

Apr 18th, 2018
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  1. VR - Virtual Reality, Astrum
  2. RL - "Real" life
  3. VR 1 day == RL 3 hours
  6. >tfw I don't have Ninon in Re:Dive
  7. Source:
  9. [Ninon Joubert]
  10. An energetic, carefree, and dorky chuuni 16 years old foreign student from France who is obsessed with Japanese samurai and ninja. She speaks with an over-the-top baka gaijin accent. She unironically and delusionally believes samurai and ninja exist in modern Japan/Astrum game world. Unfortunately, most of her knowledge of Japanese culture, samurai, and ninja is completely wrong. Her goal is to serve her Shogun (You, the MC) like a samurai, develop new ninja techniques, and realize the grand ambition of realm unification [TL: a la Japanese Warring States Period]. She attends the same elite ojou-sama girls' school as Rei and Tsumugi, but she doesn't hang out with them (probably because she's a weirdo). Though she's a baka gaijin, most of the Japanese bystanders have favorable first impressions of her because she looks like a beautiful "French doll"... as long as she keeps her mouth shut.
  11. Side note: in the Priconne world, a "perfect" automatic machine audio/text translator is built into the the device people use to play Astrum, so foreigners can use their native tongue to magically speak fluent Japanese (see Pecorinne from Re:Dive). Ninon, however, is a hardcore Japanophile who has studied Japanese, so she eschews this auto-translator and happily speaks Japanese with her cute broken accent.
  13. 1 - (VR) "Secret Sword: Swallow Return!!" [TL: Swallow Return is Sasaki Kojirou's famous sword skill; see F/SN Assassin]
  14. While adventuring, YUUKI and Fio (guide fairy) get carelessly surrounded by monsters. Fio worries about what to do when NINON shows up out of nowhere and declares she'll save the "travelers" [TL: as if she were a noble, wandering samurai]. NINON shouts out Ninja Skill: Clone Duplication (though nothing happens) and uses Secret Sword: Swallow Return (though she's only hitting with the back of her blade). NINON continues to spout all sorts of silly cliched samurai and ninja meme lines (like "ninjas attack from behind!" but then "attacking me from behind, how unfair!" when monsters do the same to her). Though YUUKI wants to assist her, NINON insists on handling the monsters herself. She promptly runs out of energy to execute any more skills, so she offers to seppuku for her failure [TL: samurai's ritual suicide for dishonourable shamefur dispray]. YUUKI tells NINON to join his party, which she finally does so reluctantly. NINON is surprised by the sudden surge of power she gains from partying with YUUKI the Princess Knight and easily defeats the remaining monsters. NINON now believes YUUKI is her "Shogun" [TL: literally "General," Japanese historical de-facto head of state, feudal leader of samurais] and asks his forgiveness for her earlier lack of respect towards him. She offers to perform seppuku as apology and begs him not to sell her off to some evil magistrate [TL: typical villains in Japanese samurai period drama]. YUUKI tells her he will do no such thing. NINON is touched by YUUKI's kindness and swears fealty as a vassal to her Shogun.
  16. 2 - (RL) "Ninja Skill: Clone Duplication!"
