how someone can be opposed to the entire Empire and yet still claim that they are loyal to the Empire.
  66. [ 2015.06.27 16:19:04 ] Rodj Blake > No, you can only be loyal to the Empire by serving the Empire faithfully no matter the cost.
  67. [ 2015.06.27 16:19:14 ] Rodj Blake > Just as I supported the Emperors Heideran VII and Doriam II, I support Empress Jamyl - not because it benefits me but because it benefits the Empire and it benefits wider humanity.
  68. [ 2015.06.27 16:19:28 ] Rodj Blake > So I call upon all those gathered here today, and those Amarrians who are further afield, to look deep into their hearts.
  69. [ 2015.06.27 16:19:36 ] Rodj Blake > Because there they will find the knowledge that the only by being loyal to the Empire will they find the best reward of all - a victorious Amarr.
  70. [ 2015.06.27 16:19:49 ] Rodj Blake > Amarr Victor!
  71. [ 2015.06.27 16:20:27 ] Rodj Blake > /emote returns to his seat
  72. [ 2015.06.27 16:21:10 ] Rytha Main > /emote sees Admiral Ren Karetta
  73. [ 2015.06.27 16:22:10 ] EVE System > Channel default access set to Allowed by Rytha Main. This channel will now only reject people on the blocked list.
  74. [ 2015.06.27 16:23:19 ] Rytha Main > Admiral, would you like to say a few words ?
  75. [ 2015.06.27 16:24:14 ] Rytha Main > Faithful Brethren, we are joined here today, by our esteemed betters in the Amarr Imperial Navy...
  76. [ 2015.06.27 16:24:31 ] Rytha Main > /emote gives way to the Admirl and Divine Comodore
  77. [ 2015.06.27 16:25:25 ] Ren Karetta > /emote gives a nod and a smile to Lieutenant Main, before taking his place behind the podium, seeming a little amused
  78. [ 2015.06.27 16:26:09 ] Taidis Rolti > /emote stands to the side as Admiral Karetta gathers his thoughts.
  79. [ 2015.06.27 16:26:23 ] Ren Karetta > Esteemed betters? Such flattery, when in truth the sight of so many Imperial loyalists gathered to gether rivals any parade the third fleet would offer.
  80. [ 2015.06.27 16:27:29 ] Ren Karetta > I have to say, to see so many of you here in support of the Empire during such troubled times is both heartwarming, and reassuring.
  81. [ 2015.06.27 16:29:11 ] Ren Karetta > While the Imperial Armed Forces can assure subjects of Her Majesty that there is no challenge we cannot face, the presence of so many who remail loyal to the Empire is a sight indeed.
  82. [ 2015.06.27 16:30:33 ] Ren Karetta > Grand Admiral Sundara and Her Majesty Empress Jamyl I offer their most sincere thanks to CVA, PIE, and all other loyalists who stand in support of the Golden Fleet in service of God and Empire during these troubled times.
  83. [ 2015.06.27 16:32:02 ] Ren Karetta > and of course, the Imperial Armed Forces offer our most sincere congratulations to Imperial Dreams on this, their twelfth anniversary celebration.
  84. [ 2015.06.27 16:33:19 ] Ren Karetta > I see a lot of familiar faces gathered here today, and I do hope to be able to count you all as loyal and able supporters of the Empire and her interests in the years to come.
  85. [ 2015.06.27 16:33:41 ] Ren Karetta > For God, and Empire. AMARR VICTOR!
  86. [ 2015.06.27 16:34:02 ] Rodj Blake > Amarr victor!
  87. [ 2015.06.27 16:34:06 ] Ren Karetta > /emote steps back from the podium, with a nod to Lieutenant Main.
  88. [ 2015.06.27 16:34:10 ] Taidis Rolti > Amarr Victor!
