
Self Pity Party Kasteu/Ethnos

Nov 13th, 2015
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  1. * avariceIncarnate has started espering remoteResearcher
  2. <avariceIncarnate> ethnos.
  3. <avariceIncarnate> i made a Mistake
  4. <avariceIncarnate> Sweeps ago.
  5. <remoteResearcher> Kasteu, i have not had Time to Procure a-
  6. <remoteResearcher> ..well i am Certain you did.
  7. <avariceIncarnate> i need a Favor, or or something
  8. <remoteResearcher> Everyone makes Mistakes.
  9. <avariceIncarnate> this mistake was particularly Grevious
  10. <remoteResearcher> more Grievous than Trafficking in Illegal Drugs?
  11. <avariceIncarnate> significantly more
  12. <avariceIncarnate> have i told you of Pehria?
  13. <remoteResearcher> oh goodness.
  14. <remoteResearcher> ..Pehria?
  15. <avariceIncarnate> yes
  16. <remoteResearcher> i do not Know such a Person.
  17. <avariceIncarnate> you're a tealblood, you may remember her being Deposed.
  18. <remoteResearcher> a Troll, i Assume?
  19. <avariceIncarnate> she was an ex-Heiress
  20. <remoteResearcher> ...
  21. <avariceIncarnate> to the Empire
  22. <remoteResearcher> the ex-Heiress??
  23. <avariceIncarnate> a Peixes
  24. <avariceIncarnate> yes
  25. <avariceIncarnate> she used to be Inifinitely different
  26. <remoteResearcher> whatever would you have had to do with Her?
  27. <avariceIncarnate> caring, kind
  28. <remoteResearcher> ..Kasteu.
  29. <avariceIncarnate> i sheltered her while she was on the Run Abovesea
  30. <remoteResearcher> you Knew her??
  31. <avariceIncarnate> quite Closely
  32. <remoteResearcher> you Knew a Fucshiablood!
  33. <avariceIncarnate> but things went
  34. <avariceIncarnate> Badly
  35. <avariceIncarnate> she was deposed shortly after
  36. <avariceIncarnate> too soft, nice to be an Heiress
  37. <remoteResearcher> Deposed, then Culled, so the Story goes.
  38. <avariceIncarnate> she became Hunted down
  39. <avariceIncarnate> indeed
  40. <avariceIncarnate> she went into hiding
  41. <remoteResearcher> what a Waste of such Lovely Blood.
  42. <avariceIncarnate> when she left i was
  43. <avariceIncarnate> shall we say emotionally compromised
  44. <avariceIncarnate> i told her i would dispose of her Information
  45. <remoteResearcher> you had Feelings for her.
  46. <avariceIncarnate> in Retrospect, i know thats true
  47. <remoteResearcher> my goodness.
  48. <remoteResearcher> sorry, i just Need a Moment.
  49. <avariceIncarnate> but i was, and perhaps am fairly Emotionally Stunted
  50. <remoteResearcher> my Associate, the Runaway Goldblood, was Bosom Buddies with the Heiress to the Throne.
  51. <avariceIncarnate> i disposed of the information in a Dump, 8 clicks south of here
  52. <remoteResearcher> and i hadn't the Foggiest Clue.
  53. <avariceIncarnate> Hilarious.
  54. <avariceIncarnate> moving on
  55. <avariceIncarnate> it was in a sealed case.
  56. <remoteResearcher> this is Not a Joke.
  57. <remoteResearcher> i am Honestly Flabbergasted.
  58. <remoteResearcher> and a touch Put Off, but i am Ignoring that for now, out of Regard for your Feelings.
  59. <remoteResearcher> so you Disposed of this Information.
  60. <avariceIncarnate> i appreciate your Discretion
  61. <avariceIncarnate> I did.
  62. <avariceIncarnate> or so i Thought.
  63. <remoteResearcher> what Information, Precisely?
  64. <remoteResearcher> her Location?
  65. <avariceIncarnate> everything i had off her.
  66. <avariceIncarnate> not that
  67. <avariceIncarnate> i wasn't that stupid
  68. <remoteResearcher> and now.. you Wish to have it back?
