
The day Ralsei annihilated Kris

Nov 10th, 2018
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  1. It was another uneventful day in the dark world. Susie and Lancer were hanging out, playfully planning their next "evil" scheme. A little bit far away, Kris and Ralsei were lying on a grass field, chilling out. Ralsei was reading a book, while Kris was just gazing into the dark sky, utterly bored. He covered his mouth and yawned. Ralsei stopped reading and turned to Kris.
  3. "Are you alright Kris? If you want to, you can borrow my book. This is my second time reading it anyway. You can have it."
  5. Kris quickly laid his eyes on the title of the book. It read "the very hungry caterpillar". Kris thanked Ralsei but politely declined.
  7. Ralsei mumbled "Oh... That's okay too!" and resumed reading.
  9. Kris sighed. He did like Ralsei company, but sometimes he wished something exciting could just happen for once. His mind was wandering like usual when he finally had it. His lips bent into a venomous grin as he thought up an idea. A bad BAD idea. A delightfully devilish prank that would make Susie blush. For a moment he asked himself if what he was about to do was ethical, but it was too good to be discarded. Kris poked his friend with his index finger.
  11. "Yes, Kris?" Ralsei muttered.
  13. Kris asked him if he wanted to play a game.
  15. "Sure thing Kris."
  17. They sat across each other. Ralsei was trembling with excitement like a little puppy. Kris explained to him the game of rock, paper, and scissors. After having told him all the combos, he instructed him that after every game the winner would gently boop the loser's nose.
  19. "This sounds like lots of fun! Let's try it!"
  21. Kris played rock while Ralsei played scissors. Kris lightly tapped Ralsei, making him all blush.
  23. "WoW! Let's try again."
  25. Kris played scissors while Ralsei played paper. Kris repeated his action, making Ralsei blush even more.
  27. "You're so good at this!"
  29. Kris played scissors while Ralsei played rock. Ralsei's eyes twinkled. He squealed and clapped with his tiny hands to celebrate his victory.
  31. "Hahaha! I actually managed to win. Here I go!"
  33. His hand slowly approached Kris. As soon as it lightly brushed against his skin, Kris made an abhorrent and heinous grunt and pushed himself backward as far as he could. Ralsei, who just a second ago was so full with joy and happiness, gasped in terror. He reached over to Kris. Kris' expression was contorted in agony. His body was furiously jolting.
  35. "Kris, Kris! What did I do!? What happened!? Don't worry I've got healing spells, I can fix you!"
  37. Kris stared into his eyes. Ralsei was already on the verge of tears. Kris slowly muttered that he had pushed his nose too hard.
  39. In shock, Ralsei grabbed his own head with both hands and began moving it around "No no no no NO NO NO! Please, Kris, don't leave me! You're one of my only friends! I don't want to be alone anymore, I can't! Please! I can heal you! Just hang in there!"
  41. Kris mumbled that now it was too late. He implored him to tell his mom that he loved her. Kris began convulsing again. He made several exaggerated facial expressions before gripping his heart with his hands. He groaned and reached with his arm towards Ralsei. Just as he was about to touch him, he let it fall on the ground, closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out. He was no longer moving. Ralsei attempted in vain to bring him back to life by frantically shaking his body.
  43. "Kris? Kris! KRIS! KRRIIIIIIIS!!"
  45. Ralsei then screamed. The entire dark world could hear his excruciating shriek of despair. Susie and Lancer too heard it and immediately stopped what they were doing to see what was going on. When they reached Ralsei, they found him wandering aimlessly around the field, almost as if he had become blind. His eyes were red from exhaustion. Trails of tears ran across his cheeks and drooped from his chin like little drops of rain. His entire figure was shaking so badly it was a wonder how he still managed to stay on his feet.
  47. "Ralsei! What the hell happened?" Shouted Susie
  49. "...I am a murderer, I am a murderer, I am a murderer, I am..." Ralsei kept muttering to himself.
