
Things Women shouldn't overlook in a relationship(Arewa lola

Mar 26th, 2018
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  1. It's amazing how many women end up being hurt in their own relationship that they so much care about, appearing desperate and anticipating to be sudden magicians to quench uncontrollable situations in their relationships. Not every up rise in a relationship can be put to sword within a blink of an eye and that's because TIMING matters.
  2. From a male perspective here are the 5 situations every woman should tackle from the head go and not after:
  4. 1: Unwarranted Criticism
  6. Men speak harshly to each other—it’s true. And that’s the end of that conversation. But, any smart man knows that’s not how you communicate with a woman. A man should never criticize you purely for the purpose of being malicious. If a man criticizes you harshly and constantly, ask yourself this: “Did he end it with a suggestion of how I could be better? Or how I could make my life easier if I made certain changes?” If he just says it out of malice, then you know what you’re dealing with. He wants to make you feel bad about yourself so he can have some control over you. He doesn't want to improve you or your life.
  8. 2: Making You Feel Like a Burden
  10. When you invite your guy to a work event, a friend’s birthday party, etc., he definitely shouldn't have any element of "“But do I have to?” in his voice" and that's because he should appreciate every opportunity to become a bigger part of your life, even if he can’t always make these events. He shouldn't make you feel like a burden for askinghat you’re dealing with. He wants to make you feel bad about yourself so he can have some control over you. He doesn't want to improve you or your life.
  11. Don't make excuses for him like, “Well I know the office party will be boring so it makes sense that he doesn't want to come.” He should want to be there to make it fun for you!
  12. 3: When He Thinks You're acting up on Little Things
  14. If your man instinctively rolls his eyes any-time you get upset, or when you say you need to talk to him about something serious, essentially the communication in your relationship is out. He does not want to do the work it takes to make you two closer. If he treats you like you’re a drama queen and makes you feel silly for getting upset, it’s not just that he doesn't want to fight—it’s that he doesn't care enough to work on your relationship and doesn't care whether or not the two of you are drifting apart.
  15. 4: He Avoids Keeping In Touch
  17. A man who wants and understands what a real relationship is, calls you before his drive home from the office, texts you from the toilet, and emails you from his phone under the table at a conference if he has to. He keeps you in the loop, because that’s what being a partner is about. Don’t accept a man who you have to wait to hear from. This isn't high school.
  18. 5: When He Avoids Talking About Your Goals/Problems
  20. When you bring up an aspiration or dream, having your guy say “That’s great baby” and then turn the volume back up on the TV doesn't cut it. When you bring up a fight you've had with your best friend, “That’s a bummer” followed by the above behaviors isn't okay either. It means he doesn't think he should be fixing
  21. The truth is, he should see your problems as his problems too and get on the case of helping you resolve them. Don’t make the excuse, “Well, I know it’s a stressful subject and a lot to think about—I can see why he wouldn't have an opinion about it.”
  23. Ladies please take note:
  25. He isn't 8 years old. He should be able to talk about life’s issues, be a good ear and help you come to a resolution
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