  69. <avariceIncarnate> what i did store was contact info, our history
  70. <remoteResearcher> as a Keepsake?
  71. <avariceIncarnate> No.
  72. <avariceIncarnate> Worse.
  73. <avariceIncarnate> it was Found
  74. <remoteResearcher> well.
  75. <remoteResearcher> i Fail to See the Problem?
  76. <remoteResearcher> yes, you have Lost a Keepsake.
  77. <avariceIncarnate> not by me
  78. <remoteResearcher> but what Good will it Do?
  79. <avariceIncarnate> by... someone
  80. <avariceIncarnate> they contacted her
  81. <remoteResearcher> ...
  82. <remoteResearcher> Kasteu.
  83. <avariceIncarnate> i need you to find them
  84. <remoteResearcher> Dear Friend.
  85. <remoteResearcher> did you Skip a Bit?
  86. <avariceIncarnate> Sorry?
  87. <remoteResearcher> Perhaps the Part where the Deposed Heiress that is Publically Proclaimed to be Culled is Still Alive??
  88. <avariceIncarnate> oh i thought that was assumed
  89. <avariceIncarnate> yes, she lives
  90. <avariceIncarnate> i talked with her recently.
  91. <avariceIncarnate> she Managed to distill drugs from cuttlefish toxins
  92. <remoteResearcher> there is a Third Fucshiablood.
  93. <avariceIncarnate> Without my help
  94. <avariceIncarnate> mind you
  95. <remoteResearcher> oh Good, more Drugs.
  96. <avariceIncarnate> and in her Stupor she contacted me
  97. <remoteResearcher> out of the Blue?
  98. <avariceIncarnate> yes
  99. <avariceIncarnate> she'd heard of my escape
  100. <avariceIncarnate> that, combined with the drugs made her find with contacting me
  101. <avariceIncarnate> fine*
  102. <remoteResearcher> and you Want to Help her.
  103. <avariceIncarnate> no
  104. <avariceIncarnate> i want you to find this person
  105. <avariceIncarnate> and kill him
  106. <remoteResearcher> what has he Done?
  107. <remoteResearcher> short of Finding the Information.
  108. <avariceIncarnate> compromised Pehria
  109. <remoteResearcher> threatened her?
  110. <avariceIncarnate> i need to prove myself to her
  111. <avariceIncarnate> shes Paranoid
  112. <remoteResearcher> Naturally.
  113. <avariceIncarnate> she won't be content to know anyone is around
  114. <remoteResearcher> she is a Dead Woman.
  115. <avariceIncarnate> that knows of her existence
  116. <remoteResearcher> Kasteu.
  117. <avariceIncarnate> Ethnos
  118. <avariceIncarnate> i know what im asking you is
  119. <avariceIncarnate> terrible
  120. <remoteResearcher> you do Realize both you and Myself now Also Know she Exists.
  121. <avariceIncarnate> i can trust you
  122. <avariceIncarnate> i cant trust him
  123. <remoteResearcher> do you Know him?
  124. <avariceIncarnate> no
  125. <avariceIncarnate> that is exactly why i cant Trust him.
  126. <remoteResearcher> then i will Find this Troll.
  127. <avariceIncarnate> really?
  128. <remoteResearcher> and Determine his Intentions.
  129. <remoteResearcher> yes.
  130. <avariceIncarnate> thank you Ethnos
  131. <remoteResearcher> i make no Oath to Kill him.
  132. <avariceIncarnate> i know
  133. <remoteResearcher> if he is Hostile, that is one thing.
  134. <avariceIncarnate> its Enough that you do this
  135. <avariceIncarnate> i...
  136. <remoteResearcher> but i will Procure this Information.
  137. <avariceIncarnate> didn't expect you to kill him, in Truth
  138. <remoteResearcher> then whyever did you Ask?
  139. <avariceIncarnate> i don't know
  140. <avariceIncarnate> im not thinking straight
  141. <avariceIncarnate> i just Destroyed half my Lab
  142. <remoteResearcher> it Shows.