  89. [ 2015.06.27 16:34:42 ] Rytha Main > /emote steps back to the podium "Capsuleers. ATTENTION"
  90. [ 2015.06.27 16:34:50 ] Rytha Main > /emote salutes the Admiral and Divine Commodore
  91. [ 2015.06.27 16:35:24 ] Taidis Rolti > /emote returns the salute
  92. [ 2015.06.27 16:35:25 ] Rytha Main > Admiral * Ren Karetta, in following the Empress' Mantra
  93. [ 2015.06.27 16:35:45 ] Rytha Main > Imperial Dreams wishes to submit a gift...
  94. [ 2015.06.27 16:35:51 ] Ren Karetta > /emote offers a sharp salute
  95. [ 2015.06.27 16:36:01 ] Rytha Main > /emote turns to Jaden Noah "Director Noah, please take the podium and make presentations"
  96. [ 2015.06.27 16:36:33 ] Jaden Noah > /emote stands, with hand out. His assistant escorts him to the podium.
  97. [ 2015.06.27 16:37:09 ] Jaden Noah > Brothers and Sisters of Amarr...
  98. [ 2015.06.27 16:38:16 ] Jaden Noah > In celebration of of this wonderous event Imperial Dreams offers a gift of one thousand golden hull ships to Admiral Ren Karetta
  99. [ 2015.06.27 16:38:47 ] Jaden Noah > help support all efforts for those that would defy the empire
  100. [ 2015.06.27 16:39:12 ] Jaden Noah > /emote Turns to the admiral and hands a contract.
  101. [ 2015.06.27 16:39:25 ] Jaden Noah > /emote saluting
  102. [ 2015.06.27 16:40:39 ] Ren Karetta > /emote offers a salute in response, before accepting the contract with a smile
  103. [ 2015.06.27 16:41:05 ] Jaden Noah > /emote retakes his seat.
  104. [ 2015.06.27 16:41:14 ] Rytha Main > /emote retakes the podium
  105. [ 2015.06.27 16:41:28 ] Rytha Main > Brethren, you may all know him.
  106. [ 2015.06.27 16:41:36 ] Rytha Main > He needs little introduction.
  107. [ 2015.06.27 16:41:50 ] Rytha Main > Lord Hardin, would you bless us with your wisdom ?
  108. [ 2015.06.27 16:42:19 ] Hardin > Thank you
  109. [ 2015.06.27 16:42:27 ] Hardin > Greetings loyal Amarrians and enlightened allies. I will keep my remarks short as my planet side duties mean that I did not have much time to prepare.
  110. [ 2015.06.27 16:42:41 ] Hardin > Firstly, thank you all for attending. My heart is filled with joy to see so many Amarrian allies and loyalists here today - 12 years after the foundation of the CVA.
  111. [ 2015.06.27 16:42:50 ] Hardin > At that time I was a member of PIE so and as such I am glad that many of them were also able to make it to this special event.
  112. [ 2015.06.27 16:43:04 ] Hardin > In addition to being the 12th anniversary of the CVA, we are also celebrating the 11th year of 'Operation Deliverance' - - a project that remains close to my heart and the heart of many here.
  113. [ 2015.06.27 16:43:27 ] Hardin > What we have achieved in Providence In the face of many obstacles and setbacks is extremely admirable and continues to reflect the original objective of bringing Amarrian civilisation to the most deperate and forgotten parts of the galaxy.
  114. [ 2015.06.27 16:43:43 ] Hardin > Today Amarr and the Deliverance Project face new challenges and new enemies - many of which are formidable. But I have faith in the Empire - and more importantly faith in the pod pilots to continue protecting Amarrian values throughout the galaxy.
  115. [ 2015.06.27 16:44:03 ] Hardin > Never despair and never give up - in good times or bad - Amarr's victory is inevitable as those with faith will ultimately triumph over idiotic heretics and heathens.
  116. [ 2015.06.27 16:44:16 ] Hardin > In the end - everyone will be judged by the glowing light of Amarrian lasers and those found wanting will pay the ultimate price.
