
Nordis Profile

Apr 16th, 2019
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  227. <div id="navbar">
  228. <a href="#01">Stats</a>
  229. <a href="#02">History</a>
  230. <a href="#03">Gallery</a>
  231. <a href="#04">Friends</a>
  232. <a href="#05">OOC</a>
  233. <a href="#00">Reset</a>
  234. </div>
  236. <div class="tab" id="01">
  237. <h1>Nordis Coventina </h1>
  238. <h3>Nickname's:
  239. <br>Species: Human...well half Crow Yokai
  240. <br>Gender: Female
  241. <br>Age: Looks in her teens is in her mid 20's (24)
  242. <br>Date of Birth: November 17th
  243. <br>Hair: Silvery White
  244. <br>Eye Color: Opal pale- grey iris might as well be blinde for the most part. Has a second sight but its mostly souls and is sensitive to powerful auras.
  245. <br>Skin Tone: Milky White
  246. <br>Height: 5'2"
  247. <br>Weight: 6 Stones = 84Lbs
  248. <br>Build: Lithe and Agile
  249. <br>Scent: Rain and spring breeze
  250. <br>Brair Length: Longest so far is 32 feet
  251. <br>Zodiac: Scorpio
  252. </h3>
  254. <h3>Relationship: <a href="https://roleplay.chat/profile.php?user=Cricket">Cricket</a>
  255. <br>Mother: Deceased. Never got the chance to know her <i>{The last known female White crow yokai of the Northern Clan}</i>
  256. <br>Birth-Father: Abandoned her at four years old. Never knew him. <i>{Was the druid sent to lift the curse of her mothers clan}</i>
  257. <br>Father: <a href="https://roleplay.chat/profile.php?user=Lindsay%20Hollowell">Oyaji</a>
  258. <br>Cousin: <a href="https://i.pinimg.com/736x/47/c1/e3/47c1e30593e7ceea9b8deff1614f79b0--hunter-manga-visual-arts.jpg">Yuki-Chan</a>
  259. </h3>
  261. <h3>Personality:
  262. <br>Likes:
  263. <br>Dislikes: </h3>
  266. <h3></h3>
  267. </div>
  269. <div class="tab" id="02">
  270. <h1>History</h1>
  271. <h2>The Beginning</h2>
  272. <hr>
  273. Nordis has a good heart and head on her shoulders tends to be a bit distant since she cant touch people. And with all the new things in her life even more so. <br> Nordis can see the lights in a person the spiritual life force or soul if you will she is considered more or less blind as she cants see how others see. She's beginning to see colors and has been more or less able to see everyday items again now but when in a headache fit she reverts back to near blindness.<br>Ended up in Fenster Falls now owns the general Store. <br>In her new home her love of all things nature as well as Japanese and Celtic is everywhere. <br>Norids has been having horrible dizzy spells and headaches so bad that she passed out its because she was too close to a spirit or light that might have attacked. With all thats been happening the more obvious things Nordis is hiding now is the fact her arms and legs have begun to turn black from the tips of her digits up to her elbows and knees now. This is easy to hide, the briars now growing from the back of her neck both wrists her ankles and her lower back. <br> Since she knows she can take the 'Light' from others eyes if they look into her eyes she avoids this as much as possible thanks to Crickets glasses this is now not such a concern. Now able to use her magicks she can create mana flowers they never die and are like the living counterparts. She is making living constructs as well to aid her in her endevours. <p>
  276. <h2>The Middle</h2>
  277. <hr>
  278. She's found her new home in Fenster <br><br> Shes now aware of many things such as that her mother was a Yokai that was changed by Mushi falling in love with a Druid human who was sent to watch the curse on her clan. When her mother died, Nordis is four years old, her father abandoned her when he saw what Nordis did. The old man (her grandfather) who stepped in and helped her taught her how to see the world around her and other beings not of her own realm. She discovers her ability to take someone's light its painful for both parties, for her it makes her skin burn and she loses control and is destructive if the light is not discharged. She will be weak and need to recover in running water preferably in nature a river or stream. The human half weakened her but its this Yokai half what gives her her <a target="_blank" href="http://mushi-shi.wikia.com/wiki/Mushi" target="_blank"><i>sight</i></a> Uses Holly her parasitic energy to shield her from the crows that hunt her. Holly is harsh more often then not.<p>
  280. <h2>The Current</h2>
  281. <a target="_blank" href="http://goimrs2000.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/imore.jpg" target="_blank"><i>"I dont want to see peoples spirits.. <br>and I <b>HATE</b> to see the ones who wont move on either!"</i>
  282. </a>
  283. <hr>
  285. </p>
  287. </div>
  289. <div class="tab" id="03">
  290. <h1>Gallery</h1><hr>
  291. <figure style="float:left;margin:0px 15px 10px 9px;text-align:center;"><a target="_blank" href="https://i.imgur.com/Atfg3od.jpg"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/Atfg3od.jpg" style="width:250px;height:250px;border:1px solid #928A7D;border-radius:10px;"></a><figcaption>Jakkan <br>Her living doll familiar made by <br>her love Cricket as a gift.<br>Has never met a stranger and is waterproof.</figcaption></figure>