  17. Yuuki heads home after school and runs into Ninon, who asks him for direction to the elite ojou-sama school she'll be attending tomorrow. Yuuki immediately recognizes her school uniform as the same one Rei wears. Ninon introduces herself, and Yuuki remarks that her name sounds familiar. Ninon jumps to the absurd assumption that Yuuki knows her name because he must be a spy from the legendary Iga ninja clan, trying to stop her from attending school. Yuuki denies this ridiculous premise, but Ninon refuses to hear him out and challenges him to a duel. She calls out Ninja Skill: Clone Duplication again, but Yuuki stops her by raising his voice. Ninon is scared by his loud shout and sends a message to her Shogun calling for help. Yuuki receives her message and reads the contents aloud, so Ninon finally realizes Yuuki is her Shogun YUUKI from Astrum and is pleasantly surprised that they run into each other offline. Yuuki tells her he knows where her school is and asks if she's a foreign student. Ninon confirms this, saying that she has come to Japan because she admires ninja and samurai. She adds that she's living alone and take cares of all housework, which includes making boxed lunch. Ninon shyly tells Yuuki that although it's a bit embarrassing, she's willing to make boxed lunch for him while wearing the "special" outfit. Yuuki doesn't quite understand what special outfit she's talking about until Ninon explains she heard that "Japanese people wear naked apron while cooking." Yuuki immediately corrects her. Ninon then follows up by reciting the newly wed meme, "would you like to have your meal? Or would you like a bath instead? Or would you rather have me (sexually)?" She proudly refers to this as "Japanese traditional table manner," and nearby female bystanders assume Yuuki is a pervert for teaching Ninon to say such things. Ninon really loves Japan!
  19. 3 - (VR) "Reserved Special Technique"
  20. NINON calls out YUUKI to a strategy meeting for realm unification. NINON asks YUUKI to pick from the following proposed choices: "go all out, act prudently, everyone fight together, leave it all to NINON." If YUUKI selects "act prudently," NINON will retort cowardice should be avoided and that they should definitely attack aggressively. If YUUKI selects "leave it all to NINON," she affirms that battle should be fought going all-out. Regardless of YUUKI's choice, NINON will declare meeting over, time to go do quest, full speed ahead. Shortly into the quest, NINON acknowledges the monsters are strong in this dungeon and that she's running out of stamina. Another strong monster appears, so YUUKI suggests retreating since they're low on items as well. NINON tells him not to worry, she has a secret special technique reserved precisely for this kind of situation and tells the now relieved YUUKI to follow her lead and copy her movements... her "secret Japanese traditional ninja skill" turns out to be dogeza [TL: bowing down on all fours begging for mercy and forgiveness], which supposedly makes enemy lose will to fight. Of course this doesn't work against the monsters, yet NINON is shocked by the monster's disrespect toward her Shogun's dogeza and declares she'll beat the living crap out of the monster. YUUKI wisely grabs NINON to escape while NINON protests that running away in front of enemy equals seppuku.
  22. 4 - (VR) "Receiving Secret Technique"
  23. NINON asks YUUKI to teach her new ninja skills. YUUKI retorts that she's sorely mistaken if she thinks every Japanese knows ninja skills. NINON disagrees, saying that she was taught in France that a Shogun can use ninja skills (obviously wrong). When YUUKI corrects her, NINON is shocked to hear that Japan isn't a country of ninja and samurai like she was taught. YUUKI tells her "right country, wrong era" and causes NINON to become extremely depressed and start crying because "then there's no meaning in her coming to Japan" and that "she has made the worst mistake of her life." To comfort her and stop her tears, YUUKI takes back everything he said correctly and claims he was just lying, that everyone is secretly hiding their identities as ninja and samurai. NINON readily accepts this BS because "after all, ninjas are forever undying!" NINON then demands YUUKI to demonstrate a ninja skill. YUUKI reluctantly agrees, claiming that what he's about to teach her is a desperation last resort skill that can even defeat a bear in one go. YUUKI teaches her to put up a surprised face, point her finger in a far off direction, and shout "WHOA LOOK, THERE'S A UFO OVER THERE!" NINON totally buys into this trick and runs off to try it out on a monster... but she basically just puts up a surprised face and then slashes the monster. NINON thanks YUUKI for teaching her such a devastating(?) ninja technique. She then shouts to YUUKI, "Ah! Shogun! There's a bright flashing monster over there!" YUUKI laughs it off saying you can't fool me... but it turns out there really is a flashing monster behind him!