  117. [ 2015.06.27 16:44:31 ] Hardin > My thanks to the organisers of today's event and my heartfelts respect to all those who maintain their vigil on the frontlines - bringing the light of Amarrian civilisation to the depraved, the uncivilised, the misguided and the unfaithful.
  118. [ 2015.06.27 16:44:50 ] Hardin > Keep fighting the good fight.Amarr Victor
  119. [ 2015.06.27 16:44:56 ] Hardin > *bows to the audience*
  120. [ 2015.06.27 16:44:56 ] Rytha Main > Amarr Victor!
  121. [ 2015.06.27 16:45:04 ] Rodj Blake > Amarr Victor!
  122. [ 2015.06.27 16:45:09 ] Ren Karetta > Amarr Victor!
  123. [ 2015.06.27 16:45:12 ] iiOs > /emote stands and Claps
  124. [ 2015.06.27 16:45:14 ] Miller Obara > Orban Victor!
  125. [ 2015.06.27 16:45:26 ] Taidis Rolti > Amarr Victor!
  126. [ 2015.06.27 16:45:31 ] Rytha Main > /emote retakes the podium.
  127. [ 2015.06.27 16:45:57 ] Rytha Main > And now, the CVA wished to introduce one of their most loyal Holders.
  128. [ 2015.06.27 16:46:14 ] Rytha Main > JedsZero, Executor of Apocalypse Now, commander of more than 1,800 capsuleers.
  129. [ 2015.06.27 16:46:26 ] Rytha Main > Faithful to God, Empire, and Empress, please join me here.
  130. [ 2015.06.27 16:46:32 ] Rytha Main > /emote gives ways to Jedszero
  131. [ 2015.06.27 16:46:44 ] JedsZero > /emote walks to the podium
  132. [ 2015.06.27 16:47:14 ] JedsZero > thank you for the introduction Rytha Main
  133. [ 2015.06.27 16:47:32 ] JedsZero > Firstly, I would like to thank Cardinal Dex for allowing me the honor of addressing you today. Cardinal, thank you for all your assistance and guidance… and thank you for organizing this gathering. We all owe you a debt of gratitude.
  134. [ 2015.06.27 16:48:00 ] JedsZero > I would also like to thank esteemed flag officers of the Amarr Navy, Ren Karetta and Taidis Rolti for attending today.
  135. [ 2015.06.27 16:48:04 ] JedsZero > /emote salutes
  136. [ 2015.06.27 16:48:59 ] JedsZero > And of course, to take a minute to congratulate Imperials Dreams on their 12th anniversary. On behalf of APOC, Congratulations!
  137. [ 2015.06.27 16:49:28 ] JedsZero > Unity is a word that we have heard spoken many times recently, I spoke about it myself at a recent, smaller, gathering. Today, I would like to go into that a bit deeper.
  138. [ 2015.06.27 16:49:50 ] JedsZero > But before I do that, for those of you who do not know me, I would like to introduce myself.
  139. [ 2015.06.27 16:50:01 ] JedsZero > My name is JedsZero, CEO of Apocalypse Now.
  140. [ 2015.06.27 16:50:12 ] JedsZero > I have lived in Providence for 4 years now and I have been Executor of Apocalypse Now. for over 3 of those years. At the core, I am a diplomat and a soldier, so please forgive me if some of my views are controversial.
  141. [ 2015.06.27 16:50:26 ] JedsZero > As a Holder Alliance within the Providence coalition, we work to uphold NRDS and create peace, stability and prosperity in the space we control. We see this as our duty to the Empire, and to God.
  142. [ 2015.06.27 16:50:46 ] Hardin > *nods*
  143. [ 2015.06.27 16:50:47 ] JedsZero > But this is not always easy, and even though our alliance does not control many systems, we cannot do what we do alone. Within Providence, all rely on a vast number of allies and other friendly entities to assist us in ensuring the safety of the region.
