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Jul 8th, 2018
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  1. Hello, this is Dangers mate Shane here and I would like to clear up some things pertaining to Dangers art, posts and behavior in the past (especially the past 2 years) so there is a basic understanding of things for his fans or online friends that actually care about him and his personal situation.
  3. First of all for people that don't know this Danger is on the autism spectrum.
  4. He is highly functioning and able to work and hold a job and drive and all of those things, and being on that spectrum is also the reason why he is so artistic and can draw and sculpt and weld and just build anything or create anything he sets his mind to artistic or creatively.
  6. Where he Lacks is in communication, he may come off as arrogant and as a jerk to some people, especially online, but that is just one of his issues that's not really his fault.
  8. From a young age he was never given the proper education or help that he needed and he was physically and emotionally abused and worse.
  10. Your opinion may vary but I feel that burden and that issue falls on his parents who failed him in that regard and continue to fail him to this day.
  12. And I don't hate his parents, and I have no feelings of ill-will towards them and neither does he, in fact he still loves and protects them from all of this, but yes,I feel if you want somebody to direct your blame at for having sex with a dog then you need to go be talking to Det and Kathy Vongthongthip and ask them why they allowed all their children to be abused in various horrible ways, and their eldest son to have sexual conversations with furries and zoophiles online starting at 14 and then being groomed into having a sexual relationship with the dog for them to just later deny any accountability or responsibility for what happened to Danger and to throw him away like garbage when it all started at birth and with them, their various drug and alcohol use, and popping out kids while living inside a blazer and traveling from town to town like gypsies living in sheds and Shacks with five kids with no parental supervision, guidance or love or proper education or treatment for special needs.
  13. What kind of kids do you expect?
  14. Their all lucky to be alive.....oh btw,which of the children was the most successful you ask? Danger.
  16. Regardless of how you feel about beastiality his experience into it was cultivated in a house and place where parents are supposed to be monitoring their minor children and protecting them from sexual predators, but that was not the case. The case was them and they allowed it to happen, knew it was happening and then did nothing to stop it, and then later down the road when their son gets in trouble for it they disowned him and blame it all on him and act like they don't know how any of this happened.
  18. Danger was thrown away by his blood family,his friends,his fellow marines and the public at large and never given a chance by anyone to actually thrive until I stepped in in 2010.
  19. And I have received mostly hate from everyone for loving him or helping him ever since.
  21. And despite how Danger has been treated by so many and there is still not an arrogant or mean or spiteful bone in his body, and everyone that has worked with him and known him or befriended him in person loves him and knows he's a good person,a loving person and works and tries hard in everything he does, usually to a fault.
  23. Yes he's different, he's very quiet in person, and when he tries to get involved in political things or things of a controversial nature online he says things that he shouldn't, not because he's trying to be arrogant, but just because he does not have that component or filter that most people do that aren't in the spectrum that he is, or quite honestly there's just too many of those situations he doesn't understand.
  25. I often describe Danger to people as the closest thing you can get to a irl anthro dog, especially in personality.
  26. And the Doberman breed really fits him well.
  27. He is a loving,obediant and loyal in addition to being a provider, a wonderful husband and protector.
  29. When he feels that somebody that he loves is being attacked he will do what any loyal guard dog would do and defend them, even blindly so, and that's not arrogance, or stupidity, it's loyalty and done out of love whether you see it as right or wrong.
  31. But a conversationalist he is not, and an eloquent speaker he is not.
  33. But anyone that knows anything about life knows that we should judge a person by their actions and not their words, and a lot of people don't do that anymore, in fact they do quite the opposite and cling to people who say the right words, but do the wrong actions.
  34. people who live this way need to change the way that they think and look at things differently through the glasses of how they wish to be treated themselves.
  36. Danger deserves love and forgiveness, just as we all do for our own individual transgressions.
  38. And if you are among the ones that persecute him for your own opinions, or because of your version of the story that you want to believe, then you also in turn persecute yourself, and will find yourself desolate and in a similar situation over time so you gain understanding and change of heart that you need to actually be righteous in your thoughts and actions.
  39. Anyone can say or believe anything that they want about him or me or us collectively.
  40. You're entitled to your own opinion,but your also accountable for the actions you take based on those opinions.
  42. Many of the people who post things about him don't even have the courage to do it under a known fursona or alias. Anon persecution is not heroic. Its an act of a coward and how the feeble and weak convince themselves they are fighters for some good cause,when they are really nothing but cowards who are so afraid of backlash they wouldn't dare identify who they actually are. One of the reasons ppl do this is because they want to believe the worst in everyone else to feel better about themselves and when you can see those shouting the loudest about others and you can actually identify them then you see all manners of their own issues boil to the surface.
