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- from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
- import imageio
- import math
- import scipy.optimize
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- n = 8
- image_size = 400
- gif_writer = imageio.get_writer('b.gif', mode='I')
- def draw_board(y, obstacle=None):
- image ='RGB', (image_size, image_size), color=(255, 255, 200))
- draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
- # 0..7 — удобные координаты → пиксельные
- cell_size = image_size / n
- if obstacle:
- x_obstacle, y_obstacle, r_obstacle = obstacle
- xc_pixel = (x_obstacle + 0.5) * cell_size
- yc_pixel = (y_obstacle + 0.5) * cell_size
- r_pixel = r_obstacle * cell_size
- draw.ellipse((xc_pixel - r_pixel, yc_pixel - r_pixel, xc_pixel + r_pixel, yc_pixel + r_pixel), fill=(255, 0, 0))
- for i in range(n): # 0 .. n-1
- xc_pixel = (i + 0.5) * cell_size
- yc_pixel = (y[i] + 0.5) * cell_size
- r_pixel = 0.3 * cell_size
- draw.ellipse((xc_pixel - r_pixel, yc_pixel - r_pixel, xc_pixel + r_pixel, yc_pixel + r_pixel), fill=(0, 0, 240))
- gif_writer.append_data(imageio.imread('a.png'))
- def solve(obstacle):
- def is_forbidden(x, y):
- return math.hypot(x - obstacle[0], y - obstacle[1]) < obstacle[2]
- penalty_matrix = [[is_forbidden(x, y) for y in range(n)] for x in range(n)]
- assignment = list(scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(penalty_matrix)[1])
- draw_board(assignment, obstacle)
- return sum([is_forbidden(x, assignment[x]) for x in range(n)])
- scores = []
- for frame in range(50):
- score = solve((2 + frame * 0.1, 1 + frame * 0.05, 2 + frame * 0.05))
- scores.append(score)
- plt.plot(scores)
- plt.title('Lost rooks')
- plt.savefig('scores.svg')
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