  144. [ 2015.06.27 16:51:10 ] JedsZero > The same is true for Empire space, in this ever changing world, no one entity can ensure the safety and security of vast numbers of systems without the assistance of friends and allies. This is why we were all called here today.
  145. [ 2015.06.27 16:51:27 ] JedsZero > Our Empire, and our Empress, are currently being threatened by forces from both known and unknown space. There are reports of a new Emperor laying claim to the throne, there are Drifter Battleships patrolling our space, attacking our fellow citizens.
  146. [ 2015.06.27 16:51:48 ] JedsZero > Amid all these threats, our Empress has called for unity… Because she knows that unity will make us all stronger. Unity will enable us to prevail over any enemy.
  147. [ 2015.06.27 16:52:09 ] JedsZero > Especially the presence of Drifter Battleships in the most secure… and most sacred… areas of Amarr Space cannot be allowed. This is why the Empress is attempting to bring unity and stability to New Eden.
  148. [ 2015.06.27 16:52:28 ] JedsZero > Although I believe the Drifters are the biggest threat to the Empire, they are not the only threat we face. We have all read the reports and heard the announcements made by The Imperium and they can only be interpreted one way.
  149. [ 2015.06.27 16:52:46 ] JedsZero > They mean to remove our beloved Empress from her rightful throne, But even more importantly, it stands in the way of a Unified Amarrian Bloc. It threatens to divide us at the hour during which Unity is of the utmost importance.
  150. [ 2015.06.27 16:53:16 ] JedsZero > The Drifter threat is real, it is immediate and it will not go away… infact, if we are to believe the most recent reports, what we have seen of the Drifters so far is only the beginning.
  151. [ 2015.06.27 16:53:37 ] JedsZero > If there ever was a time for all of us to stand united in the defense of all that is Holy… in defense of the glorious Amarr Empire… then that time is now! We need to set aside our differences, and stand together!
  152. [ 2015.06.27 16:53:58 ] JedsZero > As it says in the Book of Missions… "Surround yourself with the faithful, Stand together, for there is no strength like it under the heavens."
  153. [ 2015.06.27 16:54:26 ] JedsZero > We are all here to stand together… to stand united… united with our Empress… with our fellow Amarr citizens… with our Caldari and other loyalist brothers… to stand united against the coming storm.
  154. [ 2015.06.27 16:54:49 ] Taidis Rolti > /emote breaks in
  155. [ 2015.06.27 16:54:54 ] Taidis Rolti > Defend the Empire!
  156. [ 2015.06.27 16:55:12 ] JedsZero > I firmly believe that the Empress’ proclamation and call for unity is the only way forward for us. We must stand united, or we will be destroyed.
  157. [ 2015.06.27 16:55:31 ] JedsZero > /emote continues his speech, defiantly
  158. [ 2015.06.27 16:55:50 ] JedsZero > Our enemies are many, but as long as we stand united… There is no force in the universe that can deny us our rightful place among the stars. As long as we stand united, not even the Drifters can stand between us and our destiny.
  159. [ 2015.06.27 16:56:34 ] JedsZero > A United Amarrian Bloc can and will stand up to any entity, we will be able to counter any threat and we will come out of any conflict standing and with heads held high.
  160. [ 2015.06.27 16:56:52 ] JedsZero > This United Amarrian Bloc would serve Empress Jamyl, the Holy Amarr Empire and God while completing its devine task…
  161. [ 2015.06.27 16:57:32 ] Rytha Main > TO ARMS BROTHERS
  162. [ 2015.06.27 16:57:33 ] Rytha Main > TO ARMS
  163. [ 2015.06.27 16:59:07 ] JedsZero > I will deliver my closing statement once we have weathered todays storm!
  164. [ 2015.06.27 17:01:35 ] JedsZero > Stand ready to defend the Empire!
  165. [ 2015.06.27 17:20:03 ] Mike Azariah > and thus it ends
  166. [ 2015.06.27 17:20:11 ] Armand Barrone > Amarr Victor!