  44. They do it to him out of their own self hatred and for their own issues,many of them also zoophiles stuck in the closet with no self love or understanding of themselves or how life actually works.
  46. Others are just like a pack of dogs that follows the leader attacking some unsuspecting pray whether its another dog or a child. The dogs that join in don't necessarily want to attack,but the desire to fit in the pack is stronger than the desire to do or act righteously.
  48. What I will say about Danger is he the most loyal and loving partner that I've ever had, and the most loyal person I have ever seen to both me and his friends.
  50. He is the type of mate that will stop whatever he's doing to greet you at the door and take your boots off and rub your feet and ask you how your day was.
  52. When I would lay down at night; especially after a really hard day, he would come in and give me a full body massage and rub my feet until I passed out.
  54. He would do my chores or things I usually did when he knew I was tired or worked extra hours at work, even when he was working full-time and overtime himself.
  56. He makes special little things for me while he was at work out of metal and clay and steel and anything that he was working with that he just happened to be thinking of me at the time and he took a moment to make me something to bring home for me,or draw me cute little things randomly.
  58. He writes songs and sings for me, and he has an amazing voice.
  60. When I became sick and regretted breaking up with him he took me back without hesitation and took care of my every need until the day he was arrested.
  62. He put up with me over 8 years of craziness,and my own indecision, attempts at a poly relationships,puppy play,fursuit and leather making,porn making,and other various business escapades,and multiple other partners in addition to him, and my own assorted emotional and physical issues which put a constant strain over him over the years, but he never gave up on me, he was always there for me, and even went all other relationships ended, there he was, and all I can see or imagine spending the rest of my life with.
  64. He was never unloyal to me, he never lied to me, he was never unfaithful to me, and to tell the truth as many times as people have read his stories online and never met him always ask me why I would be with somebody like that, or tell me that I could do better can't even begin to grasp how awesome of a person he actually is. He has done nothing but treat me like a King and attend to me hand and foot.
  66. The real truth is he's so good to me that I don't feel that I even deserve him.
  68. At 40 years old and being around the block as much as I have with the amount of ex's that I've had and relationships I can tell you that he blows all the rest away overall.
  70. And I've been with some amazing people, and I love a lot of my ex's and I'm friends with them to this day, but none of them have made me feel the loyalty and love that I have felt over the past 8 years of being with Danger. If you have ever owned a dog that you knew loved you more then life itself just by how they looked at you then that's how I feel and have been treated by him.
  71. He makes me feel love like no other human ever has,and he has helped me overcome much of my own darkness.
  73. And knowing this and then watching how he has been demonized with overzealous resilience over the years, the entire time we have been together, ESPECIALLY by furries despite most of the thriving Enterprises within furry are all Zoo run or owned,as are many conventions, with people being raised up on a pedestal and being celebrated that are pedophiles and actually murder animals, and people that are rapist or worse but as long as you got that popularity ticket and know how to speak to people with some eloquence,draw what the masses want,or run a con or provide a product people really want but people will always turn the other cheek.
  75. That's not so if you are not well spoken,or just lie about how you actually feel about controversial subjects as most people do. People lie and deceive and are celebrated. Others try to share and do good for others and are cast aside and persecuted.
  76. The fandom I once loved has become a den of hypocrites and those who's only wish in life is to make everyone else as miserable and self loathing as they are,or to use others for their own personal gain or advantage whether its money,sex,popularity or all 3.
  78. But what these don't realize is everything every single one of us do and say effects the world we live in. Every single one of us has loved ones or friends that have done or do something that we feel is wrong and know how they are treated by others that remain willfully ignorant and blinded by hate.
  79. And every single one of us brings the same energy into our lives that we give to others good or bad,love or hate,tolerance and acceptance,or intolerance and persecution,forgiveness and unforgiveness.
  80. We all reap what we sow,
  82. The 20 years I've been in this furry fandom have been both the best and the worst things that have ever happened in my life.
  84. Furry used to be a great place where people got together despite how they felt about one thing or another, and everyone used to work around everyone else's problems and if there was a really big issue than people got together to handle that person or that issue together without all the hatred and bullshit that people perpetuate today.
  85. Furry today mostly involves the same crap that's in the rest of the world that most of us came here to try to escape.
  87. I know some of you fans were upset that Danger pulled his x-rated artwork in 2016 and I want you to know that was because of me and because I asked him to.