  51. He collapsed on his knees and began sobbing with his face pressed against the grass. Susie was perturbed by her friend's behavior and reached out for him. Before she could touch him, her attention was caught by Lancer.
  53. "Susie Look!" He yelled, pointing to Kris' body
  55. The two of them approached his corpse fully expecting to find a nasty surprise. They were greeted instead by a very amused Kris who, still lying on the ground, was giggling and chuckling. Seeing their confused expressions, he explained that he was pranking Ralsei. He then requested them to play along.
  57. "Ummh, Kris," Susie eyed Ralsei who was now ripping the grass out of the ground in frustration, "I think you went a bit too far with this one. He is taking it VERY badly. We should go tell him now."
  59. Kris assured her that they could go on.
  61. "You sure about this?"
  63. Kris replied affirmatively.
  65. "Well, you're the boss."
  67. She turned towards Ralsei and coughed. Now he was looking at her. His expression was frantic.
  69. "Oh no," Susie dramatically held her hands together and rested her face on them "how could this happen?"
  71. "This," Lancer stepped forward and theatrically stretched his right arm while covering his face with the other hand "not even I can bear to stand before something this tragic."
  73. Ralsei didn't move an inch.
  75. Susie raised her arms to the sky "You will forever stay in our heart, Kris."
  77. "You will not be forgotten" Lancer hugged his own heart "especially for that belly rub you gave me last Friday."
  79. Ralsei stared blankly.
  81. "Mmmhhh look Ralsei," Susie awkwardly smirked, "it's not your fault that Kris ummmh... died."
  83. He remained silent.
  85. Susie pondered a bit. Despite having a sick sense of humor herself, even she was beginning to feel bad for Ralsei. As her thoughts wandered an idea popped into her mind. A bad BAD idea. A delightfully devilish prank that would make herself blush. Susie got close to Ralsei and whispered something into his ear. Ralsei moved back a bit, looking uncertain.
  87. "You mean, that could actually work? Wouldn't it be more appropriate if you did it, Susie, since you know..."
  89. "No no no–" Susie waved her hands in front of him "you should do it. That's how it works."
  91. Ralsei sighed "Well, it's worth a try."
  93. Slowly he made his way to Kris' corpse. When he was in front of it, he stopped and gave him a good look. He longer looked like he was in agony. He was like a fallen angel whose skin was as soft as a marshmallow but as cold as snow. After some effort, Ralsei managed to blurt out some words.
  95. "I am so sorry Kris, this should have never happened. I will never forgive myself for what I did."
  97. He hesitated a moment. His face, no, his entire body became red from embarrassment.
  99. "But there's still hope, Kris! I... I don't know if I regard you, as someone more special than a friend, but if it's true that true love can bring people back from the dead, I will do it! HERE I GO!"
  101. Having heard that last sentence, Kris opened his eyes like someone who has just been awakened by a horrible nightmare. He could see it. Ralsei, with his eyes closed, was heading for his sweet sweet mouth. Instantly, cold sweat formed around his forehead. He tried to yell at him to stop, but it was too late. Their mouths made contact and he was intertwined into an unbreakable hug. Ralsei's tongue danced with his in a mad ballet. Kris tried to push him away, but Ralsei had the strength of a giant. Kris, now weeping, expressed his distress with all kinds of noises. To his delight, this managed to catch Ralsei's attention.
  103. "Kris?"
  105. The hug was loosened a bit. Immediately Kris pushed Ralsei away so hard that he rolled over twice. Kris immediately began gasping for air. He then began spitting and wiping his tongue. Meanwhile, Ralsei had gotten up on his knees. Seeing that Kris was resurrected was enough to make him smile like the most adorable child in the world.
  107. "Kris, I am so glad you're back!"
  109. Before Kris could react, he was crushed by another hug from Ralsei. He could notice the other two friends in the distance. Susie was so amused that she had collapsed on Lancer who was now supporting her weight. Both were pointing at him and laughing hysterically at how his prank had horribly backfired. Kris stared them daggers. He would have his revenge, but first, he would need to find a way to escape Ralsei's hold. This wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
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