  143. <avariceIncarnate> in a blind Rage
  144. <remoteResearcher> ..Kasteu.
  145. <remoteResearcher> this is no Time for Fits of Self-Pity.
  146. <avariceIncarnate> i understand
  147. <remoteResearcher> i think there is Enough Pity going on already.
  148. <avariceIncarnate> i had no right to, and yet...
  149. <avariceIncarnate> i was Weak.
  150. <remoteResearcher> you made a Mistake.
  151. <remoteResearcher> it Happens.
  152. <avariceIncarnate> it Sounds terribly like weakness
  153. <remoteResearcher> then Luck is on your Side, for you are no longer Here, where such things Matter.
  154. <avariceIncarnate> true
  155. <avariceIncarnate> that is the one helpful thing in this matter
  156. <avariceIncarnate> i'll never return to Abberus.
  157. <avariceIncarnate> i realize that now.
  158. <remoteResearcher> Reconnecting with your Sweetheart is not the Helpful Thing, then?
  159. <avariceIncarnate> i never said "Reconnecting"
  160. <avariceIncarnate> or sweetheart for that matter
  161. <avariceIncarnate> just
  162. <avariceIncarnate> Righting a Wrong
  163. <remoteResearcher> no, but the Subtext Screamed it.
  164. <remoteResearcher> so.
  165. <avariceIncarnate> she's blocked me
  166. <avariceIncarnate> its not as if i can contact her anyway
  167. <remoteResearcher> ..that is.. Promising.
  168. <avariceIncarnate> without Esper, i have no lines of Communication
  169. <remoteResearcher> how will she Know when she is 'Safe' again?
  170. <remoteResearcher> rather Foolish.
  171. <avariceIncarnate> she will not
  172. <avariceIncarnate> she is as Flawed as I am
  173. <avariceIncarnate> Paranoia is her life now
  174. <remoteResearcher> again with the Self Pity.
  175. <avariceIncarnate> just a Statement
  176. <remoteResearcher> where is this Case, Eight Clicks away from my Position?
  177. <avariceIncarnate> ill send you the Coordinates
  178. * avariceIncarnate has sent the file coordinatesdump.txt
  179. <remoteResearcher> ..a Dump.
  180. <avariceIncarnate> as i said
  181. <remoteResearcher> a Troll went Sifting through the Dump.
  182. <avariceIncarnate> i will never charge you or Lyra for trade ever again
  183. <avariceIncarnate> you have my Word
  184. <remoteResearcher> Lyra, I will Accept.
  185. <remoteResearcher> however, what will We have if not our Business?
  186. <avariceIncarnate> are you
  187. <avariceIncarnate> Asking to continue Business
  188. <remoteResearcher> of course.
  189. <remoteResearcher> i would be Insane not to.
  190. <avariceIncarnate> you are a True Friend, and Business Partner
  191. <remoteResearcher> apparently you have had an in with Royalty and have been Holding Out on me.
  192. <avariceIncarnate> i was sworn to Secrecy
  193. <avariceIncarnate> as are you.
  194. <remoteResearcher> i am Sworn to Never Stop Asking for a Sample of her Blood.
  195. <remoteResearcher> but fine.
  196. <remoteResearcher> that too.
  197. <avariceIncarnate> my Sincerest thanks
  198. <remoteResearcher> i should Go, then.
  199. <avariceIncarnate> thank you.
  200. <remoteResearcher> i have a Man to see about a Stolen Ship, and Another to Talk to about a Dumped Case.
  201. <remoteResearcher> i believe i am Booked.
  202. <avariceIncarnate> my apologies for causing you to be in such Bizzare circumstances
  203. <remoteResearcher> if you Do ever Regain Contact with Pehria..
  204. <remoteResearcher> oh, it is at least Interesting!
  205. <remoteResearcher> but if she Does Contact you in another Stupor..
  206. <remoteResearcher> remember. Blood.
  207. <avariceIncarnate> i will.
  208. <remoteResearcher> you would make me the Happiest Girl on Abberus.
  209. * remoteResearcher has left on business.
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