  25. 5 - (RL) "Ultimate Ougi" [TL: Ougi is final super ultimate special trump card move]
  26. Yuuki sees Ninon dressed up like a ninja with a katana and wearing all sorts of cliche Japanese props. She (incorrectly) greets him with the expression "we've finally met after 100 years!" Yuuki asks why she's in this get-up, to which Ninon replies she's training ninja skills. Yuuki and Ninon notice a drama show filming taking place, in which a ruffian is hitting on a damsel in distress. Ninon jumps into the scene and declares she'll protect the peace. Yuuki and the filming staff are troubled by her interruption and tries to stop her by surrounding her. Ninon is shocked that Shogun is working with the bad guys, but she nonetheless fights back by throwing ninja stars at everyone. The film director becomes excited by her actions (plus he thinks the romance story sucks anyway) and tells the staff to keep the camera rolling. Regardless of whether Yuuki tells her to cut it out or keep at it, Ninon will unleash her Ultimate Ougi--Ninja Skill: Spider Webs--and tie up everyone present, Yuuki included. She happily declares that she has protected the peace once more and exits the scene like a true heroic ninja.
  28. 6 - (VR) "Thousand Armed Kannon" [TL: Buddhist deity with thousand arms]
  29. NINON proudly informs YUUKI that she has come up with a new ninja skill called "Thousand Armed Kannon" and that surely Shogun would be so impressed his eyes will pop out! Just as YUUKI mutters that he has a bad feeling about this, NINON spots someone nearby and decides to try it out on this innocent bystander, who happens to be REI. NINON unleashes her new ninja skill upon an unprepared REI... and this so-called ninja skill just turns out to be tickling hell. Poor REI is tickled relentlessly and begs NINON to stop, but NINON pretends not to hear her pleas for mercy. REI continues to be tickled to the point of gasping for air... until finally she furiously yells at NINON to cut that shit out and punches her. REI threatens NINON to seal off this "ninja skill" and that heads will roll if REI catches her doing it again. NINON meekly obeys in fear... for a moment... but quickly recovers to her usual upbeat self and wants to try out another ninja skill called "Burning Hell," which involves forcefully shoving piping hot oden down enemy's mouth [TL: this also happens to be the name of her Union Burst in Re:Dive]. Later that night, NINON laments it's hard coming up with ninja skills but tries out a new skill called "Slashing Wind" on a monster... it's super effective, but YUUKI points out she's just slashing normally, but in a flashy manner. NINON proudly boasts that "she can do it if she tries!"
  31. 7 - (VR) "Major Step toward Realm Unification"
  32. YUUKI complains that their latest quest was tough, to which Fio agrees they're worn out. NINON however remains energetic and wants to continue "realm unification." Just when he suggests they head back, a female NPC villager shows up in distress. She tearfully tells them that an Orc army attacked her village a few days ago and took over their homes, belongings, and even their children. Both YUUKI and Fio think this quest is probably troublesome and should be dealt with some other day, but NINON declares they must exterminate these "evil magistrate" Orcs at once! If YUUKI gives in and helplessly goes along with the flow, Fio knows that feel, because it's not like they can convince NINON to stop anyway. If he protests and calls it quits, NINON becomes disappointed and questions him sobbingly, "isn't it a samurai's duty to help out the weak? Aren't you a peace-loving Shogun?" YUUKI is of course no match against her tears and changes his mind. Either way, she is pleased Shogun is helping out. When the NPC finally leads them to the Orc army, YUUKI shudders at the massive Orc army spanning across the horizon. Fio believes this is a difficult endurance hold-out quest that requires defeating all these Orcs. NINON is super fired up and charges into the enemy formation head-on, unleashing shuriken at the surrounding Orcs. Fio and YUUKI are both impressed and worried by how NINON is going all Dynasty Warrior on these Orcs. NINON suddenly closes her eyes, declaring the time has come for her to focus her concentration! Fio screams that NINON shouldn't be going asleep at a time like this, but then NINON opens her eyes and shouts "behold, the chaotic dance of Zantetsuken!" [TL: legendary "iron-slashing blade" wielded by various animu/vidya characters]... and basically tosses out a barrage of random Japanese props and junks. With this, NINON unleashes her Ninja Skill: Tornado Whirlwind Slash and wipes out all the Orcs. Fio is utterly impressed by how NINON pretty much took out the entire Orc army on her own. NINON sighs, "Fuu, once again I have cut a worthless object" [TL: famous quote by Goemon from Lupin III; he says this after he slices something in half with his Zantetsuken]. YUUKI is completely worn out, and Fio mockingly says weren't you just running around escaping the whole time? NINON disagrees and commends Shogun for being an excellent decoy. She is pleased that they are one step closer to "realm unification." The NPC is deeply grateful and rewards them with huge amount of XP and money. Fio is surprised by how profitable endurance quests are, but YUUKI realizes it's getting very late in real life and that he needs to go to bed for school tomorrow.