  167. [ 2015.06.27 17:20:15 ] Manfred Stahler > amarr victor
  168. [ 2015.06.27 17:20:24 ] Mike Azariah > with a little help from friends
  169. [ 2015.06.27 17:21:38 ] JedsZero > I will be finishing my speech once we have secured the field
  170. [ 2015.06.27 17:22:28 ] Rytha Main > /emote 's holoform returns to the podium "Brethren, in light of today's events, we can now disburse. We must mourn the deaths of the Admiral and Divine Comodore"
  171. [ 2015.06.27 17:26:41 ] JedsZero > I still wish to complete my speech
  172. [ 2015.06.27 17:29:17 ] Taidis Rolti > Fortunately we survived by the grace of Empress and God
  173. [ 2015.06.27 17:29:32 ] Rytha Main > Yes Divine Commodore Taidis Rolti, I saw it.
  174. [ 2015.06.27 17:29:36 ] Rytha Main > I saw the flashes of light.
  175. [ 2015.06.27 17:29:48 ] Rytha Main > God Himself came, and weakened our enemies.
  176. [ 2015.06.27 17:29:59 ] Taidis Rolti > The time for action is upon us. Holy Amarr and all Creation must be defended from the Adversary!
  177. [ 2015.06.27 17:30:09 ] ISD Jarrett Pelley > Taidis Rolti we at the ISD IC are glad to hear it. If you have any oficial statment to make please let myself or ISD Lunaire Elois know.
  178. [ 2015.06.27 17:30:13 ] Rytha Main > I engaged them as the Admiral commanded, and when I saw they were weakened, the CVA was notificed.
  179. [ 2015.06.27 17:30:27 ] Rytha Main > Here here!
  180. [ 2015.06.27 17:30:31 ] Kahar Dex > Here here
  181. [ 2015.06.27 17:30:53 ] Rodj Blake > People will speak of this day for generations
  182. [ 2015.06.27 17:31:49 ] Kahar Dex > Let us pray.
  183. [ 2015.06.27 17:31:52 ] Taidis Rolti > You have all done well, the Grand Admiral will hear of this from me.
  184. [ 2015.06.27 17:32:23 ] Kahar Dex > /emote bows his head in prayer "Lord God, bless your Empire and her Allies. Bless your faithful, may we smite your enemies, and emerge victorious for your Glory. Amen"
  185. [ 2015.06.27 17:32:27 ] Taidis Rolti > I now must return to Throne Worlds Command for debriefing and to prepare for the struggle that is upon us.
  186. [ 2015.06.27 17:32:39 ] Kahar Dex > Godspeed Divine Commodore
  187. [ 2015.06.27 17:32:42 ] JedsZero > /emote retakes the stage...
  188. [ 2015.06.27 17:32:48 ] Rytha Main > Goddspeed
  189. [ 2015.06.27 17:33:01 ] JedsZero > so... that... was interesting, to say the least.
  190. [ 2015.06.27 17:33:34 ] JedsZero > those of you who have lost ships, apply for SRP to your respective organisations.
  191. [ 2015.06.27 17:34:03 ] JedsZero > I stopped my speech short of my closing statement
  192. [ 2015.06.27 17:34:26 ] JedsZero > which in light of todays event is actually fitting
  193. [ 2015.06.27 17:34:30 ] JedsZero > You all stand here with us today… I ask you to stand with us tomorrow, and every day following tomorrow until all enemies of the Empire have been reduced to dust!
  194. [ 2015.06.27 17:34:43 ] JedsZero > I ask you… Amarrians… Amarrian Loyalist’s… Caldari Brothers in Arms… and all those who will answer the call of our Empress…
  195. [ 2015.06.27 17:34:55 ] JedsZero > Stand United!…
  196. [ 2015.06.27 17:35:03 ] JedsZero > we have proven it today...
  197. [ 2015.06.27 17:35:11 ] JedsZero > Through Unity we will gain victory over our enemies… And defeating the enemies of the Empire… the enemies of our Empress… is our divine duty!
