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League of Legends objectively best tier list

a guest
Mar 30th, 2016
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  1. Warning: The list is in no way ordered from best to worst, a champion at the bottom of B Tier isn't necessarily worse than a champion at the top of B Tier.
  3. S Tier (Best champions, overpowered)
  4. -
  5. Best of S Tier: A 3-way tie, Fiora,Ezreal and Le Blanc are all powermongers who are extremely hard to deal with and can very easily carry an entire game, with their weakest attributes being better than some champions' strongest attributes
  6. Udyr
  7. Fiora
  8. Ezreal
  9. Le Blanc
  11. Worst of S Tier: Udyr, Udyr is a god of the jungle and has a well deserved spot in S Tier and him being the worst is just because he isn't as overly strong as the others on the list.
  12. A Tier (Very good picks, rarely a bad choice)
  13. -
  14. Best of A Tier: Zed, Zed is strong in almost every category you can possibly think of, simply the only thing keeping him out of S tier is that he falls just short of the strength needed
  16. Braum
  17. Thresh
  18. Gnar
  19. Jarvan IV
  20. Gangplank
  21. Zed
  22. Amumu
  23. Miss Fortune
  24. Nasus
  25. Tahm
  26. Ekko
  27. Jinx
  28. Poppy
  29. Bard
  30. Kog'maw
  31. Vayne
  32. Lee Sin
  33. Soraka
  34. Lux *Note: Lux is only in A tier due to people's inability to play against her, otherwise she would be in B or C Tier
  35. Lucian
  36. Riven
  37. Fizz
  38. Corki
  40. Worst of A Tier: Jinx, Jinx is arguably the best late game hyper carry in terms of damage output and range, but she has no mobility outside of a speed boost, no way to deal with tanks, and her slow having a cast time. The reason that she stays in A Tier is because her damage output is just too high to justify having her in B tier
  41. B Tier (Average or slightly above)
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  43. Best of B Tier: Nautilus, this is a very hard one with so much to choose from but Nautilus offers the most CC in the game with a very punishing early game and one of the best natural tank in the game, if he did a bit more damage or his slow was a bit stronger, he'd definitely make into A Tier
  45. Trundle
  46. Shen
  47. Alistar
  48. Garem
  49. Gragas
  50. Twisted Fate
  51. Tristana
  52. Lulu
  53. Twitch
  54. Rumble
  55. Darius
  56. Graves
  57. Ashe
  58. Viktor
  59. Maokai
  60. Mundo
  61. Talon
  62. Nautilus
  63. Kalista
  64. Sion
  65. Leona
  66. Brand
  67. Draven
  68. Morgana
  69. Malphite
  70. Caitlyn
  71. Malzahar
  72. Master Yi
  73. Yasuo
  74. Wukong
  75. Rammus
  76. Kindred
  77. Shyvanna
  78. Karthus
  79. Rengar
  80. Jax
  81. Sejuani
  82. Xerath
  83. Jayce
  84. Vladimir
  85. Nidalee
  86. Rek'sai
  87. Pantheon
  88. Sivir
  89. Jhin
  90. Ahri
  91. Janna
  92. Worst of B Tier: Mundo, even in his hay-day Mundo was never the greatest, his strengths lie with him playing against a heavy magic team, but being able to have half your kit turned off via ignite and being horribly easy to kite mean that even against a team he counters he's never really horrifying since he doesn't have any CC. But his strong tank stats and definitely respectable damage keep him from falling to C Tier
  94. C Tier (Below Average or only good for counters)
  95. -
  96. Best of C Tier: Vel'Koz, Vel'Koz is the best of C Tier because of his early poke and the fact that he does have good damage late game, and has tank killing capabilities, any number of even minor buffs would put him in B Tier
  97. Vi
  98. Vel'Koz
  99. Kennen
  100. Swain
  101. Akali
  102. Diana
  103. Blitzcrank
  104. Elise
  105. Syndra
  106. Yorick
  107. Cho'Gath
  108. Warwick
  109. Teemo
  110. Kayle
  111. Kha'Zix
  112. Ziggs
  113. Renekton
  114. Nocturne
  115. Cassiopeia
  116. Quinn
  117. Hecarim
  118. Heimerdinger
  119. Annie
  120. Volibear
  121. Nami
  122. Ryze
  123. Xin
  124. Lissandra
  125. Nunu
  126. Azir
  127. Illaoi
  128. Zac
  129. Shaco
  130. Urgot
  131. Veigar
  132. Olaf
  133. Fiddlesticks
  135. Worst of C Tier:Blitzcrank, Blitzcrank not being in D Tier may be surprising, but it's hard to put him down low when his grab is so powerful even against strong players, but considering he only has one ability, he's lucky to be in C
  136. D Tier (Only good for counters, even then, questionable)
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  138. Best of D Tier: Tryndamere, though the highly contested spot for best of D could change easily based on what you value in a champion, Tryndamere with his oppressive early game and the ability to split push late game makes him slightly viable
  139. Irelia
  140. Taric
  141. Kassadin
  142. Zilean
  143. Anivia
  144. Evelynn
  145. Singed
  146. Tryndamere
  147. Katarina
  148. Mordekaiser
  149. Galio
  150. Worst of D Tier: Katarina, her recent buff was barely even one, and could be considered a nerf as it forces her to push lane, the only reason she's out of F Tier is that she has a blink and in some cases can dish out heavy damage
  152. F Tier (The worst champions in the game, do not pick even for counters)
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  154. Best of F Tier: Zyra, Zyra has decent early poke and her ult isn't the worst, she could be upgraded if she even just had more base stats or her spell radiuses were increased.
  155. Aatrox
  156. Zyra
  157. Varus
  158. Karma
  159. Sona
  160. Worst of F Tier: Sona, this needs no explanation at all
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