  34. 8 - (RL) "Sword of Yamato!!"
  35. Ninon sends a message to Yuuki that reads "Shogun, for the sake of accomplishing realm unification, there's a place we cannot avoid! This is place that exists in Japan, by all means Shogun please come as well!" Turns out the meeting spot is a game center. Ninon is already playing in front of an arcade and calls out Yuuki. He apologizes for being late, to which Ninon replies "perhaps Shogun is sword master Musashi?" [TL: Musashi famously arrived late to his legendary duel against Sasaki Kojirou] Ninon then starts calling him "Shogun Musashi" and draws the attention to bystanders. Ninon invites Yuuki to play co-op with her in a game with youkai, ninja, sumo wrestlers wielding katana against aliens. The game becomes more difficult (and absurd) once they've reached stage 4 out of 5. That's when Ninon shows off her mad gaming skills and reveals that she used to play often in a small arcade back in France. Ninon loves how Japanese game centers are huge and flashy like amusement parks in comparison... but laments that arcade drains her allowance like crazy. Ninon then unveils Ninja Skill: Continue (after game overs)! Sixteen (16) coin tokens later, they've finally reached the robot last boss fight, which proves to be extremely difficult. The spectating crowd admires how a French cutie like Ninon has mad game while commenting how her boyfriend(?) Yuuki sucks ass at the game. Yuuki becomes frustrated by his shamefur dispray, so he summons his Yamato fighting spirit [TL: pride as a Japanese]. He starts mashing button at an incredible speed, impressing Ninon with his rapid fire... but he ends up breaking the arcade game controller and gets scolded by the store manager.
  37. 9 - (RL) "Buried Treasure Discovered!?"
  38. Ninon meets up with Yuuki to show off something--a treasure map she found. The treasure map has a money symbol, which she believes is the location of buried treasure. Both recognize that the map is depicting their neighborhood, and Yuuki points out that the money symbol is marked at the bank. Meanwhile, two bank robbers nearby are preparing to rob that bank, which happens to have fewer security guards on that day. They are waiting for their ringleader boss whom they only know by codename and have never met in person. When they realize they dropped their heist plan map, they spot Ninon holding the map and snatch her away. Ninon is terrified by the kidnapping and tearfully asks if they're sushi chefs. Naturally, the robbers are confused by this question. Ninon continues, saying that they're wrapping her up like a sushi, and begging them not to put soy sauce and wasabi on her. The robbers of course have no idea wtf she's talking about and tells her to be quiet, don't get in their way... and they plan on "giving her a good time (sexually)" afterward [TL: thinbook when?]. Ninon warns them that "Shogun" will get really really mad if they mess with her. The robbers are stunned by how this girl knows their boss's codename (who coincidentally also calls himself "Shogun") and demand to know how she's related to their boss. Ninon replies as a matter of fact that she's Shogun's vassal. At this point, Yuuki finally catches up to them. Ninon happily calls out to him, shouting "Shogun has come to save me!" The robbers are taken by surprise that the identity of their mysterious boss turns out to be a plain-looking high schooler. Yuuki demands they release Ninon. The robbers remain skeptical and test him by asking for their boss Shogun's usual "catchphrase." Yuuki of course has no idea what they're talking about, so the robbers are relieved knowing he's nothing more than a normal high schooler. Ninin cuts in, declaring that her Shogun's catchphrase is of course "REALM UNIFICATION!" The robbers are shocked because that also just so happens to be their boss's catchphrase, so now they're totally convinced Yuuki is their boss and gets down on dogeza, begging his forgiveness for their earlier transgressions. Ninon happily accepts this turn of events, takes a commemorating picture of them, and instructs them to raise their heads. Ninon declares that the town's peace has been protected once again! ...and unknowingly saved the day for reals by preventing a bank robbery.