  198. [ 2015.06.27 17:35:21 ] JedsZero > A united Amarr is a strong Amarr.
  199. [ 2015.06.27 17:35:35 ] JedsZero > Victory through Unity!
  200. [ 2015.06.27 17:35:50 ] JedsZero > Amarr Victor!
  201. [ 2015.06.27 17:36:36 ] Kahar Dex > Amarr Victor
  202. [ 2015.06.27 17:39:34 ] Kahar Dex > /emote takes the stage
  203. [ 2015.06.27 17:40:27 ] Kahar Dex > Brothers and sisters
  204. [ 2015.06.27 17:40:36 ] Kahar Dex > You all fought valiantly.
  205. [ 2015.06.27 17:41:24 ] Kahar Dex > Lord Vaari you have something to present...
  206. [ 2015.06.27 17:41:29 ] Vaari > Yes
  207. [ 2015.06.27 17:41:43 ] Vaari > Dear peasants, Lords, ladies and my Lord Admiral
  208. [ 2015.06.27 17:41:55 ] Vaari > Im still at battle adrenalines so I keep this short
  209. [ 2015.06.27 17:42:24 ] Vaari > I have ordered a masterpiece to inspire all the peasants of Providence to join militias when great heretic, Max Singularity arrives to claim his crown
  210. [ 2015.06.27 17:42:57 ] Vaari > It symbolizes our industrial resilience. Our soldiers does not need encouragement, but our peasantry, who mine and hunt needs
  211. [ 2015.06.27 17:43:14 ] Vaari > I hope this masterpiece inspires them to take arms when time comes.
  212. [ 2015.06.27 17:43:36 ] Vaari > It is picture of me leading the local resistance against looming threat in Providence, which is Max Singularity
  213. [ 2015.06.27 17:43:38 ] Vaari > BEHOLD
  214. [ 2015.06.27 17:43:44 ] Vaari >
  215. [ 2015.06.27 17:44:03 ] Vaari > Local Peasant militias against heresy
  216. [ 2015.06.27 17:44:08 ] Kahar Dex > /emote claps
  217. [ 2015.06.27 17:44:08 ] Vaari > For God and her Majesty
  218. [ 2015.06.27 17:44:20 ] Vaari > /emote leaves the podium, still shaking because of battle
  219. [ 2015.06.27 17:44:33 ] Kahar Dex > /emote retakes the podium
  220. [ 2015.06.27 17:44:36 ] Kahar Dex > Brothers a few words in closing.
  221. [ 2015.06.27 17:44:53 ] Kahar Dex > The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present, but it is a source of inspiration, of vitality and hope where others have resigned; it enables a man to hold his head high…
  222. [ 2015.06.27 17:44:58 ] Kahar Dex > … to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy.
  223. [ 2015.06.27 17:45:14 ] Kahar Dex > We shall never yield to enemies of Amarr.
  224. [ 2015.06.27 17:45:16 ] Kahar Dex > Never
  225. [ 2015.06.27 17:45:36 ] Kahar Dex > /emote bows his head in prayer "God bless us your faithful and our allies. Your will: Amarr Invincible"
  226. [ 2015.06.27 17:45:43 ] Kahar Dex > /emote shouts AMARR VICOTR
  227. [ 2015.06.27 17:46:10 ] Kahar Dex > Pilots go forth invigorated by our victory here. For today, we have made history as God's faithful.
  228. [ 2015.06.27 17:46:13 ] Kahar Dex > God be with you.
  229. [ 2015.06.27 17:46:30 ] Kahar Dex > /emote the lights turn on in the auditorium so any still on board may return to their airlocks.
  230. [ 2015.06.27 17:46:43 ] EVE System > Channel default access set to Moderated by Kahar Dex. This channel is now effectively running in moderated mode.
  231. [ 2015.06.27 17:51:37 ] Jaden Noah > great job guys
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