  293. <figure style="float:left;margin:0px 15px 10px 9px;text-align:center;"><a target="_blank" href="https://i.imgur.com/rGDZRuE.jpg?1"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/rGDZRuE.jpg?1" style="width:250px;height:250px;border:1px solid #928A7D;border-radius:10px;"></a><figcaption>Holly <br> The parasitic Energy that exsists inside Nordis<br>Acts as a shield or buffer <br>to bright souls and the elements. <br>Can be very confrontational and <br>rude for no reason. <br><b>Currently out of commission</b></figcaption></figure>
  294. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
  296. <figure style="float:left;margin:0px 15px 10px 9px;text-align:center;"><a target="_blank" href="https://i.pinimg.com/736x/47/c1/e3/47c1e30593e7ceea9b8deff1614f79b0--hunter-manga-visual-arts.jpg"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/736x/47/c1/e3/47c1e30593e7ceea9b8deff1614f79b0--hunter-manga-visual-arts.jpg" style="width:250px;height:250px;border:1px solid #928A7D;border-radius:10px;"></a><figcaption>Cousin: Yuki-chan<br>The proxy servant made by her servant Tyco.<br> About 5 ft.</figcaption></figure>
  298. <figure style="float:left;margin:0px 15px 10px 9px;text-align:center;"><a target="_blank" href="https://fensterfalls.weebly.com/general-and-grocery-store.html"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/POy2CF5.jpg" style="width:250px;height:250px;border:1px solid #928A7D;border-radius:10px;"></a><figcaption>Home<br>The General Store in Fenster Falls</figcaption></figure>
  300. <figure style="float:left;margin:0px 15px 10px 9px;text-align:center;"><a target="_blank" href="https://i.pinimg.com/564x/24/6d/42/246d42a2191ae8446e1f11cc7714a629.jpg"><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/564x/24/6d/42/246d42a2191ae8446e1f11cc7714a629.jpg" style="width:250px;height:250px;border:1px solid #928A7D;border-radius:10px;"></a><figcaption>Growing Flowers</figcaption></figure>
  301. <br>
  304. </div>
  306. <div class="tab" id="04">
  307. <h1>Friends</h1>
  313. <figure style="float:left;margin:0px 15px 10px 9px;text-align:center;"><a target="_blank" href="https://roleplay.chat/profile.php?user=Lindsay%20Hollowell"><img src="https://i.gyazo.com/b1fee9085c3773fdfdf13c8b0ac69979.jpg" style="width:250px;height:250px;border:1px solid #928A7D;border-radius:10px;"></a><figcaption>Lindsay 'Lin- Oyaji' Hollowell<br> The closest thing to a father shes ever had. <br>If asked about her father she'll tell you about Lin. <br>Cares a great deal for the mage can become <br>very protective of him and his reputation.</figcaption></figure>
  315. <figure style="float:left;margin:0px 15px 10px 9px;text-align:center;"><a target="_blank" href="https://roleplay.chat/profile.php?user=Cricket"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/fnQd6H9.jpg" style="width:250px;height:250px;border:1px solid #928A7D;border-radius:10px;"></a><figcaption>Cricket <br>Love, no maybe about it, this <br>cutie is her girlfriend! <br>Watch out everybody bad mouth her <br>cricket and she'll use her Briar's on you.<br></figcaption></figure>
  317. <figure style="float:left;margin:0px 15px 10px 9px;text-align:center;"><a target="_blank" href="https://roleplay.chat/profile.php?user=Shaneen"><img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQfl-WQKo2RNMpao7qFBYUDEGzSyAB6EOBQJMiclIQGHRhs7kMC" style="width:250px;height:250px;border:1px solid #928A7D;border-radius:10px;"></a><figcaption>Close Interest; Shaneen<br>A strange woman that Nordi has grown attatched to.</figcaption></figure>
  319. <figure style="float:left;margin:0px 15px 10px 9px;text-align:center;"><a target="_blank" href="https://roleplay.chat/profile.php?user=.Domino"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/ABA5Psh.jpg" style="width:250px;height:250px;border:1px solid #928A7D;border-radius:10px;"></a><figcaption>Friend: Domino<br>The DJ of Fenster and good guy to all.</figcaption></figure>
  322. </div>
  324. <div class="tab" id="05">
  325. <h1>OOC</h1>
  326. <li>Easing back in</li>
  327. <li>The so called real world sadly comes first</li>
  328. <li> Works swing shifts... *hangs head</li>
  329. <li>Trying to flesh her out so...yeah if you wanna help her out feel free</li>
  330. <li>She can see spirits... i can not! </li>
  331. <li>Central Time Zone
  332. <li>No clue what else... ask?</li>
  334. </div>
  336. <div id="music-bg"></div>
  338. <div class="sheetmusic"><font size="4">▶</font>
  339. <div class="song">
  340. <audio controls>
  341. <source src="http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/08bpa91sqq/Heaven_s_Lullaby_Beautiful_Piano_Song_1_.mp3"></audio>
  342. </div></div></div>
  344. <a target="_blank" href="http://ladycerattani.wixsite.com/cera-codes" id="credit" target="_blank" title="Firefox 1366x768
  345. Inform me of issues.">Coder</a>
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