Guest User


a guest
Jul 29th, 2017
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  1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Personal Info
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Address - 149 Green Dale Drive Kettering Ohio-(Picture)
  5. Zip - 45429
  6. Car - Shitty Black Hummer
  7. IP-
  8. Port-25844
  9. Provider-Time Warner Cable
  10. Timezone-America/New_York
  11. City - Kettering / Dayton
  12. State - Ohio
  13. Country-United States
  14. TLD - US
  15. DMA Code - 542
  16. Area Code - 937
  17. Postal Code - 45429
  18. Pets - Has Two Dogs
  19. Grade - 10th
  20. School - Fairmont High School
  21. Friends - Kyle Austin Bennett,Eli Stombaugh,
  22. Charlie Scarborough,Jacob Rawlins,Zach Davis,Evan Haskins
  23. Gaming Equipment - Windows All In One Computer,Xbox 360,Did Own A PS3,PS4
  24. Email s-,
  25. Facebook -
  26. Shows He Watches - Breaking Bad,Dexter,Malcolm In The Middle
  27. His Bedtime - Somewhere Around 10:30-11:30PM
  28. Operating System - Windows 10
  29. Weight - Around 160-205Pounds
  30. Height - Around 5'9"
  31. Sister - Riley Stafford
  32. Phone - Galxy S8
  33. Sports He Has Played - Basketball,Football
  34. GPA - 3.8
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  56. ████──▄──────────▀█────────█────█ Look son!
  57. ███──█──────▀▀█───▀█───────█────█ A Retard!
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