  89. Overtime, that and some other things became an issue with me and I decided to take a break from a relationship where he started drawing x-rated material again because I told him he could.
  91. He did whatever I asked to make me happy,because that's who he is.
  93. When more artwork disappeared recently, that was me that deleted it and my decision,not his.
  95. There is been many people that have posted that it was a religious reason and that was partially true in the beginning but now it is not,and everything he changed was initiated by my request.
  97. Everything Danger did was because I asked him to,including the day the shooting in Arizona happened.
  99. It was my idea to try to take the drunk guys keys away because he was trying to hit oncoming traffic head on,it was me that told Danger to draw and keep his gun on the guy because I didn't know what he was going to try to do or if he had any weapons,and when Danger fired it was as I screamed and fired first while in front of the van and was about to get run over.
  100. Danger shot that guy protecting me. He had his gun drawn because of me. He was protecting me from a guy with blood alcohol level of .453 in a van he stole from a mother with 6 kids.
  101. He was so drunk the paramedics had to induce him into a coma to keep him from dying from alcohol poisoning,not the gunshot wound.
  102. This all after his family just got him off a charge for punching a nurse in the face that was trying to help him,and he was told he needed to stop drinking from already having a fatty liver at 26 years old.
  103. And now his family got him off the DUI and aggravated assault too.
  104. There is your white privilege,but contrary to what many believe any privilege is mainly for the wealthy,powerful or family of such. Believe it or don't
  106. So unless you found yourself in the same situation about to see your mate get run over don't pretend you know what was right and whats wrong or whats actually happening because you do not.
  107. If you were in a high stress situation with a gun in your hand out of a tiny car window in the rain so cloudy its almost night watching your mate about to get run over by a drunk guy that couldn't even hold his head up you would have likely done the same if your choices were to shoot or watch them get run over.
  108. But I am the one that put him in that situation,not the other way around. So you can stop attacking him over that and attack me instead if you wish.
  110. These are all things that people that read the actual reports and court proceeding would see. But what people chose to believe is news stories posted with no actual facts or details written and circulated the day of the incident,or something that some random furry said based on nothing but speculation.
  111. The same can be said about everything in Oregon.
  112. Once again,people can believe whatever they want to,it just doesn't mean that they are right.
  114. But anyways the main point I have to make is that after everything that's happened and a lot of reflection and thought I had a very long talk with Danger and I have decided that I want nothing else to do with this fandom at large.
  115. And I asked him to make a decision,the fandom or me and he chose me.
  117. I'm not dealing with it anymore, and I'm not dealing with it by default anymore either.
  119. It was taking a very hard look at how he was spending his time and talents and how either of us we're putting any good in the world for a positive change.
  120. And I will be honest with you, I love porn, I'm a porn addict, and I used to make it and distribute it in all its various forms,and that's exactly why I have the opinion of it that I do now.
  122. Making porn doesn't add any good to the world, and anybody believes that does is just deceiving themselves.
  123. And monetary gain achieved in such ways when one holds a particular belief does not also always equate to success and life fulfillment.
  124. The carnal side of me sees porn and gets me aroused.
  125. The rational part of my experience in my mind tells me it's just another addiction adding more problems to the world, and in my experience that's all porn is and I don't want to be a part of Distributing it, or being married to somebody who is.
  126. My own experience in creating porn was turning me into an empty shell as it was Danger in certain ways.
  127. I'm not shaming, demonizing or saying anyone else that does is wrong, I'm saying this is not right for us in our individual path to sustain a long-term relationship for our own reasons.
  129. If somebody else wants to create it or distribute it, well God bless you on your endeavors.
  131. As far as everything else goes I want you to know that Danger leaving furry was because I asked him to and we decided to do that and take a different path together.
  132. And he did it for me and for our future and for our relationship to thrive without the drama and attacks that it has been the entire eight years we've been together.
  134. I apologize to all of you fans that have enjoyed his art over the years, but you need to understand it has come to a point where continuing this is destructive to both of our lives, and we're both getting old and it's time to move on to things that can actually sustain our life without drama.
  135. And I'm sorry, but yes, drawing furry artwork is an extreme amount of drama.
  137. If you are among any of the people that were in a queue for an x-rated commission when Danger was arrested and you pre paid then DM me and I will pay you back and refund you myself when I get back on my feet.
  139. Over the next coming days all of Dangers websites will be deleted in their entirety along with my own.
  141. We both wish you well on all your endeavors whatever they may be.
  143. Peace and God bless,
  145. Shane
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