  40. EX - (RL) "Ninon Joubert x Mikuma Tomo" [TL: Tomo is that silver hair girl in Jun's Nightmare royal guards; she's a real life practitioner of school of swordsmanship from a respectable clan of swordsmen]
  41. Tomo is hurrying home to finish her sword practice and then play Priconne, but she feels her body is somehow unusually heavy and unresponsive today. Tomo thinks it's probably because of the weird thing her grandpa told her this morning about how she should be wary of ninjas who still exist in the modern age and have historically battled with her clan, but she brushes that off, thinking she doesn't need to worry as ninjas no longer exist. Suddenly Tomo hears Ninon shout, "A JAPANESE SAMURAI!" Tomo is surprised to be called out by a foreigner. Ninon runs up to Tomo and introduces herself as a fan of samurai, hailing from France. Tomo is confounded by how Ninon was able to sneak up to her unnoticed and so suddenly... and concludes Ninon is no mere foreigner but a ninja! Ninon happily affirms this, "fufufu, you understood well! People call me the blue-eyed ninja, Ninon Joubert! Hand over your life!" Tomo is taken aback, "just as I thought! No way, ninjas actually exist!" and concludes that it must be due to Ninon's ninja skill that caused her body to feel heavy today. Ninon starts spouting a bunch of ninja nonsense and attacks Tomo with soup stock. Tomo is surprised by how Ninon moves even faster than she does. Tomo also recognizes Ninon's elite ojou-sama school uniform and assumes Ninon is some kind of big deal beyond her expectation. But Tomo refuses to falter, as she wouldn't be able to face her grandpa if she lets her school of swordsmanship be defeated here. Tomo declares a duel against Ninon who happily accepts and unleashes Ninja Skill: Clone Duplication... by running around Tomo. A bunch of kids playing tag nearby joins in and runs around Tomo as well, causing Tomo's eyes to spin. Tomo is terrified by the awesome power of Ninon's ninja skill and faints. Ninon worries if Tomo is okay, but Tomo tells Ninon not to pity her. Ninon yells "Japanese samurai please don't die! Samurai become my friend, join with Ninon under Shogun, let's achieve realm unification together!" Tomo thinks this is the so-called "become friends after crossing blades" development, to which Ninon replies "yesterday's enemy is today's friend, don't worry!" Tomo is in awe by how big-hearted Ninon is and comments that grandpa is mistaken, because modern ninja are not malicious enemies after all. A delinquent thug and his lackeys show up all the sudden. The thug leader proclaims himself to be the strongest in the neighborhood and kicks an empty can into the river. Ninon is sadden by his action and reprimands him for polluting the beautiful river. The enraged thug declares he won't go easy even on little girls and attacks Ninon with his MAD DOG DYNAMITE PUNCH, but Tomo jumps in and slices his hair off. Tomo scares the delinquents away and comments "...fuu, once again I have cut a worthless object" [TL: just like Ninon did in episode 7; Tomo is also a bit chuuni]. Ninon is wowed by Tomo's superb swordsmanship, while Tomo praises Ninon's kindness. Ninon blushes at Tomo's compliments as the two become friends. Ninon declares that "samurai are invincible, let's unify the realm together!"
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